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[1984-04-11-UWF] Gran Hamada vs Perro Aguayo


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This match is the answer to the burning question: "What happens when you try to have a bloody, heated lucha brawl in front of a Japanese audience?" Via la Mexico! Before the bell Aguayo sucker attacks Hamada and throws him to the outside. Aguayo has a crew of four guys with him, and they are all over Hamada, in a good attempt to draw some killer heat. Doesn't really happen though as the crowd just sits there. These guys have a great, stiff match with some nice lucha sequences and very few holds. Hamada's second (masked guy) tries to fire up the crowd, often pointing out when Aguayo is cheating. Hamada hits a big dive to a nice pop and then things spiral out of control. Aguayo's guys try to introduce a chair, eventually doing so and Aguayo cracks Hamada with it (opened no less, right on his skull) and Hamada blades. Masked guy is freaking out because there's a foreign object now introduced, and (at least the crowd that is lit) people are kind of "meh" to this. Aguayo starts working the cut HARD, blatantly giving no shits about the ref or rules. He doesn't stop and the ref waves the match off. All his guys are in to kick at Hamada while Perro still works the cut. We finally get some babyface reinforcements but they don't get the upperhand and the onslaught continues. Things start to slow down, guys just meandering around while sometimes punching and kicking at each other. Hamada gets the object and starts to clear house and then both teams hold their guy back. We get a pull-apart brawl now with Hamada and Aguayo going at it with Hamada hitting a staunch headbutt to kind of end the whole post match stuff. Aguayo actually hangs around on the ropes while they pick Hamada up and the crowd cheers. Almost thought he was going to run back in again. This was really interesting to watch in the environment where it took place.


This match was ranked 26/75 in the Other Japan 80s poll.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

This match was fascinating. You have Perro jumping Hamada at the bell and a bunch of wild brawling that followed, also long sections where they are *wrestling* and getting a lot of heat by projecting struggle over basic holds and also Hamada flying around. All if it was wedded perfectly, of course I liked the brawling bits best, Perro was just otherwordly in here, when he rocked Hamada with a sickening chairshot I thought to myself they could sit in a chinlock for the next 20 minutes and it would still be one of my favourite matches. But instead they opted to continue punching the shit ouf of each other and then Perro started fucking stabbing Hamada with scissors and thens started cutting his hair and the whole thing disintegrated into a 10 man brawl and then they continue brawling and the other guys are trying to hold them back and they push them back and just throw themselves into one another and it's really great pro wrestling is kind of neat when you think about it. I'd have this at ****1/2-****3/4 I guess.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1984-04-11-UWF] Gran Hamada vs Perro Aguayo
  • 6 years later...

Knowing what UWF would become, a Hamada vs Aguayo match on their show was a bizarre, but intriguing, concept. Unfortunately, the crowd wasn't very used or into this blood and guts lucha match, which was a shame as it wasn't bad at all. Absolute crazy at times- Aguayo was super aggressive on poor Hamada, cutting his forehead and working on it with a pair of scissors (!), but they rarely got the crowd to be fully invested in the bout. Unfortunately, the non-finish was quite anticlimactic as well despite their efforts

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