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[1999-04-03-MPPW-TV] Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs Fabulous Ones /Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee and the Fabulous Ones


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  • 2 months later...

The Fabs are back. Clips of their match with Stacy trying to interfere. She tries to hand Steve Keirn a chain but he doesn't see her. Lawler accidentally bumps into Keirn and then the Fabs win the match. We don't see enough of it to make any real value judgment. Back in the studio, Dundee blames Lawler for being too focused on Stacy and costing them the match. Lawler laughs at the idea that the match was the biggest match either of them have ever had. Lawler wants the Fabs to come out but they stay in the back. The Fabs laugh in the dressing room and point out that they were held down in Memphis because they were outdrawing Lawler and Dundee. Stan Lane in 1999 is a terrific douchebag. "Ever notice how much lower the payoffs were when Lawler was in control?" This feud is like a contentious message board thread come to life.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Stacey ring attire outfit is something to behold. Gone are the conservative dresses she was sporting in 1998. Kiern looks 80 but Stan still has the goods and him vs. Hayes should go 1 on 1. Clips looked good and it looks like this feud has a lot more to it which is ok with me.

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  • 2 years later...
  On 1/29/2015 at 12:13 PM, ajtroma said:

I'd always heard the opposite: that Lawler was a better booker for the guys and that Jerry Jarrett was the tight-ass.


Two and a half years later, another point in support of this that Cornette has talked about is that Lawler, much like modern WWE, would never actually release anybody himself. So it got to the point where he was booking random mid-carders in 10-man tags in the second match of an MSC show.


Wish we could have seen more of the match, but the Fabs do project as mid-life-crisis douchebags quite well. Plus the eternal conflict between Lawler and Dundee continues.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1999-04-03-MPPW-TV] Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs Fabulous Ones /Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee and the Fabulous Ones

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