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TNA Bound for Glory Thread.... because I hate life


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Mr. Anderson vs. Jessie Godderz vs. Al Snow vs. Eli Drake vs. O’Shea vs. Robbie E vs. Shira vs. Tyrus vs. Chris Melendez vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss vs. The Pope

- I guess the rules are Royal Rumble type rules, not someone wins and then someone else comes out.

- For about 30 seconds, I really liked O’Shea. Nice punches

- That Shira dancing thing is dumb as fuck and the crowd responds with boos

- Fuck, Shira really sucks and I liked O’Shea so my guy is eliminated. This sucks.

- Shit, Chris Melendez has one leg. That sort of fucked me up since I have never seen him before.

- I’ll admit it, I liked Dreamer’s Dusty Rhodes tribute and he was the most over guy in the match

- I just realized I don’t want to see any of these guys in a title match except that O’Shea guy.

- Tyrus pins Anderson in a rather long but uneventful match. They should have just had Tommy Dreamer win.
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Storyline wise it makes perfect sense for Tyrus to win. The reality is that Tyrus has almost regressed as a wrestler in TNA which is amazing given how awful he was in the WWE so a title match against EC3 sounds really bad


I still contend that the Shera dance is the ultimate fat person dance because it involves no really need to move. Probably the main reason they are trying to put it over

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I am semi-watching this, but am replacing the bizarre Matthews/Pope commentary with a re-listen of Exile on Badstreet's 'Death of JCP' ep, in a beautiful venn diagram supernova of how wrestling companies sabotage themselves. The face of TNA/JCP alum Earl Hebner cackles inside a hallucinatory fireball.

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Trevor Lee & Brian Myers vs. American Wolves

- Bryan Myers is basically doing an AJ Styles tribute act the way he is dressed.

- Trevor Lee’s flipping powerslam is nuts.

- 2nd Wolves match I can’t complain too much about. When the heels were in control, this was pretty solid and the Wolves did their flippy offense to get the crowd into it.

- Trevor Lee also hasa s super nice delayed German Suplex. I like this guy.

- That finish was overkill but I can’t complain about the match overall
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Tyrus winning the Gauntlet almost makes me think Galloway is gonna win the title and then Tyrus gives his shot to EC3. Or they get really LOLTNA and have EC3 demand the shot and Tyrus refuses and goes babyface and do a feud that will be awful since Tyrus is the dirt worst and EC3 really isn't that good (in the ring, as a character he's really one of the best in TNA AND WWE) and has to be in there with someone better than him to have a good match.

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Kurt Angle vs. Eric Young

- Eric Young hits a Piledriver early on and they play it up as a huge deal with Angle’s neck.

- Eric Young attacks the medical staff and hits Angle with a chair.

- I don’t know how I feel about this since I am not emotionally invested in either guy.

- A fan in the audience was dressed as Captain America and wanted the wrestlers to use his shield. The shield was more over than the match. Sad.

- The finish was Eric Young tapping out to the ankle lock that Angle hooked out of nowhere after getting destroyed the whole match.

- The match sorta sucked. Young was vicious early on but didn’t really attack it as much later in the match.
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EC3 vs. Matt Hardy vs. Drew Galloway (TNA World Title)

- I’ll give it to these guys, they worked hard but it was your typical three way with big spots and guys going in and out of the match.

- At the end of the match, EC3 was trying to get a DQ in a NO DQ match.

- They teased that Jeff was going to hit Matt but EC3 slapped Jeff so Jeff nailed EC3 with the chair and EC3 got hit with a Galloway boot. Galloway then got the Twist of Fate so Matt hardy wins.

- I think the right guy went over since it was his hometown and all.
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I'm sure some people are gonna bitch about a former WWE star being the TNA World Champ but I'm pretty happy for Matt Hardy. I mean it's not like being the TNA 'World' Champ really means that much but I suspect it does to him and he's still probably their best chance to draw a decent crowd to a house show (along with Jeff)


And it's not like EC3 didn't have a good run, with an incredibly long undefeated streak and beating Kurt Angle to win the belt in the first place. He's as already been made as big of a star as TNA can possibly create.

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This show wasn't the worst way to spend three hours but when you consider that people paid between 35 and 50 dollars for it, depending on their cable providers...hoo boy.


I can see the thought process of putting Hardy on top, especially when you're about to run a big new foreign market like India, but I really doubt he will draw much. If you look at twitter, it appears that tonight's PPV was heavily papered and it was 100 miles from Matt's hometown. I was shocked he got such a middling reaction tonight, especially since this was a casual crowd that seemingly only popped for stars from the past (Dreamer, Snow, Angle). I don't know if Matt Hardy was the guy to break a winning streak, and I don't know if world champion Matt Hardy and number one contender Brodus Clay is the direction any wrestling company should be going in in 2015.


It's also worth noting that Pope hyped a special guest third commentator on twitter for days before the PPV, and then revealed that it was a Pope action figure. Good stuff.

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Actually, the interesting question when you think about it is does any of this gets followed up on? It sounds like Impact for the next two months are going to be a bunch of context-less matches taped weeks and weeks ago that were originally intended for some stand alone "One Night Only" PPVs.


Knowing that, I'm shocked TNA changed any title tonight. They are going to have to get really creative with their editing and voice over.

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