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[1993-07-18-UWFi] Kazuo Yamazaki vs Yoji Anjo


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  • 2 months later...

I like both of these guys. There are some nice takedowns and reversals here, but this is good action and a decent match with a super hot final stretch. The matwork is as good as you'd expect it to be. Yamazaki's overly simple counter to the half crab is really fun and the finish is nicely done. Yamazaki wins.

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  • 7 months later...

There were a few moments where nothing was really happening, but I'm not sure that wasn't deliberate in order to draw the crowd in for the next big flurry, because they'd often burst into a short spell of rapid sprawling and countering and the crowd would just erupt. There are a few GREAT Anjoh moments in this. I remember the STF spot from the Sano match later in the year, but the STF spot here was just as good, the way he managed to put it on as quickly as he did. Moment of the match for me is where Yamazaki has Anjoh's back and is trying to take him down, so Anjoh grabs hold of an arm, stomps on Yamazaki's foot, and as Yamazaki lets go Anjoh shoots around and tries to lock in a chickenwing. Found myself really hoping Anjoh would get back up at the end. Loved this.

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  • 1 year later...

Generally solid fare before sharply picking up at the finish. Anjoh threatened the win on the ground but Yamazaki just killed him when the kicks started flying. I thought these guys summed up the two main characters of shoot style workers with the dick vs the consummate professional.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Really cool match between two of the most fun-to-watch guys in shootstyle. Loved Kazuo blocking an Anjoh kick, then kicking him in the kneecap to double him over before bringing his foot up into his face. Anjoh gets up from that but is pretty much the walking dead and is put away not long after.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

I thought for sure that Anjo was going to grind up Yamazaki's knee, but Yamazaki turned things around in a hurry. If Anjo was selling after the knockout, it was one hell of a job, because he looked like he had no idea what universe he was a part of.


I thought I heard Anjo give up in English during the final count. Did the ref not hear him, or does the count take precedence over a submission in a situation like this?

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-07-18-UWFi] Kazuo Yamazaki vs Yoji Anjo
  • 2 months later...

Great chemistry leads to a great match, as these two play a back-and-forth game of checkers, between their counters, holds, thwarted escape attempts, and blocked strikes. Loved Yamazaki's Exploder suplex counter to Anjoh's knee attempt. Yamazaki keeps stopping Anjoh's knees and Anjoh's able to avoid the German suplex, taking Yamazaki to the ropes with a Fujiwara armbar off the double wristlock. Yamazaki's really selling the arm at this point and then proceeds to annihilate Anjoh with kicks -- that leg catch kick to the face was real nasty. Yamazaki wins by KO. 

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