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[1998-04-27-WWF-Raw] Steve Austin vs Goldust


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  • 2 months later...

Goldust is back to his old look and music. Vince runs out and is positively gloating when the match starts. He takes over timekeeping duties for Marc Yeaton. Fun booking with referee Gerald Brisco taunting Austin to punch him, overlooking Goldust's transgressions, counting Austin's pin attempts really slow and counting Goldust's pinfalls really fast. I lost it when Austin hit the stunner on Goldust and Brisco stopped counting because he had something in his eye. It was made by Vince looking around saying "He has something in his eye!" Mick Foley gets involved and Austin comes out on the better end of that. Then Vince tries to hit Austin with the belt and ends up accidentally decking Brisco. Just brilliantly laid out stuff - kind of a precursor to the type of match coming at Over The Edge. Lots of fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They are booking these main events just enough over the top to make them fun. Sad to see weird goldust be done but at least they pulled the plug before it got played out. The match was bordering on good and greatly enhanced by Vince and brisco. Austin keeps surviving against the odds to come out ahead. (**3/4)

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  • 1 year later...

Great foreshadowing of the Over The Edge match with Brisco as the SGR. Good action. These two had good chemistry since 1991 Austin has a mean clothesline. Brisco has something in his eye after the Stunner was great. Dude Love of course gets involved. Mr. Mac Man blasts Brisco with the belt and Austin laughs at him. Great ending. Wish VinnyMac sold the chairs hot from nice previous but good shit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fun little preview of what we'll get at Over the Edge. Vince is terrific on the outside and turns in one of the best timekeeper's performances ever, not only his selling of Gerald Brisco's devastating eye injury but also his sternly getting up and warning Brisco not to allow a double-countout. Ross is at his indignant best, at least until Over the Edge. "Do you want to referee this match now?" "I COULD DO A BETTER JOB THAN HIM!" Vince ends up clobbering Brisco with the belt and Gerry takes a NASTY spill, cutting his head open both on the edge of the gold plate and I believe the ring steps as well. It was still absolutely wild to see Vince getting physically involved to this degree, though it would probably get overdone in the years to come.


There's still a lot of attention to long-term detail and the impact of main event matches influencing other angles in the company. Dude Love makes a reappearance and his failure to win the title here would have long-lasting consequences for Goldust.

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  • 1 month later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1998-04-27-WWF-Raw] Steve Austin vs Goldust

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