GeneJackson95 Posted September 3, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 3, 2020 Sorry, a few days behind on reading shows/leaving feedback due to working overtime this week....hope to get caught up tomorrow night ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twin States Wrestling Episode #7 Saturday August 29, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer/Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart (Show opens with a montage of classic Southeastern Wrestling footage with a voiceover saying "Welcome to Twin States Wrestling bringing you the best professional wrestling action from across Alabama and Mississippi sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance", We then see footage of Joe LeDuc beating "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller for the NWA Twin States Championship with his over the shoulder backbreaker last week in Dothan, and we then go to our hosts Charlie Platt and Ronnie P. Gossett) Platt: "Hello and welcome to another episode of Twin States Wrestling, I’m Charlie Platt and as always I'm joined by the one and only Ronnie P. Gossett." RPG: "What a glorious day it is Charlie Platt as we have a brand new Twin States Champion….finally a champion we can be proud of… the big lumberjack Joe LeDuc." Platt: "Well, I can't speak for everyone but I was certainly proud of our previous champion Ron Fuller, and I know he'll be in line for a rematch for that title real soon." RPG: "That may be Charlie, but in the meantime the new champ is hitting the ground running showing what a great champion he's going to be as not only does he have a title defense tonight at the Houston County Farm Center against that no good fat hillbilly, Plowboy Frazier…….he's going to defend here today on television against the freight train, Rufus R. Jones." Platt: "That is absolutely correct, Ronnie…..we've got a great show in store this morning with that match and we'll also be seeing in action today the likes of Brad Armstrong, The NWA Twin States Tag Team Champions the Nightmares, as well as "Dirty" Dutch Mantell, and the team that came within an eyelash of winning the NWA World tag team champions "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley and "Cowboy" Johnny Mantell." RPG: "I don't know about that Charlie Platt, I never doubted for one moment that the great Harley Race and the living legend Larry Zybyszko were going to retain those titles…..but you failed to mention the debut that's about to happen right now as the newest member of Devastation Incorporated is here…the martial arts master known only as TNT!" Platt: "I did that on purpose as you seem to have more knowledge of this man than I do, but I understand he is a very dangerous man and we'll be seeing him in tag team action with the NWA U.S. Jr Heavyweight Champion Bota the Witch Doctor, let's go to the ring and see them right now!" Match #1: TNT/Bota the Witch Doctor w/General Skandor Akbar defeated Randy Watson/Todd Starr when TNT pinned Starr after a spinning heel kick ================== Match #2: Brad Armstrong pinned George South with a 'Russian Leg Sweep' (Post match promo as Rick Stewart catches Brad at ringside) Rick: "Brad, you're the only Armstrong in the studio today but it's a big night for your family tonight as you'll be taking on a guy you've had some major issues with recently, Steve Strong….your brother Scott gets a rematch for the U.S. Jr title against Bota the Witch Doctor where it's no disqualification and the big one, your father 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong puts his newly won NWA Gulf Coast Championship on the line inside of a Steel Cage against 'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer!" Brad: "You're right Rick Stewart….it's a huge night for the Armstrong family and that's why my brother and my father are not here…..because we're past the point of talking about it….tonight it's time to get it done…..and get it done we will. Steve Strong, I don't care how "sadistic" you think you are, tonight I'm getting some revenge for the sneak attacks and then the other two Armstrongs are leaving with belts around their waist….and Rick, that's just all there is to it!" ===================== (Before their match, Ronnie Gossett invites Ron Wright and the Nightmares over to the desk) RPG: "I know you guys have a match against a couple of young punks right now….but I just wanted to take a moment to ask you about losing the masks last week….we know it was Nightmare #3's fault and now tonight you have to defend your titles against the Assassins." Davis: "First off, you nailed Ronnie… was Nightmare #3's fault we lost…..if he wasn't a goof we would still have our masks right now…..but you know what….he did everybody a favor because now you all get to see our handsome faces and we're still your champions." Wayne: "That's exactly right and no one has seen that third Nightmare since he ran away from the ring last week….and quite frankly we better not see him again or we're going to unmask him ourselves!" Wright: "Ronnie, what happened last week was a travesty but I can promise you one thing for sure…those fat Assassins aren't going to wins those belts tonight…..Danny Davis and Ken Wayne are great Christian athletes and they are going to prevail tonight as they always do." Davis: "and Ronnie….they can bring one Assassin, two Assassins, three Assassins, as many as they can round up and it won't matter….the Nightmares will beat them all!" Match #3: The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) w/Ron Wright defeated Shane Douglas/Frankie Lancaster when Davis pinned Douglas after a leg drop off the top rope ====================== (VTR- Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden are laughing it up in the dressing after Beach Brawl, after they cost the Violent Gentlemen their tag team match against Plowboy Frazier and Cousin Junior) Robert: "You know Jimmy, if those two sawed off Australian midgets think that we're done with them after costing them their match tonight….they are sadly mistaken…cause I’m still fuming about last night when they brought that big goof in the ring and cost us OUR match! They say that guy calls himself Big Bubba, well Bubba I got news for ya….you've messed with the wrong ones boy! We want all three of you boys next week and don't worry we'll have a partner that's just as big…and just as bad…and ol' Bubba!" Jimmy: "You got that right Rob…..and I know just the guy… think Bubba is big…..well wait til you see who we bring with us next week!" ======================= COMMERCIALS ======================= Match #4: "Dirty" Dutch Mantell pinned Roy Munson following a reverse suplex (Dutch walks over behind the desk and stands behind Charlie Platt and Ronnie Gossett) Dutch: "Ronnie, you're looking good my friend….you look like you're losing weight." RPG: "Well, I don't like to brag but I've been hitting the gym pretty hard lately." Platt: "With what? Your car?" Dutch: "Charlie Platt, how dare you? This man is the star of the show and the reason people tune in each and every week, but if we must change the subject let's talk about my HUGE victory over that street dweller, Jimmy Valiant at Beach Brawl!" Platt: "We could talk about that, but first I thought we'd talk about your loss in the submission match the night before that against Jerry Brisco." RPG: "Why would you bring that up Charlie Platt??" Dutch: "Jerry Brisco……Jerry Damn Brisco…..he's been a thorn in my posterior ever since I arrived here in Twin States Wrestling….I'm sick to death of Jerry Brisco and tonight I'm going to put an end to it…once and for all!" Platt: "Do tell…how do you plan to do that?" Dutch: "Stop interrupting and I'll be glad to tell you Charlie Platt….are you this awful at doing the weather or whatever it is you do during the week? Good grief Ronnie, how do you work with the guy?" RPG: "It's a chore….believe me…'s a chore." Dutch: "I just spoke to Les Thatcher in the back….speaking of a chore….but anyway, I told Les Thatcher that I want Jerry Brisco in a match tonight here in Dothan where the loser leaves town!" (Les Thatcher comes out) Thatcher: "Dutch, you'll be excited to know that I got on the phone with Jerry Brisco and he has accepted your challenge for a loser leaves town match…..but you should know I've assigned a special referee for this match." Dutch: "Special referee?? Who??" Thatcher: "I could go ahead and announce it here on television….but what fun would that be? You'll find out tonight when the fans do." (Thatcher turns and leaves) Dutch: "WHAT?? Get back here Thatcher….I need to know who it is!" ================= Match #5: "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley/"Cowboy" Johnny Mantell defeated The Executioners (#1/#2) when Mantell pinned Executioner #2 following a running bulldog ================== COMMERCIALS ================== Match #6 MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship "Lumberjack" Joe LeDuc w/General Skandor Akbar pinned "Freight Train" Rufus R. Jones after a backbreaker followed by a diving knee drop to the back of his neck from the 2nd rope. Afterwards, Jones was being attended to by medics who were yelling to Charlie Platt, "We need an ambulance" as the show was going off the air © 1985 NWA Twin States Wrestling Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 3, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 3, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday August 29, 1985 Bell Time 8pm TNT w/General Skandor Akbar pinned Shane Douglas following a spinning heel kick NWA United States Junior Heavyweight Championship No Disqualification Bota the Witch Doctor w/General Skandor Akbar pinned Scott Armstrong w/Larry Hamilton when TNT attacked Hamilton at ringside allowing Akbar to interfere right in front of the referee but since it was no DQ, it was legal Brad Armstrong pinned "Sadistic" Steve Strong w/Ron Wright with a small package, Strong attacked Armstrong after the match, and gave him an "inverted piledriver" (tombstone) leaving him laid out "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley/"Cowboy" Johnny Mantell defeated The Alaskan Hunters (#1/#2) when Cooley pinned Hunter #2 following a running bulldog Loser Leaves Town (Special Referee: "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant) Jerry Brisco Vs. "Dirty" Dutch Mantell Mantell has an absolute meltdown over the announcement of Jimmy Valiant as the special referee! He threatens to walk out and refuse to wrestle, but Les Thatcher tell him if he walks out to keep walking because he will be counted out and will have to leave town!! A back and forth match that went about 12 minutes when Mantell went for the pin in the corner but Valiant caught him putting his feet on the ropes, and stopped the count at two and threatened to disqualify Dutch….Brisco rolled up Mantell with a "school boy roll up" and nearly got the win……after a couple of more minutes, Mantell reaches in his singlet and pulls out a chain that he wraps around his fist and then lays out Brisco with…..Valiant counts 1-2---but he sees the chain on Mantell's fist and stop the count….he grabs the chain and threatens to disqualify him…..they get into a bit of a shoving match until Mantell finally backs off and goes to the corner, he grabs "shoo baby" his bullwhip and goes to whip Valiant with it….but Brisco rolls him up from behind with a bridge and Valiant quickly drops down and counts 1-2-3!! Dutch Mantell has lost the loser leaves town match! As Valiant is in the ring raising Brisco's hand, Mantell grabs the mic at ringside, "Well congratulations it took two of yall to get the job done but you guys did me a favor….I can't wait to get the hell out of Alabama and NEVER EVER come back!!" Meanwhile, Kendo Nagasaki and Mr. Pogo hit the ring and attacked Brisco and Valiant….Mantell cheers them on from ringside as Nagasaki wails on both of them with a kendo stick….Mantell yells into the microphone, "Good riddance Alabama!" and storms away. Six Man Tornado Tag Team Match Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden/Mystery Partner-LORD HUMONGOUS defeated The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes)/Big Bubba w/General Skandor Akbar when Humongous took out Dundee with his cobra clutch submission hold NWA Twin States Tag Team Championship The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) w/Ron Wright defeated The Assassins (#1/#2) when Assassin #3 tried to interfere and hit Wayne but missed and hit Assassin #2 causing him to get pinned SEMI-MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship "Lumberjack" Joe LeDuc w/General Skandor Akbar pinned Plowboy Frazier w/Cousin Junior after LeDuc hit Frazier in the top of the head with a literal axe handle he brought to the ring with him busting him wide open while the referee was distracted with Cousin Junior fighting with Akbar……After the match, LeDuc grabbed the axe handle and looked like he was about to finish off Frazier for good when luckily The Fullers, Jimmy Golden, and Lord Humongous all hit the ring to make the save. Ron Fuller took the microphone in the ring as Akbar and LeDuc were in the aisle, "Look at you big man….you're real tough attacking somebody with a weapon in your hand…how about next week, if you're any kind of a man at all….you leave the weapons at home and give me my rematch for that title!" LeDuc is seen talking with Akbar……Akbar is handed the mic by ring announcer Phil Raney, "Ok, Fuller….you can have your rematch next week….on one condition….not IF but WHEN Joe LeDuc beats you….you have to LEAVE Twin States Wrestling!" Raney takes the mic over to the ring to Ron Fuller, "You got it Akbar….but the same goes for him….not IF I win but WHEN I win…..not only do I get my belt back….but HE has to leave Twin States Wrestling!!" LeDuc nods in agreement and then turns and leaves. MAIN EVENT NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship Return STEEL CAGE MATCH "Bullet" Bob Armstrong Vs. "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright Another brutal bloody chapter of the Armstrong/Sawyer feud….just when it looked like Sawyer was going to lose this one as Armstrong locked him in a sleeper….Wright ran back to the dressing room and then returned with the Nightmares, Davis and Wayne in tow… the referee checked Sawyer's arm…it dropped once…..then twice…when he went to check it a third time, Sawyer poked the referee right in the eyes and he went down to his knees unable to see for a few moments… this happened the Nightmares started scaling the cage…..As Davis reached the top of the cage, Bullet Bob released Sawyer from the sleeper, Davis jumped down from the top of the cage with a double axe handle but a waiting Armstrong caught him with a shot to the gut! Armstrong rocked him with another right hand but Sawyer caught Bullet from behind with a low blow. While all this was happening Ken Wayne had climbed over the cage and down to the top rope where he was standing and waiting…..Sawyer signaled Wayne and then hooked Armstrong's arms behind him as he held him in place…Wayne came off the top rope with a dropkick but Armstrong moved and Wayne drilled Sawyer with the dropkick laying him out… Davis was getting back to his feet, Armstrong whipped him into Wayne crashing the two Nightmares together….allowing Armstrong to drop down and cover Sawyer just as the referee's vision was restored just enough to count the 1--2--3!! Armstrong retains the title! Bullet Bob quickly exits the cage and celebrates outside with the belt as Ron Wright is having to hold Sawyer back from attacking the Nightmares who quickly exit the cage and head back up the aisle. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted September 3, 2020 Report Share Posted September 3, 2020 Twin States would have been on my TV each and every week! Perfect Southern Wrasling! Platt and RPG are awesome together! Throw in Dutch and that interview was great! Going to miss him here. Thatcher selling some tickets by not giving away the special ref was well thought out. The Main Event in Dothan was wild. I thought the numbers game was going to be the end of the title reign for the Bullet but he lives to fight another day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wahoos Leg Posted September 4, 2020 Report Share Posted September 4, 2020 A tremendous TV and some big blowoff matches to boot. Things are firing on all cylinders, good job Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted September 5, 2020 Report Share Posted September 5, 2020 Sorry for the late feedback. Getting caught up tonight. TNT and Bota are quite the pair. This is the perfect place for TNT to develop. I was wondering how the Nightmares would react to losing their masks but they seem even more confident and arrogant LOL. The Dutch, RPG and Platt segment was hilarious! Once again brilliant move putting Cooley and Mantell together. This team will get way over in Twin States. You really know how to get LeDuc over on TV. Every time he's on, he comes across as an unbeatable monster. Tonight's no different as Freight Train does the stretcher job. On to the Farm Center, Well it was NO DQ so I can't call Bota's win over Armstrong tainted. Brad gets some revenge on Strong but it's short lived as Strong delivers a post match beat down. I'm enjoying this feud. Cowboys bounce back from their NWA title match loss with a solid win over the Alaskans. Brisco vs. Dutch with Boogie Woogie Man as the Ref was everything it should have been. Even leaving town, Dutch was hilarious. We go right into another angle as Pogo and Kendo do a number on Brisco and Valiant, while Dutch is laughing. I loved all of this. WOW! Lord Humungous has arrived! Akbar better have all his men on high alert. Nightmares retain. This time it's Assassin 3 who makes the mistake. I wonder if the Assassins will react the same way the Nightmares did. LeDuc retains but the real story happens after the match. It's all on the line next week. Who will leave? Fuller or LeDuc? That's going to be one epic fight! After a wild night of action, things get even crazier. What a cage match! Southern wrestling at it's best! Bullet Bob overcomes all the odds and walks away the winner. I wouldn't want to be the Nightmares with an angry Mad Dog coming after them. As always, great stuff Gene! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 9, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 9, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Episode #8 Saturday September 5, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer/Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart Quick Recap Version Charlie Platt opens the show letting us know today's show will be a condensed 30 minute show due to a ball game airing today. Today's main event will be Jerry Brisco/Jimmy Valiant against Mr. Pogo/Kendo Nagasaki. The winning team will fill the fourth spot in tonight's four corner's match to determine the challengers for the Nightmares' Twin States tag team titles. In the opening match: The debuting "Candy Man" Ray Candy pinned Roy Munson following his "Chocolate Drop" leg drop Platt/Gossett run down tonight's card at the Houston County Farm Center Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday September 5, 1985 Bell Time 8pm MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship LOSER LEAVES TOWN "Lumberjack" Joe LeDuc w/General Skandor Akbar Vs. "The Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller SEMI-MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Tag Team Championship The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) Vs. Winners of the Four Corners Match NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Bullet" Bob Armstrong Vs. "Sadistic" Steve Strong w/Ron Wright FOUR CORNERS MATCH TO CROWN #1 Contenders for the Tag Team Titles Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden Vs. The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) w/General Skandor Akbar Vs. "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley/"Cowboy" Johnny Mantell Vs. Winners of Brisco/Valiant vs. Pogo/Nagasaki Battle of the Behemoths Lord Humongous Vs. Big Bubba Revenge Match Scott Armstrong/Larry Hamilton Vs. Bota the Witch Doctor/TNT w/General Skandor Akbar "Candy Man" Ray Candy Vs. George South (Card Subject to Change) Match #2: "Sadistic" Steve Strong w/Ron Wright pinned Shane Douglas after an inverted piledriver After the match Ron Wright tells Ronnie P. Gossett that tonight Steve Strong is going to destroy Bob Armstrong just like he did Brad Armstrong and bring the Gulf Coast championship back to the family. Gossett asks Wright what happened with the Nightmares and Buzz Sawyer? Wright said the Nightmares screwed up and cost the Mad Dog his title and beyond that he doesn't know because Sawyer stormed out of the building last week and no one has heard from him since. Match #3: MAIN EVENT "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant/Jerry Brisco defeated Mr. Pogo/Kendo Nagasaki when Brisco submitted Nagasaki with the figure four leglock Platt closes the show by pushing tonight's huge loser leaves town main event for the Twin States Championship between Ron Fuller and Joe LeDuc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 9, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 9, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday September 5, 1985 Bell Time 8pm "Candy Man" Ray Candy pinned Mr. Pogo after the "Chocolate Drop" Revenge Match Scott Armstrong/Larry Hamilton defeated Bota the Witch Doctor/TNT w/General Skandor Akbar when Armstrong pinned Bota with a small package Battle of the Behemoths Lord Humongous fought Big Bubba to a double count out ONE FALL FOUR CORNERS MATCH-Winners get a shot at The Twin States Tag Team Titles TONIGHT!! Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden Vs. The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) Vs. "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley/"Cowboy" Johnny Mantell Vs. Jerry Brisco/Jimmy Valiant **Winners** The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) when Barnes pinned Valiant after a hitting him with a chair behind the referee's back NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Bullet" Bob Armstrong w/Brad Armstrong pinned "Sadistic" Steve Strong w/Ron Wright when Strong tried to pick Bullet up for his inverted piledriver but Armstrong slipped behind him and locked on a sleeper hold and got the win SEMI-MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Tag Team Championship The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) defeated The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) when Ron Wright came out and distracted the referee allowing BUZZ SAWYER to come in and knock out Ken Wayne behind the referee's back allowing Dundee to get the pin and win the titles! MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship LOSER LEAVES TOWN CHAIN MATCH "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller defeated "Lumberjack" Joe LeDuc w/General Skandor Akbar due to botched interference from Skandor Akbar……LeDuc must now leave Twin States, after the match a livid Joe LeDuc grabbed Akbar and put him in the over the shoulder backbreaker and drove him down into shoulder breaker….the crowd cheered as LeDuc left ringside….and Akbar had to be stretchered out and loaded into an ambulance Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blehschmidt Posted September 9, 2020 Report Share Posted September 9, 2020 As always, you write a glorious Ronnie Gossett. The Nightmares/Assassins feud was a ton of fun with all the extra masked men running around. The Nightmare's immediately blaming the other guy is classic. Fuller/Golden against Dundee/Barnes has been awesome. I can't stay I know shit about Barnes, but you've made me interested in seeking him out. Adding Ottman and Humongous to the mix is only going to make things more interesting! The Dutch Mantell/Brisco feud was amazing. I could picture Dutch doing and saying all of it. So kudos to you! Gotta love the Armstrongs feuding with anybody and everybody! Somehow you've managed to turn Bota the Witch Doctor into a credible threat thanks to them! Buzz Sawyer and Bullet Bob has been good shit. Oh Shit, LeDuc is gone and he may have taken Akbar with him! Looking forward to seeing more from Jimmy Valiant in Twin States. Fuck Yeah! The Candyman Lives!! As always, you know your small Southern wrestling feds and it shows. None of this stuff seems out of place, and it is an easy, enjoyable read every single time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted September 9, 2020 Report Share Posted September 9, 2020 Right on, the Candy Man resurfaces in Twin States. I love that this gimmick is continuing. I'm a sucker for mid card feuds. I hope Armstrong, Hamilton, Bota and TNT continue this program. Behemoths is right. Humongous and Bubba will give us some fun big man matches. Violent Gentlemen win the 4 corners match to earn a title shot, thanks to a chair shot LOL. I guess they really do live up to their name. Bullet Bob is the man!!! Big night for the Violent Gentlemen. They take advantage of Wright and Sawyer's interference to win the titles. I wonder if Valiant and Brisco will want some payback of their own from that chair shot earlier. We'll see how the Nightmares respond to Sawyer. Fuller sends LeDuc packing but LeDuc goes out with a feel good moment. I have to say, I'm going to miss LeDuc. Hopefully he pops up somewhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 13, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Episode #9 Saturday September 12, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer/Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart (Show opens with a montage of classic Southeastern Wrestling footage with a voiceover saying "Welcome to Twin States Wrestling bringing you the best professional wrestling action from across Alabama and Mississippi sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance", we then go to our hosts Charlie Platt and Ronnie P. Gossett) Platt: "Welcome once again to Twin States Wrestling, I'm Charlie Platt and with me as always is the one and only Ronnie P. Gossett." RPG: "That's right, they call me 'Mr. Ratings' because whenever I'm on the television people tune in to see my handsome face and hear the wisdom I have to share on the sport of professional wrestling. I'd also like to send out my condolences to my best friend 'Nature Boy' Buddy Landel." Platt: "Wow, right of the gate today I see…." (Before Platt can finish his sentence, Don Carson who hasn’t been seen in weeks comes out to the desk….dressed to wrestle) RPG: "Charlie Platt, what a wonderful surprise my good friend the great Don Carson is here!" Platt: "I see that Ronnie, let me go around the desk here and find out what this is about." (Platt walks around the desk to meet Carson) "Don Carson, we haven't seen you here in weeks, what brings you back to Twin States Wrestling?" Carson: "I'm here today with revenge on my mind……I'm here to challenge that big crazy lumbering lumberjack, Joe LeDuc to step in this ring and I'm going to beat him within an inch of his life for what he did to me!" Platt: "Well Mr. Carson, had you not came out here right now, I was just about to discuss the fact that Joe LeDuc lost a loser leaves town match last Saturday night here in Dothan and is no longer a part of the Twin States roster." Carson: "Is that a fact? Well, that's a real shame because I was more than prepared to face him one on one, and give him the beating he had coming to him for putting his hands on me and causing my entire stable to turn against me…..but you know what that's just fine because he's not the only one I have a score to settle with…..that big lanky Ron Fuller is on my hit list too! Ron Fuller, I want you in this ring right here today, boy! I will give you the beating that I was going to give Joe LeDuc, you gutless coward…I'll put this black glove up side your head and take that Twin States Championship!" (Ron Fuller comes out to the desk) Stud: "Charlie Platt…..the only good thing Joe LeDuc ever did in his life was taking out Skandor Akbar after our match last week…..and now all of a sudden here's Don Carson showing back up saying he wants ME in that ring right there today?? Guess what Don Carson, I'm going to send your butt back out of Twin States today before the first commercial break! Get up in that ring and you can have all you handle of the Stud!" (Les Thatcher comes out to the desk as well) Thatcher: "I'm normally not in favor of people trying to book their own matches out here…..but Carson, if you want it… got it….let's get this match in the ring before you can change your mind!" =================== MATCH #1: "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller vs. Don Carson Carson gets right into the ring and as Fuller is coming through the ropes, Carson nails Fuller in the head with that notoriously loaded black glove and as the bell is ringing to start the match, Fuller's head is busted open…..Carson works Fuller over for a couple of minutes and Fuller is a bloody mess until Carson jumps off the 2nd rope onto Fuller but is met with a boot to the face, Ron Fuller gets to his feet and starts blasting Carson with some big right hands and then he quickly sweeps Carson's legs out from under him and locks in the famous 'Fuller Leglock' but before Carson gets a chance to submit…..a huge man hits the ring from the side door of the studio….and starts putting the boots to Fuller….his cap comes off and suddenly Charlie Platt recognizes who this man is, "Gossett, that's the MONGOLIAN STOMPER!!! What is the Stomper doing here in Twin States Wrestling??" The Stomper picks up the bloody Fuller and rams him shoulder first into the ring post…..he then picks him up and gives him a shoulder breaker before Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden hit the ring with steel chairs to make the save! =================== COMMERCIAL BREAK =================== (When we return from the break The Fullers and Jimmy Golden are standing at the desk with Charlie Platt, Ron Fuller who is bloody and clutching his right shoulder grabs the mic) Stud: "Les Thatcher, I know you're up in the production booth right now and I want you to sign a match for TONIGHT at the Farm Center between me and the Mongolian Stomper…..title match, non-title match I don't care but make it happen tonight!!" (and with that the Fullers and Golden head back to the dressing room) Platt: "Before Don Carson interjected himself into the show, I wanted to tell you we have a great show in store for you today as we have two main event matches for everybody today here on television…the first is the fantastic tag team of Wendell Cooley and Johnny Mantell taking on "Sadistic" Steve Strong and the Angel of Death led by Ron Wright and one more time due to the controversial ending of their most recent match we're going to see "Bullet" Bob Armstrong defend the NWA Gulf Coast Championship against former champ, "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer!" ==================== MATCH #2: Scott Armstrong pinned Sammy Hall after a 'super kick' (Post match: Armstrong joins Rick Stewart in the interview area) Stewart: "Scott, tonight you've got another shot against Bota the Witch Doctor for that NWA U.S. Heavyweight Championship!" Armstrong: "That's right Rick, last week I pinned Bota's shoulders to the mat in that tag match so he knows I can beat him….and tonight when it's one on one and the title is on the line….you're looking at the new U.S. Jr champion and then I'm setting my sights on the NWA World Jr Heavyweight title now held by Keith Hart!" Stewart: "Best of luck to you tonight, Scott." ======================= Platt: "We're excited to announce that coming up on Sunday September 27th, Twin States returns to the VBC arena in Huntsville, Alabama for the ROCKET CITY RUMBLE '85 as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion will be coming to town to defend the title, tickets will be on sale this Monday at the VBC box office and get ready in Jackson, Mississippi on Sunday September 20th and the brand new NWA World Tag Team Champions 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams and Ted Dibiase will be defending those titles against the NWA Twin States tag team champions whomever they may be at that time." RPG: "I'm quite sure it will be our brand new Twin States tag team champions, the Violent Gentlemen….Bill Dundee and George Barnes who will defend those titles tonight here in Dothan against the former champions the Nightmares." (This brings out the new champions Dundee/Barnes) Platt: "Well, speak of the devils." Dundee: "Devils? You mean champions, daddy! We are the greatest champions in wrestling as we beat THREE other tag teams and then turned around and beat the Nightmares so we beat FOUR different teams in one night to win these belts! So how DARE you say whoever the champions may be on September 20th?? It's going be us, daddy….whether it's September 20th or ANY date in the future…we'll be the champions, you can count on it!" Platt: "You neglected to mention that you used a steel chair to beat Jimmy Valiant and then it took Ron Wright distracting the referee and Buzz Sawyer helping for you to defeat the Nightmares, so there's a good chance they'll get those titles back tonight." Barnes: "Platt, you stupid yank….we didn't ask Ron Wright to come out there….and we don't even know Buzz what's his name…..we didn't want or need their help but we were smart enough to capitalize on it and now we are your new Twin States champions….and in Jackson, Mississippi we're gonna become the World tag team champs, mate!" Dundee: "You got that right, brother! Nobody can beat us! Least of all those two goofy punks that paint little stars on their ugly faces…..they aren't real men like George Barnes and myself!" Barnes: "Damn right they aren't… haven't even seen a portion of what we're capable of…..just watch this!" (heads to the ring) ================= MATCH #3: The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) defeated Randy Watson/Frank Reynolds when Dundee pinned Watson after the 'bombs away' sit down splash off the top rope Platt: "There you see an impressive win for the tag team champions who tonight will face the Nightmares, but we'll also see a #1 Contender's Match tonight for those titles as Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden will face the recently formed team of Jerry Brisco and Jimmy Valiant in what should be a great scientific match." RPG: "Oh yay….a scientific match….the two jerks that conspired to run off my good close personal friend Dutch Mantell from Twin States are a tag team now…I hope they all four beat each other to death!" ================= COMMERCIAL BREAK ================= MATCH #4: Handicap Match Big Bubba defeated Ronnie Jenkins/Hank Moody when Bubba pinned Jenkins after a 'big splash' ================= MAIN EVENT #1/MATCH #5: "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley/"Cowboy" Johnny Mantell defeated "Sadistic" Steve Strong/The Angel of Death w/Ron Wright when Mantell pinned Angel of Death with a backslide. After the match Wright told his guys to jump Cooley/Mantell. Strong tossed Mantell over the top rope and then followed him outside…..Strong snatched up Johnny Mantell and gave him his "Inverted Piledriver"(Tombstone) on the concrete floor!! Mantell had to be taken away in an ambulance ================= COMMERCIAL BREAK/Platt runs down tonight's card at the Houston County Farm Center) ================= MAIN EVENT #2/Match #6: NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Bullet" Bob Armstrong pinned "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer with a school boy roll up when The Nightmares appeared at ringside taunting Sawyer in retaliation for Sawyer costing them their tag titles last Saturday night in Dothan RPG: "What the hell was that?? That was a disgrace!! How can Bob Armstrong be proud of that??" Platt: "Like George Barnes said earlier….Bullet Bob didn't need their help but he was smart enough to capitalize on it!" © 1985 NWA Twin States Wrestling Inc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 13, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday September 12, 1985 Bell Time 8pm TNT pinned Larry Hamilton after a reverse thrust kick NWA U.S. Jr Heavyweight Championship Scott Armstrong defeated Bota the Witch Doctor by DQ when Armstrong hit Bota with a 'super kick' and looked to have the match won when TNT hit the ring causing the DQ, Larry Hamilton ran in to make the save, Bota retains the title The Invaders (#1/#2) vs. The Assassins (#1/#2) was declared a "No Contest" when two masked men who appeared to be "Assassin #3"/"Nightmare #3" ran in and attacked both teams…..The Invaders and Assassins fought back causing the other two masked men to flee back down the aisle "Candy Man" Ray Candy pinned Butch Moffat following the "Chocolate Drop" leg drop Return Battle of the Behemoths Big Bubba w/Don Carson pinned Lord Humongous after a "big splash" #1 Contenders Match for the Tag Team Titles Jerry Brisco/"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant defeated Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden when Brisco pinned Golden with a small package, despite several heated moments throughout the match all four men shook hands before and after the match Special Challenge Tag Team Match "Bullet" Bob Armstrong/"Wildcat" Wendell Cooley defeated "Sadistic" Steve Strong/Angel of Death w/Ron Wright when Cooley pinned Angel of Death with a running bulldog SEMI-MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Tag Team Championship- REMATCH The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) defeated The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) by DQ when the Nightmares appeared to be on the verge of winning, Buzz and Brett Sawyer hit the ring and attacked them…..The Sawyers/Dundee/Barnes put a brutal beating on the Nightmares until Bob Armstrong, Wendell Cooley, Scott Armstrong, and Larry Hamilton ran in to make the save! MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship "Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller Vs. The Mongolian Stomper w/Don Carson Stomper is in the ring with Don Carson waiting for the champion to arrive. The "Tennessee Stud" comes to ringside accompanied by his father, Buddy Fuller who has to help Ron get his robe as his shoulder is taped up and he's obviously injured from this morning's attack on his shoulder. Buddy is pleading with his son to postpone the match but he's having none of it and pushes past his father and into the ring and is met by a rabid Mongolian Stomper who attacks as soon as Fuller comes through the ropes…….this is just a brutal beatdown for several minutes as Stomper is just relentless working over the shoulder of Fuller… one point Fuller starts to make a bit of comeback, only to throw kicks at the Stomper due to his now severely injured shoulder…….but this doesn't last long as Stomper pokes him in the eyes and then takes him down with a brutal armbar that's hooked in deep……Fuller is writhing in pain but he refuses to give up….after a uncomfortably long time….finally Buddy Fuller returns to ringside and throws in the towel for his son….as Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden hit the ring soon after to get the Stomper off of Ron…….Ring Announcer Rick Stewart regretfully announces that the new NWA Twin States Heavyweight Champion is The Mongolian Stomper!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted September 13, 2020 Report Share Posted September 13, 2020 Things get going in a hurry as Don Carsen returns. What a set up! The Mongolian Stomper has arrived and Ron Fuller feels his wrath. Stomper is such a great fit here. Scott Armstrong is ready to set the Jr. division on fire. Really looking forward to the NWA champs coming into town. I'm glad you reunited Dundee and Barnes. These guys are so good. Big Bubba is literally making a splash in Twin States. Cooley and Mantell win the number 1 contender's match but thanks to Strong and Angel, Mantell might be out of the picture. What a shame! Bullet once again gets the best of Sawyer. The Nightmares are going to pay. On to the Farm Center, More heat to the Armstrong/Hamilton-Bota/TNT feud. I've told you before, but I'm really enjoying this feud. LOL, mask confusion running wild! Invaders, Assassins, Nightmare#3, Assassin #3, this is great stuff! The Candyman can! Big Bubba is moving on up after that BIG win over Humongous. Brisco and Valiant get the win over Fuller and Golden. This one caught me by surprise. Even with the good sportsmanship, I have a funny feeling there's going to be more to this. Mantell is out but Cooley couldn't of found a better replacement than Bullet Bob! I liked that Cooley got the pin here. Just a little thing like that gives him a pretty good rub. I knew Buzz would be coming back for payback, only thing is he didn't come alone. The Sawyers are back together! They're going to add so much to an already stacked tag team division. You have put together some outstanding teams. Shocking ending as Stomper just tears apart Fuller to win the title! In just one day, the Stomper is already one of the most over heels in the game. Awesome job! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blehschmidt Posted September 18, 2020 Report Share Posted September 18, 2020 Carson showing up to challenge LeDuc after he has already lost a Loser Leaves Town may be my new favorite heel manager thing ever. Then getting Ron Fuller to fall for his challenge like a typical dumb babyface is just the cherry on top. Great opening segment. Then as expected, Carson has a plan, first nailing Fuller with a loaded glove, and then before Carson takes too much of an ass kicking, Fuller gets destroyed by the debuting Mongolian Stomper!! I love it when a plan comes together!! Really digging the Violent Gentleman. Not familiar at all with Barnes, but you are making me want to go footage finding! Glad to see you are breaking Ottman in slowly. Having him squash two dudes at a time will certainly get him over quickly! A good win for Cooley and Mantell, but it certainly cost them. The pairing of Strong and A.O.D. is a nasty one for sure. I promise to take good care of Mantell, and I look forward to seeing who Cooley enlists to help him in this battle. Bullet over Mad Dog with the help of the Nightmares! Sawyer isn't gonna like this a bit. To the Farm Center...... Scott Armstrong is going to have to get Bota in a cage if he wants a clean shot at the Junior Belt. God Damn there are a lot of masked guys running around Twin States!! Candy Man and Big Bubba might make for an epic battle of the fat guys...... Brisco/Valiant vs Fuller/Golden would be a heck of a tag team match. That's a metric shit ton of experience right there. Wendell can't do much better than Bob Armstrong to help him battle Strong and Angel!! Little brother Brett shows up, and now The Nightmares have the Sawyers to deal with! I bet the Violent Gentleman were loving this shit. That should keep The Nightmares busy for a while!! and just like that Stomper is the Twin States Champion!! Ron showed balls even stepping into the ring, and his Dad throwing in the towel makes it quite the emotional scene, and if I know my Southern Wrasslin.... this shit is far from over!! Great stuff as always Gene. You always seem to have a clear direction for everyone that you put on television, and it makes for a nice, easy, fun read. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wahoos Leg Posted September 21, 2020 Report Share Posted September 21, 2020 Stomper, Fullers, Armstrongs, Dundees, Nightmares, you've definitely assembled a southern wrestling all-star team Interested to see how Brett Sawyer does on the dark side Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 21, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Episode #10 Saturday September 19, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer/Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart (Show opens with a montage of classic Southeastern Wrestling footage with a voiceover saying "Welcome to Twin States Wrestling bringing you the best professional wrestling action from across Alabama and Mississippi sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance", we then go to our hosts Charlie Platt and Ronnie P. Gossett) Platt: "Welcome once again to Twin States Wrestling, I'm Charlie Platt and of course I'm joined as always by none other than the Ronnie P. Gossett." RPG: "Charlie Platt, what an amazing day it is today as we have a brand new Twin States Heavyweight Champion, the toughest man in professional wrestling the Mongolian Stomper!" Platt: "That is true….but it's due to some unfortunate circumstances concerning our former champion, 'the Tennessee Stud' Ron Fuller….of course after that stunt that Don Carson pulled last week it resulted in Fuller being injured here on television making him easy pickings for the Mongolian Stomper last Saturday night at the Houston County Farm Center." RPG: "Well it's just lucky for Ron Fuller that his old man was there to throw in the towel before Stomper ripped his arm all the way off and beat him to death with it!" (Buddy Fuller comes out unannounced) Buddy: "Listen here fat boy, I did what was best for my son because I knew he was too much of a man to EVER give up….so I threw in the towel so he could return to fight another day….He had emergency surgery on his shoulder this past Monday and he'll be out for a while recovering but he'll be back and stronger than ever and I wouldn't want to be Don Carson or the Stomper when he does. Thank you and good day, Mr. Platt." (turns and leaves) Platt: "Thank you Mr. Fuller for the update on your son Ron and look forward to his return and wish him a very speedy recovery." RPG: "Speak for yourself, Platt…..I don't care if we ever see Ron Fuller again…or his cowardly daddy that threw in the towel for him, but someone who is NOT a coward is our new Twin States Champion the Mongolian Stomper who has agreed to defend his title against the winner of a 20 man battle royal that will take place right here today on television." Platt: "That is very exciting news, a twenty man battle royal right here on tv featuring some of the biggest stars in Twin States Wrestling. Also, on today's program…we're going to see the match from NWA WrestleFest '85 where 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams and Ted Dibiase won the NWA World Tag Team titles as they will be defending those titles tomorrow in Jackson, Mississippi against the NWA Twin States Tag Team champions, which will be the winners of tonight's title match between the Violent Gentlemen and the new #1 contenders Jerry Brisco and Jimmy Valiant….speaking of which they are about to be in action right here in the studio so let's bring them out right now." ('Boy from New York City' blasts throughout the studio as Jimmy Valiant and Jerry Brisco make their way out to the interview area with Rick Stewart….but before the interview could start, Ronnie Gossett waddled over and took the mic from Rick Stewart) RPG: "Scram Stewart, I'll handle this! First off congrats on becoming the #1 contenders by defeating Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden last Saturday night and I have a big surprise for you two today." Brisco: "I'm not much for surprises, least of all from somebody like you." RPG: "Take it easy, Brisco……this is mostly for Jimmy here….so without further ado…..your brother, "Luscious" Johnny Valiant!" ('Boy from New York City' plays again as Johnny V comes out….Jimmy/Johnny share a big hug) Jimmy: "Mercy baby… you doin' Johnny? It's so good to see you brother!" Johnny: "It's good to see you too my brother….I heard you guys are getting a title shot and I'm here to manage you guys to make sure you get what you deserve!" Brisco: "Nope……no way… way in hell you're managing us." Jimmy: "Whoah now…..take it easy Jer-Bear….this my brother, baby….he's a good manager, he can help us man!" Brisco: "We don't need any help." Johnny: "Jerry, I get it…..tell ya what…..let me manage you guys for this tv match and if you still don't want me to manage you two….I won't." Jimmy: "See baby….that's fair….give him a chance, brother." (Brisco smiles and nods) Brisco: "Ok, Handsome….we'll give him a shot." ======================= MATCH #1: Jerry Brisco/"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant w/"Luscious" Johnny Valiant defeated The Alaskan Hunters (#1/#2) when Brisco made Hunter #2 submit to the figure four leglock (As the referee was raising their hands, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden came out to the desk and waved for them to come over) Fuller: "Congrats on another win guys. Great job!" Brisco: "Thanks." Fuller: "We really enjoyed the match with you guys last Saturday night and you guys earned the win…but if we're being honest, you guys managed to pin Jimmy because he wasn't 100%, He had some bad Mexican food for lunch….so in light of that fact I wouldn't say it's exactly fair that you guys now have a shot at the Twin States tag titles, and then potentially a shot at the NWA World tag team titles. So, in the interest of fairness… about we have a rematch right here….right now and the winner gets the shot tonight." Brisco: "Look, I'm sorry you guys feel that way but we just had a match….plus we beat you guys fair and square so no, we're not having another match today….Who eats Mexican food before a match?" Golden: "Well, Mexicans for one….but no need to bring race into it….so you guys are cowards? Is that the deal, Chief?" Brisco: "Cowards? These 'cowards' beat you last week….when we win both sets of those titles maybe you guys can eventually earn another title shot." Fuller: "What the hell do you mean, earn another title shot? You didn't beat us at our best… know why because you CAN'T beat us at our best!" Johnny V: "Come on Brisco, these guys have a point maybe you should give them another match today." Brisco: (shoves Johnny) "You stay out of this! We're done here!" (Jimmy steps between them) Jimmy: "Brisco, take it easy, baby." Fuller: "Ok Brisco, fair enough. We didn't come out here to start any trouble….we just figured it doesn't hurt to ask. We'll do like you said and earn ourselves another shot……good luck to you guys tonight." (Fuller offers his hand for a handshake….Brisco seems hesitant but both Valiants shake Fuller's hand and Golden's as well….finally Brisco shakes their hands as well before we go to break) RPG: "Who doesn't enjoy Mexican food, Platt?" Platt: (rolls his eyes) "We'll be right back." =================== COMMERCIAL BREAK =================== Platt: "We recently saw new NWA World tag team champions crowned as the team of Ted Dibiase and 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams defeated the team of Harley Race and Larry Zbyszko, we're going to see that match right now in it's entirety." (Footage Courtesy NWA WrestleFest '85) NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Larry Zbyszko & Harley Race © with Roger Kirby vs Ted Dibiase & Dr. Death with Baby Doll Many of the fans here have no rooting interest at all and therefore the crowd is pretty quiet during this battle between two of the top heel teams in the world. The NWA could do nothing about it as Dibiase and Dr. Death won their match against Windham and Duggan to become the #1 contenders for the World Titles. For the first time in weeks, it seems like Zbyszko and Race are on the same page. The problem is that they are also battling their toughest competition in a long time. Zbyszko is a great wrestler but is having some trouble against the power of Dr. Death. Zbyszko seems to want to Race to do much of the work against Williams which seems to be a good strategy, but Race begins to wear down. Race does a great job of playing the role of the face in peril as he is pounded from pillar to post with some serious double-team moves. Zbyszko seems content to allow his partner to take the beating as he and Kirby seem to be discussing some sort of plan. Eventually we see Race make the tag and Zbyszko comes in against Dibiase. After a low blow by Zbyszko on Dibiase, Dr. Death hits the ring fuming. A worn-out Race comes back in the ring and we now go 2 on 2. Zbyszko looks ready to head for the hills when all of a sudden, Roger Kirby tosses him the knunchucks. Even with ref Alfred Neely right in the center of the ring, Larry is going to clobber Dr. Death with the weapon. It seems like he has decided to take the DQ and retain the titles and live to fight another day. Harley Race from behind, rips the nunchuks out of the his partner… Zbyszko turns as if to ask what gives? Race starts yelling back before exiting the ring. Zbyszko seems to be telling Race that if you want to do it your way, do it yourself as he tags Race back into the ring. WHAM… Zbyszko from behind clobbers his own partner with the Nuncucks and Race goes down hard. Zbyszko and Kirby throw their hands at Race and then leave the arena. Dr. Death, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, simply covers Harley Race for the easy 3 count. Dibiase, Dr. Death and Baby Doll have a somewhat subdued celebration in the ring as that victory seemed a little tainted after Zbyszko’s actions. Gordon Solie: And we have new NWA World Tag Team Champions! ===================== COMMERCIAL BREAK ===================== MATCH #2: The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) defeated Eddie Wilson/Bad Boy Burns when Davis pinned Wilson after a leg drop off the top rope (Post match: The Nightmares are approached by Rick Stewart as they are leaving the ring) Stewart: "Guys, things have a changed a lot in the past couple of weeks as you went from being tag team champions managed by Ron Wright to being former champions on the opposite side of the coin from Ron Wright as well as your former stable mate, Buzz Sawyer." Wayne: "Well, it's thanks to Buzz Sawyer that we're no longer the champions and it's thanks to that goof Ron Wright that Buzz wants to kill us….but that's just fine Buzz… can bring your brother Brett Sawyer, you can bring Tom Sawyer or Sawyer Brown…'s makes no difference to me and Danny Davis….we'll fight you all!" Davis: "That's exactly right…..don't think for one moment Ron Wright that the Nightmares are just going to tuck tail and run away…..we'll fight these Sawyers anyway they wanna do it….and once we're done with them, we're going to get our hands on you….and once we stick that chisel where the sun don't shine…we'll be coming for our Twin States tag team titles!" ======================== COMMERCIAL BREAK ======================== MATCH #3: NWA Twin States Tag Team Champions The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) defeated Bobby/Rocky Ewing when Barnes pinned Rocky Ewing after a spike piledriver (Afterwards Ronnie Gossett invites the champions over to the desk) RPG: "Look at this….two weeks in a row we get to see the champions in action. Tonight you've got to defend these titles against "Homeless" Jimmy Valiant and the angry Indian himself Jerry Brisco…..then tomorrow in Jackson, Mississippi you guys are going to win the NWA World tag team titles from Dr. Deaf and Ted Dabeezee or however you say his stupid name." Barnes: "You're absolutely bloody right Ronald….those two yanks….Valiant and Brisco can barely agree on a manager….you think they've got a prayer in the world of being us, mate?? Then we've got the misfortunate of going to Jackson, Mississippi but the thing that will make it all worthwhile is we'll be leaving there the World tag team champions!" Dundee: "Ronnie….we are without a doubt the greatest tag team in the world today and after tomorrow, people will be forced to give us the credit we deserve! We've beaten every team they've put in front of us, no one has even come close to beating us, daddy! Now, once we win those titles we can get the hell outta Alabama and Mississippi and go defend those straps all over the world!! Georgie, we might even get to go home to Australia and defend those titles." Barnes: "That's good because America is awful….but the South is just the worst! I can't wait to get the hell outta the South and go wrestle in front of people who appreciate wrestlers of our caliber!' Dundee: "You said it brother! Let's get out of this place and figure out where we're going to celebrate our title win tomorrow night." RPG: "I'd wish you luck but I know you don't need it." ===================== MATCH #4: MAIN EVENT 20 Man Battle Royal- Winner gets a Twin States Title Shot tonight "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley "Sadistic" Steve Strong "Candyman" Ray Candy Buzz Sawyer "Bullet" Bob Armstrong Big Bubba Scott Armstrong Larry Hamilton Nelson Royal Plowboy Frazier Lord Humongous Angel of Death Brett Sawyer Gypsy Joe TNT Bota the Witch Doctor Mr. Pogo Cousin Junior Chris Youngblood Butch Moffat Order of Elimination Larry Hamilton eliminated by Lord Humongous Mr. Pogo eliminated by Bob Armstrong Angel of Death eliminated by Lord Humongous Buzz Sawyer eliminated by Wendell Cooley when The Nightmares came to ringside Brett Sawyer eliminated by Ray Candy while also distracted by the Nightmares Gypsy Joe by Big Bubba Chris Youngblood by TNT Scott Armstrong by Bota the Witch Doctor Bota the Witch Doctor by Bob Armstrong Bob Armstrong by Big Bubba as soon as Bob tossed out Bota Cousin Junior by Steve Strong TNT by Lord Humongous Butch Moffat by Plowboy Frazier Plowboy Frazier by Big Bubba/Steve Strong/Nelson Royal Nelson Royal by Wendell Cooley Wendell Cooley by Steve Strong Steve Strong by Lord Humongous Big Bubba/Lord Humongous by Ray Candy as they were fighting by the ropes trying to eliminate each other, "Candyman" was able to knock them both out of the ring at once!! ***WINNER*** "Candyman" Ray Candy Platt: "Wow! What a shocker, the relative to newcomer to Twin States, "Candyman" Ray Candy has earned himself a shot at the Twin States Championship by eliminated a two of the biggest, baddest men in the battle royal at the same time!!" RPG: "He got lucky, Platt…..but his luck will have ran out when he faces the Stomper tonight at the Houston County Farm Center!" Platt: "Speaking of tonight at the Farm Center, Les Thatcher has just put the finishing touches on tonight's card…..let's take a look as we sign off for this week!" Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. **TONIGHT** Bell Time 8pm MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship The Mongolian Stomper w/Don Carson Vs. "Candy Man" Ray Candy SEMI-MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Tag Team Championship The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) Vs. Jerry Brisco/"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant w/"Luscious" Johnny Valiant NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Bullet" Bob Armstrong Vs. Big Bubba w/Don Carson Grudge Tag Team Match The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) Vs. Brett/Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright Special Challenge Match "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley Vs. "Sadistic" Steve Strong w/Ron Wright Four Corners Tag Team Match The Assassins (#1/#2) Vs. The Invaders (#1/#2) Vs. Nightmare #3/Assassin #3 Vs. The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) Lord Humongous Vs. Angel of Death w/Ron Wright Nelson Royal Vs. Chris Youngblood Cousin Junior Vs. Carl Fergie © 1985 NWA Twin States Wrestling Inc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 21, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Houston County Farm Center Dothan, AL. Saturday September 19, 1985 Bell Time 8pm Pat Rose pinned "Cool" Carl Fergie with a sunset flip, Fergie had a meltdown afterwards ranting around ringside screaming, "I'm better than this! I'm better than all of you!!" Nelson Royal beat Chris Youngblood by submission with a 'Boston Crab' Lord Humongous defeated Angel of Death w/Ron Wright by submission with the 'Cobra Clutch' Four Corners Tag Team Match- Elimination The Assassins (#1/#2) Vs. The Invaders (#1/#2) Vs. Nightmare #3/Assassin #3 Vs. The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) Nightmare #3/Assassin #3 eliminated The Oates Brothers when Nightmare #3 pinned Jerry Oates The Invaders eliminated Nightmare #3/Assassin #3 when Invader #2 pinned Nightmare #3 The Assassins eliminated The Invaders when Assassin #2 pinned Invader #1 Special Challenge Match "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley pinned "Sadistic" Steve Strong w/Ron Wright with a small package After the match, Ron Wright gets in Cooley's face who grabs him by the collar and teases give him a big right hand to the face but Strong grabs him from behind and holds him while Wright reaches in his pocket and comes out with his "chisel" and busts Cooley wide open! Strong picks Cooley up and gives him the inverted piledriver leaving Cooley bloodied and laid out in the ring Grudge Tag Team Match The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) fought Brett/Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright to a double count out NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Bullet" Bob Armstrong pinned Big Bubba w/Don Carson with a school boy roll up SEMI-MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Tag Team Championship Jerry Brisco/"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant w/"Luscious" Johnny Valiant defeated The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) by DQ when "Luscious" Johnny left ringside after having several heated disagreements with Brisco and eventually returned with Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden who hit the ring and attacked Jimmy Valiant and Jerry Brisco and left them laying as Barnes/Dundee watched and laughed at ringside and left with their title belts, Fuller and Golden left with Johnny Valiant to a chorus of boos from the fans MAIN EVENT NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship The Mongolian Stomper w/Don Carson pinned "Candy Man" Ray Candy after a big boot to the face Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 21, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Jackson Coliseum Jackson, Mississippi Sunday September 20, 1985 Bell Time: 5pm Nelson Royal pinned Larry Hamilton with his feet on the ropes The Assassins (#1/#2) defeated Shane Douglas/Frankie Lancaster when Assassin #1 pinned Douglas after a splash Scott Armstrong pinned TNT (Subbing for Bota the Witch Doctor) after a super kick "Sadistic" Steve Strong w/Ron Wright pinned Roy Lee Welch (subbing for the injured Wendell Cooley) after an "inverted piledriver" Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden w/'Luscious' Johnny V. defeated The Invaders (#1/#2) when Fuller pinned Invader #2 after interference from Johnny V. Southern Street Fight Brett/Buzz Sawyer w/Ron Wright defeated The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) in a brutal street fight that saw all four men bloodied, when Buzz pinned Wayne after a top rope splash….as The Sawyers were leaving the ring….Davis grabbed the mic and said, "Is that the best you got? I thought you guys wanted to fight." With that the Sawyers returned to the ring and all four men brawled back up the aisle and out of the building. SEMI-MAIN EVENT NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Championship "Bullet" Bob Armstrong defeated Angel of Death w/Ron Wright via sleeper hold……Afterwards, Ron Wright told Armstrong that he may have won this battle but next week on television he has a HUGE surprise for him! MAIN EVENT NWA World Tag Team Championship "Dr. Death" Steve Williams/Ted Dibiase defeated The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) when Williams pinned Barnes after his "Oklahoma Stampede" powerslam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted September 22, 2020 Report Share Posted September 22, 2020 Great TV show and I liked the added touch of Buddy Fuller making an appearance. Enjoyed the drama of Brisco and Valiant and how it carried all through the show and into the big event at Dothan. Enjoying the pure chaos of your tag team division. So many quality teams that I never know what is going to happen. Nice win for the Candy Man but he was not quite ready to take the title! There needs to be a little more heat for that to happen. Nice booking in my opinion as Stomper walks out with the belt. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blehschmidt Posted September 22, 2020 Report Share Posted September 22, 2020 The fact that I always get a chuckle from the opening of your shows cause Gossett is such a dick is a wonderful thing. Digging the intro for Johnny V, and not trusting him in the least. Like the set up though. Be interested to see how this plays out. Jer-Bear got a legit chuckle out of me. That bad Mexican food will do it to you every time. Well, so far I am leaning toward Johnny V managing Fuller/Golden, but that might be too easy.... The whole Mexican food exchange, ending with another Gossett one liner was fantastic. With these two teams, the Gentleman, the Nightmares, all of the masked guys, and potential Armstrong combinations, your tag team division is STACKED!! Nightmares/Sawyers should make for a fun and bloody little feud. I am loving the Violent Gentleman. Great promo. I hope they keep the belts for a long while. I am a huge battle royal mark, so this is my kind of main event. Then you put The Candy Man over!! Fuck Yeah!! Stacked card for the Farm Center! Nightmare and Assassin 3 either need a new masked gimmick or to get unmasked...... I'm sure you have some Intern or Galaxian masks laying around somewhere! Let's get to it..... Cooley gets chiseled in the face! With Mantell gone, Cooley needs some back up ASAP! Nightmares and Sawyers going to Double CO is a nice start to what I can only assume is going to be a war. Well then, I guess Johnny V is going with Fuller and Golden! This should make for a fun feud, although I can see Jimmy being torn as to what to do here. Loved the Gentleman just kinda going "Whatever, Fuck It" and taking the titles and leaving. I didn't figure Candy Man would beat The Stomper, but at least he got a shot. and then we move on to Jackson!! The Southern Street Fight is what I was expecting from the Sawyers and The Nightmares! Now this feud is kicking!! Uh oh.... Ron Wright having a huge surprise for Bob Armstrong can't be good..... and The Gentleman come up short against Doc and Dibiase. Oh well, that is quite a hill to climb. Great set of shows dude! Enjoyed them from start to finish. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted September 25, 2020 Report Share Posted September 25, 2020 What I love most about Twin States TV is you never know what's going to happen LOL. Loved the 2 segment angle involving Luscious Johnny, Brisco, Jimmy Valiant, Golden and Fuller. This was fun TV. With all these crazy characters the one who made me laugh the most was Brisco and the way he responded to everything. Liked the Violent Gentlemen's promo. They would be a fun heat magnet team to go around the loops as NWA tag champs. Huge 20 man battle royal on free TV! YES! Lot's of good stuff here including the Nightmares playing games with the Sawyers. Candyman gets the big rub and earns himself a title shot! To the Farm Center, I laughed at Fergie's meltdown. There's just something about this guy that makes writing for him so much fun. Looks like Nelson Royal is on the heel side. Poor Oates, I couldn't imagine having to go up against 3 other masked teams. Nightmare 3 and Assassin 3 as a team just works here LOL. Cooley gets the win but that chisel gets him afterwards. Cooley and Strong are heading into a blood feud. Nightmares and Sawyers seem to be just getting warmed up. The Gulf Coast Title is just made for Bullet Bob. Chaos in the tag title bout as Luscious Johnny ends up with Fuller and Golden. We might have a brother vs. brother feud coming. Huge title defense for Stomper as he puts down Candy with the big boot to retain. To Jackson, Oh man, Strong really did a number on Cooley as Welch had to sub. Didn't take long for Luscious Johnny to get back into his heel ways as he helps Fuller and Golden defeat the Invaders. Nightmares and Sawyers are getting bloody. Damn, that fight alone would of been worth the admission. Oh no, I wonder what Wright's surprise for Armstrong will be? I'll defiantly be tuning in next week to find out. The fans get a treat with an NWA tag title bout. The cohesive unit of Williams and Dibiase retain. I'm sure the Violent Gentlemen will have something to say about this. Great stuff Gene! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 30, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Episode #11 Saturday September 26, 1985 From the WTVY Ch. 4 Studio in Dothan, Alabama airing LIVE at Noon on WTVY Channel 4 and on tape on stations throughout Alabama and Mississippi at various times Host/Play by Play: Charlie Platt Co-Host/Color Commentator: Ronnie P. Gossett Interviewer/Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart (Show opens with a montage of classic Southeastern Wrestling footage with a voiceover saying "Welcome to Twin States Wrestling bringing you the best professional wrestling action from across Alabama and Mississippi sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance", we then go to our hosts Charlie Platt and Ronnie P. Gossett) Platt: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to what promises to be an exciting episode of Twin States Wrestling as we're barely twenty fours hours away from the biggest event in our brief history, Rocket City Rampage in Huntsville, Alabama!" RPG: "Platt, I don't normally like to agree with you but when you're right you're right….tomorrow the NWA World Champion Tully Blanchard along with the stunning Baby Doll will grace us with their presence as he defends against the NWA Gulf Coast Champion, Bob Armstrong!" Platt: "That's right and I understand that Les Thatcher has a few more exciting matches he wants to announce right now at the top of the program." (Platt goes around the desk to meet Les Thatcher) Thatcher: "Charlie, you're right it's an exciting show here today as tomorrow we have as good a chance as we've ever had to crown a World heavyweight champion, right there in Huntsville with our very own 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong challenging Tully Blanchard but that's not all the excitement! We're going to start tomorrow's show off with a STEEL CAGE MATCH….that's right, opening the show with a Steel Cage Match as Scott Armstrong challenges Bota the Witch Doctor for the NWA U.S. Jr Heavyweight Championship!" Platt: "Wow, I don't know if that's ever been done before!" Thatcher: "Well, certainly not in the Southeast but that's not all! After the stunt that Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden pulled last Saturday night joining up with Johnny Valiant to attack Jimmy Valiant and Jerry Brisco, costing them their Championship match against Barnes and Dundee, Jerry Brisco and Jimmy Valiant have demanded a match against Fuller and Golden right there at the Rocket City Rampage and I have granted it to them." RPG: "Now, just to be clear….since this show tomorrow is such a big event….there will be no show in Dothan tonight, is that correct?" Thatcher: "That's exactly right, Ronnie….no show in Dothan tonight." RPG: "I also have been told by my great, close, personal friend Mr. Don Carson that since the Candyman didn't get the job done against the Mongolian Stomper last week…..they have issued an open challenge tomorrow for the NWA Twin States Championship." Thatcher: "That's true….and as a matter of fact, there's a man on his way to the studio as we speak who says he's coming here to answer that challenge and I can't wait to see Don Carson's face when he sees who it is." RPG: "Who is it?? It can't be Ron Fuller, I heard he's out for weeks….so who is it??" Thatcher: "Ronnie, you'll find out when everyone else does….later today! Also on the card tomorrow, a match that's been deemed the 'Battle of the Bulge', as the 'Candyman' Ray Candy takes on Big Bubba with Don Carson. 'Wildcat' Wendell Cooley has issued a challenge for a tag team match but I'll let him tell you about that later today as well. The Violent Gentlemen will defend the Twin States tag team titles against The Assassins, and the match that I'm honestly a little nervous about….a tag team stretcher match as the Nightmares take on The Sawyer Brothers!" Platt: "An unbelievable afternoon of action, that's right bell time is 4pm, so get over there to Huntsville and check out some great action and still be back home at a reasonable time, tickets are available now at the VBC box office!" Thatcher: "Thanks guys, let's get to some action!" =================== MATCH #1: "Candyman" Ray Candy pinned George South after a "Chocolate Drop" leg drop (No dancing today from the Candyman as he heads straight over to Rick Stewart) Stewart: "Candyman, you don't seem to be the fun loving guy the fans have come to know and love in recent weeks." Candy: "Rick Stewart, the Candyman is still all about having fun when the time is right….but last week I had a huge opportunity getting a shot for the Twin States title after winning that battle royal and I came up short….well, tomorrow I'm going to step in there with this big man, Big Bubba….another one of Don Carson's guys…and I want him to see that the Candyman means business and when I take down Big Bubba…..Stomper, I want another shot at the gold!" ================== COMMERCIAL BREAK ================== MATCH #2: The Dream Team (Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden) w/"Luscious" Johnny V. defeated The Oates Brothers (Jerry/Ted) when Fuller pinned Ted Oates following a spike piledriver (Ronnie Gossett meets up with the Dream Team in the interview area) RPG: "I'd just like to be the first to say that I'm impressed… guys have been disappointed me since coming here playing nice and letting guys like Brisco and 'Handsome' Jimmy take advantage of you the way they did two weeks ago when poor Jimmy Golden was sick and nearly dying in that match." JV: "First off Ronald, just let me say that it's an honor to be interviewed by an amazing broadcast journalist such as yourself and I can only imagine the back pain you suffer from carrying that halfwit Charlie Platt week in and week out." RPG: "It's certainly not as easy as I make it look, I promise you." JV: "It couldn’t be….now let's get one thing straight right here and now…there's only one 'Handsome Jimmy' here in Twin States and that's Jimmy GOLDEN….not my loser brother….he's as ugly as most of these people here in Alabama! My brother is an idiot and I'm ashamed to call him a brother and our mission is to run him right out of here back to New York City, or whatever hole he crawled out of to come here." Fuller: "Well, Johnny if there's anybody who knows about having an idiot brother it's me! My goofy brother is the one who said we should play by the rules and try to be liked by these fans…and look what it got him! He's laid up injured and there's not a damn one of these people who care one bit about him….they cheered for big fat Kareem Muhammed last week to beat the Mongolian Stomper….they forgot all about the so-called Tennessee Stud….well from now on you can call ME the Tennessee Stud because Ron Fuller is an afterthought! Speaking of afterthoughts…let's talk about Gerald Brisco and your homeless lookin' brother the Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant…..we're going to beat them boys within an inch of their life and had they shown up here today in the studio we would have done it today….but that's just fine we'll do it in Huntsville at the big show in front of the big crowd!" Golden: "That's right Stud! Just one more thing before we go…..whoever wins that tag team title match, whether it's those lard butt Assassins or those two sawed off Australians….just know that the Dream Team is coming for ya baby and those belts will be ours….real, real soon!" =================== Commercial airs for tomorrow's Rocket City Rampage =================== (As we return from the commercial, 'Bad to the Bone' is playing as 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong joins Charlie Platt at the interview area) Platt: "Bullet, tomorrow you have one of the biggest opportunities of your life as you challenge Tully Blanchard for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, I know you have a lot to say about that but before your do, let's take a look at these pre-recorded comments from the champion" (VTR- Gordon Solie is standing in front of the NWA backdrop joined by Tully Blanchard and Baby Doll) Solie: "I'm joined at this time by the new NWA World Champion Tully Blanchard and of course Baby Doll. Tully, on Sunday you'll be traveling to Huntsville, Alabama to defend that title against the NWA Gulf Coast Champion 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong, I'd like to hear your thoughts going into this huge title defense." Tully: "I'm sure you would Gordon….as I'm sure all the fans in the Twin States of Alabama and Mississippi would, as I'm sure Mr. Bob Armstrong himself would. I know you'd all like to hear what the World Heavyweight Champion's thoughts are….and to be honest I don't have a lot of thoughts about defending this title against Bob Armstrong….it's not something I'm spending a lot of time thinking about because a gentleman by the name of Ron Wright has promised me that when he unveils his 'big surprise' on Bob Armstrong today in that small pitiful excuse for a television studio in Dothan, Alabama that there won't be anything left of Mr. Armstrong to defend against. Now, I don't normally concern myself in other's affairs but I did tell Ron Wright that if Bob Armstrong isn't physically able to challenge me in Huntsville on Sunday that Tully Blanchard Enterprises just might see fit to make a healthy donation to Mr. Wright's bank account." Solie: "So…you're just going to basically stand here and say that as the brand new champion, you are already resorting to paying off people to try and eliminate your competition? Is this the type of champion we can expect you to be as you defend this title throughout the NWA?" Doll: "Gordon Solie, how dare you insult the champion speaking to him this way? Mr. Blanchard did not approach Ron Wright and ask him to do anything….Mr. Wright made his intentions known, and Mr. Blanchard merely responded in kind….if this is the type of attitude you're going to take with the World Champion, you will not be granted anymore interviews!" Blanchard: "That's exactly right….and consider this one…..OVER!" (Blanchard and Baby Doll storm off) Solie: "Bullet my friend, I wish you the very best of luck." =================== Armstrong: "First of all, I want to say thank you to my old friend Gordon Solie and he deserves more respect than what was shown to him by those two….but really, would you expect anything less? Tully Blanchard is a great athlete and a great wrestler….and could be a worthy champion but you see he has that rotten attitude and while he likes to act confident, the truth is he's lacking in that department or else he wouldn't have to offer to pay people like Ron Wright to do his dirty work…..he wouldn't have to go out and find a woman who is bigger than he is to be his bodyguard….but Charlie, we'll come back to Tully in a moment….let's focus on the clown who claims he has this BIG surprise for me….Ron Wright….well Ron Wright how bout you march yourself on out here and let's get this over with…..come on, boy!" (Wright surprisingly comes out alone) Wright: "Bob Armstrong, how dare you come out here and talk ill of a fine Christian athlete and wonderful champion like Tully Blanchard. He's got more class in his pinky finger than you got in your whole body." Armstrong: "So where's your big surprise?" Wright: "You've got a match scheduled today, right? Well get in that ring and you'll find out!" (Bob Armstrong gets in the ring and Ron Wright motions towards the curtain and out comes……Butch Moffat?) Platt: "This is the big surprise?" RPG: "Well I'll admit…..I'm surprised." ================= MATCH #3: "Bullet" Bob Armstrong defeated Butch Moffat w/Ron Wright with the sleeper hold As Armstrong released the sleeper on Moffat, a masked man wearing khaki colored outfit hit the ring and tried to attack Armstrong but he quickly countered and put this guy in the sleeper as well when all of a sudden, Wright opened the side door to the studio and a HUGE man hit the ring and attacked Armstrong from behind!! RPG: "Oh my God Charlie Platt…..that's KAMALA THE UGANDAN HEADHUNTER!!" Kamala nailed Armstrong with some big chops followed by a thrust kick and then squashed him with a big splash, at Wright's direction he jumped right up and him with a 2nd one and then a 3rd one….wrestlers started hitting the ring but Kamala was knocking them down as quickly as they came through the ropes…until Wendell Cooley, Ray Candy, and Scott Armstrong hit the ring….big Ray squared off with Kamala causing Wright and Friday to pull him away, though Kamala seemed more than game to face off with all three of them. Platt: "Bob Armstrong is badly injured, let's go to a commercial break!" ==================== MATCH #4: "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley pinned Ronnie Jenkins with a running bulldog (Afterwards Cooley joins Rick Stewart for a ringside interview) Cooley: "Ron Wright is everything that's wrong with the wrestling business! This sport is about competing, it's not about trying to hurt people…but that seems to be what Ron Wright and his cronies are all about. Well, I’m putting a challenge out there for his team of the Angel of Death and Steve Strong….people say I haven't been able to handle things since you hurt my partner Johnny Mantell and that may be true…..but I've found a new partner who is just as motivated to get his hands on you guys as I am and he's going to be in Huntsville tomorrow and if you wanna know who he is……then I guess you'll just have to show up and find out….won't ya?" (crowd cheers as Cooley walks away) (Camera cuts to the desk where Les Thatcher is standing behind Platt and Gossett) Thatcher: "Ron Wright, has just jeopardized our huge World title match tomorrow as Bob Armstrong is on his way to the hospital as we speak… in light of that, Ron Wright you and Kamala are BARRED from the building tomorrow in Huntsville…..if you so much as try to buy a ticket I'll have you arrested for trespassing so we'll see how your guys fare tomorrow without their interfering manager!" ======================= MATCH #5: The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) defeated The Alaskan Hunters (#1/#2) when Davis pinned Hunter #2 after a leg drop off the top rope….As the referee raised their hands, Brett and Buzz Sawyer came from out of nowhere and attacked them….they fought around the studio and out the side door and into the parking lot!! ======================= COMMERCIAL BREAK ======================= (As we return from break Don Carson and Mongolian Stomper are at the desk) Carson: "Well, the shows nearly over Platt….and I don't see this so called challenger that Thatcher promised….I'm sure the idea of challenging my Mongolian Stomper seemed a lot better in theory than it did when it came time to actually be a man and walk out here and face him! If Ron Fuller and the Candyman weren't big enough to get the job done….nobody is." (Thatcher walks out to the desk) Thatcher: "He just pulled up in the parking lot and will be walking through that current momentarily." Carson: "Yeah right….who could it be this week? Is Buddy Fuller going to come defend his stupid son?" (The crowd erupts as BLACKJACK MULLIGAN comes through the curtain) Thatcher: "Is he big enough for you?" Carson: "What are you doing here? You don't wrestle here….it has to be somebody who wrestles here!" BJM: "Good news, I just signed the contract to wrestle your so called champion tomorrow night… it looks like I DO wrestle here!" (Stomper shoves Mulligan) BJM: "Well I tell ya what tough guy, how bout you get in that ring and I'll give you a little preview of tomorrow night!' (Stomper shoves Carson aside and gets in the ring…..Mulligan tosses his cowboy hat on the desk and follows him in……Stomper and Mulligan exchanges shots back and forth as the crowd is on their feet, Stomper goes to throw a big right that Mulligan blocks and then……LOCKS ON THE CLAW!! Mulligan has the claw locked in on the Stomper as the crowd is going wild!! Platt: "Fans, we are completely out of time as it looks like Blackjack Mulligan has got the Stomper in trouble, whatever you do …get to Huntsville tomorrow for the Rocket City Rampage!!" © 1985 NWA Twin States Wrestling Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneJackson95 Posted September 30, 2020 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2020 Twin States Wrestling Presents Rocket City Rampage Von Braun Civic Center Huntsville, AL. Sunday September 27, 1985 Bell Time: 4pm STEEL CAGE MATCH NWA U.S. Jr. Heavyweight Title Scott Armstrong pinned Bota the Witch Doctor following a sunset flip off the top rope to win the championship TAG TEAM CHALLENGE MATCH "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley/Mystery Partner- BRAD ARMSTRONG defeated "Sadistic" Steve Strong/Angel of Death when Brad Armstrong pinned AOD following a Russian Leg Sweep! BATTLE OF THE BULGE "Candyman" Ray Candy pinned Big Bubba w/Don Carson following his "Chocolate Drop" leg drop TAG TEAM GRUDGE MATCH The Dream Team (Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden) w/Luscious Johnny V defeated Jerry Brisco/"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant by count out after Jimmy Valiant was count out of the ring after being given a spike piledriver on the floor by Fuller/Golden while Johnny V distracted the referee and Brisco. Valiant was motionless on the floor from the moment he took the piledriver, he had to be carried out on a stretcher into an awaiting ambulance NWA Twin States Tag Team Championship The Violent Gentlemen (Bill Dundee/George Barnes) defeated The Assassins (#1/#2) when Dundee pinned Assassin #2 after his 'bombs away' sit down splash off the top rope….After the match, Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden hit the ring and attacked Dundee/Barnes resulting in a wild brawl had to broken up by several other wrestlers and security…..the fans were shocked and seemed to be cheering on Dundee/Barnes NWA Twin States Heavyweight Championship Blackjack Mulligan defeated The Mongolian Stomper w/Don Carson by DQ when Carson hit the ring to interfere when BJM had Stomper locked into the claw hold SEMI-MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM STRETCHER MATCH Brett/Buzz Sawyer defeated The Nightmares (Danny Davis/Ken Wayne) when Buzz pulled the referee's belt off and hung Wayne over the top rope while Brett/Davis fought in the crowd…..resulting in Wayne being carried out on a stretcher MAIN EVENT NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tully Blanchard w/Baby Doll Vs. "Bullet" Bob Armstrong Breaking from tradition of the champion coming out second…..Tully Blanchard and Baby Doll made their way down to the ring first, and Tully took the microphone to a chorus of boos from the Huntsville fans. Tully: "You low rent people finally have a World Champion grace your presence and this is how you react….typical I guess….but hey, I get it….you're disappointed, you thought that you were going to get to see your hero, Bob Armstrong challenge me for the World Heavyweight title but clearly….after that very, very unfortunate incident involving Kamala yesterday (winks at Baby Doll who smiles wide) there's no way your beloved 'Bullet' will be able to wrestle….so Les Thatcher, go ahead and pick whatever sub par redneck challenger you're going to substitute tonight so I can make this quick and get the hell out of Alabama as quick as possible!" (George Thorogood's unmistakable 'BAD TO THE BONE' blasted through the arena and the fans went nuts as 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong came to the ring with his ribs heavily bandaged) Bob: "Tully Blanchard, I came here to this arena today with three broken ribs and a cracked sternum with every intention of wrestling you….thus the reason I'm in my wrestling attire…..but let's face it as good as my intentions may be….I'll give you your due, you are a world class athlete and worthy champion and I'd be a fool to think I could be a champion of your caliber, in this condition… I'm going to take Les Thatcher up on his offer to postpone my shot for another time and place." Tully: "Kudos Bob, it takes a big man to admit when they in over their head….so go ahead and make this forfeit official so I can hope in my limo and get to the airport." Bob: "Hold your horses there…champ. The reason chose not to have this match tonight is because I felt it would be far to the fans to cheat them out of a potential title change due to my current injured state….but when Les Thatcher told me as the number one contender I could choose my replacement tonight, I looked across that dressing room and saw a man that I know in my heart has what it takes to defeat you….and that my man….is my son…….BAD BRAD ARMSTRONG!!" (the fans erupt again as Brad makes his way down to the ring, he gingerly hugs his injured father who leaves as Brad enters the ring) Tully: "What the hell is this?? He can't just randomly choose one of his kids to take his place….Brad Armstrong is not even in the top ten contenders list!" Brad: "Great……then this you should have an easy night then, huh?" MAIN EVENT NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tully Blanchard w/Baby Doll Vs. Brad Armstrong Blanchard started out very slow and apprehensive… what turned out to be a spectacular match that went back and forth for 48 minutes…..and just when it looked like Brad had the match won with a flying cross body off the top rope, Tully rolled through and hooked the tights for the 1-2-3!! Tully retained the title but Brad Armstrong is a MADE MAN in Twin States as every fan left the building knowing just how close they came to seeing an Armstrong win the world title! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blehschmidt Posted September 30, 2020 Report Share Posted September 30, 2020 Blanchard/Armstrong for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship would have people coming out from all around to see Rocket City Rampage. Kicking off the big show with a cage match! Scott Armstrong finally gonna get a fair shake at Bota. Nice! Nightmares vs Sawyers in a Tag Team Stretcher Match! Aww Shit. I'm gonna have to steal the Superstar's RX7 and get down to the VBC box office myself! Glad to see "The Candyman" getting serious and working toward another shot. Still glad to see you using him! Loving Fuller and Golden showing their true colors, and Johnny V works fantastic with them. Great promo. I don't know what Gordon Solie is being all uppity about, Ron Wright's Bank Account is a well known charitable organization! Awesome promo by the champ, that does a great job further building intrigue for the reveal of Wright's guy. Quote RPG: "Well I'll admit…..I'm surprised." Expand That literally got an out loud chuckle from me... at work. Oh Shit....Kamala just wrecked Armstrong!! That's a pretty good surprise, and like a blind porn star, Armstrong never saw it coming. A nice little mini brawl between the Nightmares and the Sawyers to get us ready for the stretcher match. This is a great feud. Oh Damn! Blackjack Mulligan shows up to challenge the Stomper!! First Kamala, now BJM, and Cooley has a mystery partner coming too! Bidness is pickin' up in Twin States if you weel! On to the Rampage!! With no one able to interfere for Bota, Scott Armstrong finally brings home the gold!! Cooley and Brad make one hell of a team! Glad to see Candy pick up the win over the rookie Tugmaster Oh Shit, looks like Fuller and Golden may have actually accomplished taking out Jimmy Valiant. Violent Gentleman retain!! I like these guys! and now a feud with Fuller/Golden!! Between this and Sawyers/Nightmares, I am loving the Twin States tag team scene!! Carson saves the title for Stomper! Blackjack ain't gonna be happy. Sawyers get the win after a hanging!! That seems about right. MORE!!! Great interviews setting up the opponent switch in the main event. Seemed word for word exactly like it would go down. Then the fans got treated to a classic. Brad is criminally underrated in the real world, glad he got a chance to go nearly an hour with the NWA Champion in this one. That will be a favorite amongst tape traders for years to come. Great Stuff Gene!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaldoni Posted October 2, 2020 Report Share Posted October 2, 2020 Loved the hype for Rocket City Rampage! Tully vs. Bullet for the NWA title will no doubt draw a huge crowd. Candyman puts the fun aside and gets a little more focused as he gets ready for Big Bubba and possibly another shot at Stomper. Yea, the Dream Team moniker is perfect for Fuller and Golden. Luscious Johnny has some disparaging remarks for brother Jimmy. This trio is going to attract a ton of heat. Butch Moffat is the surprise of the night hahahaha! Things get serious as KAMALA shows up and destroys the Bullet. Twin States is the right place for a monster like Kamala. Cant wait to find out who Cooley's new partner will be. Things get crazy between the Sawyers and Nightmares! That stretcher match is going to be insane! WOW! Blackjack Mulligan has arrived and is thrown into the main event spot. Carson and Stomper better be ready. Mulligan is a great foe to all the monsters here. On to Rocket Rampage, You know this is going to be a great event when a steel cage opens the show. After a good chase, Scott finally gets the strap off Bota. Damn, Cooley sure picked the right partner with Brad Armstrong! Candyman wins the Battle of the Bulge match. Love that title btw. Candyman just might of earned himself another title shot. Jimmy Valiant goes down the hard way! That was one brutal spike piledriver by the Dream team. Violent Gentlemen retain but then get involved in a post match fight with the Dream Team. Busy night for Fuller and Golden. You know they're hated if Dundee and Barnes were getting cheered. Thanks to Carson, Stomper escapes with the title but I'm sure this fight has only just begun. And one thing we know about Mulligan is he isn't afraid to fight. I knew the stretcher match would be a wild one but that finish was crazy. Sawyers win in a big way. Bullet Bob plays it smart and doesn't compete but the fans sure got their money's worth with a Tully/Brad title bout. Very impressing showing for Brad as he takes the champ pass the 45 minute mark. Brad is defiantly a made man. Awesome show! Can't wait to see the fall out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 3, 2020 Report Share Posted October 3, 2020 Twin States is rolling. Enjoyed the first segment of the TV show. It did a great job of hyping up Rocket City Rampage but it also kept us glued to the TV as now we had to find out who the Mongolian Stomper would face. Candy Man makes for a fun Southern style wrestling who could really get the fans hooked in. The Dream Team vs The Oates brothers is a great match for TV. The Oates have gotten no love in this game but they were really pretty good. Great interview with RPG, JV and the Dream Team. RPG adds so much to your show. Great debut of Kamala. What a way to get some heat! Attacking the Bullet in Alabama on the night before Armstrong goes for the NWA title! WOW. Also thanks for fixing my mistake and putting the gimmick back on the Ugandan Giant. The Nightmares vs The Sayers.... ALL DAY LONG! I thought the Kamala debut was great and then we get BLACKJACK! I mean I traded him to you and was still on the edge of my seat reading that! ON TO ROCKET CITY RAMPAGE The Steel Cage Match was a great way to kick off this great event! I really enjoy Bota and hope we hear from him again but in Alabama... Armstrongs or Fullers rule And another Armstrong comes out with Cooley. Could just imagine the pop that got. WOW... Johnny V helping to set up a spike piledriver on his brother! This feud has legs if Jimmy can recover Fuller and Golden were all over this card... looking forward to this interesting feud with The Violent Gentlemen Awesome main event. So did Baby Doll and Tully have something to do with Kamala's attack on Bullet? Brad almost came up with sweet revenge! GREAT TV SHOW BUT ROCKET CITY RAMPAGE WAS EVEN BETTER! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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