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Round #2, Final Four Matches


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Vote for the team that you feel had the best run as a tag team from 1985 to 2005. Voting will last approximately 24 hours and the winner of each match will advance to the second round. Because the goal of the tournament is to promote discussion, please feel free to explain how you came to your decision as much as possible.


Match #13 - Hardy Boyz v Hart Foundation

Match #14 - Harlem Heat v Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes/Gordy/Roberts)

Match #15 - Heavenly Bodies v Dudley Boyz

Match #16 - The Russians (Ivan/Nikita/Kruschev) v Brainbusters

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Match #13 - Hardy Boyz v Hart Foundation


- Hardy Boyz. Nothing against the Hart Foundation but Bret in singles always worked better for me.


Match #14 - Harlem Heat v Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes/Gordy/Roberts)


- Freebirds easily, though Heat against a lot of other teams woud have advanced for me.


Match #15 - Heavenly Bodies v Dudley Boyz


- Bodies.


Match #16 - The Russians (Ivan/Nikita/Kruschev) v Brainbusters


- Russians. For me, this comes down to two matches. Russians v RnR from 7/85 and a tremendous 20 minute draw from 10/86 vs. Lightning Express. I like Tully and Arn a ton but the only tag match they have that comes close to those two matches is the Clash I against super worker Windham and mega over, motivated Luger. The Rockers series is the same spots in each match. I may be the only one to pick the Russians but at least I won't get trolled like at the Oratory.


World Powers Colliding is still one on my favorite wrestling angles.



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Vote for the team that you feel had the best run as a tag team from 1985 to 2005. Voting will last approximately 24 hours and the winner of each match will advance to the second round. Because the goal of the tournament is to promote discussion, please feel free to explain how you came to your decision as much as possible.


Match #13 - Hardy Boyz v Hart Foundation

Match #14 - Harlem Heat v Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes/Gordy/Roberts)

Match #15 - Heavenly Bodies v Dudley Boyz

Match #16 - The Russians (Ivan/Nikita/Kruschev) v Brainbusters

Hart Foundation



My favourite double team manuevers ever come from the Foundation. The best of the Harts I'll take over the best of the Hardys






Fabulous Freebirds






Heavenly Bodies






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Match #13 - Hardy Boyz v Hart Foundation


--- Hart Foundation. I don't really like any Hardy Boyz matches and I can think of 3-4 Hart matches I like more than anything the AHrdys have ever been involved in inc. the TLC matches. However, I will be honest and say I have not seen enough OMEGA to truly condemn the Hardys.



Match #14 - Harlem Heat v Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes/Gordy/Roberts)


--- Freebirds were involved in some of the most exciting and creative angles of the 80s. Harlem Heat entertian me but for all the wrong reasons. Booker T calling Hulk Hogan a "Nigga" being one of them.



Match #15 - Heavenly Bodies v Dudley Boyz


--- I haven't seen enough Bodies stuff to give a true vote. I abstain.


Match #16 - The Russians (Ivan/Nikita/Kruschev) v Brainbusters


--- On pure ability, the Brainbusters get this with little effort. On angles and storylines, the Russians triumph. However, Arn and Tully did great things as singles more than as a team IMO. I am going with the Russians.

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The Hart Foundation


I don't think this vote is a tough call. I grew up with the Hart Foundation and Bret could work circles around both Hardy Boyz. Neidhart played his powerhouse role well. The Hardy Boyz had memorable matches but they all involved gimmicks and Jeff killing himself. That's not wrestling.


The Fabulous Freebirds


Harlem Heat had a lot of success in WCW but I was never really fond of them. I loved the Freebirds though. They're my favorite tag team of all-time, so obviously this one is a no brainer.


The Dudley Boyz


My second favorite tag team of all-time. The best tag team finisher of all time. Terrific as heels. The Heaven Bodies were forgettable at best.


The Brainbusters


I love me some Nikita but he can't compete with two of the original Four Horsemen.

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Match #13 - Hardy Boyz v Hart Foundation

-- This one is a close one for me honestly, because the Hardyz were capable of being good-great workers in the right environment, but in the WWF, they got more over for being spotkateers and Jeff was never really able to evolve beyond that while Matt had mixed results. Hart Foundation, however, was below the standards of the time and Bret was held back teaming with Neidhart. They had some decent matches with the Bulldogs, but since Bret is the only guy in most of those that's willing to really sell, and he's the heel, it's hard to call them a great team. I think I'm going to go with the Hardyz.


Match #14 - Harlem Heat v Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes/Gordy/Roberts)

-- Freebirds all the way. Harlem Heat were actually a better team than they were given credit for, especially around mid-1995 when Booker T started really improving, but the Birds are one of the best teams of all time.


Match #15 - Heavenly Bodies v Dudley Boyz

-- Heavenly Bodies in a walk. The few matches they had in WWF/WCW were all really good and they carried the load as money-drawing heels in SMW against the Rock & Roll Express. I have never seen a standard face-in-peril tag match from the Dudleyz that I'd call a good one, even if they're both great bumpers and Bubba Ray has some fun comedic offense. With the Bodies, I can point to the Loser Leaves Town cage match with the RnRs or the endless matches they had with the RnRs on the house show circuit that were solid to good to great. I wish more people could see SMW -- it rocked!


Match #16 - The Russians (Ivan/Nikita/Kruschev) v Brainbusters

-- I'm going with Arn and Tully here. It's closer than it appears to be, as the Russians were almost unparalleled for drawing heel heat in their time, and they had lots of good-great extended tag matches that just never happened on PPV and aren't available on commercial video. Ivan Koloff is a legendary worker and rarely gets credit for it because most of his stuff is so hard-to-find. That said, I think he's a better old man heel than Flair ever has been. Arn and Tully did have the Luger/Windham match at Clash I and also had the match with Windham turning heel on 04/20/88 that was great fun and they managed to have some energetic tags with Sting & [insert partner here] throughout 1988. Lifted WWF tag wrestling to new heights when they entered the company, as prior to them, the division was filled with tons of tag teams and tons of gimmicks, but very few good matches.

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Guest brian

Hardy Boyz, though it's pretty much a wash to me. It's probably just because I'm on an OMEGA swing lately.


Harlem Heat, as I was pretty much a huge mark for them.


Heavenly Bodies, rather easily.



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If the Dudleyz lose to the Heavenly fuckin' Bodies, I'm not voting anymore.

Feel free to make a strong argument for the Duds and against the Bodies including match comparisons, promos, drawing, etc.


I haven't seen enough of the Bodies to make a strong choice but I will say this... their match with the Rock N Roll Express was better than any Dudz match I have ever seen.

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Guest Alfdogg

Hart Foundation


The Harts losing in this round would be far more absurd than the Duds losing, but I won't boycott if it happens.




Heavenly Bodies



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Guest teke184

Match #13 - Hardy Boyz v Hart Foundation


Hart Foundation


Match #14 - Harlem Heat v Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes/Gordy/Roberts)




Match #15 - Heavenly Bodies v Dudley Boyz


Heavenly Bodies


Match #16 - The Russians (Ivan/Nikita/Kruschev) v Brainbusters



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