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Recording match information


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What do you do? This is a two fold question:


1) How do you go about recording responses to wrestling as you watch?

2) What do you do afterwards to record your wrestling watching?


This is asked primarily due to the vast number of podcasts/blogs people run, but also as I've heard of a few of you recording matches on spreadsheets.


This is more for curiosity than anything.

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When I was, you know, actually into watching wrestling, I used to keep a log of all the good matches I watched, for list making purposes.


When I go through a goodhelmet comp or something I keep notes on those matches, because I'm watching so many matches all at once and I'd forget otherwise.


I started notes for matches I watched for GWE, and then soon lapsed, and I'm kind of kicking myself now because I forget what I've actually watched and details within matches that I wish I could recall now, since I need all the details I can get. But alas. Apparently my interest in wrestling is directly linked to my interest in taking notes about it.

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I used to use Word to keep notes on matches I planned to talk about online (either DVD sets or long Japanese matches) but I have not done so in some time and I've felt no real motivation to go that far since coming back to WWE. It was mostly a tool I used to keep from forgetting "hey, this cool thing happened" or "this one moment that annoyed me" than anything.


Considering how much I edit my posts these days maybe I should have kept it up, lol

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I don't take notes for all of the wrestling that I watch, but for whatever I do when I watch Chikara and NJPW (the latter I only started after subscribing to njpwworld.com). I have running Google spreadsheet docs for both, and mostly just record the basic match facts with a sentence or two of overall thoughts at the end. I find the Google spreadsheets helpful, as I can access them from whatever device I am watching from/have handy.

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I started about 5 months ago keeping a spreadsheet. I started because I started thinking about participating in the greatest wrestler project and I needed a way to sort through everything.


I make an entry for everything 4 stars or better OR if it is part of a feud that I think is important or is just a match I like or think is interesting for some other reason. I also don't rate a contemporary match as I watch. For example, I haven't rated the two recent taker vs brock matches yet because I haven't watched them again.


I record all the details of the match I can find, star rating, and about a paragraph or two just to remind myself of what i liked and disliked.


I usually keep bullet points as I watch and then every few days or a week I will write up the paragraphs and actually put them on the spreadsheet.


I keep a master sheet that is organized by star rating. I also keep sheets by promotion, wrestler, and feud. I just copy and past the lines into those others once they are on the master sheet.


Even after the greatest wrestler project is done I will probably keep doing this because it gives me direction and structure in my watching, especially since I have SOOOOOOOO much new (for me) stuff to be watching right now.

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