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[2000-02-26-MPPW-TV] Tracy Smothers vs Wolfie D ('Boys In The Hood' Street Fight)


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Smothers attacks Gibson zebra Zubaz and all. Wolfie D runs out and him and Tracy have a great fight into the back of the TV studio. A good brawl results once the match starts proper. Tracy really is someone to watch in this setting. The finish was scary with the table set up way too far and Tracy getting suplexed through it weirdly feet and leg first and at a different angle. **1/4

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Two of the best brawlers out there. I love how even in the middle of such fast punches, Wolfie attempts to cover himself when he's being hit. It's the details. The action is consistently better at this point on Power Pro, but I still think it's too early to say that as a takeaway talking point because MCW is still getting its footing. The intensity of this thing is off the charts. JAPW got me to tolerate light tubes, but Smothers got me to love it in how he used it here. I always love the difference in crowds, as even in 2000, the Memphis crowds still pop more for babyfaces and heels than big spots or weapon shots. It takes Tracy a little long to set up the table, which is the only thing that separates this from an all-time great short match like Owen-Shamrock in my mind, and that finish is pretty scary since the table was a bit far. Hell of a short match, probably the best short match of 2000 thus far. ***3/4

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  • 1 month later...

Zubaz Tracy Smothers is something I didn't know I needed in my life. Crazy brawl that goes outside into the ring. Of course, the camera misses the light tube shot but that makes it more brutal to a point. Poor Tracy taking that superplex. That had to suck. Fun match. Now as for Power Pro vs MCW, Power Pro seems to be more exciting at the time. MCW didn't really find it's footing till guys like Spanky, Cade, Dragon and Regal came in to have awesome matches. Around this time, MCW was just in front of dead crowds with KAW leftovers and guys like Lawler, Meanie, Jim Neidhart and K-Krush.

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Tracey is over with Dave Brown and Cory Maclin doing his T-H-U-G catchphrase when he’s attacked from behind by Wolfie with the tag belt. Wolfie ducks out the way of a chair shot then nails Smothers over the back with one of his own. They finally get in the ring and Tracey dropkicks the chair into Wolfie’s face for a two. Its tit for tat as Wolfie dropkicks the chair into Smothers’ face and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor. They fight to the back and out into the parking lot, before just turning around and heading back into the building. Tracey picks up a light tube, however the camera misses him hitting Wolfie with it. Wolfie with a DDT onto a chair, but then misses a senton off the top. Smothers heads outside to get a table although he struggles to get it into the ring. He levels Wolfie over the head with a chair and sets him up on the table. He climbs to the top, however Wolfie is able to get up off the table and fall into the ropes causing Smothers to crotch himself. Wolfie with a superplex that looks dangerous as hell as Smothers lands bang on the legs as opposed to in the middle of the table, he then covers Tracey for the win.


This was okay but lacked the intensity that you’d expect from a street fight. The match didn’t go long either so I couldn’t fully invest in it, while there didn’t seem to be a lot of purpose for what they did. It was as if they went to the parking lot ‘because that’s what you should do for a streetfight’, through a few punches then turned around and headed back. Interviews aside, the best thing I’ve seen from Smothers in Memphis although that isn’t really the highest of praise. That superplex through the table at the finish looked nasty, and the camera work sucked at times too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another bad Tracy Smothers match. Wolfie D's quick punches look so wimpy. This was decent while they were in the back knocking paper boxes over. Once they were back in front of the crowd, it went downhill as Smothers took forever trying to figure out how to get the table in the ring. He set the table up too far from the turnbuckle, and it messed up the superplex spot at the end.

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  • 8 months later...

I thought this was pretty awesome, albeit a bit too short.


Loved the brawling around the arena. I hope the FMW, Onita Pro, etc. around Korakuen Hall brawls followed this mold instead of just grabbing each other by the back of the head and walking around the crowd in the arena. Had they been given the green light to go a little longer, I would have liked seeing them brawl a little longer in the back before returning to the ring.


That finish was nuts.


Tracy stumbling to setup the table didnt look that bad to me as Wolfie had missed a big dive off the top and was still selling the impact of it.


Aside from this being as short as it was, I cant really find anything else negative to say about it.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-02-26-MPPW-TV] Tracy Smothers vs Wolfie D ('Boys In The Hood' Street Fight)
  • 10 months later...

Really intense brawl for the short period it was worked. The initial brawl before the commercial break is fantastic, both guys bouncing around the ring, off doors, walls and into the front row and they continue where they left off when the bell rings. Smothers' mis-step with the table isn't the end of the world because the ending suplex is nasty as hell with his hip and knees crashing right through it. It's not perfect; the brawl into the back could have lasted longer and while the camera issues led to a sense of chaos, it doesn't really help you to actually see what's happening. Still, wild little brawl and Tracy Smothers' Memphis heel run has been great thus far.

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