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Andre/Hacksaw Duggan vs Kamala/Missing Link



This really is a great match to upload for Thanksgiving. Andre teaming up with the local babyface always seems special. I've always been a mark for Devestation Inc. So this has the potential to be a barn burner.


We start out with a wild fight. Missing Link takes a bump like he was shot out of a cannon. It settles down and we have some fun with Kamala refusing to enter the ring if Andre is in . So it becomes Duggan and Link. Link is bumping big for Duggan and showing plenty of ass to make Duggan look great. Finally we get Andre and Kamala and the crowd erupts. Then these guys are fighting and Kamala is showing tons of agression or savagery. I really enjoyed the match up until this point. Once Andre went into FIP it was pretty lack luster.Then the match dragged a bit. You really need to be nasty and or incredibily smart to make it work. Once we went down the finishing run It got me back with the slamming of Kamala. Still the good outweighs the bad. 2 1/2*

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I found the midget tag match to be really enjoyable. They got a lot of time so they managed to work in just about all of the spots you'd expect in an 80s midget match (except, thankfully, no referee getting his ass bitten) I wish they would have settled down and worked a bit more of a traditional tag match towards the end but it's a fun comedy match and never wore out it's welcome with me which is high praise for a comedy match that goes over 15 minutes.

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Rock N Roll Express/Hacksaw Duggan vs Midnight Express/Ernie Ladd


The card this was on drew a 31,500 dollar house which is pretty damn good at this point in time. It's a hot 6 man to set up a tag title match next month which did over 60,000 dollars. This is why finishes are important. They are part of the story to draw more money down the line.


This was just a tremendous match. Everything that happened in the match had consequences one way or the other. We open with a great Cornette heat generating intro. Morton starts witha real fun shine segment. The Ladd/Morton interactions were gold with the rag doll sequence. The triple teaming of Condrey in the corner was so well executed and a real fun segment. We get a tag to Duggan and he just murders Eaton . Eaton was tremendous taking that beating. Duggan has a real energy when he's standing tall and kick ass and taking names. Ladd playing the hiding the foreign object spot was great and a great heat section. Duggan sold the foreign object spot really well. Morton takes a nasty chair shot to the head and is busted open. This allows the heel to just work over the cut. Cornette gets in on the action and the crowd wants to kill him. The heat from the crowd is nuclear. Morton finally makes the hot tag, but the ref misses it. The crowd is beside itself. Cornette seizes the opportunity but his either attempt is foiled and the baby faces turn the tide on it and win. The face pop is short lived becauase the heels do a big time beatdown to nuclear heat that leaves the baby faces leftfor dead. Post match a great MX promo that sets up the return stip match with the MX and Rock N Roll. 4 1/4*

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I found the midget tag match to be really enjoyable. They got a lot of time so they managed to work in just about all of the spots you'd expect in an 80s midget match (except, thankfully, no referee getting his ass bitten) I wish they would have settled down and worked a bit more of a traditional tag match towards the end but it's a fun comedy match and never wore out it's welcome with me which is high praise for a comedy match that goes over 15 minutes.

I enjoyed it too, but It did at times lose me. I was shocked how much time they got.

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That would be pretty cool to be able to watch the whole tournament at once. I'm pretty sure the tournament took up the entire card didn't it? I'd definitely enjoy being able to watch it all at once.


Some pretty cool matchups in the first round with Duggan vs. Buddy Roberts, Kamala vs. Blade Runner Flash (Sting), Chavo vs. Buzz Sawyer, Dr Death vs. Rick Steiner, Koko Ware vs. Terry Gordy, Terry Taylor vs. Michael Hayes, Jack Victory vs. Bart Sawyer and Blade Runner Rock (Ultimate Warrior) vs. DiBiase

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Debbie Combs vs Donna Day


We start of with Paul Boesch doing interviews with the girls. He's straight up Uncle Paul here and one of the reasons Houston loved him so much.


The match was really good. They went 15+ and worked at a pretty quick pace. The early work was Day on top and set up that she was the heel in this match. We got a lot of back and forth action. With Day's work on top was longer. We'd see Combs get shots of working on top but Day would cut it off rather abruptly. In the spot of the night or maybe the 80's Day takes a sternum bump into the corner alla Bret Hart. Comb charges and takes a top rope flip bump to the outside that takes out Paul Boesch!!!! This sets up a run at the finish. This was some really fun wrestling. 3 1/2*

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That would be pretty cool to be able to watch the whole tournament at once. I'm pretty sure the tournament took up the entire card didn't it? I'd definitely enjoy being able to watch it all at once.


Some pretty cool matchups in the first round with Duggan vs. Buddy Roberts, Kamala vs. Blade Runner Flash (Sting), Chavo vs. Buzz Sawyer, Dr Death vs. Rick Steiner, Koko Ware vs. Terry Gordy, Terry Taylor vs. Michael Hayes, Jack Victory vs. Bart Sawyer and Blade Runner Rock (Ultimate Warrior) vs. DiBiase


It also had a Fantastics vs. Sheepherders in a Barbed Wire Cage. I don't know if this is the same one that was shown on UWF TV or not.

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