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WrestleMania Weekend!!


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I don't know why but I watched Joey Janela's Spring Break. One of the most hilariously terrible and absurd shows I've ever seen. Fuckery off the charts. Excalibur has some of the greatest calls I've ever heard on a wrestling show, and his constant bitching about FloSlam's production team bugging him never stopped being hilarious.


This is a show that has a Marty Jannetty match with 6 ref bumps, Earl Hebner, Virgil in a lucha mask, and a Canadian Destroyer. A show with Glacier, Dink, and the Invisible Man in a battle royal. A show with many, many DOORS being broken, because doors were cheaper to buy than tables. A show with nearly 60 year old Dan Severn main eventing with fellow MMA fighter Matt Riddle doing a shoot style match at 3 AM.


It's something else.






A show no doubt the fever dream of someone on acid watching Thunder in 1998.

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The fuck are you talking about? That show was literally a joke from the start. How the hell is 60 year old Dan Severn suplexing Riddle 3-4 times and then tapping out a 4 star match for you?


JJ Spring Break was basically a C level action movie in wrestling form. Like American Ninja or Rage of Honor. But wrestling. Terrible movies that are fun to watch because they're terrible.





Like that, but in wrestling form.

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The fuck are you talking about? That show was literally a joke from the start. How the hell is 60 year old Dan Severn suplexing Riddle 3-4 times and then tapping out a 4 star match for you?


JJ Spring Break was basically a C level action movie in wrestling form. Like American Ninja or Rage of Honor. But wrestling. Terrible movies that are fun to watch because they're terrible.





Like that, but in wrestling form.

It was different and fun as shit.

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Surely there is room for wrestling that aims to be goofy and fun, and reaches that goal, to also be considered good? I haven't seen the show but it sounds/looks like a very fun watch, no "irony" needed.

Oh certainly there is. I don't think JJ's Spring Break is one of those shows, though.

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Surely there is room for wrestling that aims to be goofy and fun, and reaches that goal, to also be considered good? I haven't seen the show but it sounds/looks like a very fun watch, no "irony" needed.

Oh certainly there is. I don't think JJ's Spring Break is one of those shows, though.


I'm sorry you feel that way.

Thea majority of people who watched it, loved it.

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It's like you're not even reading. I said I enjoyed it and it was very entertaining. That doesn't mean it was good.

I love that you have to say everything is bad, even the things you enjoy.


I don't feel discussing this, because it's beyound ridiculous to discuss. I'll go back to ignoring you, it's best for both of us.

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You can watch terrible movies and laugh and enjoy them. You can watch WCW 2000 shows and lolz at how much fuckery there is. People love The Room and it's not because it's a good movie.


Ah, okay nevermind.


Anyway. I unironically enjoyed the opener, Janela v. Marty & Riddle vs. Severn. Art can be batshit crazy while still being great in the Janela instance.


EDIT: Though to say things can be enjoyable and also bad is completely valid. Guilty pleasures are very much a thing.

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The fact that Excalibur was doing commentary kind of tells you that even they realize this is a train wreck kind of show. Especially when it is sarcastic version and not the PWG main event version.


by the way there will be a Janela show next year in New Orleans. If anyone is going to do a show in or within a block of Bourbon Street for WM weekend this is probably it

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