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WWF: I Broke Bruno's Neck

WCW: Scarlet-Left

ECW: topropepodcast

USWA: kevinmcfl

SMW: Wahoos

ECWA: Boon

RevPro: Jesse Ewiak

NJPW: SirEdger

AJPW: lowblowpodast

FMW: Grimmas

UWFI: Elliott

M-Pro: gordi

Every other promotion around near that time is available.

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I need to read everything about this project to get fully up to speed but can I'd like to participate. Can I grab UWFi from Japan?



You get to keep the owner, Nobuhiko Takada (who is also the "Real" Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion).


From there, you can protect three of the following members of the roster:


Kiyoshi Tamura

Naoki Sano

Gary Albright

Tatsuo Nakano

Masahito Kakihara

Yoji Anjoh

Kazushi Sakuraba

Yoshihiro Takayama

Hiromitsu Kanehara

Kenichi Yamamoto


The rest of your roster will be determined in the draft.

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Sweet! I'll protect Kiyoshi Tamura, Kazushi Sakuraba and Yoshihiro Takayama.

That's a nice beginning roster.



UWFi would have been SO easy to save. I actually started working on fantasy booking UWFi post New Japan last year sometime but stopped so I could spend more time watching footage for GWE. So this is already something I've thought a lot about and worked on already.


Its funny, UWFi knocking on death's door was actually soundly built up for the future if you just look at the age/skill level of their top performers.


I assume I won't be bound to the New Japan vs UWFi feud that started up right around here. I'll count on running monthly shows at least. I assume I'll be Tier B and will probably carry the full 28 wrestlers. So I can already envision running "UWFi Young Lions" shows at Korakuen Hall in addition to my normal shows in bigger buildings. And since I already have the biggest draw in wrestling in the fall of 1995, if the draft breaks right and I land Shinya Hashimoto, I'm booking the Tokyo Dome, arguing for Tier A status, carrying 44 wrestlers and doing 3 big shows a month. :)


Edit: Also, Kazuo Yamazaki was left off the list of UWFi wrestlers. I noticed it, but assumed you may have added him to the New Japan roster instead. He's not on any UWFi shows around this time so I'm not sure whats up. But just wanted to point him out as someone who should be in the draft. Even if he was on the list, I still want to protect Tamura, Sakuraba & Takayama.

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Perfect, yeah he was not on UWFi shows, but on NJPW and I think a WAR show around the time.


Deals with other companies are up to you folks, so no obligation to deal with NJPW.

Yes, you are starting Tier B.


I really look forward to this... I imagine there will be some RINGS folks you may raid as well.

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Would mean the company starting up earlier than real life but i'd be interested in running OVW, guessing i'm too late to take part in the draft

Actually... we haven't finished the first round you would vote in.. you can be added.


The only talent you would start with is owner Danny Davis, but if you want in the draft to build a roster you would be a Tier D promotion, I can add you to the last pick of each round.


Read the rules and see if you want in and I will place you there.

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I'm definitely late here but the idea of writing one show a month is very appealing with my work and life schedule. If there is an opening at some point I'd like to do a Tier D indy - there was a rinky-dink promotion running my stomping grounds right around this time called Midwest Territorial Wrestling (the website is actually still alive somehow but I wouldn't click this link unless you like popups and popunders). There's a history of their cards here. Definitely small time. Thanks all.

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  • 2 months later...

I will leave it up to you guys how I start out. I have no problem just picking from free agents if thats all thats available to me.

Pick from free agency and start whenever you are ready!



I'm mostly a lurker but I've been reading alot of the 1995 stuff and would love to take over ECW if it's available. I used to do ECW booking with TNM 15 years ago and have an itch to jump back in.

I will message the ECW booker to see what is up. If he's done, then ECW is all yours.

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