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And that chronological list is awesome. I have referred to is many times and really appreciate your effort and support. We should have all the matches on the new website by today. The search option is much faster. And Roku should be done within 30 to 45 days (I have been promised . . .)


The Roku news is great. I won't be using it but know a few people who haven't jumped in yet because of it. As for the broader site, so long as you keep the old Houston footage coming at least 4 or 5 matches a week, you've got me on board for the long haul. I'm as happy with the service now as I was when I first signed up, maybe even more so now that I'm more acclimated with the territory.

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Thornton vs Gino


Thornton is a guy who has a good resume of classic title matches with Dynamite Kid, Tiger Mask , and Tony Charles the Checkmate. Here he works Gino and this is worked in a whole different manner than he is used too. Gino is just a master at getting heat just riling up the crowd and being a cheating bastard.This was the best we've seen Hart on the footage. He truly came across as a threat to Les. I loved Les leg work and it played into the first fall. The 2nd fall Gino is cheating bastard stage. The 2nd fall is Gino just working over Thornton. The 3rd fall Gino is on top for a bit. Thornton makes a comeback and he's pissed. No more technical wrestling for him. He's throwing hands. Eventually though Gino gets DQ'ed. This was a blast.

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Jake vs Humongous


This ruled.The crowd is hot right off the bat. I loved how to counter act Humongous Jake had his own hockey match. Loved Jake attacking Humperdink pre match before Humongous to get in the match. The early portion we get a Jake shine. This is short lived though. Humongous just decimates him. He tears off his hockey mask and destroys Jake with the cage. This all ultra violent stuff with Jake bleeding big time. Humongous uses all the weapons at his disposal and is a great monster. Jake attempts a comeback by using his boot and delivers a DDT. Humongous kicks out of the DDT! Then we see him do the Undertaker sit up 6 years before him. Humongous beats on him some more till Champion throws a chair into the ring. This allows Jake to DDT Humongous onto the chair and steal the win. This match had great crowd heat, told a story, and match psychology . 3 3/4*

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Okay guys - the new hard drive is in - and it looks like we've hit the holy grail. Some of the matches soon to be uploaded include:


NWA World Title Match - Jack Brisco vs. the Spoiler


NWA World Title - 1977 - Harley Race vs. Terry Funk


Bull Curry vs. Johnny Valentine


Paul Boesch vs. the Great Malenko (match narrated by Malenko in character!)


Roy Shires / Great Scott vs. Rito Romero / George "Catalina" Drake (Dick Raines and Danny McShane get involved)


Dusty Rhodes vs. Ken Patera


Les Thornton vs. Don Diamond


Bulldog Brower vs. El Halcon


Paul Boesch vs. Gary Hart


Tommy Siegler vs. Iron Sheik


Abdullah the Butcher vs. Kim Ill - from Tokyo


Abdullah the Butcher vs. Harley Race - Tokyo


Bruiser Brody vs. Scott Casey


Dory Funk Jr. vs. Tank Patton


plus more!

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And that chronological list is awesome. I have referred to is many times and really appreciate your effort and support. We should have all the matches on the new website by today. The search option is much faster. And Roku should be done within 30 to 45 days (I have been promised . . .)


The Roku news is great. I won't be using it but know a few people who haven't jumped in yet because of it. As for the broader site, so long as you keep the old Houston footage coming at least 4 or 5 matches a week, you've got me on board for the long haul. I'm as happy with the service now as I was when I first signed up, maybe even more so now that I'm more acclimated with the territory.


I will jump back on for sure with the Roku app being available.

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NWA World Title Match - Jack Brisco vs. the Spoiler - This cant be the 79 match if its for the title. Really excited for this.


NWA World Title - 1977 - Harley Race vs. Terry Funk - This should be awesome.


Bull Curry vs. Johnny Valentine - OH HELL YEAH!


Looks like my weekend is set.

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I'm caught up. Let me run through some quick thoughts.


Jake vs Humongous: Jake at his best here, really just at the height of his power. I loved the dueling hockey masks. His body language is so good that he could have worked his whole career with the mask and been fine. The early blocked cage shots due to them meant that it mattered all the more when he lost the mask. Good stuff.


Thorton vs Gino: I'm not sure i've ever seen the NWA Junior Heavyweight Belt come off as such a big deal in this era. This, like the Race vs Hernandez match, had Gino self destruct at the end. I thought Hart looked very solid here and wonder if he wasn't a step above when he was managing Gino (as he hasn't looked exceptionally impressive in Houston otherwise). Fun match. Gino was so good, so young.


Boesch vs George Harris III: I think I've seen at least part of this for the Boesch special that's on youtube, but it's hugely enjoyable. Boesch was a very witty guy in his own way. It's a bit folky but it really works. I've come to love listening to him on commentary, even on his own. There was just a matter-of-fact-ness to him and he shined here. I hope we get to see more of Harris in general. He came off a bit like Dom Delouse in History of the World Part I. That use of his body type for comedic effect.


Slater vs Stomper: Yeah, Stomper was great. i was even higher than Pete on the early parts of this match because the stalling and stooging was right down my alley. I actually think it was the lack of Boesch commentating that made the first fall feel a little bit meandering (which isn't a fault of the match or the service, but instead a testament to what he adds). Once the claw got locked in and it got going it became a must-see exhibition in violence. Slater's a dynamo so this was a perfect role for him. A classic.

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