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AEW TV - March 27 - 30, 2024


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On 3/28/2024 at 1:51 AM, sek69 said:

I don't think there's anyone as good as making their opponents look good as the Bucks.

There isn't. Never have been either. They are the greatest ever at it. They made people think that Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrisson were ready for a run as tag champs because of how great they looked. Ponder that one for a minute. No shit Sting selected them for his last match ever. Workers know.

13 hours ago, strobogo said:

Bruv vs Shibata ruled. TK gonna wild out and do Shibata/Okada rematch on a random Wednesday or Saturday and it will also rule

AEW is the greatest in Dream Epic Match Randomizer mode. And they have the greatest roster and all the connections to keep on bringing that good shit for years.

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Collision was joy, apart from the Ricky Starks scare. Like he wasn't checked out enough already. He's such a goner, having been upstaged in every way by Big Bill since they started tagging. Thankfully it doesn't seem he's injured. Not sure we'll see much more of him on AEW though. Writing is on the wall.

Matt Cardona showing up from nowhere to have a banger with Copeland was certainly unexpected, after he showed up on the lastest TNA tapings to help Steph de Lander.

So fun to get the ROH crew, Infantery, Lady Frost, JD Drake, and of course the Righteous for that killer of a main event. Sometimes I just have to remind myself how ridiculously great it is to get Shibata on TV in 2024. Hope he tags with BCC for ever, he's the perfect fit.

House of Black vs Copeland/Kingston/Briscoes is a wondefully random and fun 6-men. Gotta say, Copeland finally won me over and he finally seems to fit right in. Hopefully the same goes for Mercedes eventually, if you know what I mean.

Watching FTR vs Infantery, it's crazy how different their approach from the House of Black has been. And how they actually think the exact same way the Young Bucks do. They'll do everything to not only have the best match possible, but make their opponent look as good as possible in the process. "This is the same picture".

The Mariah May/Toni Storm storyline is taking its next steps. Deonna is totally turning heel (pretty much has already happened). Thunder Rosa is slowly getting her groove back (after what she came back from, no small feat, really). Good stuff.

That ROH show is shaping up very nicely too, with Eddie vs Chicken, Billie vs Queen, Athena vs Shida, the Stardom 6-women match. Hopefully Dalton Castle vs Johnny TV and SAP vs Maria's Boys, which has been built up on the ROH shows. 

Next week is gonna be exhausting if like me you're interested in what happens on the side of Mania.

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