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The worst squash matches of all time


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Midnight Express vs. Smelly Guy (Danny Little). Clips on Youtube, full match is on the Network. I think it was in mid-1988.


Bad News Brown vs. Steve Reese.


Sgt. Slaughter vs. Paul Fisher. Fisher is hands down the worst jobber I've ever seen--he literally appears to be completely untrained.


Skyscrapers vs. Avalanche & Mike Blackwell. Blackwell became either Butch or Buster Blackheart from Global and basically no-sells his way through the entire match because he thought he was due for some big national TV contract.


Ken Patera vs. Judo Joe Black.


EDIT: And all 5 extant Mighty Joe Thunder matches, for matches where the squasher and not the squashee is at fault. The first one may actually be the worst.

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Any Midnight Express squash match. Listening to Jim Cornette ranting and raving while Bobby Eaton was flying off the top rope and literally going into the TBS rafters was great. New Breed were good too.


Also Ken Patera versus Judo Joe Black. The guy was literally the worst I have ever seen. I don't think he ever made it back on tv.


Muraco sand match.


The Bulldogs destroying Mick Foley in one of his first televised matches.

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Midnights against Wee Willie Wilkins (Wellington Wilkins, Jr.) probably also deserves mention--another match with the jobber going into business for himself. Maybe more interesting because unlike most of these other schlubs, Wilkins actually stuck around in the business for a good while.


Friar Ferguson vs. Chris Duffy is particularly awful for a time when the WWF seemed a little more careful about what made it to TV. It takes like 5 or 6 minutes for the Friar to put Duffy away, which is an eternity for most TV squashes that don't involve guys like the Midnights. Crowd goes from indifferent to actively shitting all over it by the end.

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Al Snow as Avatar vs. Brian Walsh, Monday Night Raw 1995. Walsh was a guy who always tried really hard to get himself over and Snow was always a little too ambitious in his early WWF run. It makes for a tremendous clash with Walsh flopping all over the place like a goof and Snow getting completely flustered after a few botched spots. And the crowd is completely DEAD. One of the quietest crowds I've ever seen.


EDIT There were some pretty terrible Ahmed Johnson squashes during the Shotgun era, I thought the bad one was Andy Ellison but just checked and it's not. There was a jobber from this time who wrestled in a T-shirt and was too big to properly take most of Ahmed's offense, if I can find it I'll post. This is an awesome thread idea, BTW.

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The Avatar match isn't helped by Snow trying to do all these elaborate springboard moves when a.) the WWF ropes aren't really designed for that, and b.) the ropes were sweatier and more slippery than usual due to the show-opening battle royal. Throw in a gimmick that was death and a complete 180 from what Snow's strengths were in SMW and you have a true disaster.

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The Avatar match isn't helped by Snow trying to do all these elaborate springboard moves when a.) the WWF ropes aren't really designed for that, and b.) the ropes were sweatier and more slippery than usual due to the show-opening battle royal. Throw in a gimmick that was death and a complete 180 from what Snow's strengths were in SMW and you have a true disaster.

Even as Leif Cassidy, I remember Snow trying tons of stuff that just looked awkward as hell. There were several spots where the usual job guys had no clue what he was attempting and there was even some of that in the Michaels match. Snow was by no means incompetent, he just did not click at all when he first came in. He was much better in 97 after Jannetty left but by then, the writing was on the wall.

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Kenny Jay vs. Angel Rivera, AWA TV 8/10/74. On the WWE 24/7 showing it is the last match, right after the angle where Larry Hennig turns face and saves Greg Gagne from the Heenan Family.


The finish of that Jay match alone should merit inclusion, it's so bad it actually takes the drama of the Hennig turn out of your head and seeing as big angles happened on AWA TV that rarely, that is quite something. I mean, just awful.

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Here is Buzz Sawyer vs Randy Mully. I think it's Randy Mulky though. It's an awkward match but not because of Mully. Buzz was terrible with jobbers and took liberties with them. I am watching a lot of Mid South and it struck me how old he looked at the age of 27-28. But man he could still go. His matches with Duggan and pretty underrated I think.


I think he is one of the biggest what ifs in wrestling history. The guy was just a wrestling machine and so tough. But he had way to many demons and appeared to be certifiably insane.


Should also include Mulkymania when the Mulkys beat the Gladiators to get into the Crockett Cup.

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