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Potential 24/7 factoids


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You know how 24/7 has factoids that pop up during their show about whoever is in the ring at the time? Well, knowing the guys WWE hates and how everything seems to have a certain WWE agenda, Bix and I came up with a few potential future factoids that we thought were funny. Anyone who wants to add can feel free to do so.


Randy Savage would lock Elizabeth in a closet.


Lex Luger is famous for the murder of Elizabeth.


Bruno Sammartino and Bret Hart have been paid by a pedophile to do 'shoot' interviews where they insult the people who made them millionaires.


The Ultimate Warior is rumored to have been a gay prostitute prior to starting his career in sports entertainment.


Owen Hart passed away in a tragic accident at Over The Edge '99 and is dearly missed. His wife is a cunt.


Hulk Hogan was once sued for raping a woman at The Mall Of America.


Jeff Jarrett was once caught with a crackpipe at an airport.


Shane Douglas once vomited in the middle of a match while wrestling for a small-time independent promotion.


Konnan stole the Max Moon outfit that was paid for by WWE. He is also not a real Mexican.


Rob Van Dam and Sabu were stopped for marijuana and anti-manboob pills by state troopers.


Chris Kanyon was a middling performer and Pat Patterson is gay, you idiot.


Diamond Dallas Page lived next door to former WCW President Eric Bischoff, and they occasionally swapped wives.


Buff Bagwell's mother once called in sick for him to WWE.


Stacy Keibler has dated many, many, many, many wrestlers.


Terry Taylor thought that hiring Public Enemy was a good idea.


The Rock had breast reduction surgery in 1999.


Dawn Marie is promiscuous.


Kurt Angle's physical appearance changed dramatically in his time to WWE, which can be attributed to any number of factors.


Chyna began her wrestling career in 1984 as Tom Zenk.


Chyna starred in a pornographic film where she was revealed to have a penis.


A judge ruled that no man would sexually harass Nicole Bass, regardless of his sexual orientation.


Ted Turner no longer has any power.


In 1994, the federal government attempted to destroy the reputation of the World Wrestling Federation. The Clinton Administration can reasonably be compared to Al Qaeda.


Missy Hyatt was terminated after 3 weeks of employment with WWE for making sexual advances toward Vince McMahon.


D-Lo Brown carelessly made Droz a quadriplegic in 1999.


Sean O'Haire was obliterated recently after a bar fight.


Ole Anderson is the same size as Art Barr, just fat.


Goldberg is not actually a UFC fighter.


Goldberg was subdued by the considerably smaller Chris Jericho.


Jim Cornette was arrested for smashing a former employee's windshield with a baseball bat.


The Rock made terroristic threats toward Shawn Michaels in Hawaii in 1985.


The TBS studio crowd is roughly the same size of their arena crowds.


This show drew 1,000 people to pay to see wrestling at the Louisana Superdome.


After wrestling for over 25 years and never selling a single ticket, Triple H opened the doors for Ric Flair to come into WWE as a charity case.


WCW drew 300 people to the Pontiac Silverdome, while WWE drew 93,173.


Kevin Nash faked a heart attack to get out of his WWF contract in 1996.


The Rock prefers to keep his race a secret.


The Big Show had a problem losing weight.


Paul Heyman used his Jew magic to get New Yorkers to boo Batista.


The Scorpion King did only slightly better box office numbers than The Condemned.


When you factor in production costs, No Holds Barred was more profitable than Be Cool.


Joan Severence and Kelly Carlson are much prettier than Sarah Michelle Gellar.


Harley Race was once afraid to fight Vince McMahon.


Ron Simmons and Teddy Long were fired from the Turner organization for being black.


Jim Cornette and Bret Hart are known friends of a dirtsheet writer from San Jose who fabricates stories for his wrestling newsletter.

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Nailz attempted to live his gimmick by assaulting Vince McMahon.


When Paul Heyman called Madusa a hooker at Halloween Havoc 92, it was a shoot.


The belt Alundra Blayze threw into the garbage at Nitro cost WWE 50 cents at a garage sale.

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Sid Vicious once crapped his pants over fear of facing the awesome Undertaker.


Aside from the TV footage you've seen, the NWA, AWA, CWF, WCCW, and other promotions not named "WWWF", "WWE", etc. performed in many smokey bars during the '60s and '70s.


Chris Jericho saw Shawn Michaels on TV for the first time when he was three years old and said, "I want to be just like him!"


Vince McMahon tore two quads in 2005, but courageously continued his match.


Diesel and Razor Ramon took a hiatus in the spring of 1996, but reappeared later in the year.


Test was trained by Kevin Nash.


Back in the late 1970s, a young Shawn Michaels met up with Stu Hart, and excitedly asked if Stu thought of involving ladders in wrestling. Thus was born the ladder match.


Bret Hart refused to lay down for Steve Austin in any of their pay-per-view match-ups.


Shawn Michaels was more than happy to pass the torch to Steve Austin at WrestleMania XIV.

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Stacy Keibler was playfully nicknamed "Chicklet Chest" in high school.


Matches in Memphis can only be won by chain or fireball.


Terri Runnells' breast implants were originally purchased for her ex-husband.


The combined age of all wrestlers who ever headlined a pay-per-view for World Championship Wrestling is 4,372.


Andre the Giant was 7'8" and 923 pounds.

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Tammy "Sunny" Sytch used to give wrestlers oral sex backstage while her boyfriend Chris Candido was wrestling. She should have dumped him for Shawn Michaels when she had a chance.


Triple H taught Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit how to work main event style.

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Matt Hardy is shamefully proficient in Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Rick Rude posthumously apologizes for appearing on WCW Monday Nitro during a taped episode of RAW.


The Lex Express was known to make occasional detours to other organizations without informing anyone.

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