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The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 

(As the show starts, with see Lance Russell, Dutch Mantell, Jeff Gaylord (Dutch’s bodyguard) and Rip Rogers.

Lance Russell:  Yeeellow Everybody.  Lance Rusell alongside Dirty Dutch Mantell.  By golly we’re ready to fire off another great week of championship wrestling.  This is professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  On today’s show, you are going to see such stars as The Dirty White Boy, “The Rebel” Dick Slater.  Sweet Brown Sugar is back in Memphis and he’ll be taking on “Bad Boy” Barry Horowitz.  “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel is here and he will be taking on the youngster Too Cold Scorpio.  And in our main event,

Dutch Mantell:  Alright Lance, this is where I come in.  Listen up all you little munchkins.  In our main event today, Jeff Gaylord, my friend is going to take that Shane Douglas and put an end to him and I’m going to be right there with him.  I’m still a little under the weather but I am going to help coach Jeff to his biggest victory yet. 

Lance:  Okay, we’ll see Dutch.  We’ll see.  Fans, this man to my right (pointing to Rip Rogers) says he is the best conditioned athlete in all of wrestling.

Rip Rogers:  First of all, I want all these Tennessee hillbillies to know that I’m not like them.  I have never been fat.  Never been disgustingly overweight.  Never been married to someone who fell out of the ugly tree.  I have always been beautiful.  I have always been in great shape and I have always been just a cut above everybody else.  I can out-jump Dominique Wilkins.  I can hit more homeruns than Mark McGwire.  I can do it all baby and I’m going to show you here right now what an athlete I am.  I’m going to do 3000 squats on today’s show.  I am going to do squats for the entire show!

Lance:  Well we will just have to keep an eye on that.  We are ready to kick off our first match.  Bell Time!  Heeeeerrreeeeeee we go!    


Match #1

Dirty White Boy defeats Mike Jackson with the Bucksnort Blaster as Ron Wright was out scouting. 


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When we come out of break, Tim Horner is at the podium and as the interview begins, we can hear Rip Rogers counting off his squats in the background.    

Tim Horner:  Lance, as I’ve said before, it’s a pleasure to here in Memphis with all these great fans.


Rip Rogers:  Shut up Horner.  This is my time.  Nobody wants to hear from a hillbilly like you.

Horner:  (ignoring Rogers)  As I was saying…

Rogers:  I told you Horner , Shut Up!

Horner:  (Stepping to Rogers) Hey, you got a problem!

Rogers:  I don’t have any problem at all.  Look at me.  I am here doing squats for the whole hour just because I can.  I’m not like these fat, out-of-shape slobs that you relate so well with.

Horner:  So you are going to do squats for the whole hour?  I don’t thinks so.  (Horner reaches into his pocket)  I got $500 here that says you can’t survive the entire hour without stopping. 

Rogers:  $500!  Well that’s pretty stupid!  If you want to throw away your money go ahead.  I’ll take that bet.

Horner smirks at walks off set as Lance Russell gets us ready for our next match.



Match #2

“The Rebel” Dick Slater defeats The Masked Mauler with a Swinging Neckbreaker

Post-Match Interview:

Lance:  Congratulations on your first win since being back here in Memphis.  I know you have that Southern Heavyweight Title on your mind which will be determined by a one-night tournament coming up real soon.

Slater:  Let me speak truthfully to all these good people of Memphis.  I don’t think there’s a man alive that can beat me one on one.  THERE IS NOT A MAN ALIVE THAT CAN BEAT ME!  Just ask the Masked Mauler.  Heck, you can even go ask Tommy “Wildfire” Rich.  If he had an ounce of truth in him, which he doesn’t, he’d tell ya that I had him beat fair and square in the center of the Mid-South Coliseum just a few months back for the AWA title till he and his woman pulled some shenanigans.  So, Jerry Jarret, just let me know where and when that Southern Heavyweight Tournament is and I will be walking out with the title.


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Before our next match, Too Cold Scorpio comes out and hypes up his match with “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel.

Too Cold Scorpio:  Hey!  What’s up-What’s Up!  Too Cold Scorpio in the house!  Buddy Landel… I’ve got something for ya and over and over and back again.  Landel, you out here talking about you da man, well my eyes be buggin then cause I don’t see no Adams Apple Sucker!  The Scorpio is set to fly!

As Too Cold walks off…

Dutch Mantel:  Lance, that man needs a tutor in English.  I have no idea what he said.

Lance:  I think he was talking about his match tonight against “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel but I guess we’ll see a little later on.  Let’s get back to the action.

Next Jerry Jarret comes out with a big announcement!

Jerry Jarrett:  Fans, I know you have been hearing all the Southern Heavyweight Tournament.  Well, I’m here to give you some specifics.  Two weeks from Monday, on May 15th  in the Mid-South Coliseum, we are going to hold a one night, 8-Man Single Elimination Tournament to crown the next champion.  I will be back next week to let you know all the wrestlers to be involved!

Dutch Mantell:  It’s a nice idea Jerry but we would all understand if you just handed my the title.

Lance:  Oh, now you want to be a wrestler.  I thought you were sick.  Let’s go to the ring.


Match #3:

Sweet Brown Sugar defeats “Bad” Barry Horowitz with the Top Rope Missile Dropkick 


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Match #4

“The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel survives a tough bout with Too Cold Scorpio as Ron Wright rolled out in his wheelchair and seemed to hit Scorpio in the kneecap with some sort of metal object which helped to set up the Figure Four for the submission win.


As soon as the match is over, Eddie Marlin comes to the podium.

Eddie Marlin:  Lance, I’ve just finished talking to Jerry Jarrett and we both agree that something has to be done about Ron Wright.  Week after week, he comes out and interferes in our matches.  Whether it is grabbing someone by the leg, handing some foreign object to a wrestler, distracting the ref, etc…, Ron Wright has become a real problem.  Now, this is a difficult situation.  Ron Wright does have a managerial license and is not subject to all the rules of our wrestlers and is allowed to manage his men.  With that being said, he has not officially signed any wrestlers to a contract.  As he tells us, he is still in the scouting phase.  So, to put a stop to his nonsense, we are officially banning him from ringside for any matches that he does not have a wrestler under contract.

 As the fans cheer, Ron Wright comes rolling out.

Ron Wright:  I’m a hearing what your saying Mr. Marling but I can’t believe that you’d come down here and try and mistreat a poor, crippled man like myself.  You know I’ve been one of the finest, most up-standing professional rasslers this area has ever seen.  For decades, I’ve done this sport the Christian way and now, all I’m a doing is scouting the talent around here so that I can give my knowledge to some young disciple the way that Jesus did it back in the day.

Eddie Marlin:  Ron, you can stop right there.  I'm not going to buy that garbage.  You can feed that nonsense to others but not me.  You forget I know you Ron.  I’ve been around you for more than 30 years.  You are the nastiest, most low-down wrestler ever stepped foot in a Tennessee ring.  There are wrestlers all over the U.S. that have scars from Ron Wright to prove exactly what I’m saying.  You’re not getting out of this one.  You are, as of right now, barred from ringside.

Ron Wright is trying to get a word in edge wise but Marlin doesn’t listen and walks off.  Ron is in hot-wheeling pursuit but never caught up. 

Next, Lance asks Dutch and Jeff Gaylord about their main event match coming up in just a few minutes against “The Franchise” Shane Douglas. 

Dutch:  Match?  This will be like taking candy from a baby.

Lance:  And I’m sure you have taken lots of candy from babies.  Time to head to the ring. 

Main Event Match

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs Jeff Gaylord

Dutch has decided to accompany Gaylord to the ring but this only seems to set Shane Douglas off even more and he rushes right after Mantell who quickly exits the ring.  Douglas doesn’t mind and continues the chase.  The problem was that as soon as he caught him, Gaylord caught him.  We see a few blows traded by the two real wrestlers in the match and when Douglas knocks Gaylord back, he goes right back on the chase of Dirty Dutch.  This goes on a few more times before Dutch rakes the eyes of the Franchise.  Now we get about 3 straight minutes of in-ring action with Dutch taking every opportunity to double team Shane.  Shane does a nice job of playing the face in peril before eventually regaining the momentum.

Douglas hits the belly to belly suplex and it looks like it is all over but Dutch has other thoughts.  He quickly enters the ring and stomps on The Franchise.  Once Gaylord recovers enough, the 2-1 attack begins.  It doesn’t matter as there is no stopping Douglas tonight.  He shrugs Gaylord off like a mosquito and once again goes right after Dutch who decides to live and fight another day as he runs behind the curtain and most likely all the way to his car.

Lance:  (laughing) What a wild ending to today’s show.  Dutch still runs pretty good for a man his age doesn’t he?   

Next, Tim Horner comes back out as Rip Rogers continues counting off his squats.  2951, 2952, 2953.

Lance:  Tim, I guess you underestimated Ri.  It looks like he’s going to do it.

Tim Horner:  Not so fast Lance.  He still isn’t done yet. 

Tim Horner closes in for a better look as Lance Russell focuses in on the fans and lets them know we are just about out of time.

Rip Rogers:  2997, 2998, 2999, 3000!

Lance Russell:  I don’t believe it.  Rip has done it.  Sorry Tim.  I guess you owe Rip the $500.  

Tim Horner:  Nothing worse than a sore loser.  Here you guy Rip but I want a chance to get my money back.  How about you and I go one on one next week. 

Rip Rogers:  Sounds like a deal to me.  I get $500 and beat up a dumb, scrawny redneck at the same time.

Lance Russell:  There you have it folks.  Next week it will be Rip Rogers and Tim Horner for $500.  Until then, Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell saying bye bye every body.

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Gotta be honest, the Rogers/Horner wager didn't do it for me in SMW. I get Rogers is a dick but Horner cheating to win a bet never struck me as a babyface thing to do.

Ron Wright had the best seat in the house for a DWB victory. I hope he enjoyed it because Jarrett says he's banned from ringside until he signs a talent.

Slater is ready for the Southern Heavyweight Title tournament. And Jarrett gives him his chance on May 3rd at the Mid-South Coliseum.

I think I agree with Dutch regarding Scorpio's promo. But he looked good in his match until Wright got involved.

SBS with a debut win.

Douglas overcomes a 2-1 disadvantage to send Dutch heading for the hills.

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The Missouri Tiger Jeff Gaylord is a big boy so for Shane to shrug him off is an impressive deed. I'm guessing this evening he was not going to be denied getting his hands on Dirty Dutch.

The squats by Rip was funny. I was half expecting Horner to just push Rip over before he hit 3000 to interrupt his performance. Now, putting money up to face Rip might see him $1000 in the hole.

Looking forward to next week when we find out who else is in the field for a shot at the Southern title along with Slater.

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The Rogers/Horner angle was a classic territory angle. Rogers proves his point but I'm sure Horner has a plan. The pay off should be a lot of fun. 

Memphis is a great place for DWB.

Slater's got to be considered a favorite to win the title tournament. Nice continuity mentioning his feud with Rich. Slater did get screwed over on that. 

Scorpio is fired up tonight but that no good Wright costs him his match with Landel. However, Marlin has had it and bans Wright from future matches. that is until he gets a wrestler under contract. I did crack up at the sight of Wright chasing Marlin in his wheelchair. 

Sweet Brown Sugar is another guy who can do well here. 

Gaylord couldn't even slow Douglas down as he was all over Dutch. LOL, Dutch got out of there quick. Maybe it's time to put Douglas and Dutch in a cage. 

It's very hard booking Memphis without Lawler but it has allowed other guys to step up against veteran heels like Dutch and Wright. And props to Lance Russell for being the glue. 




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A great territory feel and this is right in your wheel house. Even in our conversations - you seem to be like Memphis in this world of 1988 that is expanding - you're showing how this Territory can be as strong as any other company even though it isn't as big. I will echo the others with Lawler's absence but it almost creates a better dynamic to build things up around him. I am hopeful to see some cream rise to the top and take on Lawler when the time or if the time comes.

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The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 

(As the show starts, with see Lance Russell, Dutch Mantell, and Jeff Gaylord (Dutch’s bodyguard)

Lance Russell:  Yeeellow Everybody.  Lance Rusell alongside Dirty Dutch Mantell.  By golly we’re ready to fire off another great week of championship wrestling.  This is professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  On today’s show, Too Cold Scorpio will be in action.  Boris Zhukov, Soldat Ustinov and Shaska Whatley will be here in 6 Man Tag action.  The Dirty White Boy will be in the ring. Also, we’re going to here from Mr. Ron Wright.  He says he has some big news but we’ll have to see about that.  Dutch, why don’t you tell us about today’s big main event.

Dutch Mantell:  First things first. I don’t want to be rude like you Lance.  Let’s not forget to introduce my personal security guard… Jeff Gaylord.  With that lunatic Shane Douglas running around, Jeff might just be the most important man in Memphis.  And on to the Main Event… we’re going to see “The Hustler” Rip Rogers hustle another $500 out of the hide of Tim Horner.    

Lance Russell:  Well We’re ready to kick off our first match.  Bell Time!  Heeeeerrreeeeeee we go!    



Match #1

Too Cold Scorpio vs Trent Knight

Too Cold Scorpio again gets the crowd grooving from the beginning as he comes out dancing to Jungle Boogie by Cool and the Gang.  Scorpio jumps over the top rope and climbs to the top turnbuckle and does a back flip to really get the crowd hooked.  For the entire match, Scorpio wows the fans.  His arsenal included missile drop kicks, top rope cross body blocks, superkicks and all other aerial tactics.  The end had the crowd talking all night as he climbed rope and did a double flip right on his already fallen opponent! 

Just like last time, Lance hypes up Too Cold but Dutch could care less about the wrestler he called Too Hot Torpedo. 

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When we come out of break, Jeff Jarret is with Lance Russell. 

Jeff Jarrett:  Fans, I know you are very family with my father.  Now it is my job to have you get to know me very well.  I’m going to do my best to live up to not only the Jarrett name but also the standards here in championship wrestling. I might not be the biggest men here.  I might not have all the experience that some of the guys do but what I do got is heart and respect for this business.  I hope to bring a lot of excitement to the ring and give everybody more than then paid for. 

Lance Russell:  Well I just want to wish you a lot of luck in this business.  Knowing your Dad as well as I do, I have no doubt you’ll put the work in.  Now Dutch, during that last break, I was just informed of next week’s main event.  Brad Armstrong will be back from Japan and he and Tim Horner along with a partner of their choosing, will be taking on the Big Russians, Boris Zhukov and Soldat Ustinov along with Shaska Whatley in the main event 6 Man tag match. 

Dutch Mantell:  Just a bit of advice to Brad Armstrong even though I know he isn’t smart enough to take it.  Stay in Japan.  Eat your Sushi, wear your kimono and stay in the Land of the Rising Sun because if you make it here for that match, your sun may never rise again.

Lance Russell:  Come on now Dutch.  You know that Brad will be here.  There isn’t an Armstrong alive that has ever backed down from a fight. 

Dutch Mantell:  The key word there is “alive.”  I bet there are plenty of them who are dead after fighting men like Zhukov and Ustinov.

Lance Russell:  That’ll be enough of that Dutch.  Let’s hear a pre-recorded message from Tim Horner

Tim Horner:  The time has finally come.  Next week, Brad and myself, finally get a second chance at the Russians and Shaska Whatley for what they did to us when they lied to us that Soldat was back in Russia on official business.  Things are finally getting in line.  Brad will be back and we will make the most of this second chance.  As for our partner, you all know him real well and he is going to scare the living daylights out of the Russians and Shaska Whatley.  Who is it?  We’re not going to tell you right now but you’re just going to have to wait till you step in the ring next week to find out. 

Lance Russell:  That match I’ll sure be a doozy.  Let’s go to the ring as the Russians and Shaka get a little warmup for next week.


MATCH #2:  6 Man Tag Match

Boris Zhukov, Soldat Ustinov and Shaska Whatley destroy Steve Patterson, Trent Riggans and Vance Smith.  The end came when Zhukov connected with a Russian Sickle on Patterson.  Riggans and Vance foolishly tried to make the save.  Riggans got a sickle of his own from Ustinov and Smtih was hit with a perfect dropkick from Whatley.  The winners proceeded to beat their opponents until the ref threatened to reverse the decision.


Post-Match Interview:

While Shaska does the talking, the Russians are stomping around and cracking their big chains on the floor.

Shaska Whatley:  Let me tell you about the Lightening Express … they aint never won nothing in their life and they sure as heck aren’t going to start next week with us brother.  Have you ever in all your born days seen such a trio as us.  We’re stoppable.  There’s not 3 men on this Earth that can beat us.  Especially not the Lightening Express.  I don’t care who your mystery partner is. 


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Lance Russell:  Fans, if you remember last week, Eddie Marlin, the General Manager of Championship Wrestling made the decision to ban Ron Wright from ringside because of his constant interference in the matches.  It did not sit to well with Mr. Wright and he has asked for some time on today’s show to make his point. 

Ron Wright wheels himself to the podium.

Ron Wright:  Now it’s just a disgrace what Eddie Marlin did last week.  I know Jerry Jarrett was behind this.  I mean those two can’t stand for a Christian man to try and right their wrongs.  They’ve been on the wrong side of the law as far as professional rastling goes for a long, long time.  Now let me tell you something Lance Ruseell.  It’ll take a smarter group of men than Eddie Marlin and Jerry Jarrett to outsmart me.  I’ve finished up my scountin for now and I got a man under contract now and we’re going to go down to that ring and show all these heathens what rastlin and managing is all about.  The Christian Rastling Association has begun here in Memphis. 



The Dirty White Boy with Ron Wright defeats Bill Tabb after he whipped him face first into the turnbuckle and when Tabb staggered out backwards, The Dirty White Boy clobbered him with a clothesline to the back of the head.  Interesting thing here was that Eddie Marlin came to ringside first to make sure that Ron Wright had actually signed DWB to a contract.  When Wright showed him the contract, Marlin had no choice but to slump back to his office. 


Ron Wright and The Dirty White Boy make their way back to the podium.

Ron Wright:  Let me tell ya’ll sometin.  This man is signed on the dotted line.  Because of him I now have hope.  Hope of someday getting out of this wheelchair.  Hope of someday being able to afford this hip and knee surgeries I so badly need.

Ron Wright and DWB shake hands before DWB speaks.

DWB:  If Mr. Wright is happy then the Dirty White Boy is happy.  Now you people might not know who I am but you will in just a very short time.  I’m here to make as much money for myself and Mr. Wright and the easiest way to do that is to win that Southern Heavyweight Title you got coming up here real soon.  I am glad you picked me to help you, the legend Ron Wright.  I promise you that together, we will soon be on top of championship wrestling.  And let’s not forget, we will do it the Christian Way!

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When we come out of break, Rip Rogers is holding up an issue of the National Inquire.

Rip Rogers:  I just want to clear up a few rumors.  Rumors that seem to be in the headlines of all the national publications.  Well, please, uneducated people of Tennessee, don’t believe everything you read.  That is, if you can read at all.  I’m going to tell you people once and for all.  I did not break up Vanna White and Sylvester Stallion.  Why, we all know I have a better body then Sly and that any woman would chose me over him, I did not fly to Hollywood last week to break up their relationship and I’m not flying to Hawaii this weekend for a secret wedding with Vanna.  While Vanna White and I are good friends, there is nothing romantic about our relationship.  To tell you the truth, Vanna is not my type.  She doesn’t look like she has spent a day in the gym in a long, long time.

As Rogers walks away, Lance wonders if Rip is a legend in his own mind while Dutch complains that Lance is just jealous because Vanna White wants Rip Rogers.

When Lance tries to change the subject to tonight’s main event match against “White Lightening” Tim Horner, Rogers attitude changes to one of anger.

Rip Rogers:  Tim Honer, you tobacco-chewing redneck, I’m about to take $500 more of your money.  I did exactly what I said I was going to do.  The Marathon Man that I am, performed squats for the entire hour and there was nothing your hillbilly brain could do about it.  Well tonight, it’ll be like taking candy from a baby… and Tim Horner… you and your pot-belly look like you’ve eaten a lot of candy. 



Big Money Marcus defeats Jerry Adams with a Bear Hug turned into a Powerslam

The mystery about Big Money Marcus continues to grow.  Added to his dark suit and sunglasses tonight was a small case that Lance Russell said looked like a violin case but Dutch was certain it was a case for a gun.  Dutch then reminded everyone about the link between Big Money and the Gambino crime family in N.Y.  Lance vowed to get to the bottom of this after the match but Marcus walked right passed him and refused even to make eye contact when Lance asked for an interview. 

After the bout, Dick Slater comes out to the podium where we see a quick video clip of his win last week over the Masked Mauler.

Lance Russell:  He Dick… glad to have you hear today.  You know that tournament to crown the new Southern Heavyweight Champion is just around the corner and a lot if guys around here are saying they think they can win the title.

Dick Slater:  Let me ask you this Lance.  You’re a man that’s been around here a long time and you know this business inside and out.  Who do you have your money on?

Lance:  Let me put it this way.  I wouldn’t bet against you Dick.

Dick Slater:  Well you’d be a fool to.  I’d tell you that much.  In this business, united we stand and divided we fall and when we get in that tournament a lot of people are going to fall to my piledriver and I will be the one standing when all is said and done.

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“The Hustler” Rip Roger vs “White Lightening” Tim Horner

Tim Horner gets all the fans excited as he enters the ring to Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA.”  He is high-fiving as many fans as he can and seems eager to get this match underway.  The cheers quickly change to boos as “You Give Love a Bad Name” is heard from the speakers and Rip Rogers comes to the ring in his normal pink vest and pink tights.  Horner is ready to go but Rogers makes the ref keep him away as he once again grabs the house mic and starts his gimmick.

Rip Rogers:  What I would like to have right now is for all you fat and out of shape sorry excuses for men who are sitting here reliving your glory days, to be quiet so I can scan the audience for one good looking woman to help me remove my vest. 

Most of the audience is booing but some ladies seem eager to come help Rip Rogers with the vest.  Rogers circles the ring, while scanning the audience for a helper.

Rip Rogers:  Ummm, I can’t believe it, not one good looing woman in the entire audience.  I guess ugly just keeps breeding ugly in this part of the county.  I guess it will be just another week of me taking of my own vest. 

WHAM… White Lightening can’t take the insults of his native Tennessee people any more and attacks Rogers.  The ref calls for the bell and we are under way.  The bout is actually pretty technical for the first 4 minutes as we get both men using a lot of headlocks, armbars, head scissors, etc…  Eventually Rogers tires of this style and tosses Horner to the floor.  Give Rogers some credit here as he shows some athleticism and comes over the top rope all the way to the floor with an ax handle chop to Horner.  Horner now goes 3 great minutes playing the face in peril.  Eventually, he made his comeback but again Rogers doesn’t back down and the two begin to brawl out on the arena floor.  Both men barely make it back to the ring before the 10 count but Rogers has the advantage.  He looks poised for the piledriver but Horner blocks it and catches Rip in a rolling cradle for the surprising 3 count!  Lance hypes up the fact that Horner has won back his $500.

Before Lance signs off for the week, he let’s us all know that Brad Armstrong will be back from Japan next week and our main event will be the Lightening Express and a mystery partner vs Boris Zhukov, Soldat Ustinov and Shaska Whatley.

Lance:   Until next week, Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell saying bye bye every body.

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Another exciting win for Too Hot Torpedo... wait.

I know that when I think of good Christian wrestling my mind immediately goes to the Dirty White Boy. But seriously I think he's a dark horse in the Southern Heavyweight Title tournament. Though Dick Slater would definitely argue that point.

Big Money Marcus may not have anything to say but he's certainly got people talking.

Double J promises to do daddy proud.

Rip Rogers has absolutely become a highlight of your weekly TV show. The stuff with Vanna White cracked me up.

Major hype for the six man main event next week. Horner's confident in his & Brad's mystery partner but if I were him I might keep an eye out for the Hustler.

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Too Hot Torpedo made me laugh. Not a bad guy to open your show with to get the crowd pumped but the rest of the show might be a let down after seeing Too Cold wrestle. Talented hand to have on your roster.

You do a great job with Lance Russell to capture his golly gee wilikers personality and on the other side of the coin, Dirty Dutch is the perfect heel next to him.

Dirty White Boy comes in and wants a shot at the Southern title as do a lot of people but I am putting my money on Dick Slater. If Lance isn't betting against him, why would I?

Rip Rogers is delusional. Vanna White isn't his type? Brenda Britton was and she sure was not a pretty woman. I think Rogers couldn't stand having someone better looking than him standing by his side.

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If you want viewers to stay with you, having Scorpio open up is the way to go. 

Shaska and the Russians don't seem worried about their upcoming match with Armstrong and Horner. I have a feeling the mystery man will be the deciding factor. 

Wright shuts Marlin up by signing DWB. This will be quite the combo. I do think this is what DWB needed to get over quick. 

Wow! Rogers is the man! Vanna White isn't even his type. Talk about high standards. 

I'm liking the character development of Big Money Marcus. 

I'm with Lance, I wouldn't bet against Slater either. 

Just like that, Horner wins his money back. I don't think Rogers is going to let this go. 

Another great week! 


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The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 

(As the show starts, with see Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell.  Absent from the opening scene is Dutch’s bodyguard Jeff Gaylord.   


Lance Russell:  Yeeellow Everybody.  Lance Rusell alongside Dirty Dutch Mantell.  By golly we’re ready to fire off another great week of championship wrestling.  This is professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  On today’s show you’re going to see The Fab One Steve Keirn in action.  Rip Roger’s is here, and he is trying to get back on winning side as he takes on none other than JJ, Jeff Jarrett.  And speaking of the Jarretts, The CWA president, Jerry Jarrett will be here with a huge announcement about the Southern Heavyweight Tournament.  The Franchise “Shane Douglas is back in action as he takes on the Assassin and Dutch why don’t you tell everyone about the big 6-Man main event.


Dutch Mantell:  Before I get to that main event, I just want everyone to know that I hope the Assassin takes care of that psychopath Shane Douglas.  I mean, I’m here today without my bodyguard so if the Assassin doesn’t do his job, it could be curtains for old Dirty Dutch.  Now as far as that 6th man main event goes, Shaska Whatley and The Big Russians, Boris Zhukov and Soldat Ustinov are going to take on the Lightening Express and a mystery partner.  Now I doubt thay found anyone any good as nobody would want to be there partner.

Lance Russell:  Come on Dutch.  You know the Lightening Express are one of the best teams in the entire world.

Dutch:  In the world of make believe.  Mark my words, the Lightening Express are in for a world of trouble tonight.


“The Fab One” Steve Keirn vs Larry Cheatum


Keirn had the fans eating out of his pockets from the first chord of “Go Fabs Go,” He controlled 90% of the match; with Cheatum getting in a few blows when he turned to the questionable tactics.  This only made Keirn angry and he had no problem going blow for blow with Cheatum with the end coming from Top Rope Diving Senton.


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Next to the podium is Jerry Jarrett where he has a huge announcement on the Southern Heavyweight Tournament.


Jerry Jarrett:  I’m really excited to let all the fans know that the Southern Heavyweight Tournament is going to be just over two weeks from now.  It is going to be held on Monday night, May 15th.  Historically, Mondays has been the biggest night of the week in Memphis Wrestling as it was the night we wrestled in the Mid-South Coliseum.  Well, I am so proud to announce that May 15th is not only the night of the Southern Heavyweight Tournament, but it is also the night we here at Championship Wrestling will return to the Mid-South Coliseum.  This night marks the first time in over 4 years that the Championship Wrestling will host an event in the Mecca of professional wrestling.  As for the tournament itself, we wanted only the best of the best so we narrowed it down to only 8 wrestlers.  These eight wrestlers will wrestle in a single elimination tournament that night.  Right now, I’m going to announce 6 of those wrestlers.  They are, in no particular order, The Fab One, Steve Keirn, The Franchise Shane Douglas, “The Rebel” Dick Slater, “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel, The Dirty White Boy, and “The Hustler” Rip Rogers. 

Lance Russell:  My oh my, Jerry, that is one heck of a field.  Any one of those wrestlers could win the whole thing.

Dutch Mantell:  Hold on.  Hold on just a minute Mr. Jarrett.  I know that I spend a lot of my time here as a commentator but I’m also undefeated here in Memphis since our return.

Jerry Jarrett:  That is true Dutch and you’ve had a great history here in Memphis but to tell you the truth, you’ve only wrestled once since our return, and you sit here week after week claiming to be afraid for your life of Shane Douglas.

Dutch Mantell:  Shane Douglas is crazy… He isn’t a wrestler.  He’s an escapee from the asylum.  I’ll wrestle anyone else and prove to you that I belong in that tournament.

Jerry Jarrett:  I’ll tell you what Dutch.  We still have two wrestlers to add to the tournament.  Next week, I’ll give you a match right here on tv and if you win, you can have one of those opened spots. 

Dutch Mantell:  To me that seems like you don’t want me in the tournament, but I see no other choice.  Next week I will beat whatever loser you put in front of me. 

Jerry Jarrett:  Okay, fans, in next week’s main event it will be Dirty Dutch Mantell vs “The Superstar” Bill Dundee for a spot in the Southern Heavyweight Tournament…


Dutch Mantell:  WHAT!!!!  YOU TRICKED ME JARRETT!!!

Lance Russell:  (laughing) … Dutch, the situations you get yourself into never cease to amaze me. Fan’s you just heard it… Superstar Bill Dundee is returning to Memphis and if that’s not enough, he will face Dirty Dutch right here on TV.   Let’s get back to today’s action.


“The Hustler” Rip Rogers vs Jeff Jarrett

“You Give Love a Bad Name” is heard from the speakers and Rip Rogers comes to the ring in his normal pink vest and pink tights.  Jarrett is already in the ring and seems to watch the nonsense without a care in the world.  Rogers once again grabs the house mic and starts his gimmick.


Rip Rogers:  What I would like to have right now of is for all you fat and out of shape sorry excuses for men who are sitting here reliving your glory days, to be quiet so I can scan the audience for one good looking woman to help me remove my vest. 

Rogers circles the ring looking out to the stands and he keeps making a face like he is smelling something rotten.  Suddenly, its like a lightbulb has gone off in his head.  He starts to smile.

Rip Rogers:  I don’t believe it!  A needle in a haystack.  Finally, after 2 months of searching, someone worthy.  Worthy of my attention.  Worthy of my time.  Worthy to touch my vest!  You darling… are about to have a thrill of a lifetime.

Suddenly the camera sees the girl he has picked, and she is making her way to the ring with a huge smile on her face.

Rip Rogers:  Now darling, what’s your name?

Random Girl:  Terry

Rip Rogers:  Well Terry, are you ready for the thrill of a lifetime?

Terry:  I think so.  Are you?

Rip Rogers:  Well aren’t you full of confidence.

Terry:  Ummm…

Rip Rogers:  Hit my music!

Rogers begins a seductive dance as Terry begins to pull off Rip’s vest.  Rogers is sure to give a little extra flex and allows Terry a little time to grope the biceps. 

Rip Rogers:  Now darling, have you ever seen anyone in as perfect shape as me.

Terry:  I honestly must say I have!

The crowd begins to laugh as Rogers seems shocked and upset.  Suddenly, Terry removes her sweatshirt and reveals a body equally as fit as Rips! 


Rip Rogers:  Wow, you are full of Big Surprises!  I think we need to get to know each other a little better.  How about you sit ringside and watch me teach this young punk a lesson.

Terry:  Deal!

Once Terry Power has stepped out of the ring, the bell sounds.  Give Jarrett some credit here, after waiting patiently for the whole vest thing to play out, he is ready to go.  Jarrett seems one step ahead for most of the match.  Lance Russell keeps reminding everyone that JJ grew up in the business and seems to have been a great student.  One the other hand, Dutch is convinced that Rip’s mind is elsewhere. 

In the end, Rip whips JJ into the ropes where Terry Power trips him. 

Lance Russell:  Come on!  What’s that all about?

Dutch Mantell:  I told you before Lance, Jarrett isn’t ready for the big time.  He’s so clumsy.  He just tripped over his own feet.

Rogers is now able to take advantage and works over JJ until he is finally able to connect with the Ripperplex (Superplex) for the win!

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“The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs The Assassin


Interesting thing here is that the Assassin, yellow mask and black singlet, seems to have a good 30 pounds on Douglas.  In terms of the match, we get a brawl from the opening bell.  Surprisingly, Douglas holds the upper hand for most of the bout.  At about the 6 minute mark, Dutch Mantell, who has been frustrated from the beginning, heads to the ring where he starts screaming at the Assassin to crush Douglas.  This does nothing but to enrage Shane who goes nuts.  Dutch is now up on the apron.  Big Mistake! 

WHAM… Running football tackle on Dutch and he goes flying to the floor.

WHAM… Belly to Belly Suplex on The Assassin.


The Franchise is not satisfied with the win.  It is almost like he has smelled a rat!  He quickly starts to untie the mask of the Assassin and rips it off!



To the fans surprise, the Assassin turns out to be Jeff Gaylord, the bodyguard of Dutch Mantell!  Douglas holds up the mask… points to Dutch Mantell and gives him the throat slashing sign and starts to come out after him.

Lance Russell:  Wow… I never knew Dutch Mantell could run that fast.  He must’ve been a track star back in high school.  The Franchise is in hot pursuit but I don’t think he’s going to catch him.  I also don’t think we’ll be seeing much more of Dutch this week.  I guess I should send a thankyou note to Shane Douglas for that!

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Boris Zhukov, Soldat Ustinov and Shaska Whatley vs The Lightening Express and a Mystery Partner

The heels come out first and are waiting in the ring.  Everyone, including Lance Russell, is wondering who the mystery partner is but they do not get an immediate answer as Brad and Tim come out alone.  Lance begins to wonder if his partner, Dutch, could’ve been right when he said that Brad and Tim couldn’t find a partner.

Suddenly the speakers begin to blare “Bad to the Bone.”


Lance Russell:  Oh my… I guess there’s no better place to turn to when you need help then to your family…. Here he comes!  “The Bullet” Bob Armstrong! 

Everyone is shocked as the heels begin to scurry! 

Once the match starts, the fan favorites are able to capitalize on the initial energy of Bob Armstrong’s entrance but after some dirty tactics by the heels, the match seems pretty even.  We get a typical 6-man bout where everyone gets a little time to shine.

The end is simply chaos as all 6 men are in the ring in a complete Pier 6.  Brad and Zhukov are trading blows out on the floor.  Horner and Shaska are brawling on one side of the ring and The Bullet and Ustinov on the other.

Somehow, the Bullet ducks under a big right hand by Ustinov…

WHAM… Georgia Jawbreaker by Bob Armstrong.


Lance Russell:  What a wild match with a perfect ending.  The Bullet shows up and the crowd favorites get the victory.  I be the Russians and Whatley are going to lose some sleep tonight.  Fans, don’t forget to be here next week when the Superstar returns to Memphis as Bill Dundee takes on Dutch Mantell for a spot in the Southern Heavyweight tournament.  Until next week, Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell saying bye bye every body.

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Great episode of TV.

Some very good matches, a debut for Terri, a chicken-shit Dutch Mantel calling Shane a lunatic and that it might be "curtains" for him, Rip Rogers doing his schtick, more on the Southern Title with Dutch having to wrestle for a spot in the tournament against none other than a returning Bill Dundee. All good things right there.

Jeff Jarrett with a good look in the ring but he's still young and I am sure will get many chances down the road to get one over on Rip Rogers.

Good win for Shane Douglas against the masked Jeff Gaylord AND being able to take out Dirty Dutch on the apron. Doesn't get better than that.


Nice to see Bob Armstrong in action and even picking up the win for his team. Back to the drawing board for Whatley and the Russians.

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I had a feeling The Superstar was headed to Memphis. Dutch may not have been happy but I'm sure the fans were.

The Fab One gets a solid win showing he deserves to be in the Southern Heavyweight Title tournament.

Rogers finally finds a woman worth his time as Terri Powers helps him get the win over Double J.

The Bullet enters the ring to help his boy -& Horner- score the main event win.

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Lance and Dutch are such a great balance.

Keirn gets things off to a fabulous start. 

What a way to return to the Mid South Coliseum! Look at those names in the tournament! And now we're going to get Dutch vs. the returning Memphis icon Dundee in a qualifying match. Lawler might not be back, but having Dundee is pretty damn good. 

Rogers made the very best career decision coming here. He's a highlight. Adding Terry Power gives him even more heat. Great stuff. 

Another guy thriving here is Shane Douglas. Working with Dutch is going to elevate Shane to another level. Tonight's angle was great TV. 

YES! Bullet Bob is back in the game! I agree with Lowblow, he still has so much to offer and Memphis is the place to prove that. 

This territory is so entertaining! 


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MAY 15



Too Cold Scorpio defeats Big Money Marcus with the Corkscrew Planch is a match that showcased a huge contrast in styles.



“The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel defeats “The Franchise” Shane Douglas in a wild finish that saw Dutch Mantell rush out before the match and crack Douglas with the bull rope from behind.  The ref couldn’t do anything about it since it was before the match, and he called for the bell like normal.  Douglas gave it his all, but the pre-match attack allowed Landel to get the win as he rolled up Douglas for the pinfall with a handful of tights.


“The Superstar” Bill Dundee defeats “The Dirty White Boy” with Ron Wright with a piledriver as Dundee was able to survive all the questionable tactics by both The Dirty White Boy and Ron Wright.


“The Hustler” Rip Rogers with Terry Powers defeated “The Fab One” Steve Keirn with a Ripperplex after Terry caught Keirn with a pretty good right hand while the ref admonished Rogers for illegal tactics in the corner.   


“The Rebel” Dick Slater defeats Too Cold Scorpio with a swinging neckbreaker in a match that proved Slater didn’t care if its friend or foe squared off against him.  Too Cold continued to wow the crowd but at one point Slater locked in the Figure 4.  While Too Cold Scorpio was able to eventually break the hold, he was tremendously slowed. 



“The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel defeated “The Superstar” Bill Dundee by count-out as Dundee was clobbered with the ringbell in another attack by Dutch Mantell.  This was all possible because Landel was being berated by the ref for a questionable low-blow.  It seems like Dutch was fuming over not being included in the tournament so he was taking it out on those he thought were responsible… Shane Douglas and Bill Dundee.  Things got real exciting after the match was over as Shane Douglas came out and FINALLY was able to catch Dutch and caught him with a belly to belly suplex.  Dutch’s bodyguard, Jeff Gaylord, was next to the ring as he tried to save his boss but he to was meet with stiff resistance and was nailed with a piledriver by the Superstar!  Buddy Landel was happy with his win and simply walked away from the chaos.


“The Rebel” Dick Slater defeated “The Hustler” Rip Rogers with Terry Power.  While the last match was pretty long and drawn out this one was much quicker.  Rogers seemed to be really confident and was dancing around… shadow boxing and toying with Slater.  It seemed like he was trying to impress Terry with his show, but Slater is not to be messed with….

WHAM… Huge right hand by Slater and down goes Rogers.  You could hear Slater yelling “NOW WE GO TO SCHOOL” just loud enough that everyone was sure that Landel heard him in the locker room.  Slater then locked in the Figure 4 even though Rogers was out cold.  The ref quickly made the 3 count and Slater tossed Rogers away like a rag doll.  Terry came in cautiously to help her man but she never took her eyes off of Slater in case he came back for more.



Brad Armstrong, Tim Horner & Bob Armstrong vs Boris Zhukov, Soldat Ustinov and Shaska Whatley

This rematch from a few weeks ago has an added measure of danger with the steel cage and all the wrestlers involved made sure to use it to abuse their opponents but, in the end, we get the same result as the crowd was ecstatic as The Bullet connected with the Georgia Jawjacker on Soldat for the win.



“The Rebel” Dick Slater vs “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel

Awesome back and forth match.  Slater used pure brawling tactics to gain his advantage while there was no level of cheating that Landel didn’t try.  Back and forth we go.

The wild ending saw Slater reverse Landel’s Figure 4 and really lock it in.  Landel is somehow able to drag himself to the ropes to force the break, but he is in trouble.  He uses the ropes to help him get to his feet but Slater stalks him like a dog.  Landel demands the ref get Slater back as he is in the ropes.  Slater just keeps coming.

WHAM… Landel shoves Slater with everything he has.  Slater collides with the ref and down goes the ref.  The problem for Landel is that he has nothing left.  Slater comes in with a big right hand and down goes Landel.  The ref is still down.  Slater just keeps on the attack.

WHAM… Piledriver by Slater… ref is still down!

The crowd starts screaming….

WHAM… from under the ring comes…. You won’t believe this…. It’s Tommy Rich and he has just clobbered Dick Slater in the head with a chair.

Rich now drags Landel on top of Slater and goes and shakes the ref.  As the ref stirs, Rich rolls out on the floor.  The fans are screaming at the ref.

1…2…3!  “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel is the new Southern Heavyweight Champion!!




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Honestly after reading this card, I can see why you couldn't wait to post it.

Dutch may not have made it in the tournament but he definitely had an impact.

Scorpio looks impressive pulling double duty even hanging in there with Slater.

Speaking of Slater, it looks like he ran his mouth one time to many because WILDFIRE came to close it for him.

On the bright side, we get to enjoy a Budro title reign. This should be fun.

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Wrestling is back in the Mid South Coliseum! 

Even though Dutch wasn't in the tournament, he makes his presence known right away by costing Douglas his match. Dundee advances in his return. Rogers upsets Keirn. Scorpio loses to Slater but shows he has a bright future here.

Dutch strikes again. He may have costed Dundee the match but him and Gaylord paid the price. LOL, just like that, Slater takes care of Rogers.

Bullet Bob is on fire and scores the fall in a wild cage match. 

Finals! WOW! What a shocker! TOMMY RICH is back in the game! Landel is the new champ! Talk about heat! Slater and Rich are going to tear it up. I can't wait for Landel's promo next week. 

We're off and running now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...




The traditional CWA opening is played with some music being played as we see all the big stars of Memphis past hitting big moves.  One exception is there is no Jerry “The King” Lawler in the intro. 

Next we see a video collage of highlights that saw Tommy “Wildfire” Rich help “Nature Boy” Buddy Landel defeat “The Rebel” Dick Slater to win the Southern Heavyweight Title! 

(As the show starts, with see Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell and Jeff Gaylord, Dutch Mantell’s bodyguard.  


Lance Russell:  Yeeellow Everybody.  Lance Rusell alongside Dirty Dutch Mantell.  Oh my gosh, we’re ready to fire off another great week of championship wrestling.  This is professional wrestling like it used to be and the way you like it.  Dutch, I’ve got to ask you your thoughts on the Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament from last week at the Mid-South Coliseum.  I mean you weren’t even in the tournament, but you played a major role in the outcome of not one but two matches!  

Dutch Mantell:  Lance, I think I proved I deserved to be in that tournament.  Both Superstar Bill Dumdee and Shane “The Psychotic” got exactly what they deserved. 

Lance Russell:  Come on Dutch.  That’s a bunch of sour grapes and you know it.  You had your shot at getting into that tournament, but you couldn’t beat   Bill Dundee and I heard that Jerry Jarrett isn’t to happy about what went on in the Mid-South Coliseum and he will be here a little later on to discuss it. 

Dutch:  I’m shaking in my boots!  Now Jerry Jarrett isn’t happy because me and Tommy Rich knew the fix was in and we were just standing up for what is right.  Jerry Jarrett had no right hand picking the next Southern Heavyweight Champion.  You talk about wrestling like it used to be.  Well Jarrett …. That’s how Tommy and I did it back in the day. 

Lance Russell:  At least you admit you are a cheater… Any who, fans we got a great show instore for you today.  First, we have “Hustler” Rip Rogers in action as he takes on newcomer Norman Smiley.    Jeff Jarrett is back and he will face The Red Shadow.  The Dirty White Boy with Ron Wright faces “White Lightening” Tim Horner.  We will here from The Rebel Dick Slater.  The Nature Boy Buddy Landel will be here and listen to this main event…. It will be Superstar Bill Dundee and “The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs Jeff Gaylord and “Dirty” Dutch Mantell.

Dutch:  What… no… what!  Nobody told me that I’m wrestling tonight.  I’m here to do my job trying to carry this show.  Somebody made a mistake.  I’m not going to do it.  I just not going to do it.

Lance Russell:  Don’t kill the messenger Dutch.  I just read the matches off this sheet.  Don’t worry.  Jerry Jarrett will be here next segment and we’ll get it all figured out.  Let’s get to the ring for our first match.

(As the camera turns toward the ring, we can all hear Dutch muttering to himself about the disrespect around this place. 



Rip Rogers with Terry Power defeats Norman Smiley with the Ripperplex.

Lance Russell:  Rip, I must ask you… is this ummm, your new manager. 

Rip Rogers:  Lance, this lady here is my new valet, and I will let her explain to you why I chose her services over the thousands and thousands of other women who wanted the job.

Terry, wearing a long dark coat steps towards Lance an takes over the interview…


Terry Power:  (rubbing the hair on Lance’s head)  Lance, I never knew just how beautiful you eyes are.  God, I didn’t know they made announcers like you. 

Lance Rusell:  Come on… what are you doing?

Terry Power:  Lance… You are worth waiting for.  What are you doing later?

Lance Russell:  Is this some kind of joke?

Terry Power:  (Rubbing Lance’s jacket and his chest)  Lance, I think you are getting the idea why I am the number one valet in all of wrestling and why Rip jumped at the chance to have my services.

Lance is totally blushing now while the camera catches Rip Rogers laughing…

Terry Power:  Lance, you’re a smart man.  You know a lot of things, but I know your mother never ever, ever showed you anything like this.

Terry turns her back to the crowd and the TV camera and slowly opens her jacket….  All we see is a bare back.

Lance:  (stuttering)  Oh, oh, uh this is a family show.  Come on now. 

Rip Rogers:  And that is why Terry is my valet!

Dutch Mantell:  I think the cat’s got Lance’s tongue.  Let’s go to break. 


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Next to the podium is Jerry Jarrett where he has a huge announcement on the Southern Heavyweight Tournament.

Lance Russell:  Jerry, I must ask your thoughts on the Southern Heavyweight Tournament and all of the chaos.

Dutch Mantell:  Sorry, I must interrupt.  The chaos you’re talking about was caused by allowing such lunatics as Shane Douglas into the tournament t and now you or some other suit around here comes up with the smart idea to have me and Jeff face Superstar Bill Dumbdee and the Shane “The Crazy.”

Jerry Jarrett:  Dutch, you are the last person we want to hear from right now.  You are lucky you have not been heavily fined and suspended.

Dutch Mantell:  Suspended… that would be the easy way out instead of facing that escapee from the asylum. 

Jerry Jarrett:  Funny you say that as that is exactly what Shane Douglas said when I told him that you were going to be suspended for what you did at the Mid-South Coliseum.  He said he would rather beat you to within an inch of your life than have you suspended.  Now as far as what Tommy Rich did at the Mid-South Coliseum… unfortunately that is out of my control.  He currently is not a wrestler under contract with Championship Wrestling so I have little recourse as to his actions.  I did turn the case over to the authorities where they are deciding exactly what charges to file.  I have faith that the law will do its job here.  Lance, I would like to now look towards the future and move on from the Southern Heavyweight tournament.  We have signed a monthly contract with the Mid-South Coliseum.  I will have more on next week, but I will tell you in two months in mid-July,  we will crown new Southern tag team champions.  In order for a team to be entered in that tournament, they will need to have be currently wrestling someplace in the world as a tag team.  We do not just want any two wrestlers to join up for the tournament.   Tag teams, please send your application and a video to our offices for us to evaluate.    

Lance Russell:  Thank you Jerry for that.  I know all the fans will be looking forward to all the great action back in the Mid-South Coliseum. 

Dutch Mantell:  Oh yea Jerry.  Thanks for nothing.

Lance Russell:  Oh come on now.

Jeff Jarrett:  What’s ridiculous is that you call yourself a professional wrestler but needed a bodyguard because you were so afraid of Shane Douglas.

Lance Russell:  Just stop it already Dutch.  You never quit.  Can we please get to our next match. 



Jeff Jarrett defeats The Red Shadow with the Figure Four Leglock


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Before our next match, “The Nature Boy” struts out to the podium.


Lance Russell:  Yes sir folks.  I’ve got with me one of those faces that doesn’t really need any introduction, but I will ….the new Southern Heavyweight Champion, “the Nature Boy” Buddy Landel.  Now nobody has ever questioned your talent but some are saying your arrogance is going to get in the way of a long title run.

Buddy Landell:  Well, let me tell you one thing.  In this sport of professional wrestling, I’ve only really been to one place and that’s the top of the mountain!  Anybody here in Championship Wrestling who wants a shot at this title got a problem … and that problem is ME!  Now I’m not saying that I the toughest man in the world.  I am not the most muscular wrestler in the business.  Heck, I’m not even the greatest in-ring technician.  But what I am is one cocky SOB.  I tell you why your old lady spent the night with me instead of you.  And why you’re thinking about it, I poke your eyes out and blow through you like a windchime.  I’ve got this belt and there aint nothing any of you people can do about it.

Lance Russell:  What about the folks that say without Tommy Rich, you wouldn’t be the Southern Heavyweight Champion.

Buddy Landell:  And what about the folks that say if Dick Slater wasn’t Dirty Dick Slater, Tommy Rich would still be the AWA World Champion.

Dutch Mantell:  He got you there Lance.  Dick Slater is as dirty as pigpen from Peanuts. 

Lance Russell:  Why is everyone against me tonight.  Let’s get to the ring.


“The Dirty White Boy” with Ron Wright defeats “White Lightening” Tim Horner with the Bucksnort Blaster (Powerslam)  This happened after a chaotic moment out of the ring floor when Ron Wright seemed to accidently fall out of his wheelchair onto Tim Horner.  Horner came up bleeding as Lance Russell and Dutch Mantell argued whether or not Wright used his chisel on Horner.  After the pin, Dutch and the Dirty White Boy rushed out to help Wright back into his wheelchair as the duo headed to the podium


Lance Russell:  Ron, I’ve gotta to ask ya… was that the chisel I saw.


Ron Wright:  Here we go again.  A poor crippled man like myself falls out of his wheelchair and you a go accusing me of cheatin.  I’ve said it before.  I’m a Christian man.  My wrestlers are Christians.  We get by on hard work.  You don’t go around asking Tim Horner about all the closed fists he throws in a match.  You didn’t go asking “Dirty” Dick Slater how he got to the finals of the Southern Heavyweight Tournament.  But me…  a man who needs a new hip and two new knees is the one you says is cheating.

Dutch Mantell:  Ron, I don’t know what to say about my partner.  He is just so disrespectful.  After all you’ve done for this sport.  I mean come on Lance.

Ron Wright:  Thank you for that Dutch and thanks for helping me back in my chair.  Now fans, please don’t forget to send in your donations to the Ron Wright fund.  As soon as I get out of this chair, I can really help the Christian Wrestler’s Association rise up and get rid of all that is wring here in Championship Wrestling.  I also want everyone to know that I have signed a tag team and we are set on winning that tag team tournament. 

Lance Russell:  And who is this team?

Ron Wright:  There you go again Lance.  Wantin me to tell you all about my team before any other team got involved.  That a way they can start the scouting process on us but we know nothing about them.  I’m a manager Lance.  It is my job to help my team not hurt them.  I mean come on Lance, be fair.  I thought you were a Christian like me but after what I saw before… you oogling at that nice young girl early in the show.  I got my doubts.

Lance Russell:  Oh brother when is this going to end  … let’s take a break.    


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Before we get to our main event match, we have a pre-recorded interview with “The Rebel” Dick Slater


Dick Slater: (In a pair of jeans, black shirt and brown leather jacket) Tommy Rich… whereever you are… listen up and I hope you listen well!  I am praying that whatever rock you are under right now that you got a tv and you can hear each and every word I have to say.  Tommy… you may be able to get me down.  You may try to put me out of professional wrestling but ….. (Spit coming from Slater’s mouth) YOU BETER DO A BLANKITY BLANKING JOB OF DOING IT!  First of all, I don’t like nobody playing with my income and that is exactly what you did when you robbed me of both the AWA World Title and now the Southern Heavyweight Title.  Second of all, I’ve always walked tall.  Every time I put on a pair of boots and got in that wrestling ring, it’s always been 100%.  I don’t take nothing for granted and I don’t take short cuts…. And by hell or high water, I am going to make you pay.  Now I know Jerry Jarrett has said that you are not apart of Championship Wrestling at the moment so he can’t put us in a match, but if you ever have the guts… come and meet me in the parking lot… meet me in the ally or anywhere of your choosing and I will destroy you….  Now, I know that you are going to take some time to think this over and I will give you two weeks… two weeks and if I don’t hear from you, I know a few people who can and will find you.  Trust me… these are people you don’t what looking for you.

Lance Russell:  Now, now Dick.  I think your crossing a line here.

Dick Slater:  Two weeks Tommy Rich…. 2 weeks.

You can almost here the fans gasp at the lengths that Slater is willing to go to get even with Tommy Rich.  Lance Rusell is shaking his head as we go to the ring for out main event. 



The Superstar Bill Dundee & “The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs “Dirty” Dutch Mantell & Jeff Gaylord

The match starts with Dutch and Gaylord coming to the ring to a chorus of boos.  Dutch seems oblivious to it all as he is talking to Jeff.  He is trying to convince Gaylord of a plan which his bodyguard doesn’t seem to keen on but eventually gives the approving head nod as he understands that Dutch is the one who pays his bills.

Next, from the very first chord of TNT by AC/DC, the fans are up cheering for Douglas and Dundee.  Douglas is so fired up that he pays them no mind and rushes his opponents before the match.  Dutch jumps out of the ring and demands order from the ref.  When we finally do get it, Dutch points to the ring and orders Jeff Gaylord to start the match. 

The strategy for the heels is clear.  Dutch is going to completely stay out of the match no matter what.  Douglas and Dundee work over Gaylord but every chance they get, they call for Dutch who never tags in.  Even when the fan favorites toss Gaylord into the corner trying to toss him into Dutch, Mantell simply jumps to the arena floor.  It is obvious that the 2-1 match has taken its toll on Gaylord but they don’t want the pin.  They want Dutch.

The Franchise tries one more time but again as Douglas begins to whip Gaylord to the corner, Dutch jumps to the floor.  This time Douglas holds on to Gaylord as Dutch turns to the crowd and points to his head like he is just to smart.  As he sits down on the ring apron, still facing the crowd, Douglas drags Gaylord over and slams him into Dutch.

The ref signals the tag and Dutch is in shock… He refuses to get in and the ref begins to count.  As he gets to 7, Dutch decides to enter the ring where he is greeted harshly by Douglas.  The problem was that Dutch tags in Gaylord right away!  Douglas is fuming but goes right back on the offense.

As the attack goes on, Dutch, is seen by the fans to be contemplating something.

Without anyone but the ref seeing, Dutch quickly tags himself in and stealthily comes in to the ring.

Lance Russell:  Watch out Shane!  Dirty Dutch has rolled up a surprised Douglas and grabs the tights.



Lance Russell:  Oh my.  Folks I don’t believe what I just say.  My partner, Dirty Dutch… he always has a plan.  Make sure to join us next week as we get an update on the Mid-South Tag Team Tournament and maybe, just maybe we will hear from Tommy “Wildfire” Rich.  I also heard a big rumor that Championship Wrestling has signed a big-time superstar who will be action next week!  Be there if you can.  Until next time… Bye Bye Everybody.


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Poor Lance, the show started out so well thanks to Terry but it all went downhill fast.

Ok I really love just how honest Budro was in his promo, he may not be the best wrestler but he gets under your skin like nobody's business!

A monthly deal with the Mid-South Coliseum and a plan to crown new Southern Tag champs. Things are picking up in Memphis.

Slater is on the warpath. If I were Rich I'd show up in two weeks, seems like the safer option.

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Damn, rough night for Lance. He gets a visual from Terry, then gets an earful from all the heels LOL. 

Our world seems a little better when Budro's holding a title. 

Nice way to hype the tag tournament. Can't wait to see who's coming in. 

Wright is gold. I laughed at the scene of DWB and Dutch helping him into his wheelchair. It seems he has big plans. I can only hope that he gets enough money for his multiple surgeries. 

Slater gives the promo of a lifetime. Tommy's in a bad predicament. He can fight Slater or run for the rest of his life looking over his shoulder. I guess we'll find out in 2 weeks! 

Great way to keep heat on Dutch and Douglas by having Dutch play chicken the entire match, only to sneak the pin at the end. This is textbook booking on keeping a storyline fresh. Now the fans will pay top dollar to see Douglas give Dutch his comeuppance. I will say this, after this feud, Douglas is going places. 

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I have to say, this is one tightly written show. It ebbs and flows like it should without the need for a huge roster and focusses on a few while giving us the hierarchy to show the pecking order. Well played out characters and storylines that apparently cross territories in the case of Dirty Dick Slater and Tommy Rich. Really well done.

The one surprise is Bill Dundee taking a backseat to Shane Douglas. I figured we would hear a little something from Bill without him being in the shadow of Jerry Lawler.

Really good stuff here on my must read list.

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Memphis is full fledged top tier now. Superstar and Franchise... a match made in... well.Terry Power is a low key favorite of mine before she got to WWE... pumped to see how she fairs. I agree with the sentiment about Lawler and Dundee. That was always a big shadow but here you're painting a picture of Dundee being a company guy.

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