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AEW TV 7/3-7/6 The DMD survived a TIA


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That was one hell of a show. Willow/Stat didn't click for me the way it seemingly did for others but was hardly good for others. Danielson/Pac and Ospreay/Garcia were tremendous and I enjoyed the closing angle and Britt/Sasha as well. I would've bet on Page/Jarrett going 1-2 minutes and needing to be a being a total MDK situation but was happy to be wrong. That was a great match and they established Page's new heel character without working a squash. Tremendous tv.

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That really was a fantastic Dynamite. Danielson/PAC was excellent.

Not sure where this Jericho/Hook angle is leading though. Logical build is Taz returning to the ring to beat Jericho's ass, and I was a huge Taz fan back in the day, but...at this point... as cool as it would be to hear "War Machine" again, I just don't know about that.

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I commented to my partner that if this was 10 years ago, Taz bringing in a trio of ECW guys to attack the Learning Tree would have been fun, but I don't think there are three left with name value that can physically go enough for that angle.If Cage wasn't busy and Hobbs injured, reuniting Team Taz for one night only would have been fun.

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This show ruled. I fell out of keeping up with the weeklies, not because of quality, but just life, so this is the first Dynamite I've watched in a couple of months probably. 


Bryan/PAC ruled. Might be the best singles match PAC has had in AEW imo.

Willow/Stat ruled. For sure best match either have had in AEW. Heel Stat with Stoke is such an improvement. Really enjoy Willow and her catching on the way she has.

Hanger vs Double J ruled. Tbh my favorite Jarrett run in his career was as the old timer Southern babyface in TNA, which was what like....15 years ago? Lol. The double fakeout Buckshot into sharpshooter :lawd Violent mean ass Hangman is going to rule, and the crowd chanting Swerve's House at him is perfect for running that back (maybe at All In?).

Ospreay/Garcia ruled. The dick thrust Kawada kicks lmao. 

I really like the Joe/Shibata/Hook trio, and it really is making Hook look a lot better than he is, although that dude has the weirdest bumping style. The match was good, but the Learning Tree "gimmick" is basically the same meta satire gimmick the Bucks were doing 2 years ago (and still, kind of), and Jericho himself has done basically the same gimmick at least twice in his career. I'm sure he thinks it is real smart and reading the room to "reinvent" himself yet again, but this is actually worse than what he was doing before that got the please retire chants in the first place. 

Baker/Banks immediately feels big time and heated. Sasha is always best as a heel.

Bucks/Okada in a War Games with Mark Briscoe/The Acclaimed is random as hell but interesting to see where that goes. Billy Gunn vs Okada in War Games lmao. Would be extra lol if Tana ends up in the match and doing War Games spots with Okada in 2024 in America.

The end angle is where MJF shines, not as a top babyface, not as a top heel, but that upper card heel absolute piece of shit that can get some real heat. Garcia getting such a big main event match and angle and presumably big match for All In is good to see. 

Really feels like story wise, everything is hitting and interesting and fresh except for Jericho shit. His entire AEW run is forming a stable and feuding with a younger guy to "make them" and it doesn't do shit for anyone and usually actually takes the other guy ages to recover whatever momentum they had before Jericho got involved, and his stable dudes usually don't do shit for ages after either.

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To be fair to Jericho, he did help make Sammy a star until he kept fucking it up for himself. The rest of his run has been everything the Learning Tree gimmick is lampshading, so I guess he thinks its some great meta concept.

Also the greatest testament to Jeff Jarrett's brilliance is how he got AEW fans in 2024 to rally behind him to beat Hangman. That match was just a master class in working, not the MOVEZ definition of working a lot of people use, but the ability to get a crowd emotionally invested in what you are doing. I know  the whole Punk experience probably soured a lot of folks in AEW on taking advice from the veterans, but I hope some of them are taking the opportunity to learn from a true GOAT (it likely helps that by all accounts Double J seems to be a nice guy and not a grumpy asshole).

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I liked Jarrett back during his run on top as the NWA Champion in TNA, back when everybody was calling him "Triple J." I do think he should have dropped the belt to either Raven or Monty Brown back then, both of whom were ridiculously hot at that time...but I still loved how he could work that old school heel style. People bitched about it, but I actually enjoyed the TNA Main Event scene when Jarrett was on top. It's nice to see other fans coming around on him. For the longest time, I felt like I was the only fan who liked and respected the guy.  I think his podcast might have helped turn around the hardcore fan's perception of Jeff Jarrett.

Then again...he was responsible for Vince Russo continuing to be employed in the Pro Wrestling business...so on second thought...fuck that guy.

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