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Jose Lothario v. Great Mephisto NWA Houston 1/18/74

This is a Brass Knuxs title match, which means that Lothario can throw hands. Mephisto has got quite a bag of tricks, he has a muslim prayer run gimmick, burkaed valet, loaded boot, the whole cheap heat casserole.

Always been interested in the guy after seeing this picture, which might be my favorite wrestling pic ever.



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A little background info on the Great Mephisto (real name: Frankie Cain). He made it to the main event in wrestling even with a legit height of about 5' 9" - he was a legitimate tough guy - having wrestled in carnivals and boxing on the semi pro circuit before he began wrestling. His punches were / could be very real.


Mephisto had a rep for knocking out promoters who stiffed him - like he did to Roy Shire after a dispute in San Francisco. On another occasion in Georgia - Mephisto had a legitimate dispute with Johnny Walker / Wrestling II - who came to the heel dressing room looking to fight. In short - Mephisto beat the shit out of Johnny and bloodied him up - basically with well placed punches. The story is that Walker apologized.


I traveled with him in Florida many years ago and found Frankie Cain to be a very nice man. Of course I was very respectful. He is still alive living down in Florida I believe - and he still attends the Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion in Mobile every year.

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Quick thoughts:


Every time they hit each other in any way, shape, or form. it was awesome. The repeated targeting of the stomach by Race to shape transitions and key moments in the match was awesome. Wahoo's selling was awesome. Wahoo's butterfly suplexes were awesome. The valuation of Race's vertical suplex was awesome. The fight that almost broke out in the front row towards the end was awesome. The holds, while well worked, were headlocks, and while they moved in and out of them sort of interestingly, it wasn't quite enough. Race, especially, really dropped a ball in the second fall by not using some sort of stomach hold.


This was very much a NWA title match. It was very much a Race defense, though the two out of three structure meant that he took a little more than he might otherwise. It had all the pros and cons of that. Race stooged well and bled well. I just wish the holds were a little more interesting though they were absolutely well worked.


There's a moment on a rope break where you can clearly see Wahoo call for a headbutt in the break. And you don't care. At all. Because the headbutt was that amazing. Just like every other headbutt Race threw in the match. I'm so glad we got to see this. I wish, even more, that we could have seen them in a non-title strap match, though.

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Race vs Wahoo


This is for the NWA Title. Right off the bat both guys throw their big weapon. In Wahoo's world it's the chop. With Race it's the headbutt.

Everything it seemed here had an extra oomph to it. Wahoo is using the head lock to work the match around. I marked big for Wahoo's cross body. Harley using a headbutt into the ribs is so nasty. Wahoo's Butterfly Suplex was great. Loving Wahoo firing up with the big chops.Then pretty much Wahoo does the total banana peel finish.


The 2nd fall Race goes back to the ribs. He delivers a nasty knee drop into the ribs. Harley with the front facelock using his weight to work over Wahoo. Now Wahoo's comeback with the chops are so awesome. Race bumps so great for them.


Now the 3rd fall is a big old fight. Both guys throwing bombs. Race is a bloody mess. Both guys throwing hands. Just an epic battle. Overall some great shit. 4 1/2*

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Race v Wahoo 2/10/78


I really suck at reviews but I had to give this match one. What a fantastic match this was, couldnt wait for it to be released. Glad they brought in Dick Kroll to referee. He officiated a lot of WWWF main events.


Look at Wahoo staring at Harley after a minute in, you knew things were getting serious. At the 5 minute mark Wahoo delivered a vicious chop that I felt and a beautiful butterfly suplex to go with it. Wahoo laying it in and into a long headlock segment. Big vertical suplex and HUGE chop off the ropes by Wahoo. Suplex by Race and takes the 1st fall. Man that was intense.


2nd fall begins with hard knees to Wahoo stomach and nice piledriver by Race, I really miss that move today. Race wearing down Wahoo and eventually knees Race in the head. Wahoo coming back with more chops than a lamb. Race is getting pummelled, another HUGE chop and Wahoo takes the fall.


3rd fall Wahoo going nuts, he can sense victory. More chops and a shoulder tackle. Race to the top rope, Wahoo catches him and throws him with force. To the outside and both get rammed into the post. Race is busted and like a shark Wahoo attacks. The crowd is on its feet cheering Wahoo on, Race is bleeding badly and now both are hitting each other with everything they got. Wahoo with a pair of butterfly suplexes but cant finish him off. Race went for suplex but Wahoo counters into a roll up 1...2.... Race counters holding Wahoo's trunks 1....2.....3. Its all over. Race escapes just barely. WOW what a match.


The chops, the headbutts, the blood, this had everything you would want from a NWA Title match. This went 25 minutes, I could've watch these 2 for an hour. This was highly enjoyable and worth the wait. ****1/2


The good news is there is 6 more matches between these two hopefully to come.

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Dusty vs Gino


So far as I know, this is the only match up between these two that we have. I think they had good chemistry. I would have liked a bit more of a shine with a bit more of Gino showing ass, but he gives a lot for Dusty to work with in the heat, even though it's primarily them working hope spots out of a sleeper. It's one of the best sleeper sequences you'll see. I'd be curious if someone can name a better. For some reason the crowd always seems underwhelming for Dusty in Houston, despite Boesch telling me otherwise. Gino was the guy who had to draw week in and week out in Houston, and they made him look strong and effective. Solid match with a lot of exactly what you would want from Dusty and Gino but maybe not quite enough for it (And all of in as a backdrop for Gino vs Lewin). I didn't like it as much as Dusty vs Patera, but it's still a great piece of history with two guys doing what they did best.

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