GeneJackson95 Posted July 11, 2020 Report Share Posted July 11, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Episode #1 Saturday July 11, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer: Rick Stewart Ring Announcer: Phil Rainey (Show opens with a montage of classic Southeastern Wrestling footage with a voiceover saying "Welcome to Twin States Wrestling bringing you the best professional wrestling action from across Alabama and Mississippi sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance" and we then go to our hosts Charlie Platt and Ronnie P. Gossett) Platt: "Hello and welcome to Twin States Wrestling coming to you live from Dothan, Alabama and it's good to be back here in front of a live studio audience and I have to say, I never thought I'd ever say this again……I'm joined by my co-host….the one and only, Ronnie P. Gossett." RPG: "Well Charlie, sometimes in life you just get lucky and this is one of those times where the good lord has smiled on you and has once again given you the golden opportunity to share the tv screen with myself and I would tell you I'm pleased to be working with you again but I'm not a liar so I'm just going to say the pleasure is all your's." Platt: "I'm sure it is but enough of the pleasantries, we have some great action lined up today as we'll have the NWA Gulf Coast Champion "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer along with Ron Wright in the ring momentarily in action, we're going to hear from the 'Tennessee Stud' Ron Fuller today as well, the former NWA World Tag Team Champion and one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots, Jerry Brisco will be in action today right here in the studio." RPG: "Not to mention my good close personal friend, "Dapper" Don Carson will have his newly formed tag team of Art Crews and Ken Timbs, the Violent Gentlemen in action today." Platt: "That's true, we'll also have a guy who is fresh off the huge Wrestlemania event in New York City at Madison Square Garden, DJ Peterson will be in action today……plus we'll have news about the upcoming Twin States Championship tournament today as well….but let's get to the ring for some action right now!" ============================ MATCH #1: NWA Gulf Coast Champion "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright pinned Ronnie Jenkins after a splash off the top rope Post Match: (Rick Stewart spoke to Sawyer and Ron Wright at ringside) Stewart: "Fresh off a huge win at the Great American Bash over Bugsy McGraw, tonight at the Houston County Farm Center you defend your title against the 'Tennessee Stud' Ron Fuller." Wright: "You don't address the champion, you address me…..I do the talking for this man right here. All these promoters try to make him look like some kinda lunatic like he's crazy or somethin'. This man is a one of the finest Christian rasslers to ever compete in this sport…..and that big lanky Ron Fuller ain't gotta chance against this man…..not a chance!" (Sawyer/Wright leave the interview area) Platt: "Mr. Gossett, I'm sure you’re a fan of those two." RPG: "Of course, how could you not? A fine Christian athlete like Buzz Sawyer and a great manager like Ron Wright…..their wonderful people unlike those Fullers." Platt: "Let's take a quick commercial break and when we come back we'll see a great young wrestler DJ Peterson in action!" ====================== COMMERCIALS- Rick Stewart runs down the Twin States Live Events for this coming week ====================== MATCH #2: DJ Peterson pinned 'Big' Tom Dugan with a sunset flip ====================== (VTR: An video is shown of Bota the Witch Doctor in action from various promotions that ends with an on-screen graphic that says "Bota the Witch Doctor is coming to TWIN STATES WRESTLING" ====================== (As the VTR was wrapping up you could hear a commotion in the background and when we cut back to the desk, Bob Armstrong is out making an uncharacteristic commotion) Platt: "Bob, it's great to see you but you're not anywhere on my run sheet here." Armstrong: "No Charlie, I'm not on your run sheet but I'm here to see Ron Fuller, I'm not done with him and he knows that, so Fuller get out here or I'm going to disrupt this tv show until you do!" (After a moment Ron Fuller comes out to cheers from the studio crowd) Armstrong: "So you think you could do all the things you did to me and my boys over in the USWA and then just leave like a thief in the night and I wouldn't find you." Ron: "Listen Bob, you beat us at the big show last week and I realized that I made a big mistake coming there and doing everything I did, I realized I picked the wrong guys to back me so I moved on….you got your win and your revenge and I'm sorry for everything I did to you guys. Let's just put it behind us and move on." Armstrong: "You think one win…..on one night just put an end to all of it? I'm not even close to done with you Fuller, there's a ring and it's empty let's get in there and settle this thing once and for all!" Ron: "If that's what it's going to take…"(starts to take off his cowboy hat) (Robert Fuller comes running out) Robert: "Now just hold on just a minute here…..listen Bob, I get why you're angry….I do…..but I don't know if you've taken a look around here but we're kind of out numbered around here….You got Ron Wright with a stable of guys, I hear that Don Carson has got some guys and rumor is there's another manager or two waiting in the wings… I'm sure you two can shake hands like gentlemen and put all this ugliness behind us…..what do ya say?" Armstrong: "How about this? I just shook hands in the back with Les Thatcher on a deal to bring me and my sons Brad and Scott to this Twin States Wrestling starting next week…..I asked Les for a match with Ron tonight, but he said your brother already has a match with Buzz Sawyer for the Gulf Coast title, he said that I can have a shot next week in some of the different towns we'll be going to. So let's just say this……I'm going to be cheering real hard for ol' Ron here tonight because if he wins, he's going to have wrestle me for that belt next week." Robert: "That's fair, but can we agree….that how ever the match between the two of you goes down….that's it, it's over and we can get along moving forward?" Armstrong: "I'll agree that we can peacefully co-exist moving forward….as you guys do your thing and the Armstrongs will do their thing……but we will NEVER get along….and we will never EVER make the mistake of trusting a Fuller ever again." (Bob turns and leaves, Ron takes a step towards him but Robert holds him back until Bob is gone behind the curtain- Platt steps around the desk to the Fullers) Platt: "I'm not sure what all that was about, but since I have you guys out here right now….let's talk about tonight at the Houston County Farm Center." Robert: "Well, my brother here is going to be challenging Ron Wright's NWA Gulf Coast Champion Buzz Sawyer, while I on the other hand will be facing another guy in Ron Wright's stable, the Angel of Death….I know he's a big ol' boy but so am I. I know Ron Wright isn't above cheating to win….well…neither am I….Ron Wright, you know the Fullers and you know what we're capable of….you better not underestimate us….or you'll regret it!" Ron: "I don't care what Ron Wright comes out here and tries to say, Buzz Sawyer is a lunatic and he's a very tough guy, but like Rob said…..the Fullers will do what it takes to get the job done and don't think for one minute the ol' Stud don't have a few tricks up his sleeve……tonight I win that Gulf Coast title and next week Bob Armstrong, we'll settle this once and for all!" ===================== COMMERCIALS ===================== (As we return from commercial "Dapper" Don Carson comes out wearing a tuxedo, leading his tag team who are also wearing Tuxedo style jackets with bow ties and top hats to the ring, they enter the ring and remove their garb, then walk to the center of the ring and offer a handshake to their opponents, they shake their hands then immediately attack!) MATCH #3: The Violent Gentlemen (Art Crews/Ken Timbs) w/Don Carson defeated Rick Havoc/Bobby Ewing when Timbs pinned Ewing after a spike piledriver Post Match: (Ronnie Gossett insists on interviewing Carson and the Violent Gentlemen) RPG: "Don Carson, I just had to come tell you personally how impressed I was with Crews and Timbs, you've got these guys ready to win those Twin States tag team titles in the upcoming tournament." Carson: "That's right Ronnie, all these boys need is some gold around their waist and we're gonna run through everybody in that tournament and bring home the straps!" RPG: "I have no reason to doubt you Don, but there's going to be some stiff competition in that tournament…..The Batten Twins, The Nightmares, The Invaders from WWC in Puerto Rico and I hear Brad and Scott Armstrong were just signed on to compete for the titles as well." Carson: "All great teams…..but come on Ronnie….look at these guys, do you honestly think any of those teams you just mentioned can hold a candle to my boys here? Not a chance Ronnie, not a chance." (walks away laughing) ====================== MATCH #4: Jerry Brisco submitted Mr. X with a figure four leglock Post Match- (Rick Stewart called Brisco over to the interview area) Stewart: "Great win for you here today Mr. Brisco, I understand you've got your sights set on the Twin States Championship." Brisco: "I sure do…..there's people in this business who are trying to write me off, they think I'm washed up…..well I've got news for them, I've still got plenty left in the tank and nobody is going to decide when my career is over but me…..I think winning the Twin States title will show the world that I'm still in the game and after that…..I'm gunning for that NWA World Championship!" Stewart: "That championship currently held by Magnum TA, he's turned back some very stiff competition in recent months." Brisco: "There's no question the kid is tough and the kid has got heart…..but the key word there is KID….I would use my experience to outsmart him and take that World Championship and put the Brisco Brothers in the history books once and for all." Stewart: "There's no doubt that the Brisco Brothers place is history is rock solid but becoming NWA World Champion just like your brother Jack would certainly earn you a special place in history." Brisco: "Exactly!" (Brisco shakes Rick's hand and goes to walk away as Don Carson and John Tatum approach, Carson snatches the microphone from Rick Stewart) Carson: "Brisco, you better listen to Kenny Rogers… gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em……and this is one of those time you don't walk away….you better run! Tonight down there at the Houston Farm Center you've got to face my man here, 'Hollywood' John Tatum and he is going to squash all your pipe dreams of being World Champion right here in Dothan….TONIGHT!" Tatum: "That's right, Chief! I'll admit you USED to be a great wrestler… USED to be a contender for the World title, but GERALD….those days are behind you and I promise you don't want none of 'Hollywood' John, son!" (As Tatum hands the mic back to Rick Stewart, Brisco shoves Carson out of the way and sweeps Tatum's legs and locks in the figure four leglock right there in the interview area!! Tatum is screaming "I quit…..I quit" until Crews and Timbs, The Violent Gentlemen run out and start putting the boots to Brisco causing him to release the hold, the Oates Brothers, Jerry and Ted Oates run into make the save as Charlie Platt sends us to commercial break) ====================== COMMERCIALS including one giving the card for tonight!! Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday July 11, 1985 Bell Time 8pm MAIN EVENT NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright Vs. "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller SEMI-MAIN EVENT The Batten Twins (Bart/Brad) Vs. The Nightmares w/Ron Wright Special Challenge Match Jerry Brisco Vs. "Hollywood" John Tatum w/"Dapper" Don Carson Robert Fuller Vs. Angel of Death w/Ron Wright The Violent Gentlemen (Art Crews/Ken Timbs) w/"Dapper" Don Carson Vs. The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) DJ Peterson Vs. Fidel Sierra "Cool" Carl Fergie Vs. Larry Hamilton (card subject to change) ====================== (As we return from the break we join Platt/Gossett at the desk) RPG: "Can you believe that wild Indian attacked poor John Tatum over there at the interview set and tried to break his legs?? I'm surprised he didn't try to scalp him while he was at it!?!" Platt: "Are you kidding me? Tatum and Carson had no business coming out there during Jerry Brisco's interview time and saying the things they said to him." RPG: "Yeah, but you just said it yourself, they were saying things….that's what you do in an interview area… say things… don't attack somebody like that injun just did…..he's a menace and should be banned from the studio moving forward." Platt: "Well, that's not happening, Gossett…that's what they get for coming out there stirring things up." RPG: "Ok Platt, I'm going to remember you said that when one of your favorites gets attacked out here for shooting their mouth off like Bob Armstrong was out here earlier." (Les Thatcher comes out to the desk carrying the Twin States Championship belt) Thatcher: "Guys, before we go to our main event here in a moment. I just wanted to come out here and announce that next Saturday night, right here in Dothan we'll be having a sixteen man tournament to crown the first ever NWA Twin States Heavyweight Champion. Here's just a few of the names competing in that tournament: "Bullet" Bob Armstrong, "Big" Joe Leduc, Dirty Rhodes, "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller, Brad Armstrong, "Big, Bad" Bobby Duncum, "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant, Robert Fuller, and many more! It's going to be a huge night of wrestling right there at the Houston County Farm Center and then coming up on July 26th in Gulfport, Mississippi, we'll have the tournament to crown the first ever Twin States Tag Team Champions and in fact this next match will determine which of these two teams will qualify for the tournament in Gulfport." ================ MATCH #5: MAIN EVENT Winners qualify for the Tag Title Tournament On July 26th in Gulfport, Mississippi The Nightmares (#1/#2) w/Ron Wright defeated The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) when Nightmare #2 distracted the referee allowing Ron Wright to hand Nightmare #1 a foreign object to stick in his mask to headbutt Ted Oates and get the pin fall! The Nightmares have qualified for the tournament! (As the show is almost out of time, Ron Wright and the Nightmares approach the desk) Wright: "Ronnie, did you see my boys in that rang….they're the best tag team rasslers in the country today! Come July 26th, they will be the first ever Twin States Tag Team Champions!" RPG: "These guys are amazing, Ron…..I don't know any team that's going to be able to beat them!' Nightmare #2: "That's right baby, we're going to run through that tournament and there's nobody that can stop us! Nobody named Fuller….nobody named Armstrong and certainly not any Puerto Rican Invaders!" Nightmare #1: "Also….we heard Don Carson out here earlier talking about his so called 'Violent Gentlemen', well GENTLEMEN….you want to see some real violence…..step in that ring with the Nightmares….those belts are going to be ours on the 26th!" Platt: "Impressive win for the Nightmares for sure, that's all the time we have for this week get down to the Houston County Farm Center tonight for some great action or in the coming weeks as Twin States Wrestling comes to your town!" © 1985 NWA Twin States Wrestling Inc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted July 11, 2020 Report Share Posted July 11, 2020 Everything seems right in the game with Gene back in the Southeast! Really enjoy the team of Platt and Gossett. Their interaction makes me laugh week after week. Fullers/Armstrongs in the the same place means everyone needs to be on their toes. Both coming in as baby faces but how long will it last? Dapper Don Carson and Christian Ron Wright make two perfect managers for your area and they are going to bring some serious heat. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Bota the Witch Doctor! Great first card for the Farm Center. Fuller vs Sawyer is a barnburner! Anything the NWA can do to help its new promotion, just ask! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wahoos Leg Posted July 11, 2020 Report Share Posted July 11, 2020 Fullers and Armstrongs are the Hatfields and McCoys of wrestling. I dig the whole concept of the uneasy alliance A fine first chapter, and I am excited to see what happens next Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted July 11, 2020 Report Share Posted July 11, 2020 Yep, Gene is back! Right off the bat we get the reunion of Platt and RPG. I just knew this would be a great show. Wright and Sawyer are made for each other. What a combo. Cant wait to see what you do with Bota the Witch Doctor. And here we go! Armstrong's and Fullers...YES! Bob wants to finish up business and the Fullers want to put all this behind them. Just what will happen? Like Rob said, a lot of heel stables coming in so maybe the Armstrong's and Fullers should join forces. Talk about an uneasy alliance. Looking forward to watching all this unfold. Dapper Don is here and has his Violent Gentleman ready to win some gold. Great use of Crews and Timbs! Jerry Brisco arrives and says he's still got it as he lays down some serious challenges. Dapper Don and Tatum make the mistake of calling Brisco washed up. Brisco teaches Tatum a lesson. I like the group Don has put together. WOW! Look at those names competing for the Twin States title! Wright's Nightmares have a strong showing and look like favorites to win the tag tournament. Even though they came up short, nice to see the Oates on TV. You really put together an exciting roster. Awesome first show. Cant wait for the Farm Center card. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 12, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 12, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday July 11, 1985 Bell Time 8pm Larry Hamilton pinned "Cool" Carl Fergie after a swinging neckbreaker DJ Peterson pinned Fidel Sierra after a flying shoulder block off the 2nd rope The Violent Gentlemen (Art Crews/Ken Timbs) w/"Dapper" Don Carson defeated The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) when Timbs pinned Jerry Oates with a small package Angel of Death w/Ron Wright defeated Robert Fuller when the referee stopped the match due to excessive blood loss after Wright slipped AOD his "chisel" and distracted the referee allowing AOD to bust Fuller open with the chisel…..Fuller lost a sickening amount of blood before referee Larry Brock finally called to stop it Special Challenge Match Jerry Brisco defeated "Hollywood" John Tatum w/"Dapper" Don Carson by submission with the figure four leglock SEMI-MAIN EVENT The Batten Twins (Bart/Brad) defeated The Nightmares (#1/#2) w/Ron Wright when Brad pinned Nightmare #1 with a sunset flip off the top rope, After the match Nightmares threw a tantrum in the ring and flipped over the timekeeper's table as they left ringside MAIN EVENT Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller defeated "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright by DQ when Fuller had Sawyer locked in the 'Fuller Leglock' leading Angel of Death to hit the ring and put the boots to him… Robert hit the ring with a bandage on his head and a chair in his hand to make the save! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted July 12, 2020 Report Share Posted July 12, 2020 Great card at Dothan! Your format is so easy to read which is part of the reason I enjoy it so much! I can already tell that you and Ron Wright are meant to be together. His chisel and crazy stable is going to bring such chaos to Twin States that I am going to be tuning in each week to see what happens next. I think for this first card, you did a great job giving us some insight into the hierarchy of your roster Mad Dog survives Fuller but for how long? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted July 12, 2020 Report Share Posted July 12, 2020 I'm sure the fans are happy to have wrestling back at the Farm Center. Glad you gave my man Cool Carl Fergie a job. I liked what you did with Hamilton last year and he's back for another run. . DJ Peterson is really moving up in this game. Violent Gentlemen are already becoming one of my favorite teams. Oh man Wright and Angel of Death literally draw first blood on the Fullers. I knew Tatum shouldn't of messed with Brisco. Batten Twins get a big win over the Nightmares. Liked that post match tantrum by the Nightmares. Like Kev said, Sawyer survives against Ron tonight but it looks like a war has started between Wright's men and the Fullers. Twin States is off and running! Cant wait for the upcoming tournaments. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wahoos Leg Posted July 13, 2020 Report Share Posted July 13, 2020 Ron Wright is from the same town as me, so I am glad to see him being done justice. When I think about wrestling in this area, I think about blood, chaos, and heat, and I think all of those were on display here! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 13, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 13, 2020 Twin States Wrestling July 13th-17th 1985 Alabama Loop: Monday- Montgomery, AL. Tuesday- Mobile, AL. Wednesday- Prattville, AL. Thursday- Oxford, AL. Friday- Muscle Shoals, AL. Pvt. Terry Daniels pinned Mr. X with a small package Fidel Sierra defeated Gypsy Joe with a questionable sleeper hold Kim Duk/Kendo Nagasaki defeated The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) when Duk made Ted Oates submit to a nerve hold Brad Armstrong pinned Bota the Witch Doctor following a 'Russian Leg Sweep' SEMI-MAIN EVENT The Nightmares (#1/#2) w/Ron Wright defeated Dirty Rhodes/Scott Armstrong when Nightmare #2 pinned Scott after hitting him with Wright's "chisel" while the referee was down from getting 'super kicked' by Scott by accident with Nightmare #1 ducked out of the way, Scott was gushing blood and had to be helped to the dressing room by his partner Dirty Rhodes At the end of intermission, Twin States Promoter Les Thatcher came to the ring and announced after what took place in the previous match, Brad Armstrong and Dirty Rhodes are taking Scott to the hospital to get stitches and to make sure we don't have a repeat of that, he's barring Ron Wright from the building during the main event! The fans cheered wildly at this announcement! MAIN EVENT Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Bullet" Bob Armstrong defeated "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer by DQ when the Angel of Death who wasn't even booked on the card, came in through the front door and hit the ring on Armstrong, leaving the referee no choice but to call for the DQ……Sawyer and AOD beatdown on Armstrong for a couple of minutes…..Terry Daniels tried to make a save but to no avail…as he was thrown over the top rope to the floor…..Gypsy Joe ran down and hit the ring but was just mugged but Sawyer and AOD and tossed him out to the floor…….they followed that up by tossing Armstrong out to the floor and then giving him a spike piledriver on the concrete…..Sawyer and AOD had fans throwing drinks and garbage at them as they were leaving the ring as Armstrong had to be carried out on a stretcher. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 13, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 13, 2020 Twin States Wrestling July 13th-17th 1985 Mississippi Loop: Monday- Jackson, MS. Tuesday- Starkville, MS. Wednesday- Amory, MS. Thursday- Booneville, MS. Friday- Columbus, MS. "Freight Train" Rufus R. Jones pinned Boomer H. Lynch after his "Freight Train" shoulder tackle DJ Peterson pinned "Cool" Carl Fergie with a powerslam U.S. Jr. Heavyweight Championship Roy Lee Welch wrestled "Hollywood" John Tatum w/"Dapper" Don Carson to a 15 time limit draw INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTER Alexis Smirnoff/Chris Markoff defeated The Invaders (#1/#2) when Buck Robley came to ringside and distracted Invader #2 allowing Smirnoff to catch him with a clothesline to the back of the head and cover him for a quick pin. After the match, Rick Stewart asked on the mic…"Colonel Buck Robley, what are you doing here?" (Smirnoff grabs the mic away) Smirnoff: "You will not call this man Colonel, from now on, you will refer to him as 'Comrade' Robley!" SEMI-MAIN EVENT Jerry Brisco defeated "Killer" Tim Brooks w/"Dapper" Don Carson by DQ when Brooks struck the referee for telling him to break a chokehold…..after the match Brisco and Brooks fought all the way up the aisle MAIN EVENT Robert/Ron Fuller defeated The Violent Gentlemen (Art Crews/Ken Timbs) w/"Dapper" Don Carson when Robert pinned Timbs after kicking him with his loaded boot while the referee was putting Don Carson out of the ring Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted July 13, 2020 Report Share Posted July 13, 2020 Oh man bad night for the Armstrong's as Scott and Bob end up in the hospital! This is going to get crazy! With the additions of Duk/Kendo, Invaders and the Russians, the tag team division is stacked! Great to see Ronald Reagan's favorite wrestler Roy Lee Welch having a good run as Jr. Champ. Fuller's show they can play dirty as they defeat the Violent Gentlemen. Props to you Gene for putting together an outstanding roster. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted July 16, 2020 Report Share Posted July 16, 2020 Like the Alabama and Mississippi loops as it gives your entire roster some work. Wow, if Robley was not hated enough.... he is now Comrade! Ohhh boy! Armstrong vs Sawyer and the wild finish gives Alabama the win over Mississippi this week i my opinion but I would have been happy seeing either. Angel of Death might be lucky that Brad was helping out his little brother. This feud is going to be one of my favorites. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 18, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2020 ***Going to be out of town until Sunday afternoon so I'm going to post my Saturday TV tonight then post my tournament show on Sunday*** Twin States Wrestling Episode #1 Saturday July 18, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer/Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart (Show opens with a montage of classic Southeastern Wrestling footage with a voiceover saying "Welcome to Twin States Wrestling bringing you the best professional wrestling action from across Alabama and Mississippi sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance", we then go to our hosts Charlie Platt and Ronnie P. Gossett) Platt: "Hello and welcome once again to Twin States Wrestling, I'm your host Charlie Platt and I'm joined again this week by my co-host Ronnie P. Gossett." RPG: "You'll be joined by me every week Charlie Platt so get used to it!" Platt: "Wonderful…..what a week it's been in Twin States Wrestling a lot of action took place across the Twin States this past week and of course tonight here in Dothan at the Houston County Farm Center we will have the tournament to crown the first ever Twin States Wrestling Heavyweight Champion!" RPG: "Who we know will definitely NOT be Bob Armstrong.." Platt: "Well, I was getting there Ronnie but since you brought it up, let's bring out Les Thatcher who has a little more on that situation." (Les Thatcher comes out to the desk but before he can speak, Buzz Sawyer, Angel of Death, and Ron Wright come out to interject) Wright: "Just like my good friend Ronald P. Gossett the fourth just said……Bob Armstrong is out of commission and more importantly out of tonight's tournament so I can only assume that you are out here to announce that the NWA Gulf Coast Champion Buzz Sawyer will fill that spot as he should have been included to start with." Thatcher: "Well, if you could butt out a moment and let me speak you'll find out exactly what I'm here to announce. First off, yes you are correct…..due to the cowardly attack by your two goons here on Bob Armstrong last week….the Doctors have not cleared him to wrestle and at the moment we don't know exactly when he will be cleared to wrestle. Now, you may have a point that Buzz Sawyer should have been included in the tournament to start with, however since he already holds a title I left him out of the tournament. I knew that since I was there that night when the heinous attack to place and since I've been a close friend of the Armstrong family for years…..I felt like I might not be the most unbiased person to decide how to handle this……so I contacted NWA official 'Cowboy' Bill Watts and asked him to rule on the matter. The 'Cowboy' said that perhaps Buzz Sawyer should have been included in the tournament…..however looking over the brackets he said he also feels Ron Fuller should have been included in the tournament….so he declared the only fair way to decide is to have a match here on television today with Buzz Sawyer taking on Ron Fuller and the winner will take Bob Armstrong's spot in the Twin States Championship tournament." (Thatcher turns and leaves) Wright: "Well of all the idiotic things I've ever heard in my life……why in the world would anybody ask Bill Watts to make a decision on anything?? This is a travesty Ronnie!" RPG: "It certainly is Ron, but the good thing is I know the 'Mad Dog' will beat that big lanky Ron Fuller half to death right here on live television and then he'll go dominate EVERYBODY in that tournament tonight!" Wright: "Charlie Platt, the man makes a good point…..Ron Fuller is just one more victim to add to the list on Sawyer's path of destruction leading to the Twin States title…..come on boys, let's go!" ======================== MATCH #1: Larry Hamilton pinned Howie Dewitt after a swinging neck breaker (Post Match: Rick Stewart invites Larry Hamilton over to the interview area) Stewart: "Larry, let me be the first to welcome you back to the area." Hamilton: "Thank you Rick, it's good to be back….it was about a year ago I lost a match that forced me to leave……I just want to say that I did a lot of things during that time I was here that I'm not proud of….and I apologize to the fans for my actions but I also feel like there's someone else I need to apologize to…..and that's Scott Armstrong…..Scott, I know you're back there and I'm asking if you'd please come out here right now." (Scott Armstrong comes out) Scott A: "You know if you wanted to talk to me you could have found me back there… don't have to take up tv time to do it." Hamilton: "Well, that's true but I wanted everybody to hear what I have to say and I wanted you to know you could trust me since there's witnesses." Scott A: "Trust you?? The last time you apologized to me on television and I believed it….you attacked me and left me for dead!" Hamilton: "That's true Scott…'re not wrong but believe me I've had a year to think about my actions….a whole year to live with myself and my kids asking me, 'Daddy, why did you do that to that nice man…I thought he was your friend?" I had to explain my actions to my kids and I realized that my actions have consequences not just for me but everyone around me including my family and I know it will take some time to earn your trust and these fan's trust but that's my mission. Also, I know you had planned on teaming with your brother Steve in this tournament coming up and now he's decided to go somewhere else instead of coming to Twin States… bout you and me team up and win those belts?" Scott A: "Now wait a minute, Larry. In one breath you're saying you want to earn my respect back and you know it will take a long time and in the next you want us to be tag partners?? That's getting a little ahead of yourself isn't it?" (Before Hamilton can respond, The Nightmares and Ron Wright come out) Nightmare #1: "What the hell is going on out here?? Do you guys think that ANYBODY watching this show right now cares if you two losers team up or not? Do you think anybody cares if Scott Armstrong forgives you just because you're snot nosed kid asked you why you turned on him….just look at him….why wouldn't you turn on him!?!?" Scott A: "You see these stitches in my head?? You boys are the ones responsible for that….and I'd team with the devil himself to get some revenge for this!" Wright: "I'd say that sounds like a challenge right there! How about you and your buddy here patch things up by taking on the Nightmares in Birmingham this week!" Hamilton: "You want it! You got it! I'll be more than happy to take you guys on and be this man's partner!" Scott A: "I guess it's you're lucky day, Larry…….I'll team with you against the Nightmares and if we can beat them…..I'll be willing to team with you in the tag team title tournament!" Nightmare #2: "Apparently Steve Armstrong is the only smart one of the bunch, he was the only one smart enough to go somewhere else and not get destroyed by us (hands a card to Rick) Here, give this get well card to your Dad in the hospital" (The Nightmares and Wright walk away laughing) Hamilton: "We'll see who's laughing this time next week, chumps!" ========================== COMMERCIALS including one announcing the Mississippi towns being ran this week ========================== (when we return from commercial, the lights are dimmed in the studio as Bota the Witch Doctor enters the studio wielding a torch accompanied by George Barnes, who approaches the desk and shakes hands with Ronnie P. Gossett) RPG: "Well, what an unexpected pleasure this is…..the one and only George Barnes, one half of the great Australians tag team with Bill Dundee, I had no idea you were back in the states, George." Barnes: "Pleasure to see ya, Ronnie… are one of the few Yanks I've ever met that I liked! I'm here because I came across this wild man, Bota the Witch Doctor out in the outback….don't know how he got there or what not but I figured I'd bring him here to the states and he could make me some money as a wrestler, especially when he wins this tournament tonight…..and who knows, Ronnie……maybe I might just step back in the ring myself one of these days!" MATCH #2: Bota the Witch Doctor w/George Barnes defeated Randy Watson after a diving headbutt from the 2nd rope, after the match Bota re-lit the torch and was about to burn Watson with it but Barnes stopped him although he was laughing the entire time ============================== COMMERCIALS- including one running down tonight's card in Dothan Twin States Wrestling Twin States Championship Tournament Houston County Farm Center Dothan, Alabama Saturday July 18, 1985 Bell Time: 6:00pm Round 1: Jerry Brisco Vs. "Hollywood" John Tatum w/Don Carson Robert Fuller Vs. Angel of Death w/Ron Wright "Big, Bad" Bobby Duncum Vs. "Killer" Tim Brooks w/Don Carson Dirty Rhodes Vs. Boomer H. Lynch (Winner of Ron Fuller vs. Buzz Sawyer) Vs. Kendo Nagasaki DJ Peterson Vs. Bota the Witch Doctor w/George Barnes Brad Armstrong Vs. Joe Leduc "Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant Vs. Fidel Sierra NWA U.S. Jr Heavyweight Championship Roy Lee Welch Vs. Pvt. Terry Daniels Four Corners Match- Winning Team Qualifies for Twin States Tag Team Title Tournament The Violent Gentlemen (Art Crews/Ken Timbs) w/"Dapper" Don Carson Vs. The Batten Twins (Brad/Bart) Vs. The Alaskan Hunters (#1/#2) Vs. Chris/Mark Youngblood (Card Subject to Change) ============================== (Hollywood John Tatum and Don Carson are backstage with Rick Stewart) Stewart: "John Tatum, by the luck of the draw you will be facing off once again with Jerry Brisco tonight in the Twin States title tournament. Last week on tv he slapped a figure four leglock on you in the interview area and then that night he beat you by submission with that same figure four… do you feel about your chances tonight?" Tatum: "Listen here wise guy, I get that you're trying to imply that I can't beat Jerry Brisco and yes, he got the best of me last week…..but today is a new day and I called up my friend Buddy Landel who is a master of the figure four and he told me the secret to reversing it! So, I'm going on record right now, right here on television and saying if I don't beat Jerry Brisco tonight in that tournament….I will leave Twin States Wrestling!" Carson: "Now hold on fool, we didn't discuss this." Tatum: "Fool? I'll show you whose the damn fool when I reverse the figure four and make Brisco submit right into retirement….that old man won't know what hit him." Carson: "Well I hope you're right Tatum…..I sure hope you're right." ==================== MATCH #3: Brad Armstrong pinned "Cool" Carl Fergie with a side Russian leg sweep (Post match a very heated Brad Armstrong stops by the desk) Brad A.: "So Ron Wright and his band of low lifes thinks it's funny what they did to my Dad?? That's fine, laugh it up….think it's a big joke all you want! These good people right here in Dothan and all across Alabama and Mississippi know exactly what the Armstrongs are all about and they know they can bet their bottom dollar that dues will be paid in full…real soon! Tonight I'm focusing on winning the Twin States title and then Monday night in Birmingham, I've got Buzz Sawyer one on one and that's when it's going to be time to pay the piper….and Ron Wright if I get half the chance I'm going to get my hands on you to…and I might just stick that chisel, where the sun don't shine!" (crowd pops as Brad storms off) RPG: "A good Christian man like Ron Wright….how dare that lunatic threaten to do such a thing to him?" Platt: "Well, I hope Ron Wright is a Christian….because he may go be with the Lord sooner rather than later messing with the Armstrongs." RPG: "Give me a break, Charlie Platt…..Bob has been put out to pasture and his goofy sons will be joining him soon at this rate." =============== (VTR airs of "Big" Joe LeDuc manhandling wrestlers in various promotions including throwing Jerry Lawler over the top rope to the ringside table in Memphis, defeating multiple men in a 'tug of war', and submitting numerous wrestlers with his 'over the shoulder backbreaker') =============== COMMERCIALS including one running down the Alabama towns that will have shows this week =============== MATCH #4: The Alaskan Hunters (#1/#2) defeated Ronnie Jenkins/Warren DeMontegue when The Hunters pinned Jenkins after a double gourd buster type move ================ MATCH #5 MAIN EVENT Winner takes Bob Armstrong's spot in the tournament tonight! "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer - NWA Gulf Coast Champion w/Ron Wright Vs. "The Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller Before the match starts, Les Thatcher comes out and says he will remain at ringside throughout this match and if Ron Wright, Angel of Death, or The Nightmares even take a step towards the ring, Buzz Sawyer will be disqualified. The match starts off fast and it's a hard hitting match that goes back and forth between wrestling and an all out brawl…with neither man keeping an advantage for very long at any point….Fuller goes for the Fuller leglock but Sawyer rakes his eyes and then gives him a big powerslam! Sawyer climbs to the top turnbuckle and is set to give Fuller the big splash when the opening chords of 'Bad to the Bone' blast through the studio! The crowd goes nuts as Sawyer jumps down off the top rope and walks over to the corner where the babyfaces enter the studio, he's screaming "COME ON OUT HERE BULLET" when suddenly Ron Fuller gives him a school boy roll up…..1….2….3!! Ron Fuller wins the match and will take Bob Armstrong's place in the Twin States Championship Tournament!! RPG: "Now wait a minute Platt!! That's not fair!! Who turned that music on??" Platt: "What are you waiting for…..get your tickets and get down to the Houston County Farm Center right here in Dothan……TONIGHT!!!" ©1985 NWA Twin States Wrestling Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted July 18, 2020 Report Share Posted July 18, 2020 Twin States is hitting its grove. Enjoying RPG and Ron Wright here, They are both awesome at bringing in the heat. I like that the NWA is working well together. Good use of Landell and Watts! Watts will now be drawing the ire of Wright after they way that main event ended up. Who did turn on that music? Can't wait for the tournament and the 4 corner match to get the local titles going. Armstrong vs Leduc is a huge first round match. Also, excited to see if Carson can help Tatum enough to get passed Brisco. Glad you thought of George Burns and pairing him with Bota makes it very interesting. I agree with Pratt at the end... If you are anywhere near Dothan, What are you waiting for? Get A Ticket! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted July 18, 2020 Report Share Posted July 18, 2020 Twin States is really rolling now! Love the storyline going with Wright, Fullers and Armstrongs. I know it's going to just keep getting better. Hamilton wants to earn Scott's trust and the Nightmares give him the chance. We'll see what happens. George Barnes bringing in Bota is awesome! Nice move here. The first round match ups alone are worth the price of admission. Who will take home the Twin States title? I would defiantly buy a ticket to find out. Landel gives Tatum a real confidence booster with his advice. Tatum puts it all on the line against Brisco. Carson has his doubts lol. Brad has some strong words for Wright as things are getting pretty intense. Always loved the footage of wrestlers coming into a territory. This makes LeDuc a huge deal. Add the Alaskan Hunters to the stacked tag team division. Classic finish to the Sawyer/Fuller match LOL. Fuller is in the tournament but I don't think the Mad Dog is going to let this slide. Another great show. Cant wait for the tournament! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 19, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 19, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Twin States Championship Tournament Houston County Farm Center Dothan, Alabama Saturday July 18, 1985 Bell Time: 6:00pm Round 1: Jerry Brisco defeated "Hollywood" John Tatum w/Don Carson by submission with a figure four leglock, after the match Don Carson berated Tatum for losing pointing out that he "shot his mouth off on tv" and now he has to leave Twin States……Tatum finally got enough of Carson's mouth and shoved him down to the mat……which caused the Violent Gentlemen to hit the ring and attack Tatum, they gave him a vicious spike piledriver and left him laying in the ring as they escorted Carson back up the aisle. Robert Fuller pinned Angel of Death w/Ron Wright with a small package "Killer" Tim Brooks w/Don Carson defeated Bobby Duncum by pin fall- after Carson slipped him his 'loaded glove' Dirty Rhodes pinned Boomer H. Lynch after an elbow drop "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller defeated Kendo Nagasaki with the 'Fuller Leglock' Bota the Witch Doctor w/George Barnes pinned DJ Peterson after throwing "voo doo dust" into the eyes of Peterson behind the referee's back "Big" Joe LeDuc defeated Brad Armstrong by count out when Buzz Sawyer came to ringside and taunted Armstrong until he chased him up the aisle trying to get revenge for injuring his father "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant pinned Fidel Sierra with a school boy roll up Round 2: Jerry Brisco wrestled Robert Fuller to a 15 minute time limit draw- causing both to be eliminated "Killer" Tim Brooks w/Don Carson pinned Dirty Rhodes with his feet on the ropes "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller defeated Bota the Witch Doctor w/George Barnes by DQ when Bota tried to throw a fireball in the face of Fuller who ducked and the fire hit referee Larry Brock Joe LeDuc pinned "Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant after powerslam INTERMISSION NWA U.S. Jr Heavyweight Championship Roy Lee Welch pinned Pvt. Terry Daniels with a backslide to retain the championship After the match- George Barnes led Bota the Witch Doctor into the ring and issued a challenge to Welch for the U.S. Jr Heavyweight Championship in any town he's willing to defend it in, Welch said he accepts the challenge Semi-Finals: "Killer" Tim Brooks receives a 'BYE' into the finals due to the draw between Robert Fuller and Jerry Brisco "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller pinned Joe LeDuc with a school boy roll up after he managed to slip off LeDuc's shoulder out of the backbreaker due to being so tall Four Corners Match- Winning Team Qualifies for Twin States Tag Team Title Tournament The Violent Gentlemen (Art Crews/Ken Timbs) w/"Dapper" Don Carson Vs. The Batten Twins (Brad/Bart) Vs. The Alaskan Hunters (#1/#2) Vs. Chris/Mark Youngblood **Winners** The Batten Twins won the match after defeated the Violent Gentlemen when Bart Batten pinned Art Crews after a splash off the top rope, Don Carson stormed away from the ring furious MAIN EVENT Twin States Heavyweight Championship Finals "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller pinned "Killer" Tim Brooks w/Don Carson when Carson got up on the apron to interfere but was pulled off the apron by BOB ARMSTRONG (in a neckbrace)… Brooks yelled at "Bullet Bob" to "get the hell outta here", Fuller spun him around and gave him a small package to score the pin and become the very first Twin States Heavyweight Champion……Armstrong immediately left ringside without any interaction with Fuller Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted July 19, 2020 Report Share Posted July 19, 2020 I've been excited for this one and man it delivered! Well, Tatum thought he had a chance but the experienced Brisco takes him down. Violent Gentleman cap off Tatum's brief run with a spike piledriver. Solid first round as the Fullers look good to advance. Brooks gets a big win over Big Daddy. Sawyer costs Brad his match and watch out for that voo doo dust. Fan favorite Valiant ends the round by advancing. 15 minutes just isn't enough time for a Brisco/Fuller match. Brooks is on a roll. Wow, first the dust now a fireball, good thing Fuller got out of the way. Poor Larry Brock. LeDuc looks strong with that win over Valiant. Things are moving right along. Good ol Roy Lee Welch retains his title but now he has Bota coming after him! Killer Brooks reaches the finals. This was a nice surprise. Nice finish to the Fuller/LeDuc match. Fuller advances but this doesn't hurt LeDuc. The finals are set! Batten's qualify for the upcoming tournament! I have to admit I was rooting for the Violent Gentleman LOL but I'm good with the Battens. I wonder what's going to happen with Carson and his team? Bullet Bob returns! With a little distraction, Fuller gets the win over Brooks. Looks like Bob is warming up to the Fullers. Ron Fuller is of course the perfect choice as the first champ. He's defiantly got a lot of challengers in line. I love the direction Twin States is going. A Fuller/Armstrong alliance going against all the top heel factions will be nothing but MONEY! I also love the variety of characters in Twin States. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted July 20, 2020 Report Share Posted July 20, 2020 Again, Platt was right... This would have been an awesome ticket to get! Poor Hollywood Tatum... He did tend to shoot off hos mouth too much! And the weapons appear... I think I rank the Voo Doo Dust as #1 followed by the Missed Fireball. Bota is one dangerous dude! Poor Don Carson only had the loaded glove. Nice job heating up the Sawyer/Armstrong feud here with Buzz costing Brad a win. Also makes Leduc's stature rise!. LIke the draw between Brisco and Fuller as it keeps them both toward the top of the roster... No Harm Done to either! Like the Battens here... perfect team to get the first run. Armstrong "helping" Fuller? But then walks away without a word. This gives me that uneasy feeling. Also, a side note from the show, I think the roster moves you made today are going to make Twin States really interesting! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 20, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2020 On 7/20/2020 at 2:54 AM, kevinmcfl said: Also, a side note from the show, I think the roster moves you made today are going to make Twin States really interesting! Expand Super excited to get all three of those some fun plans for them! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 20, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2020 Twin States Wrestling July 20th-24th 1985 Mississippi Loop: Monday- Batesville, MS. Tuesday- Louisville, MS. Wednesday- Southaven, MS. Thursday- Kosciusko, MS. Friday- Greenwood, MS. "Freight Train" Rufus R. Jones pinned Mr. X following a power slam The Alaskan Hunters (#1/#2) defeated The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) when Hunter #2 pinned Jerry after an awkward double team move "Big, Bad" Bobby Duncum pinned Boomer H. Lynch after a boot to the face INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTER 2 The Invaders (#1/#2) defeated Chris Markoff/Alexis Smirnoff w/Comrade Robley when Invader #1 pinned Markoff with a flying crossbody of the top rope RETURN MATCH "Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant defeated "Big" Joe LeDuc by DQ when LeDuc tossed Valiant over the top rope to the floor SEMI-MAIN EVENT Kim Duk/Kendo Nagasaki defeated Robert Fuller/Gypsy Joe when Mr. Pogo came to ringside and distracted the referee allowing Nagasaki to hit Joe with a pair of nunchuks and get the pin…..After the match Fuller got on the microphone and challenged them to a rematch this Saturday night in Dothan, Fuller said he's about to go "make a phone call they would all three soon regret!" MAIN EVENT Twin States Heavyweight Championship "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller defeated "Killer" Tim Brooks w/Don Carson by submission with the 'Fuller Leglock' After the match, Carson tried to attack Fuller from behind but Fuller turned around and caught him…..Fuller had Carson by the lapels of his tuxedo ready to lay him out when Joe LeDuc hit the ring and attacked Fuller from behind……he wailed on Fuller and then locked him in the backbreaker until his brother Robert, Gypsy Joe, and Jimmy Valiant ran in to make the save. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 20, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2020 Twin States Wrestling July 20th-24th 1985 Alabama Loop: Monday- Birmingham, AL. Tuesday- Pell City, AL. Wednesday- Anniston, AL. Thursday- Cullman, AL. Friday- Ft. Payne, AL. Cousin Junior pinned "Cool" Carl Fergie after a 'mule kick' The Batten Twins (Bart/Brad) defeated the Violent Gentlemen (Art Crews/Ken Timbs) when Brad pinned Crews with a sunset flip off the top rope NWA United States Jr Heavyweight Championship Bota the Witch Doctor w/George Barnes defeated Roy Lee Welch by pin fall to win to the title after a diving headbutt off the 2nd rope Jerry Brisco defeated Fidel Sierra by submission with figure four leglock The Angel of Death w/Ron Wright pinned Dirty Rhodes after Wright tripped Rhodes as he was hitting the ropes for his patented elbow drop SEMI-MAIN EVENT Scott Armstrong/Larry Hamilton defeated The Nightmares (#1/#2) w/Ron Wright when Hamilton prevented Wright from handing the "chisel" to Nightmare #1 while #2 had the ref distracted, while Nightmare #1 was yelling at Hamilton it allowed Armstrong to hook the Nightmare with a crucifix for the 1-2-3!! The fans erupted!! After the match, the Nightmares threw another HUGE tantrum in the ring threatening to beat up ring announcer Phil Rainey for announcing Armstrong/Hamilton as the winners….Nightmare #2 went over to the announce table like he was going to turn it over again but instead he just stopped and spit into Rainey's drink that was sitting on the table…..finally Wright got on the mic and said, "Come on boys, this isn't how good Christian athletes should behave, let's go!" and with that the Nightmares finally left ringside. MAIN EVENT NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright Vs. Brad Armstrong As Sawyer is in the ring swinging his chain over his head, Brad stops at the announce table and grabs the mic. Brad: "Now I'm sure after what you guys did to my Dad last week you figured I'd just come running out here and recklessly jump in the ring where you could attack me with that chain and then ol' Ronald Wright over there would interfere and cost me the match……well give us Armstrongs a little credit boys…..we're smarter than that! Now, you guys did hurt my father and no, he's not medically cleared to wrestle tonight…however, he was cleared to get a manager's license….so I'd you all to welcome my manager for this title match……."BULLET" BOB ARMSTRONG!! ('Bad to the Bone' by George Thorogood hits and the fans go wild as Bullet Bob comes out sporting a neck brace, with Les Thatcher following close behind) Les: "Mr. Sawyer, I'll be taking that chain back to the dressing room with me, please!" Sawyer: (yelling from the ring with no mic) "THE HELL YOU WILL!" Les: "Ok, you have two choices….either I leave with that chain, or Brad leaves right now with your title." (Sawyer stomps around for moment while the crowd cheers then finally throws it out towards Thatcher nearly hitting him with it, he takes it and leaves and the match begins) A surprisingly technical match for the first several minutes…..but it slowly turns into a hard hitting brawl the longer the match goes on…….at one point Ron Wright jumped up on the apron but was yanked down by Bullet Bob who then gave him a big right hand knocking him on his rear……..the crowd roared but it was short lived as the Angel of Death ran down and nailed Bob Armstrong from behind knocking him to the ground……Brad hit Sawyer with a 'Russian Leg Sweep' but saw AOD putting the boots to his Dad and dove out of the ring to save him, Brad then pummeled AOD all the way up the aisle while the referee had no choice but to count him out!! Sawyer sees Bullet Bob struggling to get up on the floor and slides under the bottom rope and body slams him on the floor!! Larry Hamilton and Scott Armstrong run down to the Bullet's aid but are quickly jumped from behind by the Nightmares….Wright holds Bob Armstrong's arms behind his back as Sawyer paintbrushes him……Brad Armstrong comes running back down and nails Sawyer but is quickly jumped by the Angel of Death….but before they can inflict too much damage Dirty Rhodes, Jerry Brisco, and Cousin Junior all run down wielding steel chairs to make the save. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted July 21, 2020 Report Share Posted July 21, 2020 Tough call this week but I am giving the nod to the Alabama loop. Sawyer vs Brad is such a great match and the wild finished tipped the scales in favor of Bama! I do however like that Jos Leduc is getting back some of his wild side here in Twin Sates and Bota has become Must See TV for me! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted July 21, 2020 Report Share Posted July 21, 2020 Twin States running 2 loops shows how stacked the roster is. Like the Alaskan Hunters. Solid powerhouse team. Invaders take down the Russians. Oh man I wonder who Rob Fuller is going to call??? Ron Fuller defeats Brooks in a tournament final rematch. LeDuc gets in a post match beating and it looks like he's next up for Fuller. Battens are on a roll. They get the win over my guys the Violent Gentlemen. Big news as Bota defeats Welch for the Jr. Title! This is great because we'll be getting a lot more of Bota and Barnes. Looks like Scott and Hamilton are in synch and will team together in the upcoming tournament. LOL, loving the tantrums the Nightmares are throwing. Spitting in Rainey's drink was hilarious. I know the fans went nuts when Bullet Bob came out. Things get crazy as Bob takes another bad beating. I wouldn't want to be AOD when he finally has to face Bob in the ring. Also still unfinished business between Brad and Sawyer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wahoos Leg Posted July 22, 2020 Report Share Posted July 22, 2020 This territory just started but things are already boiling hot! Several intriguing stories already in place and I am here for it! Will the Armstrong-Fuller detente continue?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted July 25, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 25, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Episode #1 Saturday July 25, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer/Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart (Show opens with a montage of classic Southeastern Wrestling footage with a voiceover saying "Welcome to Twin States Wrestling bringing you the best professional wrestling action from across Alabama and Mississippi sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance", we then go to our hosts Charlie Platt and Ronnie P. Gossett) Platt: "Hello and welcome once again to Twin States Wrestling and we have a great show for you today as we head into a huge card tonight at the Houston County Farm Center as well as the Twin States Tag Team Title tournament tomorrow night in Gulfport, Mississippi." RPG: "You're lucky I'm even here today…..I'm still furious about last week…..that travesty that happened to Buzz Sawyer…and then the man who shouldn't have even been in the Twin States Championship tournament ended up winning it!" Platt: "Of course, Mr. Gossett is referring to the Tennessee Stud, Ron Fuller who won the tournament to become the first ever Twin States Champion…" (Before Platt can finish, George Barnes comes storming out) Barnes: "Nobody cares about that bloody yank, Ron Fuller…..I've got something huge to share with my good friend Ronnie Gossett!" Platt: "Mr. Barnes, we'll have you and Bota the Witch Doctor out here later…." RPG: "The brand new NWA U.S. Jr Champion Bota the Witch Doctor that is…." Platt: "Yes, he is the new champion…" Barnes: "Shut your mouth Charlie Platt…..I'm not out here to talk about Bota right now….I'm here to talk about the fact that after being here on the program last week and then going to all the towns with Bota….it got me fired up to get in the ring….and it got me fired up to win those Twin States Tag Team titles… I called my old friend and tag team partner….and told him to get his butt down to Alabama…and guess what Ronnie??" (From out of the curtain comes……..SUPERSTAR BILL DUNDEE!!) Dundee: "Hey Ronnie! Hey Georgie! (hugs Barnes) That's right baby, Georgie boy called me up out in PCW and said get down here to this Twin States outfit and we can rule this place just like old times…and here I am brother…..the Australians are ready to ride again….we're gonna win that tournament tomorrow and take those titles!" (Les Thatcher comes out) Thatcher: "Bill, it's great to have you here….you and George Barnes are one of the greatest teams to ever compete in the Southeast and throughout the world but The Assassins who will be debuting here later today took the last spot in the tag team title tournament." Barnes: "The Assassins…..the bloody Assassins haven't even been wrestling here, how do they get the spot?" Platt: "Well, you and Dundee haven't been wrestling here either." Dundee: "Shut your mouth Mr. Microphone…..what's your problem? Thatcher just said we're one of the greatest tag teams in the world, why wouldn't you want us in your tournament you goof?" Thatcher: "Listen, unless a team drops out….there's just not an open spot in the tournament." Dundee: "This is a bunch of bulls.." (Before Dundee can finish that sentence, Barnes whispers something to him and they smile and leave the desk) Platt: "Thank you Les, now let's go to the ring for the debut of 'Wildcat' Wendell Cooley!" ==================== MATCH #1: "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley pinned Fred Garvin with a running bulldog (Rick Stewart approaches Cooley as he's leaving the ring) Stewart: "Wendell, welcome back to Dothan!" Cooley: "Rick, it's darn sure good to be back here in Dothan and I'm looking to jump right into the fray here in Twin States Wrestling!" (Before Stewart can ask another question "Bad to the Bone" plays as Bob Armstrong comes out still sporting a neck brace followed by Brad Armstrong, Scott Armstrong, and Larry Hamilton….Bob shakes Cooley's hand) Bullet: "Pardon us Wendell….We're not trying to come out here and hijack the show like Barnes and Dundee…..but since you said you want to jump right into the fray….well we've got the opportunity for you to do just that. As you can tell by this brace around my neck…I'm still not cleared to wrestle yet…and tonight there's an 8 man tag team match with Buzz Sawyer, Angel of Death, and the Nightmares….against my two sons and our good friend Larry Hamilton but as you can see that leaves us one short and I would consider it a personal favor if you'd be their partner tonight here in Dothan." Cooley: "Bullet Bob….not only would I be happy to fight along side these three men…..but doing a favor for a man of your stature in this business….I'd consider it an honor….heck yeah, you can count on the 'Wildcat'!" Bullet: "I knew I could! Let's go talk some strategy." (The Armstrongs/Hamilton/Cooley all leave together) ==================== COMMERCIALS ==================== MATCH #2: The Assassins (#1/#2) defeated Ronnie Jenkins/Randy Watson when Assassin #2 pinned Jenkins after a shoulder breaker ==================== (Highlights are shown of the finals of the Twin States Championship Tournament with Ron Fuller defeating 'Killer' Tim Brooks w/Don Carson to win the Championship….Rick Stewart is then joined by "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller and his brother Robert Fuller) Ron: "Well, well Rick….take a look at this beautiful Twin States title belt (puts on Stewart's shoulder) Tonight, I've got to defend it against Joe LeDuc….I beat him in the tournament and I'm sure tonight I'll do it again…..that is if he doesn't get his legs broken by the figure four leglock of Jerry Brisco in today's main event here on television." (Robert grabs the mic) Robert: "I think ol' Jerry might just beat LeDuc here today and HE might end up challenging you there tonight but enough about that big brother……I told them Japanese boys last week that I was making a phone call they would regret….well I sure did and not only will the Japanese boys regret it, now everybody in that tag team title tournament will regret it because I picked up the phone and called our cousin…that's right…the one and only JIMMY GOLDEN!!" (Jimmy Golden comes out) Golden: "It's good to be back home in the south! Tonight, we're gonna beat the hell outta those Japanese guys and then tomorrow we're going to bring home the gold, baby!" Ron: "Let's get in that ring and show 'em what it's all about." --------------------------------- MATCH #3: Ron Fuller/Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden defeated Buck Spivey/Bobby & Rocky Ewing when Golden pinned Rocky Ewing after a piledriver ===================== COMMERCIALS ===================== (Don Carson and the Violent Gentlemen- Art Crews/Ken Timbs join Ronnie P Gossett at the interview area) RPG: "Don Carson, these men have a chance to win the Twin States Tag Team Championship tomorrow in Gulfport, Mississippi." (Before Carson can respond, George Barnes and Bill Dundee come storming out) Barnes: "Now hold on Ronnie….while these men are in the tournament tomorrow….they don't have any chance of winning those belts." Dundee: "Of course not Georgie, these losers couldn't even beat the Batten Twins…much less win more than one match in the same day to win a tournament." Carson: "Come on guys….this is my team….they aren't that bad." Crews: "Not that bad…that's the best you can say to defend us?" Carson: "Well, it's not like you guys have done a lot of winning here lately." Barnes: "Let's tell it like it is Don Carson….you picked a couple of losers…you gave them a cool name and come cool outfits but they can't live up to your hype." Dundee: "They do have a cool name….that should be our name Georgie…..we're much more violent gentlemen than these two losers!" Crews: "We're not losers!" Dundee: "Well, it's not hard to SAY that…..but if you're really not losers….why don't you prove it?" Crews: "How?" Barnes: "Face us…tonight in Dothan….unless you losers are scared?!?" Crews: "We aren't scared of anyone….least of all some Australian midgets!" Dundee: "Australian midgets huh? Well then I'm sure you won't mind making this interesting then. How about this? If you beat us, we'll go back to Australia and never come back to the U.S. If we beat the two of you….WE get your name the Violent Gentlemen…AND…we get your spot in the title tournament." Barnes: "and we get your manager." Timbs: "That's crazy Crews, we don't agree to that." Dundee: "Spoken like a true LOSER! Exactly what I expected! Afraid of a couple of Australian midgets!" Crews: "You're on! We accept!!" Barnes: "Perfect! See you yanks tonight!" (Barnes and Dundee leave) Carson: "Well boys, don't be like John Tatum….you better back it up tonight….either way I leave with winners….and then I'm going to leave as the manager of the brand new Twin States Champion, Joe LeDuc!! If you don't believe me….watch what he does to Jerry Brisco in this ring today!" ===================== MATCH #4: NWA U.S. Jr. Champion Bota the Witch Doctor w/Barnes & Dundee pinned "Little" Ned Navarro with a diving headbutt from the 2nd rope ===================== COMMERCIALS including tonight's card at the Houston County Farm Center Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday July 11, 1985 Bell Time 8pm MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Championship "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller Vs. "Big Joe LeDuc w/Don Carson SEMI-MAIN EVENT 8 Man Tag Team Grudge Match Brad/Scott Armstrong/Larry Hamilton/Wendell Cooley w/Bullet Bob Armstrong Vs. Buzz Sawyer/Angel of Death/The Nightmares w/Ron Wright TAG TEAM CHALLENGE MATCH Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden Vs. Kendo Nagasaki/Mr. Pogo "Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant Vs. "Killer" Tim Brooks w/Don Carson Winning Team will be the Violent Gentlemen, The Losing Team must split up for good SPECIAL REFEREE: Don Carson Art Crews/Ken Timbs Vs. "Superstar" Bill Dundee/George Barnes Jerry Brisco Vs. Kim Duk NWA U.S. Jr Heavyweight Championship- Rematch Bota the Witch Doctor w/George Barnes Vs. Roy Lee Welch The Invaders (#1/#2) Vs. The Assassins (#1/#2) (CARD SUBJECT TO CHANGE) ====================== MATCH #5: "Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant pinned "Big" Bubba Monroe with a running elbow drop (Valiant stops at the desk and grabs Charlie Platt's microphone) Valiant: "Mercy daddy! Charlie Brown….tonight tha Boogie Woogie Man is gonna step in that ring with ol' Timbo Brooks….and baby, they may call him the Killer but tonight Handsome Jimmy is gonna have all my street people right down there at the Farm Center and we're gonna kill the killer baybay…." ======================= MATCH #6: MAIN EVENT "Canadian Lumberjack" Joe LeDuc w/Don Carson pinned Jerry Brisco after three consecutive backbreakers! The fans are shocked and are almost silent after seeing LeDuc decisively defeat Brisco in less than 10 minutes RPG: "Did you see that Charlie Platt?!? You're looking at the new Twin States Champion right here in Dothan tonight!! Ron Fuller doesn't stand a chance against this monster!" Platt: "Well, the Tennessee Stud managed to defeat LeDuc in the tournament last week but it looks like the big Canadian Lumberjack is even more determined this week to take that championship belt….fans, you know what to do…get down to the box office at the Houston County Farm Center and get your tickets now, for an explosive night of Twin States Wrestling action!!" © 1985 NWA Twin States Wrestling Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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