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[1993-04-10-SMW-TV] Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette and Bob Armstrong


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  • 1 month later...

Eaton and Pritchard are fighting about whatever the finish was of the match, with Cornette pulling his hair out trying to mediate. Then, they show a video where Bob Armstrong issues a ruling that only Pritchard and Lane can defend the tag titles, despite Cornette's attempts to make the Heavenly Bodies a corporation. So Jim Cornette's poor little world is falling apart.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Things are going from bad to worse for Cornette--Bobby Eaton can no longer defend the SMW Tag Titles, as Bob Armstrong and SMW are prepared to go to court with regard to the Heavenly Bodies' claim of being a corporation. Cornette promises revenge on Armstrong and reiterates his promise to humiliate the Rock 'n Roll Express out of SMW.


Prichard still wants Eaton's $1,000. Cornette: "He doesn't have a thousand dollars!"

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Good stuff here with Pritchard and Eaton getting chippy with each other, Lane not knowing where his allegiance should lie with, and Cornette trying to keep it together with Caudle poking in as much as he can. Good way of making the fallout of Bluegrass Brawl something different and interesting.

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  • 8 months later...

Bob Caudle tells Cornette that everything went the opposite of what he said would happen and he blames that on Bob Armstrong's tampering and the rest of the people in SMW. Tom Prichard wants his $1,000 and Cornette tells him that he'll give him $1,000 dollars (to try and placate the situation), but he doesn't want Cornette's money, he wants Bobby's, 'He doesn't have a thousand dollars. Stanfield gets involved having word with Prichard and an increasingly frustrated and agitated Cornette tells them all to 'quit it'. Caudle then plays a video sent in from Bob Armstrong and their attorneys are now prepared to stand up in court and say three men can't defend two belts. He says that they've decided that from now on only the two original signees, Tom Prichard and Stan Lane, will be allowed to defend the tag team titles. He has also heard a rumour that Bobby Eaton may very well be interested in, he's got six days to dig and will be back next week with his findings


Cornette can't believe that Armstrong would rule that Eaton is not eligible to defend the Smoky Mountain tag team titles and is sick and tired of his constant interference and tampering. He tells Armstrong that he's treading on thin ice and when he wants to do something to somebody he gets it done. He then reiterates that they're going to embarrass the Rock & Roll Express out of here and once they've done that he's going to court with his Mama's attorney to get Eaton reinstated as a member of the tag team champions. As they leave he says that there are no problems in the Heavenly Bodies, although that doesn't seem to be the case. Cornette is excellent here.

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  • 8 months later...

The great thing about the conflict between Corny and Bullet Bob is that Bullet Bob really does seem to have it in for Corny and his boys. He's such a good promo and explains his decisions in such a way that Corny can easily scream bias, and that's what separated him from people like Jack Tunney, who are so stiff on camera that they seem incapable of human emotion at all.


It's clear now that Bobby was supposed to be the one turning face if he'd stayed, fighting first Prichard, then eventually Lane. I don't recall any rumor reveals from Will's SMW set, so I'm guessing that Bobby went back to Atlanta before that part of the angle could be shot.


I liked how Corny couldn't control his boys, even after he'd told them in no uncertain terms to stop fighting. There are times when you get the feeling that any one of the Bodies, or indeed all three at once, could slap Corny silly and leave him laying if they get mad enough. Where's Killer Kyle when you need him?


Bob Caudle was such a delicious instigator here. My favorite exchange is this one (I'm paraphrasing):


Corny: How can (Bullet Bob) rule that Bobby's not one of the tag team champions?


Caudle: Because he's the Commissioner. Commissioner Bob Armstrong!


Corny: I know he's the Commissioner! You might as well say he's Fathead McGee!


I also liked Corny's response when Dr. Tom demanded that Bobby give him a thousand dollars: "He doesn't have a thousand dollars!" Oh? And just how would you know that, Corny?


I can't wait to see the actual match between Prichard and Eaton, as well as the fallout from it. It should be something else!

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-04-10-SMW-TV] Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette and Bob Armstrong

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