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[1993-12-12-Michinoku Pro] Great Sasuke & Tarzan Goto vs Mr Pogo & Masaru Toi


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  • 1 month later...

This is a match up of cult favorites and everyone lives up to those expectations. Is Sasuke going to get himself killed? This time it'll be blood loss. Is Pogo going to stab someone? Is the sky blue? Tarzan Goto is as awesome as you'd expect. He destroys Toi. The stuff with the ref building toward the hot tag had me laughing out loud but in a Michinoku Pro/FMW production I could definitely see a ref being a lot more vigilant about enforcing tags than stopping someone from being stabbed. If you don't like this you have no sense of fun.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...

The staking of Sasuke's back was fucked up. Why would you let someone mutilate you in that particular way? It really is amazing that guy seems reasonably healthy 20 years down the line. Anyway, I enjoyed the match a lot. Goto is a fucking bull, and he was awesome again here, just wrecking Pogo and Toi in the early going. Actually, they fit all the weirdness into a pretty traditional tag structure. Like Graham Crackers, I found it highly amusing that the ref was a stickler about tag rules but completely cool with a broken stick being ground into an open wound along a man's spine. Glad this made the set.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Good God, how appropriate that I watch this so soon after the "Sasuke is crazy" topic started. A simple Youtube link to this match in that thread would go a long way--this is an entirely new kind of crazy for Sasuke and Michinoku Pro. The Sasuke-in-peril segment goes on a looong time for my tastes, but goddamned if this match as a whole isn't fun as hell. Sasuke & Goto are the greatest mismatched Rock 'n Roll Express in history, and I could watch Goto work hot tag house-afire sequences all day. The absurdity of this match-up, these partnerships, and the stabbings is all made up for by the fact that this is a traditional southern-style tag in every other aspect.

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  • 3 years later...

​Traditional Southern tag​? I can't believe that anyone could use that phrase in any way make, shape, form or fashion to describe this abomination.


I guess I have no sense of fun either, because even though I read the thread beforehand and knew what was coming I was shocked that it was allowed to happen in a match that supposedly was conducted under normal rules. The stick should have been the end, period. Pogo and Toi should have been disqualified, and we could have all moved on to a match that made sense. The only one I'll give credit to is Sasuke for having the guts to agree to wrestle with a great big bloody hole in his back when he shouldn't have had to.


Make it a specifically stipulated hardcore match (none of this "it's the house style anyway" stuff) and I can rate it on its merits. As it stands now, the ref looks like an idiot for allowing a foreign object without blinking an eye and the promoter's a bloodsucker and an asshole for booking the match in a way that could have gotten one of his top stars maimed. Period, end of review.

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  • 2 months later...

Some good sleezy action although it was really all about the work on Sasuke's back and how gruesome and grimey that got. I really liked seeing Pogo and Goto mix it up and having Sasuke in there added a bit of on intrigue and provided a sympathetic figure. ***1/4

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-12-12-Michinoku Pro] Great Sasuke & Tarzan Goto vs Mr Pogo & Masaru Toi

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