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The Dreamboats & The SCS are ready to blow.

Condrey brings home the W in the 6 man.

Douglas has a surprising new ally in Cactus Jack.

The Triangle make their move on Haynes.

Atlas is on a tear.

Tenryu builds momentum.

LA night 2.

Regal is ready for Atlas.

Awesome downs the Eagle.

Hall is on a major hot streak.

The Rockers & The Midnights get warmed up.

Stormfront retain the gold.

Another win for the Triangle.

Santa Barbara.

Smothers wins a slobberknocker with Rhodes.

The Brigade and The Southern Boys break even.

Scotty the Body gets the win but had to work for it.

Rose & Eddie both retain.

Two huge cards for Seattle. Wings of Fire may have the only tag name sick enough to challenge the Miracle Violence Connection.

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The Dreamboats and SCS will settle the score in Seattle. 

Cornette has a very cohesive unit.

Douglas couldn't have found a better ally in this battle. 

Damn, the Triangle are on a path of destruction! Taking out a guy like Billy Jack is a big deal. 

I really like this version of Atlas. 

I give Tenryu a lot of credit. The man took on stiff competition in preparing for Steamboat. 


Regal gets passed his old rival, which gets him tuned up well for Atlas. 

Eagle seems a little off in single's competition, but I see he's getting back into the tag scene with the Demon. 

Hall continues his roll. 

Can't wait for the final showdown with the Midnights and Rockers.

Stormfront are proving to be credible champions. 

Windham and Dibiase are heading for a classic at Showdown. 

Santa Barbara, 

Rhodes, Gunn and the Southern Boys break even as they head into their big tag match. 

LOL, Bigelow causing some problems for DDP. 

Once again, Rose manages to walk out with his title. 

Eddie closes out the night with another thriller. 

Bring on Seattle!!! 


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Pacific Coast Wrestling Seattle Showdown from the Kingdome, Seattle, Night One


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Miracle Violence Combination


Pacific Coast Wrestling kicked off their Pacific North West Mega Show with a new team making its debut. With the departure of their previous partners, Vic Steamboat and the Eagle decided to combine forces in the new team of Wings Of Fire. They were certainly facing formidable opposition for their first match together, but showed considerable coordination and teamwork for their debut together. That said, for all that Wings Of Fire did a good job of keeping out of the range of much of the MVC's offense, whenever Williams and Gordy landed their shots, the effect was devastating. When Williams caught the Eagle coming off the ropes with a powerslam, Gordy intercepted Steamboat and the ref made the count. Although it was a strong win for the Triangle Of Terror members, the new team of Wings Of Fire had nothing to be ashamed of, having gained the respect of the fans for the effort they had put in.


Shane Douglas & Cactus Jack vs. The Jackal & The Soultaker


Ever since his return to PCW, Douglas has drawn the ire of the Wild Things, with a win over the Jackal earning him a huge target on his back. It seemed like the odds were stacked against Douglas when he received support from an unexpected quarter. Cactus Jack, who had not been seen since Vegas Vengeance, made his return against his former teammates in the Wild Things by coming to the aide of his old friend from the Army, and this match was quickly signed. As could be imagined, this was a hotly contested match, with the Wild Things doing everything they could to keep Douglas in their corner as much as they could. This worked for a while, but Douglas was able to manage to get a rolling tag into the corner, and then things kicked into a whole different gear. Showing the Wild Things just how wild he could get, Cactus unleashed a flurry of offense, culminating in a Double Arm DDT on the Jackal. A dropkick from Douglas on the Soultaker ensured that Cactus got the pinfall. They may have to face the further wrath of the Wild Things further down the line, but for tonight, Shane Douglas and Cactus Jack stand tall together.


Jerry Lynn vs. Scotty The Body


Early in his tenure with the Playboy Club, Scotty The Body didn't seem to take things seriously, even showing open disrespect to Buddy Rose. The Playboy shut that down right quickly, and since then, the two have been thick as thieves. Scotty hasn't lost any of his confidence, but his mentor has brought out considerable cunning and ruthlessness in him, and he has moved closer and closer into title contention. Competing against the always game Jerry Lynn, Scotty was able to withstand his offense and take him down with the Body Shot (DDT) for the win. Anyone with a title belt in PCW had best start looking over their shoulder for Scotty The Body.


Bam Bam Bigelow & Shinya Hashimoto vs. The Destruction Crew


Feeling like he was slipping in his performance, the Diamond Exchange decided to wash their hands of Bam Bam Bigelow. This was a decision they soon came to regret, as the Beast From The East has found himself renewed alongside his new friend Shinya Hashimoto. DDP and his men tried all of the skullduggerous tactics they could fit in, but Page found himself spin kicked off the apron by Hashimoto for his efforts. Hashimoto then slingshot Bigelow on top of Enos for what was no doubt an incredibly satisfying win.


Dan Severn vs. Masahiro Chono


After losing the Pacific Submission Title to Billy Jack Haynes, Dan Severn went into a  bit of a slump, but the support of his friends in the Citadel has helped him start to make a bit of a comeback. He would be taking on an incredibly dangerous opponent in part of the Blood Syndicate, Masahiro Chono. Chono hit hard and kept trying to get Severn into the STF, but the Beast was focused and far too canny to fall into that trap. After playing something of a defensive game for much of the match, Severn took advantage of Chono having worn himself out and suddenly exploded in a series of suplexes. He was able to polish him off with a Northern Lights Suplex. He may have taken some blows, but Dan Severn is definitely on the comeback trail.


Billy Gunn & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Southern Boys


After a period of skirting the line of flouting the rules, the Southern Boys fully moved over to the dark side with a betrayal of Dustin Rhodes. Dustin brought his Brigade comrade Billy Gunn in to face the former Pacific Tag Team champs, and they did all they could. But the ruthlessness of the Southern Boys spelled the difference, with a vicious clip from behind by Armstrong set Rhodes up for a Jawjacker by Smothers that got the win. Say what you will about the Southern Boys, their change of attitude has made them a top team to beat.


California Title Match : Steve Austin © vs. Steve Blackman


Another wrestler who has taken a turn towards the ruthless has been the new California champ, "Stunning" Steve Austin. Despite the best efforts of his mentor Bret Hart, Austin has become increasingly cutthroat and more brazen with his chicanery. His challenger, Steve Blackman, has been on something of a hot streak, and definitely had the champion on the back foot through several periods in the match. But Austin is proving to be most effective with his back to the wall, and was able to lure Blackman into going for the Running Bicycle Kick, only to dive out of the way at the last second. Blackman instead landed his kick on the referee, who was right behind Austin, and the moment the ref recovered, he called for the DQ, giving the match to Austin. Just goes to show that you can never take your eye off "Stunning" Steve.


Triple Threat Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Eddie Guerrero © vs. Dragon Azul vs. Beetlejuice


Since winning the Light Heavyweight Title, Eddie Guerrero has taken on all contenders. Tonight, he would take things even further by facing two top challengers at the same time. Much of the main action was handled by Guerrero and Dragon, with Beetlejuice causing mischief whenever he could then scuttling back into the shadows. Beetlejuice tried to create as much friction as he could between the other two, but his luck ran out when he was sent to the mat by a dropkick from Guerrero. Dragon capitalized with an Asai Moonsault that sent the Wild Things member out of the match. It was now down to two men, who put on an absolute barn burner. The fans were in rapt attention as near fall followed near fall. It finally came to an end with Dragon attempting a power bomb that Eddie countered by flipping over and executing a Sunset Flip that held Dragon's shoulders to the mat for the three count. It took a lot, but Eddie Guerrero was still standing tall as the Light Heavyweight Champ.


Barry Windham vs. Ted Dibiase


At one time, Windham was at the top of the Pacific Coast pecking order. He was the Pacific Heavyweight Champion for an impressive reign, seeing off a host of tough challengers. Then, he lost the title to Ricky Steamboat, and it all seemed to fall apart from him. Almost immediately afterwards, the impending threat of the Triangle Of Terror struck, and he was cast to the bottom at incredible speed. He found himself with no friends, no manager, and dogged by a menace that was able to attack him at will. He brought a lot of pent up frustration into this match and was set on taking them out on the self proclaimed Man Of Means. Dibiase, who had Terry Gordy and Steve Williams with him at ringside, was able to take advantage of Windham's headstrong attitude by luring him into making some key mistakes early on in the match. But little by little, the sheer fury of Windham's offense started to take it's toll, chipping away at Dibiase. It was then that Dibiase pulled his ultimate gambit. When Windham went for the Western Lariat, Dibiase ducked down at the last moment and backdropped the big Texan out of the ring. While the ref was distracted by chiding Dibiase for this move, Gordy and Williams smashed into Windham with a devastating double shoulder tackle. After Williams tossed Windham back into the ring, it was child's play for Dibiase to hit the falling fistdrop for the pinfall. Clearly sooner rather than later, Windham is going to have to find some allies to watch his back.


Title Vs. Title Match For The Golden State Tag Team Titles & The WWF United States Tag Team Titles : The Midnight Express © vs. The Rockers ©


The first night closed out with possibly the most hotly anticipated matches of the whole show. Since arriving on the West Coast not too long ago, the Rockers have become a sensation, wowing the fans with their good looks and innovative style. It didn't take long for them to develop a considerable rivalry with Jim Cornette's Midnight Express, and this match was quickly signed , with both the Golden State Tag Team Titles and the WWF United States Tag Team Titles on the line. With Jim Cornette, Dennis Condrey, and the "Femme Fatale" Sherri Martel all patrolling the outside of the ring like angry sharks, the Rockers were hard pressed to keep their attention on the action in the ring. Keep it they did, using their considerable speed and agility to have the Midnight Express off balance for much of the match. When they took down Eaton with a double crescent kick, Jim Cornette jumped on the ring apron. The ref started to argue with him, but failed to see him toss his loaded tennis racquet high into the ring. It was found by Martel , who jacked Shawn Michaels in the back of the head with it. While Condrey yanked Jannetty out of the ring, the Midnight Express hit a Double Goozle on Michaels and Lane got the cover and the one two three. It took five people to pull it off, but the Midnight Express are now double champions.


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The MVC take their first step to tag team dominance.

Douglas and Cactus prove a formidable pairing.

Scotty is seriously climbing the ranks.

Hashimoto aids Bam Bam in some well earned payback.

Severn with the ol' rope a dope.

The Southern Boys are gunning for gold.

An errant kick costs Blackman.

Eddie keeps the Dragon from his treasure.

Dibiase's Triangle helps him to victory.

Night 1 ends with the Midnight's are champions on both ends of the country.

Bring on night 2.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling Seattle Showdown from the Kingdome, Seattle, Night Two


2/3 Falls Match : The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. The Sin City Superstars (Mark Starr & Reno Riggins)


The second night got off the ground with a hot tag team rivalry. Ever since their arrival in the Pacific Coast Wrestling, the Dreamboats have been bedeviled by the Playboy Club, usually some variation of the Sin City Superstars. It has all been building to this match, when both teams would go at it over two out of three falls. Trisa Hayes was clearly not about to take any crap from anyone, so Tina Ferarri simply stayed in her corner and scowled, and the action was mostly kept in the ring. Both teams tore into each other with incredible ferocity, and were going full throttle from the get go. A low blow from behind on Dreamer by Starr set him up for the Reno-Plex (Cradle Suplex) and that gave the first fall to the Superstars. With the count one fall against them and Dreamer wobbly legged, the Dreamboats had to dig in, but battled back hard. Dreamer was able to lock Starr in the Dream Weaver (modified Sleeper Hold) to force him to tap out, and the match was all even. That was the inspiration for the Dreamboats to kick it into a whole other gear. They turned the tide for good when Dreamer planted Starr with a DDT. While Dreamer dropkicked Reno off the ring apron, Shane went up top and hit the Glamour Profession (top rope flying elbow smash) to score the deciding three count. After a tag team war, the Dreamboats had come out on top.


Tony Atlas vs. Steven Regal


Upon his return to the West Coast, Tony Atlas made it clear he was out to make an example of Steven Regal, costing the Englishman the California Title. Regal went into a bit of a slump after that loss, but has used his desire for revenge to energize him. Regal came in on a roaring rampage and Atlas seemed initially taken aback, but soon got right down to business. Both men were a mess of welts as the match went on, with them hitting each other as humanly possible. It looked about to go to Atlas when he hit his dreaded piledriver on Regal. One … Two .. NO!!! Atlas couldn't believe it that Regal was able to get his shoulder up. Atlas hauled him back to his feet and hit another piledriver. This was enough to get the three count, but Atlas' post victory posing was interrupted as he stared agog while Regal used the ropes to drag himself to his feet and beckon him to come at him again. Atlas looked about to go after him and do some more damage, but the ref threatened him with a fine, and Atlas stalked back to the locker room with a sneer on his lips.


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Fighting Irish (Fit Finlay & Erin O'Grady)


With the competition in the PCW tag team division being as stiff as it is, there is always a danger for teams to get lost in the shuffle. The Suicide Blondes and the Fighting Irish are both far too feisty to settle for fading into the background, and were determined to make a case for themselves as title contenders. Both duos pulled out all the stops in a fast paced match that was still going strong after 15 minutes when the bell rang, signaling a time limit draw. If nothing else, these two teams proved that they should not be overlooked.


Brian Lee vs. Dennis Condrey


One of the more surprising returns of the last while has been that of Dennis Condrey, both to the West Coast and to the employ of James E. Cornette. After helping the Midnight Express the Golden State Tag Team Titles over the Rainbow Warriors, Condrey has proved incredibly effective as the point man for Camp Cornette. Brian Lee, coming off his big victory over the Undertaker at Vegas Vengeance, initially didn't seem to be too concerned with Condrey, on the verge of dismissive. Big mistake, as when the action spilled to the outside, Condrey goaded Lee into attempting a punch, only to dodge out of the way and send Lee's fist into the corner post. Lee was in considerable pain for the rest of the match, particularly when Condrey kept attacking his hand, and the Prime Time Slam was effectively neutralized. This left him prey to the Full Nelson Facebuster , giving the win to Condrey. Cornette's men came out of Seattle Showdown at a perfect two for two, speaking well for Cornette's reputation as a dangerous mastermind.


Brian Pillman vs. Mike Awesome


The towering Mike Awesome played a big part in Flyin' Brian losing the Pacific Television Title, and was clearly looking for some payback. Awesome attempted to intimidate his smaller opponent, but Pillman was fearless in being willing to throw down with him, reddening Awesome's chest with wicked chops. Pillman was able to knock awesome out of the ring with a dropkick, then dove outside and crashed into him. The two kept slugging it out until the ref had no choice but to count both men out of the ring. Flyin' Brian is back and not going to take it any more.


Scott Hall vs. Big Juice


Scott Hall has some incredible momentum on the west coast, having run Curt Hennig out of the promotion and rolled over the opposition since then. The popular Floridian kept that roll going through Seattle Showdown, outmatching the Wild Things member Big Juice and pinning him following a spectacular move called the Everglades Driver (Niagara Driver). Hall continues to be the man to beat in PCW.


Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki) vs. The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


The, ummm, rise of Phoenix Rising coincides with a decline in fortunes of the Oregon Wrecking Crew. While the Japanese team have found their mojo and pulled out some impressive wins, the OWC have had to deal with injuries and the attention of the Triangle Of Terror which have culminated in their once fearsome reputation becoming tarnished. Both seem to come into play, with a banged up David Young getting cornered by Phoenix Rising and the Triangle showing up at the back of the arena and observing the match. Despite the OWC's best efforts, Sasaki took Young down with a one armed shoulder throw and forced him to tap out to the Strangle Hold Gamma. After the end of the match, the Triangle could be seen whispering to each other and nodding before returning to the locker room.


Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose © vs. Maxx Payne


Seasons change and wrestlers come and go , but "Playboy" Buddy Rose always finds his way into a position of prominence in PCW. Reigning as Pacific TV champ, Rose has seen off a variety of challengers with his blend of cunning and ruthlessness. Big Maxx Payne certainly was an impressive opponent, landing some bruising blows nearly getting Rose in some painful submission holds. Rose was able to keep one step ahead of Payne long enough to spring his trap. He seemed to be reaching out to get something from Tina Ferrari when the referee went over to chide Ferrari and order her to step away from the ring. While the ref was thus distracted, Scotty The Body dashed out and hit the Body Shot (DDT) on Payne. Rose then landed a running splash, and when the ref turned around, he made the three count for the champ. Just goes to show you, there are many reasons why the Playboy is still the King.


Bret Hart vs. Chris Adams


From the moment he returned to the West Coast, Chris Adams has had it out for the Hart Family, evening running the younger brother Owen out of the promotion. Bret was out to avenge his brother and held nothing back.  Bret was savage in his attacks on the English Gentleman, seemingly looking to break him in half. Things took a dramatic turn when Bret's pupil, Steve Austin, came down to ringside and watched the match. Bret questioned him as to why he was there, but Austin simply shrugged and grinned, applauding whenever Bret made a big move. Then, when Bret was running the ropes, Austin reached in and tripped his mentor. Bret stumbled and tripped into the mother of all Superkicks from Adams, knocking the Hitman cold and leaving him for Adams to get the pinfall. The fans were in shock as both Austin and Diamond Dallas Page raised  Adams' arms in victory before quickly retiring to the locker room. Something is clearly rotten in the state of Washington.


Pacific Submission Title Match : Billy Jack Haynes © vs. Dean Malenko


Haynes came into this match with his shoulder heavily taped from last week's attack from the Triangle Of Terror. This was not a good omen for his chances, as it meant that it neutralizes not only his dreaded Full Nelson but also the bulk of his power offense. True to the Shooter's nickname, Malenko focused his efforts on attacking Hayne's damaged shoulder, shooting away at it until he had Billy Jack set up for the kill. Haynes did what he could, but eventually he was at Malenko's mercy, of which he had none. Malenko hit a nasty single arm takedown, then trapped Haynes in the Jujigatame (cross armbreaker) until the champ screamed his surrender. Haynes was clearly in agony as he hobbled from the ring. The day of Billy Jack is done, and the age of the Iceman has begun.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : Stormwatch (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) © vs. The Can-Am Express


There have been several incredible tag team matches so far at Seattle Showdown, but the best was saved for last. Both teams are coming off big wins at Vegas Vengeance, with Stormwatch having defeated the Destruction Crew for the Pacific Tag Team Titles and the Can-Am Express having gone the distance and won the annual Moondog Lonnie Mayne Memorial Tag Team Tournament. Both teams were riding high on their own waves of success, equally determined to come out on top. The result was a technical tag team classic. Move and counter move, hold and counter hold. The teams wove a spell , keeping the fans rapt with attention for every big move and near fall. They battled to the point of exhaustion until Lafon hit a spinning back heel kick on Porteau into a German Suplex by Furnas, giving the match and the titles to the Can-Ams. Furnas and Lafon had triumphed, but both teams had given it their all, and got a standing ovation from the fans for their considerable efforts.


Cage Match For The Pacific Heavyweight Title : Ricky Steamboat © vs. Genichiro Tenryu


The last match would be incredibly difficult to top, but if anything could, it would be this one. These two warriors went to an epic 30 minute time limit draw a month ago at Vegas Vengeance, so the natural next step was to put them in a cage to settle their difference. The stage was set for an out and out war, and that was what was delivered. At one point, a jarring battle of chops occurred between the two, and every blow echoed around the Kingdome like a gunshot. Tenryu managed a crushing series of suplexes that took the wind out of Steamboat's sails, but the champ was able to rally and get back in the fight. Steamboat threw a lot of high flying moves at Tenryu, however the Japanese legend just kept coming back after him. Both men were rendered bloody by impact with the cage, yet they still found it in them to keep on going. It seemed like the night would belong to Tenryu when he had Steamboat set up for the Enzuigiri. At the last second, Steamboat dropped down and Tenryu went crashing to the mat. Slowly, Steamboat started to climb the ropes. But he didn't stop at the top turnbuckle. He kept going until he reached the very top of the cage and turned to face Tenryu in the ring. When Tenryu staggered to his feet, Steamboat came off the top of the cage with a death defying Diving Crossbody. One … two … THREE!!!! The crowd roared as the Dragon pulled off the seemingly impossible and beaten the seemingly unbeatable. He bowed and shook hands with Tenryu, who took his loss with grace and dignity, then held the Pacific Heavyweight title belt over his head in victory. There can be no better image to go out on after an incredible two nights of Pacific Coast Wrestling action.


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Seattle Showdown, let's do this! 

Of all the teams Wings of Fire had to debut against. It's ok, they showed they have what it takes. 

Douglas has a good friend in Cactus. 

I always thought Scotty the Body or Flamingo was a cool and talented character. He just might be the future of the Playboy Club. 

I know Bigelow relished that win. 

Yea, I would say the Beast is back. 

The heel turn by the Southern Boys has certainly paid off. 

Austin is a very cunning individual. 

Eddie shines tonight! 

Windham didn't stand a chance with Williams and Gordy out there. Yes, he needs friends. 

WOW! The Midnights now hold Pacific and WWF gold! Unbelievable, didn't see that coming. And let's not forget they won the Crockett Cup in the NWA. I think the AWA champs might be getting nervous LOL. No question about it, they are the hottest team in wrestling. 

Night 2

Dreamboats win their feud in a barnburner to kick things off.

Atlas gets the big win, but Regal once again proves how tough he is. 

The tag team division is on fire right now! All the teams are on their A game. 

Cornette is on top of the world right now. 

Awesome found out that Pillman thrives on taking it to bigger opponents. 

Only a matter of time before Hall gets a title shot. 

The Triangle has really taken a toll on the OWC. 

I've said this before but Rose always finds a way to win. 

Well, DDP regrouped from being embarrassed by Bigelow in a big way. He recruits Austin and Adams gets a mega win over Bret. 

After what the Triangle did to Billy Jack, the odds were against him with the Iceman. I will say, this is a perfect title for Malenko. 

Can Ams are one of my favorite teams in pacific. So them winning the titles got a pop out of me. Great match! 

Damn! What a way to end the show! Awesome visual! That was a magazine shot for sure. Props to both Steamboat and Tenryu for giving us 2 MOTY candidates. 

Excellent Job! 




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Night 2 baby!

The Dreamboats may have just earned a title shot.

Regal puts up a hell of a fight and is ready to keep going.

The Blondes & the Irish have another meeting in their future.

Condrey makes it a perfect pair of nights for Camp Cornette.

Pillman refuses to back down to Awesome.

Hall has to have a title shot coming soon.

The Triangle seems to have something in mind for Albright & Young.

Rose is still the sneakiest s.o.b in PCW.

Austing is going all in on the dark side by costing Hart against the Diamond Exchange.

A one armed Haynes is no match for the Iceman.

The Can Am Express have finally made it to the top.

Steamboat withstands Tenryu who's surprisingly gracious in defeat.

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Victoria Memorial Arena, Victoria, on ESPN / TSN, June 7th


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. Bobby Mason & Dan Barry


At Seattle Showdown, the team of Vic Steamboat and the Eagle had a tough debut against the Miracle Violence Combination, but acquitted themselves in that loss. Tonight, they had a bit more of an even playing field and showed just how high they could soar against the rookies Mason and Barry. They impressed the crowd with their high flying and combination moves, pinning Barry when the Eagle dropkicked him into a Demon Suplex (Tiger Suplex) from Steamboat. Despite their rough start, it looks like the sky is the limit for Wings Of Fire.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring.


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests made wrestling history at Seattle Showdown … Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express.


The crowd explodes in boos as Jim Cornette comes out, along with Stan Lane, Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey, and Sherri Martel. Jim Cornette seems especially full of himself, but who can blame him? With is men carrying two sets of title belts, he is on top of the wrestling world.


Coss : Well, Jim Cornette, you seem especially full of yourself today.


Cornette: Well, Donnie Boy, who can blame me? My boys are carrying two sets of title belts, and we are on top of the wrestling world! We are the PCW Golden State Tag Team champs! We beat out a bunch of lesser but still worthy teams to win the Crockett Cup! And now, we beat the Rock & Roll - , err, I mean the Rockers to win the WWF United States Tag Team Titles! We're so great, we are winning titles in promotions we have never even wrestled in! We might just go to the AWA and take their tag titles to add to our already bulging trophy case. The Guerreros and the Olympians should keep one eye over their shoulders , just in case. No, but seriously, folks … with this latest triumph comes great responsibility, and that leads to some sad news. My boys now have the duty of defending their hard won belts in the WWF, so you fans out there will be deprived of seeing their handsome faces for as long as they hold them. Given that they are nigh unbeatable, that may well be a long , long time. I have spoken to a good friend of mine out east, and he is going to look out for their business interests for the time they are there. I am also sending with them my special friend, the Femme Fatale herself, "Sensational" Sherri Martel, to watch their backs.


Sherri : You bet, Jimmy Boy. I will look out for them like they were my own family, and treat them as well as I have been treating you. *Cornette beams*


Coss : All things considered, Jim Cornette, this has to be a bit of a comedown for you, since for the time being, you will now only have Dennis Condrey to do your dirty work for you.


Cornette : Both insulting and wrong, Coss. You see, I got to thinking, as I frequently do. I got to miss having Big Bubba around to watch out for my interests while my boys got the work done in the ring. Big Bubba is off doing great things, but I remembered there was someone else who I felt had a lot of potential. Apart from an unfortunate tendency to care about what the fans thought, he had the power and toughness to do anything he wanted to. He proved me right by showing just what he could in another promotion, but I reached out and made him an offer. Now people had best think again before messing with me, otherwise they will have to deal with Big Bully Busick!

WWF Big Bully Busick by FederationPhil on DeviantArt

The fans gasp in shock as Nick Busick, who hadn't been seen in PCW in over a year, came out, wearing a derby hat and a ferocious scowl.


Coss : Nick Busick, I can't believe what I am seeing! The last time we saw you, you were a part of Leo Burke's Army. I can't imagine what could convince you to work for a man like Jim Cornette.


Busick : That's Big Bully Busick, Coss, and don't you dare forget it. Yes, I used to be friends with Leo Burke. I used to be a solider in his Army. Now, Leo Burke is gone. The Army is no more. I was everybody's best friend back then. Babysitting a bunch of kids while they rose in the ranks and got all the title shots. I got sick of them holding me back, so I went elsewhere and sought new opportunities. And you know what? Without them weighing me down, I went straight up the rankings. I was AWA TV champion for over a year! Then Jim Cornette gave me a call, and he met my price. He's a manager of champions. Everyone here is either a current or former champion. As long as he is paying the bills and gets me the title shots, I am his man. So, anyone who gets in the way of anyone in Camp Cornette, they are going to get Bullied!


Steve Blackman vs. Tony Atlas


Tony Atlas has been on an absolute rampage since returning to the West Coast. A particular focus of his ire has been Steven Regal, and while Atlas prevailed in his match with Regal at Seattle Showdown, but the young Englishman's resilience in said match has particularly gotten under the skin of Atlas. He seemed to be out to take his frustrations out on Steve Blackman, but the Lethal Weapon was having none of it, going toe to toe with the powerful Atlas. Atlas eventually exploded in a fit of rage, overpowering Blackman and pinning him following a piledrive. A convincing victory, but sooner or later, Atlas will once again have to deal with Steven Regal.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests have generated a lot of controversy since their arrival in Pacific Coast Wrestling … the Triangle Of Terror.


The crowd boos, but not too much, as they seem intimidated by the imposing trio. Ted Dibiase, Steve Williams and Terry Gordy seem amused by their effect on the fans as they join Coss in the ring.


Coss : Ted Dibiase, you must be pleased with the amount of success you and your men have had in PCW.


Dibiase : Only the start of great things, Coss. I am , as I have said, a Man Of Means, and won't be satisfied with anything less than total domination of Pacific Coast Wrestling. These victories are merely a stepping stone to …


Dibiase is cut off by a commotion at the back. At first , he seems annoyed, but then his face spreads in a sly grin when he sees the source of the interruption. Billy Jack Haynes, along with the rest of the Oregon Wrecking Crew, are making their way to the ring.  Gary Albright and David Young are both frowning, while Billy Jack looks furious with his arm in a sling from his recent injuries at the hands of the Triangle.


Billy Jack : Dibiase, you and me are gonna have a talk, right now! For the past while, you have been harassing me and my boys with your stupid light show. Now, you ever cost me my Submission Title after you attacked me. What have I ever done to you? Why do you have to get involved in my business? I am giving you one chance to explain, but if I don't like what I hear, there is going to be hell to pay.


Dibiase : Billy Jack, you have it all wrong! It was all meant to be a compliment. As I said, we won't be satisfied until we thoroughly control PCW. A triangle, no matter how great, is still too small for our ambition. Our aim is for a Terror Collective. We have been keeping a close eye on the OWC, and for the most part, like what we see. Incredible potential. Join our collective, and you will be amply rewarded. *to Billy Jack, dismissively* Not you, son, you're damaged goods.


Billy Jack : Damaged goods, am I? Think you can just waltz in here and take my team away from me? Well, the Oregon Wrecking Crew aren't for sale to anyone! Let's show him, guys!


Albright and Young look at each other, nod … and Albright grabs Billy Jack in a waistlock and takes him over in a belly to back suplex! He then pulls him up from the mat and whips him into Young, who executes his dreaded Spinebuster Slam on him. The rest proceeded to commit a savage battering to Billy Jack until several refs came out, at which point the five men made their way back to the locker room together. It looks like the Oregon Wrecking Crew are now a part of the renamed Terror Collective … minus one member.


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Southern Boys


The competition in the PCW Tag Team division has always been hot, but lately has been reaching a fever pitch . Both of these teams were coming off strong performances at Seattle Showdown, and fought hard in this match to come out on top. It took a vicious blindside from Armstrong on Candido to set up a spinning backfist by Smothers to give the win to the Southern Boys. In spite of this loss, the Blondes still remain a team to keep an eye on.


Bret Hart vs. Wayne Bloom


Bret Hart was done dirty at Seattle Showdown, with his now former pupil Steve Austin turning on him and costing him his match with Chris Adams. For all that he has been a target of the Diamond Exchange, the Hitman is now taking aim at every member, and is starting with one half of the Destruction Crew. Bloom seemed unprepared for the sheer ferocity of Hart's attack, and despite his best efforts, wound up being battered all over the ring. Bret got him down on the mat and locked him in the Sharpshooter, forcing him to surrender. He would have probably held it on longer after the match, but he saw Chris Adams menacing him from one side outside the ring, with Austin staring at him from the other side. Bret was caught in a trap, but not for long as Bam Bam Bigelow rushed out to the ring and had his back. DDP, Adams and Austin realized that they had somewhere else to be, and pulled Bloom from the ring before dragging him back to the locker room. Regardless, both sides are not done with each other by a long chalk.


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The Wings of Fire take off on the second attempt.

I think there was a bit of a echo during the beginning of Cornette's promo. Still, Big Bully Busick is a great get if you're looking for some muscle.

Atlas puts down a game Blackman.

In one fell swoop Dibiase ends the OWC and forges the Terror Collective.

The Southern Boys reign themselves in enough to actually win a match.

Bret almost falls into a Diamond Exchange trap but fortunately Bam Bam was there to make the heels think better of it.

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Wings of Fire put their Seattle loss behind them and are moving forward. 

Cornette's on top of the world and rightfully so. Looks like the Midnights are ready to bring their dominance up North. Busick is back in PCW and ready to bully the competition. Great stuff! 

Blackman puts up a fight but Atlas is on a rampage right now. 

Horrible night for Billy Jack. Although I can't blame the OWC for aligning with the Terror. 

Southern Boys are clicking! 

Bret sends a strong message and has also gained an ally. 

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN , June 8th


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Masahiro Chono


The Beast From The East has really been feeling his oats lately, carrying that momentum forward by defeating the always tough Chono with a Slingshot Splash


Brian Pillman vs. Scotty The Body


Pillman is mad as hell and not going to take this anymore. His anger got the better of him as he and Scotty took the action outside of the ring, slugging it out until the referee counted both men out.


Shinya Hashimoto vs. Chris Adams


Partway through the match, Bret Hart rushed to the ring and attacked Adams, giving the English Gentleman the win by DQ. It took both Hashimoto and Bam Bam Bigelow to pull Bret off Adams.


Barry Windham vs. Ted Dibiase


With both the MVC and the OWC prowling around the ring, this provided enough distraction for both Windham and the ref to allow Dibiase to clobber Windham from behind with the loaded glove to steal the win.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : The Can-Am Express © vs. Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau)


After the Can-Ams took the titles at Seattle Showdown, the rematch proved to be another long tag team classic. Snow was able to catch Lafon coming off the ropes with a Snow Bomb to give the titles back to Stormfront.


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. The Jackal


The Jackal came out accompanied by a strange bearded man in a fez and carrying a cane, referred to only as the Sinister Minister. Steamboat seemed a bit drained after his epic match with Tenryu at Seattle Showdown, but still seemed to have the match well in hand. That was until the Jackal threw a handful of the Crimson Death Dust in his face right in front of the referee. This led to a DQ finish, but the Jackal didn't seem to mind, pouncing on Steamboat and tearing into him until both members of Wings Of Fire rushed to the ring and he scampered out. Steamboat was choking and gasping as they helped him back to the locker room.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Kelowna Memorial Arena, Kelowna, June 9th


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Fighting Irish (Fit Finlay & Erin O'Grady)


This was a rematch from their time limit draw at Seattle Showdown. Another highly competitive match when the Blondes prevailed after Candido hit the New Jersey Jam on O'Grady.


Billy Gunn vs. Dennis Condrey


The veteran wiles of Condrey turned out to be too much for Gunn to overcome, with Condrey pinning him following a Full Nelson Facebuster.


Maxx Payne vs. Mike Enos


A battle between two powerhouses went to Payne after the Payne Threshold (front layout suplex)


Scott Hall & The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. Mike Awesome & The Sin City Superstars (Mark Starr & Reno Riggins)


The Playboy Club members got the win after Awesome hit the Awesome Bomb on Dreamer. Hall and Awesome seemed to be calling each other out after the match, but the Dreamboats and the Superstars interjected themselves before things got too crazy


Cactus Jack & Shane Douglas vs. The Soultaker & Big Juice


Things got very crazy in this match, a wild bout where Cactus was able to pin Big Juice following a Double Arm DDT


California Title Match : Steve Austin © vs. Steven Regal


Regal did his best to win the title back, but Austin stole the victory with a rollup in the corner with both his feet on the ropes


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Eddie Guerrero © vs. Beetlejuice


The evening closed with another incredible Light Heavyweight Title match, where Guerrero forced his former partner to surrender to the Gory Special


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Chono's Black Charisma isn't enough to deter Bam Bam.

Pillman takes the fight to Scotty.

The Hitman has snapped.

The Terror Collective claims their first victim.

The Can-Am's reign ends as soon as it begins.

The Sinister Minister is a perfect fit for the Wild Things.


The Blondes come out on top in a rematch with the Irish.

Condrey & Payne both impress.

Hall & Awesome would be a serious clash of the titans.

Austin once again cheats Regal.

0-3 for the Wild Things this weekend.

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Bigelow is a recharged. 

I'm hoping for an exciting series of matches between Pillman and Scotty.

I hope the Diamond Exchange is ready for a pissed off Hart. 

Windham is going to need a lot of back up if he continues his feud with Dibiase. 

Wow, just like that the Can Ams title reign comes to an end. This proves anything can happen in PCW's highly competitive tag team division. 

The Sinister Minister, what a fitting name. The Jackal really jacked Steamboat up. 


Blondes get the big win and probably gets them closer to a title shot. 

Condrey is definitely having a career rebuilding run here. 

Payne gets the job done.

Looks like Hall and Awesome have a big showdown coming. 

Cactus and Douglas are really clicking. 

Austin retains as his heel turn continues to pay off. 

Eddie once again ends the night on a thrilling note. 



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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Portland Sports Arena, Portland , on ESPN / TSN, June 14th


Big Bully Busick vs. Nick Stanbury


Nick Busick, or, as he now insists on being called, Big Bully Busick shocked many when he made his return to the West Coast last week. While he had always been a friend to the fans, he turned his back on them as he came in under the employ of Jim Cornette. He seemed more than willing to do Cornette's bidding as he effortlessly tossed Stanbury around the ring, all while the Louisville Lip cackled from ringside. Busick painfully wrapped Stanbury up in the Bully Bender (stump puller), forcing him to surrender the match. Even with the Midnight Express away in the WWF, Cornette still is taking care of business in PCW.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests keep finding ways to draw attention to themselves … the Diamond Exchange!


The crowd boos as Diamond Dallas Page struts out, accompanied by the Destruction Crew, Chris Adams and the man who is apparently their newest member, Steve Austin. Austin seems in particularly to be enjoying the negative reaction of the fans.


Coss : Diamond Dallas Page, it looks like you have a brand new recruit to your ranks.


DDP :You bet, Daddy-O! I told that tattooed freak Bam Bam Bigelow that he can be replaced, and not only has he been replaced, he has been surpassed! Stunning Steve is Diamond Exchange all the way, and he is going to burn like a great big beautiful star!


Coss : Steve Austin, many people are disappointed in you for betraying Bret Hart to join up with the Diamond Exchange.


Austin : You watch your mouth, Coss, before I introduce it to another part of your face. I don't owe Bret Hart squat! Hart was doing nothing for me but holding me back. DDP appreciates what the Stunning One can do and is going to –


He is cut off by Bret Hart bursting through the curtain and storming out to the ring.


Hart : Steve, what are you doing with these creeps? I did everything I could to help you.


Austin : Oh, did you , now? All you did was keep me in your shadow! Tried to turn me into some kind of goody two shoes like yourself. DDP isn't going to keep me in a box, like you did, he know what I am really about.


DDP : You just watch who you are calling "creeps", Hit-Scum! In case you can't count, there's five of us and only one of you? You sure you want to mess with those odds?


Bret silently holds his ground, but the odds are not in his favor. The odds tip when Bam Bam Bigelow comes out, carrying a folded metal chair and looking ready for anything. While they still had the numbers, they weren't about to risk anything with that chair, so they then retreated to the locker room. But as they were leaving, Austin turned to Hart and said, "We aren't done!"


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Juice Crew (Beetljuice & Big Juice)


Little by little, Wings Of Fire have been getting more attention in the PCW tag team ranks. Taking on the always unpredictable Juice Crew, they showed an assure confidence throughout the match. They were firmly in control of the match when the sinister Jackal made his presence felt. Much like he did last week against the Demon's brother, the masked man snuck down to ringside and gave Vic Steamboat a face full of his notorious Crimson Death Dust. This left Steamboat easy prey for the Juice Loosener (Bearhug by Big Juice into a slingshot lariat by Beetlejuice), giving the win to the Juice Crew. The Dust had an even more severe effect on Vic, who had to be helped from the ring by both the Eagle and the referee. The Jackal is a menace and someone needs to do something about him soon.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests remain one of the most popular groups on the West Coast … the Brigade!


The crowd cheers as Scott Hall, Brian Lee, Dustin Rhodes and Billy Gunn walk out to the ring. Although smiling, the Brigade members seem a bit subdued as they join Coss.


Coss : Well, Scott Hall , it seems like no matter what, the fans love you!


Hall : That's great, Don, I just wish we were more deserving of that love. We've been having a bit of a rough ride of late. Seattle Showdown was not our best effort. But we want to assure them that we are still in the fight, and we –


Once again, the interview is cut off, much to the annoyance of Don Coss. Barry Windham, looking much abashed, heads to the ring, leading to scowls from Hall and Lee and wary glances from Rhodes and Gunn.


Hall : What do you want, Windham? Make it quick.


Windham : Guys … I know I am the last person you want to see right now. I walked out on you, turned my back on the Brigade. I admit it, I was jealous and self centred. I was upset that Curt Hennig got the Pacific Title that I thought should have been mine. I got the title back, but it cost me my honour. Worse, I dragged Curt down with me, and now he's gone. Now I've lost everything. I lost my friends, I lost my title, I lost my respect. Now I need help. The Terror Collective have it out for me, and I can't seem to do anything to stop them. No matter what I do, I can't overcome their numbers. I know you have no reason to trust me anymore, but …. Please. Help me.


Hall : Barry, you've fallen too far. After everything you did as Pacific Heavyweight Champ, there's no going back for you. No dice.


Lee : Barry, you made your choice. You turned your back on the Brigade, so it's no for me.


Rhodes : Barry … your family and my family have known each other for years. My father was always so proud of you for all of your accomplishments. When you joined the Neighborhood Of Evil, you broke his heart. You let us all down. But still … I can't believe there's no hope for you. I believe there is good in you, Barry. If you need my help, you've got it.


Gunn : Hey, far be it from me to turn my back on a fellow Texan. I'm in.


Hall : Are you sure about that, guys? The Terror Collective are mean, tough hombres, and there are 5 of them.


Rhodes : I know what I'm doing. Besides, 3 tough Texans are a match for 5 of anybody.


Hall : All right, then. You've got my blessing. Good luck.


Brian Pillman vs. Erin O'Grady


After losing the TV Title to Buddy Rose at Vegas Vengeance, Flyin' Brian has come back strong, going toe to toe with Mike Awesome and Scotty The Body. Tonight, he took on the always feisty Leprechaun, and the two had a fast paced and exciting match. Brian was able to come out on top with the Air Pillman, but after the match helped up O'Grady and gave him a handshake of respect. A convincing win, but you know he still has the Playboy Club on his mind.


Dan Severn & Steve Blackman vs. The Blood Syndicate (Genichiro Tenryu & Masahiro Chono)


After going through a bit of a slump, Dan Severn is back an on the hunt to move back up the ranks. Severn made a comeback against Chono at Seattle Showdown, but now he and his right hand man Steve Blackman would be facing both members of the Blood Syndicate. This would prove to be an incredibly hard hitting match. Tenryu was coming in hot off two big challenges for the Pacific Heavyweight Title, but Severn refused to back down an inch from the Japanese legend. Tenryu wound up folding up Blackman in a big Power Bomb for the victory, but you could tell that Severn left wanting another crack at him.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Portland Memorial Coliseum , Portland , on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, June 15th


Dustin Rhodes vs. Mike Awesome


The young Brigade member put up a fight, but wound up going down to Awesome and his terrifying Awesome Bomb.


Phoenix Rising (Kensuke Sasaki & Toshiaki Kawada) vs. The Sin City Superstars (Reno Riggins & Mark Starr)


Phoenix Rising continued their ascent as Sasaki forced Starr to tap out to the Strangle Hold Gamma.


Jerry Lynn vs. The Jackal


With the Sinister Minister in his corner, the Jackal tore into Lynn and defeated him with the Betrayal (top rope kneedrop).


Dragon Azul vs. Scotty The Body


Scotty has been increasing in confidence as the weeks go on, impossible as it might seem for his ego to possibly increase any more than it already has. His confidence was backed up by his performance, as despite a game effort by Dragon Azul, Scotty ultimately prevailed with the Body Shot (DDT).


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) © vs. The Can-Am Express


Having lost the Tag Team titles just a week after they won them, the Can-Ams were out to erase that loss. They came out strong but Stormfront were equally determined. The result was a ferocious match that shook the very rafters of the arena with every slam and suplex. LaFon was able to hit a Moonsault body press on Snow to bring them back the much desired Pacific Tag Team Titles.


Pacific Television Title Match  : Buddy Rose © vs. Scott Hall


Hall came out loaded for bear, but Rose used his trademark cunning to keep just outside of the range of Hall's shots. Mike Awesome was at ringside along with Tina Ferrari, but one too many attempts to reach into the ring and interfere led to the ref ordering him to return to the locker room. It seemed like the TV title was within Hall's grasp when he looked to be getting Rose up for the Gator Breaker (Fallaway Slam). Then , out of nowhere, Scotty The Body appeared, coming off the top rope with an elbow smash to the back of Hall's head. While the ref called for a DQ, Scotty and Rose put the boots to Hall until Brian Pillman rushed out and dropkicked them both out of the ring, following which the Playboy Club beat the retreat. Rose had lost the match, but the Television Title was still his, and that was how he liked it.


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. The Soultaker


Steamboat still seemed not fully himself after his match with the Jackal last week, but still gave it all he had, prevailing over the big man of the Wild Things with a running cross body press.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from McArthur Court, Eugene, June 16th


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Fighting Irish (Fit Finlay & Erin O'Grady)


These two teams continued their run of great matches, with the Irish coming out on top following a Rocket Launcher on Candido that gave O'Grady the pinfall.


Brian Lee vs. Dennis Condrey


In a rematch from Seattle Showdown, Lee won by DQ when Condrey slugged him with Jim Cornette's tennis racquet.


The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. The Southern Boys


A wild tag team bout with the Southern Boys just pulling out the win with a running Bulldog headlock by Armstrong on Dreamer


Steven Regal vs. Mike Enos


Regal forced the Destruction Crew member to tap out to the Regal Stretch, but you can tell he won't be satisfied until he gets his hands on Tony Atlas


Shinya Hashimoto vs. Terry Gordy


A battle of two big heavyweights that went to Gordy following a devastating lariat.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Eddie Guerrero © vs. Dean Malenko


The evening closed with a classic Light Heavyweight Title defense from Guerrero against the Pacific Submission Champ, with both men going to a 30 minute time limit draw.

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Busick makes a strong return.

Bret almost bit off more than he could chew with the Exchange.

The dust is lethal!

The Brigade seems to split over trusting Windham.

Pillman is climbing back towards a title shot.

The Blood Syndicate may have been focused on singles gold lately but they're still a tough team.

Portland night 2.

Awesome was too tough for the young Texan.

The Phoenix burn the Superstars.

Lynn gets mauled by the Jackal.

Scotty slays the Dragon.

The tug of war over the Pacific tag titles continues with the Express regaining the advantage.

Busy night for Scotty as he saves the TV Title for his boss.

At less than 100% the Dragon still has the Pacific title firmly in his claws.


The Blondes bomb the Irish.

Condrey takes the coward's way out.

The Southern Boys are starting to pull it together.

Regal is out for payback.

Gordy vs Hashimoto would sell out just about any venue in Japan.

Malenko & Eddie put on a real classic in the main event.

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Man, I'm so excited for a Big Bully run here. 

Austin and Bret are going to light up PCW. 

The Jackal has a serious weapon with the mist. 

Very interesting split over Windham. Looking forward to seeing where this goes. 

Pillman keeps racking up wins on his way back to Rose. 

I would love to see Tenryu and Chono go after some tag team gold. 


Mike's having an awesome run. 

Phoenix is definitely rising up the ranks. 

The Sinister Minister is elevating the Jackal. 

Scotty's lining himself up for a LHW title shot. 

YAY! The Can Ams regain the titles. I'm liking this trading titles feud. You just never know what's going to happen on the house show loop. 

You have done an incredible job with Rose over the years. He's being booked perfectly at this point in his career. 

Steamboat still gets the job done. I'm sure he wants a big piece of the Jackal right now. 


Finlay's teachings are working wonders for O'Grady. 

Always be aware of Cornette's racket. 

Southern Boys are brutal and united. 

Regal sends a strong message to Atlas.

Literally a big win for Gordy. 

As always, the LHW's end the night on a thrilling note. 

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Oakland Alameda County Arena, Oakland, on ESPN / TSN, June 21st


Big Bully Busick vs. Sekhou Bunch


Last week, Nick, errr, Big Bully Busick made his return to in ring action and brutalized his opponent. This match continued that run as Busick utterly dismantled Bunch, working him over before putting him out with the Bully Breaker (over the shoulder neckbreaker), all while Jim Cornette gleefully watched from ringside. Busick got the pinfall, but Cornette wanted to make a statement, and ordered Busick and give bunch something called the Bully Blaster. Busick seemed unsure but after some prodding from Cornette, dragged Bunch to his feet and revealed just what the Bully Blaster was : a crushing Heart Punch! Bunch collapsed to the mat and had to be assisted from the ring. Busick has swiftly made himself a truly terrifying presence in PCW.


The Eagle vs. Beetlejuice


One week ago, Wings Of Fire found their challenge to the Juice Crew cut short by the interference of the Jackal. This week, the Eagle faced one half of the Juice Crew in a singles match and while the Jackal was not present, his air of menace hung over this match. The Eagle had to be on his guard, not just from Beetlejuice but from the Sinister Minister, scheming at ringside. The Eagle was able to hold off the Wild Thing's assault and take him down with the Screaming Eagle (top rope missile dropkick). Big Juice rushed out to the ring after the match, but the Sinister Minister held him back, whispering something in both his and Beetlejuice's ears as he led them back to the locker room. One shudders to thing just what nefarious plot he is hatching.


Shane Douglas vs. Dennis Condrey


Both Douglas and Condrey are recent returnees to the West Coast, and both have done well since their return. This was a peculiar match, as Shane kept finding himself focusing not on Condrey but on Big Bully Busick, Jim Cornette's bodyguard, who was standing at ringside. Even though Busick did nothing to interfere, Shane repeatedly was glancing at him throughout the match. Despite that, Douglas acquitted himself well during the match. Then, he full on started to try to talk to Busick. The Big Bully just stared at him in stony silence, and in an odd reversal, Cornette interposed himself between Busick and Douglas and started shouting back. Douglas' lack of focus finally caught up with him as Condrey clobbered him from behind, hitting the Full Nelson Facebuster for the win. While one can understand his concern, Douglas is going to need to block out the situation with his former friend before it costs him too much.


The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. The Southern Boys


These two teams had an absolute barnburner of a match recently in Eugene with the Southern Boys coming out on top , and continued to burn down the house with this return match. Both teams went at it fist and fire for the whole length of this match, and after a considerable brawl, a clothesline by Dreamer on Armstrong set him up for the Glamour Profession (flying top rope elbow drop) by Shane to get the win. Both teams kept at it long after the bell, and something tells me another rematch is on the horizon.


Mike Awesome vs. Virgilio Garcia


Awesome's rampage through the West Coast continued as he swiftly and easily folded Garcia up and drove him to the mat with the Awesome Bomb. It looks like the Playboy Club have developed their own nuclear arsenal, and Awesome is primed and set to explode.


Bret Hart vs. Chris Adams


While much of the Hitman's anger with the Diamond Exchange has been focused on his former student Steve Austin, his hatred of "Gentleman" Chris Adams has continued unabated. In an evening of furious matches, this one was absolutely incendiary, with both men trying to tear each other to pieces. Bret was able to dodge the Superkick to catch Adams in a single arm roll up and just barely hold him down for the pinfall, but you can tell that this really settled nothing. Clearly, even as hot as it is, this war is only just starting to warm up.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Cow Palace , San Francisco,  on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, June 22nd


Steven Regal vs. Mark Starr


The "British Lion" Steven Regal had a taught technical matchup with his fellow Englishman Mark Starr and forced him to submit to the Regal Stretch.


Jerry Lynn vs. Scotty The Body


Scotty continued his impressive run by taking Lynn down with the Body Shot (DDT)


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Big Juice


The always entertaining Beast From The East pinned Big Juice following a Slingshot Splash


Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes & Billy Gunn vs. Steve Williams & The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


Windham and his friends struck first blood in their feud with the Terror Collective, with Windham flattening Young with the Western Lariat. No sooner had the 3 count been made then Windham found himself swarmed by Ted Dibiase, Terry Gordy and the rest of the Terror Collective. The Collective landed a lot of heavy blows before Rhodes and Gunn pulled Windham out of the fray and back to safety.


Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose © vs. Brian Pillman


Flyin' Brian finally got his rematch with the man who took his TV title and , once again, the Playboy Club rallied around their leader. This time, it was Scotty The Body who came to ringside after Pillman was knocked out of the ring and, while Rose distracted the ref, hit the Body Shot (DDT) on Flyin' Brian. Pillman was unable to make it back into the ring , giving the match to Rose by countout.


2/3 Falls Pacific Tag Team Title Match : The Can-Am Express © vs. Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau)


After some hot potato exchanges of the tag titles, the belts were back around the waits of the Can-Ams. After the past 3 stand out matches, these two teams would now be pitted in a 2/3 falls match. Furnas and Lafon were determined to put down the challenge of the former champs once and for all, and Furnas scored the first fall with a German Suplex on Porteau. Stormfront fought back hard, and Snow was able to even the score with the Snow-Bomb on Lafon. Both teams went into overdrive for the final fall, pulling out all the stops, and Lafon was able to pin Snow following a Moonsault Body Press. The Can-Am Express had emerged as the ultimate victors.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Selland Arena, Fresno, June 23rd


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Fighting Irish (Fit Finlay & Erin O'Grady)


Another fast paced tag match between these two hot young teams, this one going to the Blondes when Spicolli pinned O'Grady following a Samoan Drop


Dan Severn, Steve Blackman & Cactus Jack vs. Genichiro Tenryu, Masahiro Chono & The Soultaker


Once again, the Citadel clashed with Blood Pollution, and Severn was able to pin Chono following a takeover suplex. Severn and Tenryu were staring each other down after the end of the match.


Vic Steamboat vs. The Jackal


The Demon was not at his best following his taste of the Crimson Death Dust last week, and the Jackal capitalized, hitting the Betrayal (top rope flying kneedrop) for the win


Shinya Hashimoto vs. Tony Atlas


A hard hitting match between two big heavyweights that went to Atlas following a crushing flying shoulder tackle.


Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki) vs. The Destruction Crew


Phoenix Rising continued to burn their way up the ranks, taking out the former Pacific Tag Team Champs following a brainbuster by Kawada on Wayne Bloom.


Pacific Submission Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Eddie Guerrero


Another epic match between these two, with Malenko fighting away attempts at the Lasso From El Paso and the Gory Special, and Guerrero breaking out of Malenko trying to get him in his damaging armlocks and leglocks. Once again, Malenko and Guerrero went to a 30 minute time limit draw.

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