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I see over at TSM that HTQ and several other posters are still pushing Meltzer's "the fans turned against Cena because he sucks in the ring" mantra.  I thought we were over that. It's been said several times by Loss and others on this board, but his talent in the ring has nothing to do with the booing.  I give up.

Exactly. If it does, someone should be able to explain why Batista didn't suffer the same backlash, considering that he's no better than Cena.
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I see over at TSM that HTQ and several other posters are still pushing Meltzer's "the fans turned against Cena because he sucks in the ring" mantra.  I thought we were over that. It's been said several times by Loss and others on this board, but his talent in the ring has nothing to do with the booing.  I give up.

Exactly. If it does, someone should be able to explain why Batista didn't suffer the same backlash, considering that he's no better than Cena.

I think the fans buy Batista as more believable than Cena inside the ring. Batista has always been a monstor and he hasn't deviated away from that. He's credible and his offence on avearage is better than Cena's offence.


Especially now that even the WWE were addresing that Cena is not a good wrestler (are they still doing that?) but has tons of heart. That's gotta hurt Cena's believability factor.

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Batista was just booked better. Cena was pretty much in the exact same angle for 6 months in a row. I could tune into any episode of Raw at 11 and see the exact same angle play out. That and Cena looks like a moron as champ and they constantly make his heel challengers look cooler and like they have more heart than Cena does.

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Guest bravesfan

Maybe it's an old thought, but man, are fans going to be confused when Big Dave drops out of wrestling in a few years due to his age and injuries. I was taken aback when a few of my "mark" friends referred to Batista as a "young kid".

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I'm guessing it was the Outlaws match at WM 14 too, as there was a couple of "holy shit that was almost fatally botched" moments.


Not to mention the whole thing was rendered pointless by a Dusty Finish the next night on RAW.

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3 weeks over a 1.0 for them. Hopefully that 2.1 in the 25-34 demo will get them a second hour in the future.


I think these King of the Mountain Qualifiers are to thank for the ratings. It'll be really interesting to see what Sting/Steiner gets next week.

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Holy crap, Lilian getting knocked off the apron by Charlie Haas tonight and hearing her muffled screams over the PA mic was one of the most brutal things I've ever seen in wrestling.


I rewound that on my Tivo a few times and I was amazed to see her walking off under her own power with assistance.

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Guest bravesfan

I think it was Rock.  Hard as it may be to believe, from what I've heard, Foley  was mad at Rock about their Rumble '99 match for a long time and throughout all that Rock & Sock stuff, they weren't friends.  They made up afterwards, though.

I'm pretty sure that they made up when Rock n' Sock hit its stride, which still places it before the Wrestlemania 2000 four-way. The one thing I'm definite on, is that the sit-down he had with Rock is detailed in the second book. He used a tone that made it seem like there was closure to that animosity toward Rock.


The man he's talking about has to be Hunter.

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It's amazing to me to see all the ECW marks come out of the mothballs and start badmouthing the PPV on Sunday. This was talked about ad naseum a few months ago, but from a quality perspective, ECW does not hold up at all (it does from a presentation perspective). So of course now you see people getting all excited to see Balls Mahoney, Sandman, Axl Rotten etc, when the same people are constantly criticizing WWE for pushing bad in ring workers. So Randy Orton sucks and shouldn't be on the PPV, but Ballz Mahoney is okay? I wouldn't mind that if these people were consistent and would lay off the poor in ring work in WWE.

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Guest Luds

It's amazing to me to see all the ECW marks come out of the mothballs and start badmouthing the PPV on Sunday.  [...] So Randy Orton sucks and shouldn't be on the PPV, but Ballz Mahoney is okay?

Well Randy Orton does indeed suck. ECW fans probably enjoy Balls & Axl for their hardcore matches knowing that they couldn't wrestle their way out of a paper bag, but also enjoy good wrestling. I'm by no means an ECW mark and I can certainly relate to this. I'd rather see Balls vs. Axl get their 10 minutes in a bloodbath than to see Kurt Angle have to carry Orton for 20 minutes before he jobs for Vinny Mac's wonder kid.


If Angle is now an "ECW" guy and McMahon wanted a WWE guy wrestling him, there were plenty of good alternatives. Benjamin, would have been my choice.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Hey, Edge almost broke his neck tonight during the ECW/WWE show. He & Tommy Dreamer were on the turnbuckles, and the spot was supposed to be Edge getting back body dropped through a table set up in the ring. Only there wasn't enough momentum to get Edge through the table, and he almost landed right on his head. As it was, he landed high on his shoulders, w/ his back brushing the table edge. He was holding his back a bit, so maybe he legit tweaked it, but it could have been A LOT worse.

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