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[1997-10-13-WWF-Raw] Shawn Michaels vs Flash Funk


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  • 2 months later...

One of my favorite RAW segments ever for how funny it is. Kane comes out and destroys Flash Funk and Paul Bearer issues a challenge to Undertaker. But immediately after Kane and Bearer exit the picture, Shawn sneaks in to cover Flash, Hunter counts the fall, Chyna rings the bell (which is a legit LOL moment) and Rude announces Shawn as the winner, accidentally calling him the "pecan of the WWF" before correcting himself and saying "icon". Shawn parades around like he won the Superbowl. Again, what a great heel and this is awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funk to face Michaels but Kane comes out first. Funk decides for no reason to attack Kane and gets destroyed for it. I heard the bell ring like it was an official match but Kane doesn’t try to pin Funk after Tombstone. Michaels sneaks in for the pin after. Triple H does a solid impression of Hebner’s awful pin counts. Shawn plays this up as a huge hard fought match and his antics continue to annoy.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

The first of several Kane run-ins to come, with the idea that Kane will cause chaos until Undertaker answers his challenge. Shawn running in and stealing a "pinfall" is the little bit of attention to detail that is completely missing from Raw these days. This was the first genuinely amusing Shawn & HHH skit. Hype follows for Helmsley vs. Patriot, which would end in much the same way with Rude jumping Patriot and HHH stealing a win the same way.

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  • 1 year later...

Kane comes out before a scheduled Flash-Shawn match is suppose to take place. Flash is already out & looks on nervously as Kane makes his entrace. Kane's early entrance is awesome. Great theme with the red lighting being a great contrast to Taker's blue. Flash goes after Kane but gets chokeslammed & tombstoned for his troubles. Bearer says that Kane will continue to go through everyone in the WWF until Undertaker agrees to fight him. Kane & Bearer leave then DX show up. Shawn covers Flash as HHH counts the three. In a funny moment, Rude reads from a sheet announcing Shawn as the winner. At the end he says "the pecan of the WWF" & Shawn gets mad before he corrects himself & says "the icon of the WWF." Pretty funny. DX crotch chop in amusing fashion at the bottom of the ramp for what seems like forever. I liked this fine, because it's more a group being wrestling heels than a group being shoot heels. Fun segment.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1997-10-13-WWF-Raw] Shawn Michaels vs Flash Funk

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