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[2000-01-23-GAEA] Lioness Asuka & Kaoru vs Mayumi Ozaki & Akira Hokuto


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This essentially couldn’t be as bad as the previous GAEA tag but wasn’t that good either. I don’t know what it is and maybe some context is lost but these matches just seem like these chaotic out of control matches with nothing really feeling urgent or that important. This did have a neat moment where Hokuto bridged up from a Boston Crab attempt to slap Lioness which showed incredible strength. The constant interference just makes me want to handwave the entire promotion. In a project like this where natural cherry picking will occur, it is integral for us as the viewer to at least have some belief of what was going on based on the snippets we see or the match that is being performed. This just feels like mindless action. Kaoru hits a nasty senton on Oz on a table that doesn’t break. She then breaks the table with a piledriver. More interference and kendo shots at the finish. Fuck me. These are too good of workers to be involved in this nonsense. Ozeki ends up winning and I couldn’t care less. *1/2

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I don’t know what it is and maybe some context is lost but these matches just seem like these chaotic out of control matches with nothing really feeling urgent or that important.




This just feels like mindless action.




These are too good of workers to be involved in this nonsense.


You just defined GAEA post 1998. This is pretty much the main criticism we (as in : me and a bunch of joshi fans at the time) used to make back then. Pretty much words for words. Really frustrating for the Oz fans. (although in all honesty, Hokuto was pretty washed up by then, Lioness was not that great and KAORU... well, she was KAORU, make of that what you want. ;) )

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It's really sad seeing such great talent in matches so bad. I am sure GAEA has some really good matches in 2000 and beyond, but we're clearly going to have to be way more selective. I sort of hated this. No real rhyme or reason, no progression, no attempt at narrative and not particularly strong action -- just aimless stuff stuff stuff.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-23-GAEA] Lioness Asuka & Kaoru vs Mayumi Ozaki & Akira Hokuto

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