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[1998-11-22-WCW-World War III] Billy Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera


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  • 2 months later...

Last few minutes. Not sure how Rey got factored out of this since he beat Juventud on Thunder in the #1 Contender's Match. They use the multiple rings for spots. Some great action here. I think I'll check this out in full sometime. Rey ends up interfering and helping Kidman as payback for the match with Eddy. The LWO gets in Rey's face over it, with Eddy telling him he's either in or out, which makes no sense considering that he was forced into the group to begin with. Rey takes off the NWO shirt and takes off running. Even the undercard world order they don't give a shit about has too many members and confusing booking.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

WCW Cruiserweight Champion Juventud Guerrera vs Billy Kidman - WCW World War III '98


Juvytud is LWO 4 life and gives a very uneven performance. I have really liked what I have seen so far from Juvy, but he is missing that classic and I was hoping this may be it, but between the botches and the boring stalling, it was not to be. On the other hand, Kidman gave the best performance I have ever seen from him. He was so crisp on offense and everything was hit with intensity. You could feel him fighting hard to regain the Cruiserweight Championship. I loved the opening strike exchange between Kidman's forearms and Juvy's chops. It felt like they were fighting through each other. Juvy throws a mean chop and you get plenty of them in this match. However, now that he is a heel, he does a lot of stalling and it is just not good stalling. Kidman, being an expert counterwrestler, was able to cut Juvy off with moves like the BK Bomb, the whip into the corner with a follow up lariat with great velocity and fabulous, snug dropkick to catch Juvy off the top. Juventud finally consolidates an advantage with a slightly botched rana off the apron not exactly the easiest move. I liked the Brainbuster, but then he hits the chinlock. Juvy has two awesome short dropkicks to keep Kidman at bay. Kidman does a really nice job modulating his selling. Juventud is not able to pull of the difficult double jump dropkick between the rings. Kidman for his money hits a nice cross body from one ring to the other and takes a wicked bump from one ring to the ring's ropes. They do a great reversal exchange between Juvy Driver and the Reverse Suplex. Juventud's nearfall is a hurricanarana, but when he can't negotiate the pinfall, it is back to stalling. He tries to powerbomb Kidman and Kidman follows that up with an excellent wheelbarrow suplex. Instead of Kidman getting the clean win, Rey blocks Kidman from taking a top rope Frankensteiner so Kidman hits the Shooting Star Press to regain the title. the Rey interference furthers the Rey/LWO issue and Kidman still got a big pop for his victory. Kidman crushed it on this night, but Juvy was still getting used to being a pure American heel and was having a bit of an off night. The Nitro match is their best match in my opinion, but definitely check this out for a strong Kidman performance. ***1/2

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  • 1 year later...

Per Dave, WCW simply decided to ignore Rey's #1 contendership and run a title re-match instead. Yes, really. "Oh, WCW" indeed.


This is a balls-out finishing stretch, utilizing multiple rings in a really clever way. Hey Hayabusa and Fuyuki: *this* is how you get me to care about near-falls, by making it actually seem like said near-falls could end the match and treating them as actual potential match-enders and not just excuses for big moves. Rey repays Juvie from Nitro by costing him the Cruiserweight title.


The post-match is just total stupidity. First off, why do the LWO care about Juventud's well-being? Is he a member? Then why was he trying to help Rey on Nitro? Or Was That a Plan All Along, too? Why does Eddie want Rey to make a decision "in or out" when he knows he has him against his will? Why are they running an indentured-servitude angle and blowing it off after SIX DAYS?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1998-11-22-WCW-World War III] Billy Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera

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