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[1999-07-24-MPPW-TV] Kurt Angle vs J.R. Smooth


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  • 1 month later...

Lots of wrestling on this show. Solid match that goes longer than usual. You can tell Rikishi is leading Angle, but Kurt does show a ton of raw potential. Great false finish when BSK try to interfere and Angle fights them off, and another when Rikishi tries to put his feet on the ropes. Angle does an overhead throw from the top, which is a nice bump for Rikishi, which gives him the Power Pro title. Good stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Never has anyone shown so little personality and then just flip a switch to become such a dynamic star as Kurt Angle. In Memphis, he was completely dry, bland and colorless that, when he hit the WWF TV, it was like two different people.


I wish he'd grow his hair back.

For most bald men in their 40's there's something preventing them doing that.


They have an actual match with a clean finish on MPPW. Kurt wins his first pro title and is set for stardom.

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  • 1 month later...

Glad to see some long matches as it makes this episode of PPW feel important. Kurt gained his bearings as the match progressed and by the end he felt like he belonged. He was able to have the crowd clamoring for him to and they eventually bought into him winning the title and became invested. Kurt winning felt like a big moment. Kudos to PPW. **

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  • 1 year later...

Angle hasn't been all that over in PPW so far but the crowd pops big for his title win. A pretty darn good TV studio main event with some really well-done near-falls, and it's interesting to see Angle wrestle in a different style than we're used to. The pop-up belly-to-belly superplex finish is of course pure Kurt but he does some stuff like bulldogs and DDTs here that you won't see after this run.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1999-07-24-MPPW-TV] Kurt Angle vs J.R. Smooth

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