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Just curious


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The behind-the-scenes stuff does interest me, but it's not stuff I necessarily dwell on.


Gossipy stuff is definitely "take it or leave it" for me, although when I read about some of the stuff about Matt Hardy, for example, I'm not thinking about "what a moron Matt is" but about "I really don't want to see Matt end up on the list of wrestlers who died at an early age."


I do find some of the best/worst stuff pretty interesting. Match reviews tend to vary for me based on what we are talking about.


I really do like the historical perspective stuff that gets discussed, though, and the WON recaps are definitely up there as they really give more details as to what was going on at the time, rather than the "short versions" that tend to get discussed elsewhere.


The Dave Meltzer thread is also a highlight as Dave debunks certain beliefs and can give detailed perspective on a particular issue. I wish he did that more often, though... some of the thread has turned into the not-so-good things Dave has written about.

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I think there's a place for everything. Though the only thing with the behind the scenes/gossipy stuff is that I prefer it to be based in reality. The Melina thread was a bad one as it was a BS story with no foundation in reality. I think the Linda thread isn't really all that gossipy and was a useful resource for people interested in the race, those not interested can easily avoid it. I'm way behind with my viewing of the yearbooks, but think those discussion threads will be a great resource to look at when I start watching more of the footage.

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I agree with John. I like the level of conversation here generally no matter what the topic is. The historical perspective things are my personal favourite, the Linda thread is good, the WON recaps were/are fantastic, this is by and large a good place to converse. If a topic doesn't interest me as much, I generally don't click. But by and large, those topics are few and far between. Viva la difference! Viva PWO!

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I personally like it all, especially how knowledgeable you all are about the history of the business. I enjoy reading and posting here because the board isn't littered with 17-year olds whining about Christian all day or posting a million diva boob threads. I feel like I can pour a scotch and share a smoke with you guys.

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I gotta be honest....I always enjoy a group lambasting of the WO Folk. It may be petty, negative, and pretty much a waste of time.....but I always get a chuckle because people make jokes instead of getting all indignant. It's just always nice to be reminded that there is no singular voice or set of opinions about wrestling, and I get that here.


But the historical stuff is my favorite. The Jerry Blackwell stuff recently has been just great. Especially the Jerry Blackwell porn folder!

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All of the above.


If I had to pick one topic I enjoyed the most, it would be behind the scenes information from the 80s and early 90s.


If I had to pick one thing I enjoyed the least, it would be match reviews that include play by play of the match. I don't want to read play by play of a wrestling match. Just tell me what worked, what didn't, and what you thought about the match.

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