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Watch the match again. And this time around watch for the little details that make this believable - as opposed to what we are seeing on TV today.


Don't fall into the trap that you are watching so much wrestling - that you fast forward through it and miss the most salient parts. Quality over quantity.


What I'm talking about is this - go back to the finish. What I like most is that -


1 - babyfaces win - so the people go home happy -


2 - yet the heels keep their heat because of the post-finish attack / classic psychology - the people FORGET that the heels lost the match because they kept their heat at the end (ALL young wrestlers today should understand this)


3 - Superman (in the form of JYD) comes back in and clears house -


4 - but the best part - and watch this closely - is at the end where referee Ronnie West is selling the ref bump like he legitimately dislocated his shoulder - and the babyface JYD shows concern - says hold on a minute - let me take a look at it - and JYD pops the referee's dislocated shoulder back onto place!


Who saw that? Who noticed that? So I respectfully disagree that this was Wrestling II's good bye tour - it actually set up the series of matches he had with Magnum.


Guys - it's little things like that - in opinion - that add to the "magic" that makes the product appear to be real. And that's what's lost today. Let's look beyond the "matches" when we watch NWAClassics.com - and analyze the psychology! To me - that's what's fun about watching these great matches.

I will rewatch again. With that said I do prefer this style of wrestling. The point of the match was JYD standing tall. We got that. I just wanted more meat to it.


Ronnie West is one of my top 3 referees.


In regards to the Mr. Wrestling 2 good by tour. This match took place during the TA feud which he had one more match in Houston. Then had 2 matches with Mr. Wrestling 3. He was transitioning out of the territory. He was working short matches putting other talent over.


Plus the Mr. Wrestling 3 stuff sets up his final feud.

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Reed/Neidhardt vs Steve Williams vs Mr. Wrestling 2.



The Reed/Neidhardt team has always been a good one. Just not a lot of footage around. Their is the great cage match against TA and 2 which is better than any Hart Foundation match that I've seen.

We open with a brawl. Reed eats a beautiful #2 knee. I loved the 2 football stance spots with Doc against both guys. Mr. Wrestling 2 as FIP was fantastic. The crowd just rallied behind him. Wrestling 2 is so much better as a face. Mr. Wrestling 2 just fought and fought as the FIP. 3 3/4*

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Love all of the reviews of the matches and really appreciate everyone's interest in these classic matches. We have only scratched the surface and released maybe 10-15% of what's in the collection.


I also appreciate the fact that we all may be seeing different things in these matches which adds to the beauty of discussion. Speaking of which I have set up an NWAClassics.com Discussion page on FaceBook that I invite everyone on here to check out - join and participate in. In the meantime I thought you might be interested in what I impressed me in certain matches. Because I truly love watching ALL of them!




Observation #1: Gordman is bald! He must have just lost a hair match in LA to someone? Experts please help me here.


2 - I am impressed with the shape that Buddy Moreno / Omar Atlas is in! He was always in tremendous physical condition but he really showed it in this match. Early on he actually resembles Carlos Colon in build.


3 - Amazed at how light Goliath is working - such a pro - and in classic lucha libre style which was so different for American fans at the time. I also remember how cool it was to see guys who had graced the cover of Apter mags to appear LIVE in your area! To me - Gordman and Goliath fit that category. I remember when they made a quick shot in Florida and it was so cool to see these guys walking to the ring from the dressing room - that you had only seen in magazines and heard about their matches at the Olympic Coliseum in LA.


4 - Notice how although this appears to be a very simple match - the crowd is really into it. Crowd pops for just about every bump and high spot. To me - this is notable because I am always comparing the classic wrestling product that I prefer - to the "sports entertainment" product of today which - admittedly I watch very little of. If I'm not watching NWA - it's Japanese wrestling I am watching.


5 - Funny how right before the 5:00 mark Gordman scoots out of the ring and scares the ring announcer right out of his chair! Then he tries to act all cool about it . . . Announcer has funny facial expressions.


6 - Impressed by what a smooth match this is between four seasoned pros.


7 - Heat starts when Moreno tags in - nice hot tag to Lothario then heat continues with Jose - really nice armdrag off the top turnbuckle which was a revolutionary move back in the day - then Moreno gets his chance at a little hot tag.


8 - At about the 10:40 mark where Moreno starts the comeback - Goliath goes to the corner and Buddy sort of hesitates - did Goliath say kick me?


9 - Very simple finish - yet effective! Why can't finishes be this simple today?


Those were just the observations that I had about this match - and I know that everyone sees matches differently. Let's hear from everyone else on here! Take a few notes as you are watching the match and tell us what you liked - didn't like - and what impressed you the most. Then let's share these on the NWAClassics.com Discussion page on FaceBook!

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Doc vs Buddy Roberts 9/6/85


This is a cage match. This was worked just how it needed to work. The money is in Doc and Gordy. Robert's job is to take an ass kicking and put over Doc strong for the money match. This starts with Doc kicking Buddy's ass. He uses the cage as a weapon. Buddy gets a flurry in. Doc back in beast mode and he finishes with a Stampede . v

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Hacksaw Duggan vs Skandar Akbar 9/13/85


This is a total spectacle. It would never work today with how wrestling is presented.It might have worked with Stone Cold and VKM.The key is having a walking tall babyface and a manager who has a shit ton of heat. El Cosario is tieing Duggan up to the corner. While Wendall Cooley is tieing up Akbar. They were alloted a minute to tie them up and the crowd was counting along. We see Duggan nawing and just really working the gimmick. He's about to untie himself, when Doc comes out and cuts Akbar free. Akbar has his riding crop, but at 1st Duggan is fighting him off with one arm. It's not enough though and Akbar whips him good. Duggan makes a comeback. Wrestlers are out brawling. Masked Superstar with a cattle prod cleaning house. This was tons of fun.

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Hacksaw Duggan vs Skandar Akbar 9/13/85


This is a total spectacle. It would never work today with how wrestling is presented.It might have worked with Stone Cold and VKM.The key is having a walking tall babyface and a manager who has a shit ton of heat. El Cosario is tieing Duggan up to the corner. While Wendall Cooley is tieing up Akbar. They were alloted a minute to tie them up and the crowd was counting along. We see Duggan nawing and just really working the gimmick. He's about to untie himself, when Doc comes out and cuts Akbar free. Akbar has his riding crop, but at 1st Duggan is fighting him off with one arm. It's not enough though and Akbar whips him good. Duggan makes a comeback. Wrestlers are out brawling. Masked Superstar with a cattle prod cleaning house. This was tons of fun.

Holy shit, I'm watching that now.

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Tighten up Johnny that's been up for probably 2 months now. Definitely a fun watch and one of the few fun gimmick matches that didn't get copied and run into the ground.


Are we sure that's Masked Superstar at the end? I couldn't figure out who the masked guy that cleared the ring with a cattle prod was when I watched it.

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Tighten up Johnny that's been up for probably 2 months now. Definitely a fun watch and one of the few fun gimmick matches that didn't get copied and run into the ground.


Are we sure that's Masked Superstar at the end? I couldn't figure out who the masked guy that cleared the ring with a cattle prod was when I watched it.

That's my guess.

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Sting vs Savannah Jack 1/9/87


Seeing Eddie Gilbert out with Sting shows what a big oversight it was on the Sting DVD that he's not even mentioned. Savannah Jack was one of many attempts to replace the Dog. Sting is green here. So they start out with a brawl. Then Eddie and Missy provide smoke and mirrors on the outside. The crowd is going nuts at the cheating. Cheating backfires, and Jack is the winner. I loved the post match where Gilbert is conflicted on who to take care of Sting or Missy.

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One Man Gang vs Hacksaw Duggan 1/9/87

This is a chain match. So that means we're getting blood. The OMG is one of my favorite gimmicks of all time. When they turned him into Akeem it killed me. I guess it's kinda what they did to Rusev in a more modern way.

They do a great job of getting the gimmick over by pounding each other with it. Eventually they are a bloody mess. Duggan's comebacks are timed really well, and they have a ferociousness about it. They did a good job milking some of touching of the posts. I loved that Gang hitting his finisher sets up his run of touching the posts. They kept everything full of hate. I also thought I saw Harry Knowles in the crowd. 3 1/2*

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Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Magnum TA


This is for the North American Title. I've been on record as saying I like 2 as a babyface more, but here his heel work was incredible.


It's start out with a quick burst of offense by TA. 2 starts his game plan and it's to take TA down to the mat so they're the same height. 2 knows TA has the strength and size advantage. Everytime 2 would take down TA, Magnum had a counter. Magnum would gain control with a headlock, and eventually a head scissors. This is working the neck. 2 would play a game of cat and mouse. TA would chase him into the ring and 2 caught him with his million dollar knee lift. That was a nasty shot. 2 starts to work on top just wrecking TA's arm and shoulder. He'd even use the Million Dollar Kneelift on the arm. 2 was constantly rubbing his forearm into Ta's arm. He uses the ropes for leverage. 2 was just a surly SOB here. Wrestling 2 was destroying the arm to eliminate the Belly to Belly. Finally TA makes a comeback. 2 loads the mask and is about to pin him, until the foreign object falls out of the mask for a DQ. What a great match. 4*

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Yeah, this was the stuff. What a great sense of struggle between these two. Mr. Wrestling II was just great, really selling desperation in the first half and cruelty and that self same desperation in the need to control and contain Magnum in the second. Every time he took over offense or managed a cut off it was timed so well and so organic and logical. Magnum was just full of fire and aggression and star power. The back half of the match, with the arm work, was really memorable on the strength of 2's tenacity and focus and Magnum's broad selling, aimed at the last row. The comic timing on the finish was spot on too. I'm with Pete. Great match.

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Midnight Express vs Porkchops Cash/Bill Dundee 4/6/84


This was a good southern tag. The MX did a good job of trying to get the faces over. They gave them a real long shine. Which makes sense since they needed to establish them as a contender. Cash has a lot of charisma. When the MX get the heat they really get the crowd going. The hard work and good story telling gets the crowd really into the match. Cornette was good at picking his spots. I liked the finish, except was surprised Dundee didn't eat the fall since he was the sub. 3 1/2*

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