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[1993-12-15-WAR] Genichiro Tenryu vs Tatsumi Fujinami


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Watching this match I couldn't help but think how weird it is that, Tenryu is one of the sloppiest wrestlers ever yet never really gets called out for it. All kinds of blown spots & awkward momments in this & many of his other matches. Not something that bothers me personally 95% of the time but yeah, weird since I know others care about that kind of thing more then me. Also Tenryu has the damn dirt worst power bombs of all time, at first I thought ppl just weren't getting up for him good but he so regularly fails to get ppl past mid lvl no matter who it is that I have to lean more towards it being on his end. They just look so....un devestating most of the time.


Ah well, either way, Tenryu is still awesome and I enjoyed this match despite it's flaws. Liked it a lot better then their first singles a few months earlier in New Japan though like the first this also didn't quite reach the lvls of awesome you'd exspect from this pairing.

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  • 9 months later...

Recently watched this, and it's a rare Tenryu match where the execution is bad enough for me to sour on it. Fujinami wasn't great, but he brought it at times, and Tenryu's botches took me out of things. Execution and layout prevent me from enjoying the 1/4 Choshu match as well, even after a ton of viewings.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I was thinking about Tenryu's execution too, both in this match and in general. I started thinking of the "what is good wrestling" thread and the reason I could never bring myself to post in it, despite writing quite a lot about it and just hitting the "back" button in frustration, is that for every "rule" I could think of, I immediately thought of a ton of exceptions. One of the things I look for is "good execution...unless there's a reason for it not to be, or if it's covered well." That sort of fits Tenryu to a T, at least until the closing stretch here. It looked like they wanted Fujinami (who wasn't innocent in this, btw) to attempt a power bomb and for Tenryu to turn it into a victory roll. That seems a little complex and juniors-y for these guys, but they tried it twice and neither of them came close to working. Repeating the spot...ugh. And then Tenryu comes about an inch away from turning Fujinami into a vegetable on the closing power bomb. I harp on all this but this was a good, solid match--and it was striking how Tenryu and Fujinami were so much more compelling working basic holds to open this than Hash and Mutoh were working complicated leglocks and takedowns.

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  • 3 years later...

I didn't notice anything that looked to be botched except for the two powerbombs before the finish, which did ​seem kind of awkward. The last one looking so dangerous could have been just a good sell job from Fujinami.


As for the match in general, I've seen way better from these two, and there was a sort of "final showdown" vibe before it started that didn't come to pass. The only truly inspired stuff came from Fujinami's work on Tenryu's leg, and even that petered out before too long. Maybe they've been in the ring against each other too often to come up with new spots and such, though that certainly hasn't been a problem for other rivalries in the past.


I find it interesting that the challenge for this match was made and accepted with both guys in street clothes, at least according to the footage at the beginning. I thought Will had put on the wrong match when I first saw Fujinami in a three-piece suit. In other wardrobe news, Tenryu wore a regular robe in place of his usual Revolution jacket for some reason only he knew.


Does anyone know why Fujinami had the big bandage on his back? Tenryu worked on that area briefly, then abandoned it. Was it some kind of legit injury?


It seemed like Tenryu was leading a cheer for Fujinami as Tatsumi was helped back to the locker room. Was I seeing that correctly? I never thought he was the type to do things like that.

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  • 5 months later...

A good match with a big ol botchy finish as everyone has mentioned above. I continue to like this feud and thought from an overall story standpoint as the feud was winding down, it was smart that it transitioned from Tenryu beating Fujinami here and Inoki at the dome before running into Hashimoto. The opening mat work in particular was engaging and locked on tightly from Fujinami. ***1/4 (6.5)

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-12-15-WAR] Genichiro Tenryu vs Tatsumi Fujinami

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