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The city of Memphis has long been a hotbed for professional wrestling.  The Memphis Territory, officially called Championship Wrestling Association was apart of the National Wrestling Association until 1984.  In 1984 the American Wrestling Association attempted to take over the industry and Memphis had no other option other than to stop being an NWA territory and to join the AWA.  Memphis along with Dallas and San Antonio became the centers for a brand-new AWA territory known as the USWA.  Eventually, the USWA faded away but what did not fade away was the importance of Memphis Wrestling.  Memphis continued to be one of the major AWA markets over the past 4 years. 


The one constant in Memphis Wrestling for the past 20 years has been Jerry Jarrett.  Jarrett had a long and successful career as a wrestler before moving into the administrative side of the business.  Eventually Jarrett worked his way all the way to the top of the AWA where he took over for Verne Gagne.  This past New Year’s Day, Jarrett made a decision to part ways with the AWA and until very recently, his future in wrestling seemed questionable.

Last week, Jarrett met with cable television mogul Ted Turner.  Ted Turner, who has long been a supporter of professional wrestling. 


Turner recently lost Bill Watts and UWF Wrestling from his Superstation lineup and he has been looking to fill this void and go back to having two hours of wrestling each Saturday night on WTBS 17.  It seems like Turner has found that match as Jerry Jarrett has agreed to go back home to Memphis and reopen the Championship Wrestling Association. 


Also returning with Jarrett will be legendary wrestling announcer, Lance Russell.  This will be the first time Russell will bring his dry wit and expertise to a national audience. 


Along with Gordon Solie, and now Lance Russell, Ted Turner can boost the best announce team in the business.  One person not returning to the new Memphis program will be Lance Russell’s long time partner Dave Brown.  Instead, professional wrestler, Dirty Dutch Mantell will be joining Lance at the podium. 


This two are sure to be like oil and water as most likely will not see eye to eye on much. 

While Jarrett and Russell will be returning to Memphis Wrestling, it is still uncertain if the show and the territory can survive without its King, Jerry Lawler. 


Lawler has been everything to Memphis Wrestling but seems to want a fresh start.  He recently lost an AWA title match to Bad News Brown and has sense headed south to Florida.  Whether this is a permanent decision or not is yet to be seen.  With the King not in Memphis, Jarrett has been scrambling to find talent that will keep the national audience tuned in week after week.  So far, he has signed such stars as


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Steve KeirnqcB2iUY.png    and Boris Zhukov. fRrMpyj.png


While these are big names in the wrestling business, they are not Jerry Lawler!  With or without The King, one thing for sure is that Memphis has been long known as a wild and crazy territory where you can expect the unexpected.  Fans in Memphis, Chattanooga, Louisville, Evansville and other nearby cities get ready… Memphis is Back. 

Tune in to Superstation 17 each and every Saturday starting March 4th. 

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Having watched some Smokey Mountain wrestling, I know Mantell can be great behind the booth and if he and Russell can summon the chemistry he had with Bob Caudle irl then they should make a fun part of the show.

Some good talent here but the ultimate question is, can Memphis survive without the King? We'll find out.

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Championship Wrestling Association:  Episode #1:  March 4 1988

(Thought I'd get this started early as I am sure I will fall behind at some point)

The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 

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Lance Russell:  Yellow everybody.  For the first time in over four years, the Championship Wrestling Association is back.  Jerry Jarrett has separated from the AWA and is back in charge of the CWA and will be bringing great wrestling action to all the fans in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Alabama.  The CWA promises to bring you professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  I’m Lance Russell and on this week’s program you are going to see such stars as Big Money Marcus, “All-America” Action Jackson, Brett Sawyer, The Hood,  “The Franchise” Shane Douglas,  and the Dirty White Boy. 

We will also be talking to the notorious Ron Wright and the Commissioner of Championship Wrestling Association, Jeff Jarrett.  .  In our main event, you will see “White Lightening” Tim Horner vs “The Mighty Russian”, Boris Zhukov.  And right here to help me call all the action, the Dirty Dutchman, Dutch Mantel.

Dutch Mantel: (gestures to the fans asking them to hold their applause but they are actually booing.)  Hold it down out there. I know you are excited to see me, the one and only Dutch Mantell, back in Memphis but I’m here to see main eventers lock horns in the ring, not listen to you folks.  I’m also here to see this guy they call “the Franchise,” one Shane Douglas.  I’m going to get to see what Douglas has to offer and then I’ll give you an honest opinion if he is the real deal or not.

Lance Russell:  Yes sirreee, nothing but honesty coming from Dirty Dutch.  We are ready to kick off our first show here in the CWA.  Bell Time.  Heeeeerrreeeeeee we go!   


(In order to fill time with a such a small roster, all matches begin with wrestlers making their entrance to the ring on camera and with entrance music.)  . 


Big Money Marcus vs Action Jackson


Big Money Marcus makes a statement by just walking to the ring.  He is about 6’7 and weighs way over 300 hundred pounds.  He is dressed in a dark suit, with sunglasse and large gold chains are around his neck.  He walks slowly to the ring daring a fan to get in his way while “The Gambler” from Kenny Rogers is playing on the background.  This is all in contrast to Action Jackson who comes to the ring wearing only his wrestling tights.  He jogs out to “Made in America” by James Brown and is interacting with as many fans as he could.

Once the match starts we quickly find out that this is a wrestler vs a brawler.  Big Money breaks every rule he could while trying to break Action Jackson.  Jackson finds a way to withstand the abuse and connects with the top rope shoulder block for the win.


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Lance:  That was a great opening match today.  Folks, let me now bring in the commissioner of Championship Wrestling Association, Jerry Jarrett.   


Jarrett:  Thank you Lance.  It is sure good to be home.  I’m going to make it my personal goal to bring great professional wrestling home to the Mecca of Wrestling… Memphis, Tennessee.  No longer will the Mid-South Coliseum be just another arena.  It’s going to once again be the center of this sport.  No longer will Evansville, Louisville, and Nashville be some afterthoughts in this sport.  They are going to be major players for great wrestling action.  I’ve been involved in this business for over 30 years and I’ve seen every trick in the book tried against me.  I’m ready for anything that these wrestlers will try to pull.   It's time to bring wrestling back to a time of yesteryear; when wrestling was the sport of kings.  I’m going to make wrestling affordable to all the fans.  Championship Wrestling will have family friendly prices as it is you, the community that will make this promotion a success.  The fines will be heavy on wrestlers who break the rules. No foreign objects, no touching the referees, no over-the-top rope, no nonsense.  CWA Wrestling will live by this motto:  God, Country, family and fairness.  Anyone who goes against that will suffer a hefty price.  Myself and my general manager, Eddie Marlin are going to be watching closely and we are going to make sure everyone plays by the rules.

Lance:  Thanks Jerry.  I’m sure you’re the man to get this job done.  Now let’s welcome to back to the CWA, one of the biggest stars in Memphis wrestling history, “The Fabulous One” Steve Keirn.  Welcome Steve.


Steve Keirn:  Thanks Lance.  It’s sure great to be here on the first CWA show in over 4 years.  I’m real excited to get back to wrestling the way it used to be.  Jerry Jarrett is right when he says order needs to be restored.  I like that we are going to focus on wrestling here and not the chaos like they do in other places.  I can’t wait for my first match here in Memphis and I don’t care who it’s against.  I’m going to give these fans 100% each and every time I step in the ring. 



“The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs Cougar Jay


Shane Douglas makes quick work of Cougar Jay with the finish coming with a belly to belly suplex


We now cut to a pre-taped interview with Ron Wright who is sitting in a wheelchair.


Ron Wright:  It certainly is nice to be here Tennessee.  Just like to tell everyone why I’m sitting in this here wheelchair.  My Rastlin career is over.  All those years of a fighting those non-Christian heathens has taken a toll on my body.  I need a hip implant.  I need a knee implant.  I’m generally just in a bad way.  Now, I’m over here in the great state of Tennessee doing a little scouting.  I’m a lookin over all the top rastlers in the area and wishing to sign one or two to a contract.  Listen up everyone, if I get your name on a contract, I can a guarantee you that I will get you to the top.  In this way, I can earn a little money and maybe get out of this wheelchair and get my life back.  I have the experience.  I have they knowledge and most of all, I understand the system here in this part of the country.  But don’t you a worry one bit.  It will all be done in the Christian way! 

As we head back to live tv,

Dutch Mantel:  What a shame Lance.  Ron Wright is such a great man.  I hope he gets a chance to manage someone and get these surgeries he so desperately needs. 

Lance:  Come on Dutch.  You know as well as I do that Ron Wright can’t be trusted.  He’s been terrorizing the wrestling world and especially Tennessee for almost 40 years.

Dutch:  I think you are one of those Non-Christians he was talking about.  Let’s get back to the ring.

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The Hood vs Bret Wayne Sawyer

The Hood comes to the ring wearing a black mask and long black tights.  He is large, about 6’3, 270 pounds and in great shape.  Throughout the match, Bret Sawyer tries to use his speed to keep the big man off balance but The Hood controls most of the action with a mix a power moves and rule breaking attacks.  In the end, The Hood hoisted Sawyer up for a big bodyslam but Sawyer slipped out of his grip and rolled down his back, rolling up The Hood for the surprise pin.


Lance:  Well look at that.  You never know what is going to happen if you don’t give up.  Brett Sawyer pulls victory from the grasps of defeat.

Dutch:  I think he pulled victory with a grasp of the tights.  That was cheating if you ask me.

Lance:  Oh Dutch, come on.  Give Bret Wayne Sawyer some credit. 

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Match # 4

The Dirty White Boy destroys Bill Taub with the end coming by the Bucksnort Blaster (chokeslam)


Interesting thing here was that Ron Wright rolled himself out onto the entrance ramp and was taking notes.  Both Lance and Dutch pointed out that it seems like Wright has started his scouting.  Dutch continued by saying Ron Wright should sign the promising Dirty White Boy and it might help him to earn some of that money he so desperately needs to have those much needed hip and knee surgeries.  You could tell Lance was fed up with the whole Ron Wright story and can’t believe that Dutch has fallen for it. 

Lance:  Folks, I would now like to welcome back to the show, The Franchise, Shane Douglas.  That was quite a win you had earlier. 

Shane Douglas:  Thanks Lance.  I’m here to show everyone what I got and I can’t wait to challenge myself against all the great wrestlers here in Memphis.  I know down the road there is going to be a tournament to crown the new Southern Heavyweight Champion and I plan on giving that my best shot.  It would be awesome to win that belt.

Dutch:  Hey Shane.  I’m Dutch Mantel and I got a lot of experience in this sport.  I was watching that match of your before and it was pretty good.

Shane:  Thanks Dutch

Dutch:  Hold on just a minute “Franchise.”  I said pretty good.  I think when you whipped your opponent into the corner earlier, you might have made a mistake on how you rushed in afterwards.  I mean this  might work out against the likes of Cougar Jay but not sure your skills are worthy of someone calling himself “The Franchise.” I mean you got a chance at success in this sport but if you don’t make some changes your going to flounder around on the bottom.  All I’m saying is I would have wrestled that match a lot differently. 

Shane:  That’s right Dutch, you would have lost the match!

Lance:  (laughing as Shane walks away) I think he got you on that one Dutch.  Let’s get to the ring for our main event.


Main Event Match

“White Lightening” Tim Horner vs “The Mighty Russian” Boris Zhukov

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As the match drags on, it becomes obvious that Ron Wright is wheeling himself closer to the ring as he seems very intrigued by Zhukov.  Eventually Wright is all the way to the apron as Zhukov and Horner are battling by the ropes.  The camera catches Wright handing some sort of object to Zhukov.

WHAM… Zhukov nails Horner with a loaded fist.  The ref didn’t notice the object and makes the three count and wards Zhukov the match.

Brad Armstrong, Horner’s partner, rushes to the ring.  He is arguing with the ref about the illegal weapon.


WHAM… from behind, Soldat Ustinov, Zhukov’s cousin, hits the ring and the two Russians begin to pummel Armstrong.  Eventually they tie the big Russian chain around the neck of Armstrong and seem poised to toss Brad over the top rope and hang him.


Tim Horner recovers just in time and attacks the Russians.  Soon we get a 2-2 brawl all over the ring.  Eventually Horner and Armstrong with the brawl and the Russians are heading for the aisle.

Almost as fast as the Russians leave, General Manager Eddie Marlin appears…


Marlin:  Boris Zhukov!  The cameras don’t lie.  Ron Wright handed you an illegal object and you used it.  While Ron Wright should not have done that, he did not force you to use so he is off the hook this time.  But you Boris broke our “No Illegal Weapons” rule and you as of right now, you have been fined one thousand dollars. 

Lance:  Finally, wrestling the way it should.  Fans, we hope to have you join us each and every week right here on The Superstation 17 each and every Saturday evening at 7:05.  Until next week, Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell saying bye bye everybody. 



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Taking wrestling back to "a time of yesteryear"... Dutch taking potshots at a promising rookie...Ron Wright in a wheelchair...Smokey Mountain has come early! Well technically we've had a version of Smokey Mountain in the game but this just captures the spirit of it so well.

I like the touch of your bigger jobbers putting up a fight. We tend to think of our squash matches being totally one-sided but watching the old shows some of them would get some good shots in.

It's been said before plenty of times but you really can't go wrong having a pair of Russians in your first proper feud. Lightning Express are a fine All-American pair to take them on.

Memphis wrestling is back baby!

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Lance and Dutch are so good together. This dynamic works. 

The thing I love about smaller territories is it gives guys who might've been lost in the national shuffle a chance to shine. Big Money Marcus is in a good place. 

Jarrett promises to bring wrestling back to the way it was. he'll have his work cut out, dealing with some of these heels. 

Yes! The Fabulous One is home. 

Douglas sets high standards using the Franchise moniker. 

Oh, how the game has missed Ron Wright. 

Sawyer gives the show a fun moment by upsetting the Hood. 

DWB would be an excellent acquisition for Wright. 

Dutch gives pointers to the Franchise LOL, but I don't think he liked Shane's comeback. 

And the first feud is set. Can't go wrong with the classic Russian monsters going up against the all American babyfaces. 

Great format. The show flowed really well. The big question is, will the King eventually show up? 


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The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 


Lance Russell:  Yeeellow Everybody.  Lance Rusell alongside Dirty Dutch Mantell.  By golly we’re ready to fire off another great week of championship wrestling.  This is professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  On today’s show, you are going to see such stars as The Hustler Rip Rogers, The Fab One, Steve Kerin, Bret Wayne Sawyer and my partner Dutch Mantel will be in action.  We’ll also be talking to the notorious Ron Wright.  Jerry Jarrett will be here and in our main event, you will see “the Lightening Express taking on the two big Russians, Boris Zhukov and Soldat Ustinov.


Dutch Mantel: Well, first off let me tell you it’s going to be great getting back in the ring tonight and show some of these so called up-and-comers what a real wrestler can do.  And as for “The so-called Franchise,” Shane Douglas, he better be careful what he says around here, or he might find himself on the wrong side of a bull rope.  And in that main event, I can’t wait to see what Boris and his cousin have instore for those two whinnying babies, Armstrong and Horner.

Lance:  I see we are just going to have to agree to disagree tonight Dutch.  We’re ready to kick off our first match.  Bell Time!  Heeeeerrreeeeeee we go!     


Match #1:

“Hustler” Rip Rogers” vs Couger Jay


Jay is already in the ring when the speakers begin blaring “You Give Love A Bad Name” and Rogers makes his way to the ring wearing his tights and pink vest.  He quickly grabs the microphone.

Rip Rogers:  Shut my music…. What I would like to have right now is for all you fat and out-of- shape, sorry excuses for men to sit there and be quiet while I give all the woman of Memphis the thrill of a lifetime as I take this vest off and show my perfectly fit, muscular body.   

Most of the fans start to boo but you can see many women smiling with excitement. 

As soon as his vest is off, Rogers attacks before the bell.  He’s getting some major heat from the crowd as he makes quick work of Cougar Jay and wins by submission with the sleeper!  Before “waking” up his opponent, Rogers struts around the ring posing for his “fans.”

All through the match, Ron Wright was there in his wheelchair scouting Rogers and seemed to like what he saw. 

Lance:  What a piece work Rip Rogers is.

Dutch:  You can say that again.  It’s like he is chiseled out of stone.

Lance:  Not exactly what I meant.


Commercials + Promos for upcoming events in Memphis, Evansville, Louisville and Nashville

 After the break, Boris Zhukov and Soldat Ustinov come to the podium…

Boris Zhukov:  Last week Tm Horner, it was the end of your career but your stupid tag team partner, Brad Armstrong, had to come and stick his nose where it don’t belong. But you see … this week we are going to finish it.  With my cousin Soldat, you are going to see that we are going to rip you apart.  Lightening Express, tonight, if you dare come to the ring, it will be the end of your career.

Soldat simply stares at the camera and makes a most muscular pose a la Nikita and sticks his tongue out at the camera. 

Next, we get a video promo of “The Rebel” Dick Slater who Lance lets us know has just been signed to a contract and will be here real soon.  Dirty Dutch doesn’t seem so excited and wonders if Jerry Jarrett should be in charge here as he seems to be scrapping the bottom on the barrel looking for talent.

Lance:  Come on Dutch.  You know as well as I do how good Dick Slater is.  Let’s get back to the action as one of the all-time Memphis greats is in the ring. 



“The Fab One” Steve Keirn defeats Larry Cheatum with the Diving Senton


Keirn in his post-match interview shakes hands with Lance and ignores Dutch.  He states his excitement about being back in Memphis and how he’s enjoying wrestling in front of all these great fans.  He reminds everyone that soon there will be a tournament to crown the next Southern Heavyweight Champion and that he would love it to be him.

When Keirn leaves, Dutch says the only good thing about Keirn being back is that he comes alone and that there is only one “Not-So-Fab-One.”

Next Commissioner Jerry Jarrett comes out.



Jarrett:  Fans, I just want to give you a few updates.  As we said last week, we are going to return professional wrestling to the way it used to be and how you like it.  There will be no foreign objects used in any of our matches.  There will be no touching of our referees.  Tossing an opponent over the top rope will not be tolerated.  Anyone that breaks any of these rules will be heavily fined and possible suspended.  I also want you to know that we are in negotiations with some of the biggest stars in professional wrestling and I will not stop trying to give you fans the best wrestling action.    

Lance:  Thanks Jerry.  Fans, nest we have a man that’s bringing a lot of excitement to Championship Wrestling… “The Franchise” Shane Douglas. 


Shane Douglas:  You know Lance, Dutch Mantel’s been out here running his mouth.  Well it’s easy to sit behind a desk and criticize somebody Dutch.  I ‘m nearly 250 pounds.  Born and breed to be a professional wrestler my entire life.  If you got a problem with me, I promise I won’t be hard to find.  Anytime, anywhere Dutch.

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“Dirty” Dutch Mantell vs Bret Wayne Sawyer

After a back and forth match, we see Sawyer regaining the momentum.  He whipped Dutch into the corner where Dutch grabbed his bull rope and thrusted it into the throat of Sawyer and then began whipping him with it.  The fans erupted as Shane Douglas hit the ring and connected with a few blows before Dirty Dutch rolled out of the ring and header for the exit.  On his way he grabbed the microphone from Jim Ross.

Dutch:  Shane Douglas, this bull rope can stop a 2000-pound bull.  Keep messin in my business and your gonna find out what it can do to you. 


Commercials + Promos for upcoming events in Memphis, Evansville, Louisville and Nashville



Eddie Marlin:  Lance, I’m sorry to interrupt but this will only take a minute.  I’m out here to talk about one Dutch Mantell and that bull whip he threatened to use against Shane Douglas.  This is a bit of a gray line.  He brought that bull rope out as part of his attire, so it is not clear if that is a foreign object or not.  I’m going to give him a pass today but only by the skin of his nose.  If he ever uses it again, he would be in violation of the “No Foreign Object” clause and would be immediately fined.   Now, speaking of Dutch Mantel, he seems to have a problem with “The Franchise” Shane Douglas.  Here in Memphis, we’ve got ways to solve problems.  Right here, next week, it will be Dutch Mantel and “The Franchise” Shane Douglas in our main event.

As soon as Eddie Marlin exits, Ron Wright comes rolling in on his wheelchair.

Ron Wright:  If you ask me, Eddie Marlin keeps a stickin his nose where it don’t belong.  If I had the money to do it, I would pay that fine for Dutch Mantel just to see Shane Douglas get the Bullwhip.  But as ya’ll know, I’m a trying to save up some money to get those surgeries on my hips and knees so I can get on up out of this wheelchair and walk again.  And while we’re on the subject of people wanted to know everybody’s business, people need to stop a comin up to me and asking have a signed any rasslers to contracts yet.  People are in a hurry for me to fix all the heathen things going on around here, but I keep tellin them to be patient.  I’m doing my scoutin.  I’m thinking things through and pretty soon I will get a rassler or two signed on the dotted line.


Next, Lance takes us back to last week where Ron Wright seemed to hand Boris Zhukov a foreign object which Ivan used in the match.  This resulted in a disqualification.  Ivan’s cousin, Soldat Ustinov came to ringside, and the duo attacked Horner and tried to hang him over the top rope with that Russian chain Ivan brought to the ring.  Lucky for Horner, his partner Brad Armstrong rush down and made the save.  Watts quickly fined Koloff for using a foreign object and then made our main event for this week… The Russians for The Lightening Express. 

Dutch:  I, for one, think that Horner got exactly what he deserved.  He come in here thinking he owned the whole city of Memphis.  I mean Boris has  been in the business forever and has won wresting titles all across the United States.  That little puke Tim Horner shows him no respect.

Lance:  I bet you might be alone in your thinking there Dutch.


Ron Wright:  (rolling back in)  Now hold on just a minute there Lance.  I’m on Dutch’s side on this one.  Let me tell you somethin about the Lightning Express.  Ya’ll upset and accusing Ron Wright of given Boris Zhukov some kind of foreign object.  For one thing, Ron Wright is a crippled man.  I’m in a wheelchair and I can’t a hardly move.  So how am I going to hand anybody anything.  But more importantly, I’m a God-faring man.  I would never think of interfering in any rastlin match.  I’ve never harmed a hair on any man’s head that aint deserved it.  Now, let’s all get to the ring and see what’s left of the Lightening Express when the Russians are done with them. 


Main Event Match

The Lightening Express (Horner & Armstrong) vs Boris Zhukov a& Soldat Ustinov

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This is a wild back and forth match that is full of chaos with the most chaotic moment coming in the end. 

We see Brad Armstong escape and tags in Tim Horner after being trapped by the Russians and doing a great job of playing the babyface in peril.  Horner comes in like a house a fire and is taking on both Russians until Armstrong recovers.  Once Brad is ok, he returns to the fight only to be tossed through the middle ropes onto the floor.  Brad quickly recovers again and climbs to the top rope and catches Ustinov in a Top Rope Cross Body Block.  The ref sees this and quickly makes the three count!



Dutch Mantel: Hey that ain’t right!  Ustinov is not the legal man in the ring. 

Here comes Ron Wright rolling in again…

Ron Wright:  This commissioner Jerry Jarrett is an albatross!  For those of you here without much schoolin, an albatross is nothing but a dirty bird!  I mean we just saw that there referee cheat plan as day.  Is Jerry Jarrett or Eddie Marlin out here finning him or suspending him.  I don’t think so.  Another thing, Championship Rasslin is going to any towns that’ll have em.  I mean have you even checked to see if their handicap accessible?  How am I supposed to sign anyone to a contract if I can’t even scout them?  How am I going to make me some money and have those surgeries so I can get up out of this chair.  An albatross I say.  An albatross.

Lance:  Well maybe Ron, you should hurry up and sign some wrestlers and get those surgeries.  Until next week, Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell saying bye bye everybody. 


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Rip Rogers. Can't say he's made much of a impression from what I've seen of him but I can see him getting heat in a place like Memphis.

Jarrett said the line! Plus his promise to bring in the big stars is off to a good start with Dick Slater 

Dutch gets a pass on his bullrope, ONCE. He'll need to come up with another trick when he steps in the Franchise.

 The Lightning Express get a win while the Russians get to complain about corrupt American officiating. Everyone wins! Also I think Dutch has Zhukov confused with someone else.

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Rip Rogers is exactly the territory wrestler that will thrive here. 

Dick Slater is on his way! Dutch might not be thrilled, but I am. 

The Fabulous One has his sights set on the tournament and title. 

Jarrett isn't messing around. 

Dutch puts his bullrope to use on Sawyer, but luckily the Franchise was chomping to get at Dutch. 

Marlin gives Dutch a one time pass. I have a feeling we're going to see the bullrope again. 

LOL, Wright was a big part of tonight's show and cracked me up. He's going to bring the heat to Memphis. 

Lightning Express get the satisfying win tonight, but I'm sure the Russians won't let this slide easily. 

Great job with the format. You've really captured the territory feel. 


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Lance Rusell:  Yeeellow Everybody.  Lance Rusell alongside Dirty Dutch Mantell:  Welcome to another action-packed, exciting hour of Championship Wrestling.  Professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  On this week’s program you are going to see such stars as Big Money Marcus, “The Hustler” Rip Rogers, “The Fab One” Steve Keirn. “The Mighty Yankee will be making his debut.  You will also see “White Lightening” Tim Horner in action.  We will also be talking to Boris Zhukov who has a big announcement regarding his tag team partner.  Brad Armstrong will be joining us along with the Commissioner Jerry Jarrett.  I am also sure we’ll see Ron Wright as he is continuing to search for wrestlers to manage.  And listen ...  In the main event, it’ll be “The Dirty Dutchman” Dutch Mantell against the “Franchise Shane Douglas.”   


Dutch Mantel: Well, first off, let me tell you that I’m going to prove to that obnoxious young punk Shane Douglas that it takes more than a week in this business before you start calling yourself the Franchise.  I also can’t wait to see what happened to Boris Zhukov and his tag team partner, Soldat Ustinov.  I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the Lightening Express had something to do with this.  I mean you can’t go into a post office anywhere around the Memphis area and not see their pictures on the most wanted list.

Lance:  Come on now Dutch, you know that’s not true.  Right now, I want to take you to a pre-recorded interview with The Lightening Express and “The Fab One” Steve Keirn.

Brad Armstrong:  I just want to let you all know how great it is to be in the CWA and Jerry Jarrett is really putting it all together.  We have a lot of great wrestlers here trying to get to the top.  This truly is wrestling the way it used to be and the way you like it.

Steve Keirn:  Just like Brad said, I’ve been lucky enough to wrestle all over the world and in the short time that I’ve been back in Memphis and the surrounding towns, I’ve already noticed that you guys are some of the best wrestling fans in the world.  I’m looking forward to getting out there and meeting ya’ll. 

Tim Horner:  I think Brad and Steve left one thing out.  Every place I go, I can’t believe all the pretty young ladies I’m seeing at the arena each and every night. 

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When we come out of break, we see Boris Zhukov at the podium.

Boris Zhukov:  I know you, Lance Russell, got a lot of questions.  They, da fans have a lot of questions.  But it is none of your business …. but I’m gonna tell you anyway.  Yes, Soldat was called back to Russia.  Called back on official business for an extended period of time.  It wasn’t you Lightening Express that drove him out of wrestling.  It was not you Lightening Express driving the Russians out of America.  That is not happening.  I’m here to say.  And I found an honest American which is very hard to find you know.  One with class.  One with dignity and he has agreed to be my wrestling partner.

Out walks Shaska Whatley…

Shaska Whatley:  Like Boris said, Soldat had to return home and I’m going to fill in for the time being.  I’ve also heard that at some point, there’s going to be a tag team title here in the CWA.  Just give them to Boris and myself.  The Lightening Express ain’t never won anything in their life and we aint gonna let them start now. 


Big Money Marcus defeats Cougar Jay with a powerslam

With his demeanor, lack of emotions and attire, the fans seem somewhat nervous around Big Money.  Dutch Mantell saying that he heard a rumor that Marcus made all of his money as a hit man for the Gambino crime family up in New York doesn’t help ease the situation.  Lance says he hadn’t heard that but admits Big Money is a mysterious character. 

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When we come out a break, Brad Armstrong is with Lance. 

Brad Armstrong:  Boris Zhukov… Do you really think the Lightening Express care why Soldat Ustinov was called back to Russia.  Doesn’t matter what new partner you have.  You aren’t going to slow Tim and myself down.  And if you think you found a classy American in Shaska Whatley, you’ve got no idea what class is.  Shaska, you and I have had our battles for a long time.  I can’t wait to show you who is the better wrestler once and for all.  The Lightening Express have proven to winners before, and we’ll prove it again. 

Match #2

“The Hustler Rip Rogers defeated Bill Marks with the Superplex (Ripperplex)

Again, Rogers does a great job of getting some serious heat from the fans.  It all started before the match as he took the house mic and demanded that they shut off his music, “You Give Love A Bad Name.”

Rip Rogers:  What I would like to have right now is for all you fat and out of shape sorry excuses for men who are sitting here reliving your glory days, to be quiet and think about your life as a pig farmer while I give all this woman of Memphis and out in TV land the thrill of a lifetime.  (Rogers starts to take off his vest to show off his muscular body)  Wait, I’ve got a better idea, how about I scan the audience and find one pretty lady to come up and help me take this vest off.

Most of the audience is booing but some ladies seem eager to come help Rip Rogers with the vest.  Rogers circles the ring, while scanning the audience for a helper.

Rip Rogers:  Ummm, never mind.  I see why your husbands are pig farmers.  They want to look at something prettier than their wives while they are at work!  None of you deserve to help me take my vest off. 

The crowd is fuming, and they don’t let up the entire match!  Rogers is lucky to get back to the locker room without being attacked. 

Also, of note here is that Ron Wright rolled himself to ringside for a little scouting. 


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Match #3

“The Fab One” Steve Keirn defeats The Might Yankee with a Reverse DDT in a lengthy TV match.


The entire match had Lance and Dutch debating the chances of Steve Keirn making it as a big-time singles wrestlers.  Dutch kept saying that even when he was a member of the Fab Ones, his partner, Stan Lane carried the team and cited how he was having trouble with the Mighty Yankee proved he can’t be a top tiered singles wrestler. Lance kept saying that Mantell wasn’t giving Keirn the credit he deserved and that his win tonight proved his that he is going to be just fine as a singles wrestler and that he believes that he is championship material. 

After the match, Ron Wright is seen with a pre-recorded interview

Ron Wright:  I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching of late.  People have lost their ways.  We have lost our path, our Christian values.  People are criticizing the wrong people.  They are criticizing me.  They say I’m a using this wheelchair for sympathy; to get some sort of advantage.  I’ve never lied in my life.  I’m in desperate need of money if I’m every gonna get up from this chair and walk again.  I mean if you aint gonna trust me, who you gonna trust.  You gonna trust that Democrat presidential candidate Gary Hart.  The one who is a taken liberties with his wife and messing around with that lady Donna Rice.  You gonna trust the Reverend Jim Baker who done messed around on his wife with that two-bit floozy Jessica Hahn?  You gonna trust Jimmy Swaggert.  The one who claims to be for a Christian way of life but who goes from street walker to street walker.  See, folks… I don’t just promise to lead to the righteous path like others, I will deliver.  Now just as soon as I get a few names on these contracts, the Christian Wrestlers Association will be leading this promotion down the road to God!

As we come back to live TV…

Lance:  Man that Ron Wright is some piece a work…  Now, we wanna go back to last week to see how the situation between “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and “Dirty” Dutch Mantell escalated.


Video from last week is shown:

“Dirty” Dutch Mantell vs Bret Wayne Sawyer

With Sawyer regaining the momentum, he whipped Dutch into the corner.  This is where Dutch grabbed his bull rope and thrusted it into the throat of Sawyer and then began whipping him with it.  The fans erupted as Shane Douglas hit the ring and connected with a few blows before Dirty Dutch rolled out of the ring and header for the exit.  On his way he grabbed the microphone from Jim Ross.

Dutch Mantell:  Shane Douglas, this bull rope can stop a 2000-pound bull.  Keep messin in my business and your gonna find out what it can do to you. 

After the video we go to the back where Dutch Mantell is with and Ron Wright

Dutch Mantell:  Mr. Wright, your condition has saddened me to the bottom of my heart.  I know how it feels when you need something; when you need some money.  By the grace of God, I could be sittin in that same chair and I know I’d want someone to help me.  I know your looking for some wrestlers to manage to help you make some of that money you need to get those surgeries you need to fix those legs of yours so you can get up out of that chair.  I’m not talking about myself.  I’ve always really done things on my own but if you’d do me the favor of escorting me to the ring tonight against that egg sucking dog, Shane Douglas, I would consider it an honor.  In fact, I would give you the winner’s share of the purse to help you get started on your way to recovery. 

Ron Wright:  I tell ya Dutch, you brought tears to an old man’s eyes.  It would be an honor to escort you to the ring tonight and see you teach Shane Douglas a thing or two.


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Tim Horner defeats Larry Cheatum with the Natural Bridge


Lance:  Well it’s official.  There’s another superstar on his way to Championship Wrestling.  You may not agree with him, but you must admit that he has a world of talent… “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landell is coming to town and here is what he has to say.


Buddy Landel:  Not that I need any introduction cause all you people know how great I am.  The reason I’m coming back is that I’m not about to kiss the rear ends of any of those other commissioners around the country.  Not Verne Gagne up in the AWA.  Not Ernie Ladd down there in Louisiana.  And most of all, not that lowlife Jim Crockett over in the Carolinas.  I mean he and everyone else knows I had that paper champion Ric Flair beat but the fix was in.   I hear in the new Memphis wrestling, I can be myself. I can come here and do whatever I want as long as I don’t use a foreign object.  I can pull somebodies eyeballs out as long as I don’t touch a referee.  I can break somebodies neck in that ring and nobody will care.  Sounds like my kind of place.  Hillbillies get ready.  There’s gonna be a Nature Boy coming real soon!

Lance:  Folks, I can just see Buddy Landel and Eddie Marlin having some serious conversations. 

Main Event

Dirty Dutch Mantell vs “The Franchise” Shane Douglas

Dutch comes out first with “Raw Hide” playing in the background.  Ron Wright is rolling along with him in his wheelchair.  He is in his normal poncho, black hat and cowboy chaps alonh with his trusty bullwhip which he is snapping and cracking all around the ring.  The Franchise is next to the ring with “Everybody Wants You” by Billy Squire playing in the background.  Dutch attacks as soon as soon as the bell rang and the brawl is on.  As the match plays out, we see Douglas control the majority of the action and it looked to be over after a powerslam.  Somehow Dutch kicked out at 2 ½ .  Shane was shocked and took a few laps around the ring to regroup.  Dutch got to the ropes to help him get to his feet.  Ron Wright rolls over and reaches under the bottom rope.  He appears to hand Dirty Dutch a some sort of metal object.

Shane grabs Dutch by the hair and begins to lift him to his feet.  Dutch throws that loaded right hand but Shane ducks under.  Shane sees the illegal object and rips it off Dutch.  Shane then puts it in his hand and with the ref out of position…

WHAM… Shane knocks Dutch out cold!


Hold on just a minute.  The ref now sees the object still in the hand of Douglas and he stops the count.  He immediately calls for the bell and raises the hand if the unconscious Dutch Mantell. 

Shane Douglas goes over to the podium where he is fuming at the decision.

Shane Douglas:  Ron Wright!  Dutch Mantell!  I don’t know who you boys think you are but your messin with the Franchise now!  Since you two are such good buddies, I think I might just put you ,Dutch, in a wheelchair next to your buddy.  I don’t care what it takes.  I’m gonna get even Dutch Mantell.  I’ve been ripped off.  The people  have been ripped off and I won’t stand for it.  I want a rematch.  I don’t care where.  I don’t care when.  It can be in a parking lot for all I care.  Ron Wright, Dutch Mantell, you two might be good but your not the Franchise!

Lance:  Folks, that’s two weeks in a row.  Two weeks Ron Wright was just going to observe a match and both times he got involved.  He is one man that can’t be trusted.  That’s going to rap it up.  We are out of time.  Remember to join us next week for that big main event as the Lightening Express takes on Boris Zhukov and Pez Whatley. 

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Ustinov gets called back to the motherland but Zhukov finds a suitable replacement in Shasta.

Big Money Marcus gets his first win in Memphis.

Rogers keeps this up and Jarrett is gonna have to beef up security.

Ron Wright getting political. I like it.

Aww, that's so sweet of Dutch to offer his winnings to a con ar...er I mean... disabled old man.

Solid win for White Lightning.

Jim Crockett Promotions would like to remind Mr Landel that there are laws against slander in this country.

Wright tries to pass Dutch a weapon but Douglas bonks him in the head with it. Unfortunately the ref catches that last part so Wright gets his money after all. Love the fire from Douglas in the post match promo.

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Memphis without Jerry Lawler is a tough sell, making it worse in my opinion, no Bill Dundee.

I think Dirty Dutch and Rip Rogers with ties to Memphis are good heels without a solid counterpart. I'm thinking the Armstrongs with Brad leading the charge might be the way to go? He has the look, the girls like him and best of all, he's from the South, so he and his family "get it". The rest of the Armstrong family to work tags and singles. Maybe an endorsement from a Jackie Fargo would really get them over with the fans?

Enter Buddy Landel. Man, did he burn some bridges - he better hope this Memphis gig works out well for him because no one else is going to want to give him a job if it doesn't!

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I like that Dutch is both a commentator and wrestler. Not to mention a heel. Here comes the heat! 

It's so great seeing Whatley pop up here. He's been a game favorite since the beginning. 

Mystery surrounds Big Money. It will be interesting watching his story unfold. 

Rogers cracks me up and is doing a pretty good job getting his character over. Good old fashion southern heat. 

Trust me, Keirn can make it as a solo. 

Oh man Wright gave me one heck of an 80s flashback! Hart, Swagger, Hahn wow! 

Dutch steals the show and brings Wright to tears. True heartfelt moment. 

Budro is back in the game baby!!!!!! This is going to be awesome! If anybody fits in here, it's Landel. 

Wright's plan backfires as Douglas takes advantage and knocks Dutch out. The Ref might have caught him, but Douglas did the damage. This has quickly become a money maker for Jarrett. Great TV! 

CWA has some serious buzz going. 



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The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 

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Lance Russell:   Alright wrestling fans welcome to another action-packed, exciting hour of Championship Wrestling.  Professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  I’m Lance Russell and on this week’s program you are going to see such stars as newcomer Too Cold Scorpio, Big Money Marcus, and The Franchise Shane Douglas.  We will also be talking to “The Hustler “Rip Rogers.  Ron Wright will be here, and I understand that my partner, Dutch Mantell has an interesting announcement.  And listen to this fans, in the main event it will be Boris Zhukov and Shaska Whatley taking on the Lightening Express, Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner.  Dutch do you want to tell us your big announcement now?


Dutch Mantel: Honestly, I don’t want to tell you anything.  Everything I say you argue with anyway.  It seems like you and everyone else around here don’t care if I stay or go.  Let’s get to the ring for Lukewarm Snake in the Grass or whatever this freak calls himself. 

Lance:  Oh come on Dutch…  That’s Too Cold Scorpio and I’m sure when you see him you will be impressed. 

Dutch Matell:  That’s what you say every week and all I see are psychotics like Shane Douglas.  Let’s get to the match already. 

Match #1

Too Cold Scorpio vs Teddy Angel


Too Cold Scorpio, an athletic looking black man, gets the crowd grooving from the beginning as he comes out dancing to Jungle Boogie by Cool and the Gang.  Scorpio jumps over the top rope and climbs to the top turnbuckle and does a back flip to really get the crowd hooked.  For the entire match, which lasts only about 3 minutes, Scorpio wows the fans.  His arsenal included missile drop kicks, top rope cross body blocks, superkicks and all other aerial tactics.  The end had the crowd talking all night as he climbed to the top rope and did a double flip right on his already fallen opponent! 

At the end Lance asked Dutch if he was impressed now and Dutch retorted, “I would be impressed if this was Soul Train but it’s not. Its professional wrestling and I’m not the least bit impressed. 

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When we come back, we see a pre-recorded promo with Zhukov and Whatley about today’s main event.



Boris Zhukov:  I just talked to Soldat yesterday, and he told me that he is working hard back in Russia on official business.  I told him that in less than 24 hours, I was going defeat those stupid Lightening Express.  I told him they were so dumb that they signed a contract to face Shaska and myself on TV and now everyone who watches, everyone who thinks that Brad Armstong and Tim Horner are great wrestlers, are going to see that they stand no chance against myself and the only American with class, Shaska Whatley.


Shaska Whatley:  When you got a name like the Lightening Express, I would expect to find a team that has power, speed, and skill.  Well, the Lightening Express aint got none of that.  They keep claiming how many times they beat this team and how many times they beat that team.  One thing I know is that they have never beat Boris and myself and that’s not about to change tonight.

Back on set …

Dutch:  That’s true Lance, The Lightening Express have never beat Boris Zhukov and Shaska Whatley.

Lance:  Dutch, that’s because Zhukov and Whatley have never wrestled together.  Come on man. 

Dutch:  There you go again Lance… arguing.  Everything I say you argue with.  Right now, I want to bring you back to last week and my match with the Lunatic, Shane Douglas.

Video Replay of last week’s main event


We see Douglas control the majority of the action and it looked to be over after a powerslam.  Somehow Dutch kicked out at 2 ½ .  Shane was shocked and took a few laps around the ring to regroup.  Dutch got to the ropes which he was going to use to help him get to his feet but while he was there, Ron Wright reached under the bottom rope and appeared to hand Dirty Dutch a some sort of metal object.

Shane groups Dutch by the hair and begins to lift him to his feet.  Dutch throws that loaded right hand but Shane ducks under.  Shane sees the illegal object and rips it off Dutch.  Shane then puts it in his hand and with the ref out of position…

WHAM… Shane knocks Dutch out cold!


Hold on just a minute.  The ref now sees the object still in the hand of Douglas and he stops the count.  He immediately calls for the bell and raises the hand if the unconscious Dutch Mantell. 


Back on set …

Dutch Mantell:  Shane Douglas wants a rematch!  Why should I give it to him.  He is psychotic.  Some people may say that I’m afraid and in fact, they may be right.  I have a fear of getting my body maimed by a man that has no respect for the rules.  I think that’s good sense.  After that match, when I finally woke up, I asked the good-hearted Ron Wright what happened.  He told me that Shane Douglas clobbered me with a metal chisel.  A CHISEL!  He could’ve killed me.  The next day, I needed to go clear my head.  I took a ride over to Jonesboro, Arkansas and was walking around that sorry excuse for a city when this man came up to me and said, “Dutch, I’m a big fan of yours.  I’m big and strong.  What can I do to get into professional wrestling.”  I told him you might just be the man that I’m looking for.  I told him that if he did a few things for me, I’d help him break into the business.  He agreed and in fact, he is here now.

Out walks this 275-pound muscular man with no shirt.  He is flexing and posing.  He’s a sight to see.


Dutch Mantell:  Take a look at this man Shane Douglas.  Impressive huh!  From now on this man is gonna be by my side.  If you “Mr. Franchise” Shane Douglas want a piece of me, you gotta go though this monster, Jeff Gaylord.  Now everybody, put that in your hat and smoke it. 

Next, we go to pre-recorded interview with Ron Wright.


Ron Wright:  It really broke my heart last week to see Shane Douglas bring that chisel to the ring and try to severely hurt my friend Dutch Mantel.  Now you can all see me, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time sitting in this wheelchair; crippled from those like Shane Douglas.  My legs don't work.  My hips don't work, and I don't want to see anyone else end up like me at all.  I'm still out there looking to sign some Christian Rastlers to help rid this wrestling show of people like Shane Douglas, to help me raise some money for those knee and hip surgeries I need to get up and out of this chair.  Thank you!

Match #2

Big Money Marcus defeats Rikki Miller


A few interesting notes here.  First Big Money, in his Gambino crime family attire has added a briefcase to his ensemble.  Ron Wright is also at ringside “scouting” the match.  Both Ron Wright and the briefcase will play a role in the ending.  For some reason, Wright didn’t like one of the decisions by the ref and wheeled himself over to give the ref an earful.  This is when Marcus rammed Miller’s head into the briefcase which was perched on top of one of the turnbuckles.  This briefcase shot may or may not have been accidental bit it was all Marcus needed for the win.  As soon as the bought was over, Ron Wright wheeled himself away. 

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When we come out of break, we see Roscoe Johnson, the leader of the Memphis Boys Club handing a plaque to Steve Keirn for helping them out on their recent Pig Roast which raised funds for the families devasted by last November’s tornado.  Steve Keirn explained that he was thrilled to do it and that is what the Championship Wrestling Association is all about.  He explains that the people of this area are one big family and whenever a family member is in need, everyone else joins in to help.

Next Rip Rogers comes out to the podium.


Rip Rogers:  Lance, I was sitting in a steakhouse the other night when a couple of ugly ladies came up to me and asked, “why is someone as sexy as you living in this dump.”  They told me I should be in Hollywood or somewhere fancy.   I told them to go home, look at their fat husbands, and thank they're lucky stars that they were this close to someone as beautiful as me.  Then I thought to myself, “why am I actually here?  The answer is simple; to win the Southern Championship I keep hearing about.  Also, because ugly people need to smile too and when they see me, they smile.



“The Franchise” Shane Douglas defeats Larry Cheatum with the Belly to Belly Suplex


All throughout the match, Dutch Mantell comments on how Shane Douglas might be America’s next serial killer.  Big, muscular Jeff Gaylord stands behind Dutch to protect him but also to nods in approval at everything Dutch says.  When the match is over, Dutch motions to Gaylord and he heads to the ring. 

We now get a minute or so of a pretty even brawl between the Franchise and Dutch’s hired mercenary.  Dutch, in his poncho and black hat rushes to the ring telling everyone that he needs to save Shane Douglas from the beating of his life.  Instead, Dutch and Gaylord double team the Franchise.

In the end, Shane ducks under a big lariat from Gaylord who in turn nails Dutch.  Dutch tumbles through the middle ropes and out onto the floor.  The Franchise now connects with a lariat of his own and sends Gaylord out, over the top rope, where he lands on Dutch Mantell.  Douglas dares the duo to come back in the ring for more.  Gaylord seems ready but Dutch instructs him to follow Dutch back to the podium to finish the show.

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The Lightening Express (Horner & Armstrong) vs Boris Zhukov & Shaska Whatley

The bout goes almost 9 minutes of back and forth action.  Armstrong and Horner using speed with Zhukov and Whatley taking advantage of some very questionable tactics.  In the end, the match is going bonzo-gonzo with all 4 men in the ring.  Zhukov has Horner locked in a bearhug while the ref is trying to break up Shaska and Armstrong. 

From the stands comes a big man with a sweatshirt and hood on.  Nobody is sure who it is.

WHAM… with his boot, the attacker knocks out Brad Armstrong.  As the hooded man leaves the ring and jumps to the floor, he takes off the hood to reveal that he is Soldat Ustinov. 


Shaska covers Armstrong just as the ref turns around and gets the easy victory.

At the podium…

Boris Zhukov:  Except for Shaska here, all Americans are dumb.  So very dumb.  It took two minutes for me to come up with a plan to trick each and every one of you stupid, very stupid people here in America.

WHAM… The Lightening Express attack and the brawl is on….  The problem was that it was 3 against 2 in favor of the bad guys.  This puts Horner and Armstrong on the bottom of the pile after their initial surprise attack.

WHAM…”Fab One” Steve Keirn rushes in to even the sides. 

This brawl is all over the small arena.  In the ring!  At the podium!  In the stands!  At the concession stand!  There is no stopping this one!

Eventually, Lance lets us know that we are out of time and the screen fades to black as the brawl looks like it is just heating up.


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Dutch is extra salty this episode & like it. Lukewarm Snake in the Grass LOL.

Scorpio makes a exciting debut.

Jeff Gaylord makes for a hurdle Douglas will have to clear to get back at Mantel.

I don't know why but for some reason Big Money Marcus doesn't strike me as a Christian wrestler.

Rip Rogers bringing the heat.

Soldat returns to help his comrades put a beating on the Lightning Express but the Fab One arrives to even the odds.

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Oh how far has Dirty Dutch fallen? The rough and tumble hairy guy is "afraid" of "America's Next Serial Killer" Shane Douglas? He needs Jeff Gaylord as his bodyguard? He might want to rethink this union because it didn't work out so well for him the first time around.

Ron Wright needs a plate to pass around through the audience. Someone might take pity on him and drop a few bucks for new hips and knees. Then again, maybe not.

Nice to see Rip Rogers is staying in the area for the people. They really need to see how the other half lives. He's doing the territory a service by being here for al the ugly people.

Brad and Tim might need a little help now dealing with the Russians and Whatley. Three on two odds are not good not matter who is involved. Eventually it catches up to you.

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Too Cold Scorpio has arrived! 

I'm getting a kick out of the Boris/Shaska alliance. 

Dutch gets himself a bodyguard. Makes sense to me since a psycho is after him. 

Poor Ron Wright. Maybe Steve Keirn can help raise some funds for him. 

Big Money is getting a nice shine by adding a lot to his gimmick. 

Rip Rogers is a pretty good guy. He just wants to make people smile. 

The Franchise cleans house, but I'm sure Dutch will get his payback. 

Boris is a very smart man. His plan works but now Keirn's involved to even things up. The plot thickens. 

Fun week! 

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Memphis has come into its own that quickly. I love how fast this got up and going and now it has a different feel that Mid South. I also like the role that Dutch is playing here. He has some value to this territory and can elevate those around him.  I also like seeing Scorpio here. He has a tremendous upside and one of the true underrated stars in the world of pro wrestling.

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Continental Wrestling Association: Episode #5:  April 8, 1988


The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 


Lance Russell:  Yeellow everybody.  Welcome to another action-packed, exciting hour of Championship Wrestling, professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  I’m Lance Russell what a show we have for you this week.  Jeff Jarrett, Jerry’s son is set to make his CWA debut.  Also returning to the Memphis area is “The Rebel” Dick Slater.  We will also see Rip Rogers taking on Brad Armstrong’s younger brother, Scott Armstrong.  And in the main event, it will be The Shaska Whatley taking on “The Fab One” Steve Keirn.  And if that’s not enough the Dutchman, Dutch Mantell will be in action. 


Dutch Mantell:  First of all, a big treat for all the fans today.  Dirty Dutch will be wrestling in the flesh.  Don't be surprised if all the wrestlers in the back come out of the dressing room just to watch exactly how a pro does it.  And how am I not in the main event?  I just don’t get it.

Lance:  OK Dutch.  That's just about enough of you patting yourself on the back.  We're just about ready to get to the action fans.  Bell Time!  Heeeerrreeee we go!

Match #1

Jeff Jarrett defeats “Bad Boy” Larry Cheatum by submission with the Figure Four


Even though young 21 year old Jarrett is new to the area, with Jerry Jarrett being a fixture in Memphis, it’s like the fans have known him forever.  Jeff came out to the ring, high-fiving the fans and playing “The South’s Gonna Do It Again” by The Charlie Daniels Band.  Throughout the match, Cheatum tried to use the rough stuff against the somewhat slender Jarrett but JJ always seemed to be one step ahead of his opponent and soon began a ground attack; wearing down the legs.

Lance kept pointing out that for a youngster, Jarrett had great skills and that he was going to be someone to reckon with here in Memphis.  Lance continued by pointing out that Jarrett seemed to have paid attention all those years watching “Daddy” in the ring.  Dutch simple said if he learned all his father knew, it would take about an hour. 

After the match, Jarrett comes to the podium where Lance congratulates him on his first win here in Memphis. 

Jeff Jarrett:  Thank you Lance.  Daddy and I thought it would be a good idea for me to get some experience outside of the area before coming home and I just want to say thank you to all me friends out on the West Coast who helped me develop.  I’ve been around the ring my whole life and been studying from my Daddy for years.  I hope to keep on learning and be the best I can be.  There’s a lot of great wrestlers here and I hope that someday I can be one of them.

Dutch:  Son, I’ve known your father a long time and if you ever need some guidance, please call me first.

Lance:  Come on man.  Jeff, don’t pay him an ounce of mind. 

Jeff Jarrett:  Mantell, my Daddy told me to stay away from you.  In fact, he said that if I needed anything, not to hesitate and go right to the Franchise Shane Douglas who I’ve gotten to know out there on the west coast.

As JJ walks off,

Lance:  Well Dutch, I guess your reputation proceeds you.

Dutch:  Why that little ingrate. 


Commercials + promos for Louisville, Evansville, Nashville and Memphis. 

When we come back from break, we see Shaska Whatley in a pre-recorded interview. 

Shaska:  Steve Keirn are you ready for the main event you jive turkey.  You know who you’re facing in the ring today… in the main event?  That’s right baby.  You got me, Shaska Whatley.  I got myself quite a reputation and tonight, I’m going to teach you a lesson.  I hear they call you “The Fab One.”  Well after tonight Keirn, you won’t be looking too fabulous. 

Back live, we see Lance standing next to Dutch Mantell with his bodyguard, Jeff Gaylord, standing behind Dutch wearing his black cowboy hat. 

Lance:  You know Dutch, last week we saw a tremendous match between the Lightening Express and “The Big Russian” Boris Zhukov and Shaska Whatley.   That match was happening with Soldat Ustinov back in Russia on official business.  Well that proved to be untrue.  Let’s take a look back at last week’s main event to see one of the worst brawls in Ozark Mountain Wrestling.

The Lightening Express (Horner & Armstrong) vs Boris Zhukov & Shaska Whatley

In the end, the match is going bonzo-gonzo with all 4 men in the ring.  Zhukov has Horner locked in a bearhug while the ref is trying to break up Shaska and Armstrong. 

From the stands comes a big man with a sweatshirt and hood on.  Nobody is sure who it is.

WHAM… with his boot, the attacker knocks out Brad Armstrong.  As the hooded man leaves the ring and jumps to the floor, he takes off the hood to reveal that he is Soldat Ustinov. 

Shaska covers Armstrong just as the ref turns around and gets the easy victory.

At the podium…

Boris Zhukov:  Except for Shaska here, all Americans are dumb.  So very dumb.  It took two minutes for me to come up with a plan to trick each and everyone of you stupid, very stupid people here in America.

WHAM… The Lightening Express attack and the brawl is on….  The problem was that it was 3 against 2 in favor of the bad guys.  This puts Horner and Armstrong on the bottom of the pile after their initial surprise attack.

WHAM…”Fab One” Steve Keirn rushes in to even the sides. 

This brawl is all over the Barn.  In the ring!  At the podium!  In the stands!  At the concession stand!  There is no stopping this one!


After the video tape replay, we see The Lightening Express in a pre-recorded interview.

Brad Armstrong:  Boris Zhukov… Soldat Ustinov … Shaska Whatley…. Everyone knows you cheated us.  Tim and myself want those two ugly Russians back in the ring. 

Tim Horner:  We’re not the type of guys to come out here crying about the past.  That’s not what’s bothering us.  It’s the fact that they had to cheat to win.  We know in a fair match, the Lightening Express will come out on top of those two cowards 9 out of 10 times.

Brad Armstrong:  And Whatley?  We aint forgot about you but we know that Steve Keirn is going to take care of business on the main event in just a little while.  But Shaska… if there’s anything left of you after tonight, we’ll be more than happy to finish you off. 

Back Live

Lance:  Folks, I just wanted to let you know that the interview with the Lightening Express had to be done by tape because Brad Armstrong will be out of the area for a few weeks on a special wrestling tour of Japan where he will be taking on all the wrestlers in Asia.  Now, I would like to bring out the general manager of Championship Wrestling, Eddie Marlin to comment on the video tape we all just watched.


Eddie Marlin:  Thanks Lance.  I did watch that tape and I know to the fans, it was really entertaining.  Tempers flared, people fought tooth and nail but all six men involved are professionals and we can't have that.  They may mess up a TV camera.  Some wrestling fans might get hurt as a result of a brawl like that.  I'm going to have to fine every wrestler involved $500.  Next, I think the Lightning Express we're unfairly tricked by Boris Zhukov.  He out and out lied that Soldat Ustinov was back in Russia.   So, when Brad Armstrong returns from Japan, I'm granting them a six-man tag match against the Russians and Shaska Whatley.  Lightning Express you may choose any person you want to be your teammate and fans this match is going to take place on our big return to the Mid-South Coliseum on Monday night May 15thth.  One last thing, Dutch Mantell, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas really wants to get a piece of you, but I told him as long as you're here announcing he has to leave you alone.  He can't interfere with any of our TV matches or your job but if you ever get in that ring alone, I can’t help you.  So, you better be ready. 

Lance:  alright fans before we go to the ring to see rip Rogers and action let's hear a few words from a man who's been in the center of a lot of controversy lately; Mr. Ron Wright

Ron Wright: rassling fans I'd like to share something with you.  It's one of the thousands of letters I've gotten since coming to the CWA.  It says dear Mr. Wright, I've been a fan of yours for a long, long time. You’ve always been one of the greatest and most popular wrestlers ever.  I also love you great sportsmanship even when the other guys were breaking all the rules to try and maim and cripple you. Please take this $5 to help get you started on your way to recovery.  I hope other fans send letters too with $5 of their own to speed up this process.  I also hope you find a good Christian wrestler soon to help you on your way.  Sincerely Cal Johnson.  Fans, you don't know what this means to me to see all these kind supporters trying to help out an old crippled man like me.  I really hope to sign some very talented Christian wrestlers real soon so I can have those surgeries on my knees and hips and get up out of this chair and walk again.


“The Hustler” Rip Rogers defeated Trent Knight with the Superplex (Ripperplex)

Prior to the match, Rogers continuous his antagonizing of the fans as he took the house mic and demanded that they shut off his music, “You Give Love A Bad Name.”

Rip Rogers:  What I would like to have right now is for all you fat and out of shape sorry excuses for men who are sitting here reliving your glory days, to be quiet so I can scan the audience for one good looking woman to help me remove my vest. 

Most of the audience is booing but some ladies seem eager to come help Rip Rogers with the vest.  Rogers circles the ring, while scanning the audience for a helper.

Rip Rogers:  Ummm, I can’t believe it.  Not one good looking woman in the entire audience.  I guess ugly just keeps breeding ugly in this part of the county.  I guess it will be just another week of me taking of my own vest. 

From here, Rogers attacks Knight before the bell and just breaks ever rule he could before the Ripperplex.    

Commercials + promos for Louisville, Evansville, Nashville and Memphis.  

Lance:  Fans, with me right now is an outstanding wrestler… He’s been all over the world, wrestled the top wrestlers everywhere he goes and usually comes out on top  … He’s no stranger to Memphis as he was recently a member of the AWA…none other than “The Rebel” Dick Slater. 

Slater gets a nice ovation from the studio crowd….

Dick Slater:  First, I would like to say how excited I am to be back in the area and how excited I am to be in the CWA.  This feels a bit like a homecoming to me.  But make no mistake about it.  I’m here for that Southern Heavyweight title.  I know that’s there’s going to be a tournament coming up real soon and I plan on leaving that night as your champion.  I have won titles all over the country.  I’ve been the Florida heavyweight champion… the Southwest Heavyweight Champion, the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion and now I’ve set my sights on the Southern Heavyweight title.  Last time I was in Memphis, that low life Tommy Rich cheated me out of the AWA title and now I plan on being Southern Heavyweight Champion.    

As Slater leaves the set, we see Dutch Mantell shaking his head like something isn’t right.  His “bodyguard” Jeff Gaylord also seems concerned.

Lance:  Dutch, what’s wrong?

Dutch:  I don’t know.  I just don’t feel right.  I got a headache… the chills.  Just don’t feel right. (Dutch starts coughing)


Lance:  Well Dutch, you might not feel so good, but I bet these pre-recorded comments from “The Franchise” might make you feel even worse.  (Dutch moans)


Shane Douglas:  Dutch Mantell… since day one of Jerry Jarrett bringing wrestling back to Memphis, you’ve been doing two things.  First… you’ve been running your mouth about how good you are and second, you’ve been running from The Franchise.  I’ve been told from Eddie Marlin that if I come out there are grab you from behind that desk and just pummel you like you deserve that I will get suspended.  I’ve also been told that anytime you put one foot in that ring, your MINE!  I can’t wait for that day.  I’m going to break you in half and shut you up once and for all. 

As we come back to live tv, Dutch is really coughing now and appears to be sweating. 

Lance:  What in the world Dutch?

Dutch:  I’m sick. It came on all of a sudden like. 

Lance:  You supposed to wrestling in just a few minutes.

Dutch:  Nah.  I don’t think so.  I think I got the swine flu or something. 

Dutch tells Jeff Gaylord to get in the ring and wrestle his match for him.  Gaylord jumps to it, eager to please his boss.


Match #3

Jeff Gaylord defeats Brain Smith with the Powerslam.

As soon as the match is over, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas hits the ring with a microphone in hand. 


Shane Douglas:  Jeff Gaylord… I aint got no problem with you.  I believe Dutch Mantell is using you and making a fool out of you.  Dutch Mantell… if you have one ounce of guts in your body, you’d come up here to the ring and we could settle this once and for all.

Dutch Mantell:  Wait a minute now.  I’m sick.  I’ve got a fever.


Wham… From behind Gaylord attacks Shane Douglas and suddenly, Dutch seems healthier as he is screaming encouragement for his bodyguard.  We get a minute of a good brawl before Lance leads us into commercial break. 


Commercials + promos for Louisville, Evansville, Nashville and Memphis. 

Main Event Match

“The Fab One” Steve Keirn vs Shaska Whatley


Whatley comes to the ring first with very fitting entrance music as “Bad” from Michael Jackson is blaring.  Whately is in the face of as many fans as he could and is drawing some major heat.  The boos change to cheers as soon as the first chord of “Go Fabs Go” is heard and Steve Keirn makes his way to the ring.

As for the match, after about the 5 minutes of back-and-forth action, Boris Zhukof and Soldat Ustinov make their way to ringside.  Lance says this doesn’t look good for Keirn and reminds us that Brad Armstrong was currently wrestling in Japan.  It doesn’t take long as Boris caught Keirn with a big elbow in the back after an Irish Whip by Shaska.  The more Lance talked about the interference, the more Dutch told him he was making things up.  We go another 3 minutes of Keirn playing the “face in peril” before he mounts a great comeback.  In the end, Keirn caught Whatley with a top rope dropkick and went for the cover.  The two big Russians entered the ring and attacked Keirn causing the automatic DQ.  The problem was that it was now 3-1 and Keirn was in trouble.  Soon Dick Slater, Jeff Jarrett and Tim Horner hit the ring chasing The Russians and Whatley back to the locker room

Before we head off the air, Lance lets us know that next week’s main event will be “The Franchise” Shane Douglas taking on Jeff Gaylord. 

Lance:  Fans, That’s all we got time for today.  Until next week, Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell saying bye bye everybody

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Jerry may not have been able to lure the King back to Memphis yet but at least his baby boy is back home. 

Ron Wright & Rip Rogers continue to be weekly highlights.

Slater is looking to erase some bad Memphis memories.

Marlin lays down the law fining the men involved in last week's brawl. He also warns Dutch that he's on his own if he gets in the ring.

And what awful timing that after hearing this Dutch comes down with a fever. Luckily Gaylord was there to pick up the slack. And next week he'll try to solve the boss's Douglas problem.

Whatley & co beat down the Fab One until the calvery runs them off. Between Keirn, Slater and Jarrett the Lightning Express have some great options for the big six man tag when Brad gets back from Japan.

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I think Jerry gave son Jeff the wrong advice. It is probably wise to stay away from both Dutch and Shane when it comes to advice.

I'm really like Memphis without Jerry Lawler. Dirty Dutch and Jeff Jarrett give it the air of familiarity while Dirty Dick Slater, Shane Douglas, Whatley, the Armstrongs and others give it enough star power and good rasslin' to help you forget about Jerry Lawler. This is good stuff. 

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Memphis gets a familiar face with young Jarrett. LOL Dutch seems eager to give him some advice. This is going somewhere. 

I'm really pulling for Wright to walk again. He's a good man. 

Speaking of good men, Rip Rogers continues to give the ladies their money's worth. 

Slater's back in town! I always loved writing for him as a heel or babyface. 

Marlin lays down the law and Dutch might soon have to face the Franchise. However, I'm sure Dutch will use his commentator role to his advantage. 

Oh man I hope Dutch is ok. Oh thank goodness, he had a speedy recovery to help cheer Gaylord on. Gaylord shows his loyalty by attacking Douglas. Great set up for next week's show.

Whatley has always been solid in our game. Good to see him in a top program. Wrestlers are coming together to take on Whatley and the Russians. 

Can't wait for the much anticipated return to the historic Mid South Coliseum. 

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