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Bracket #2, Match #9


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end tomorrow morning. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Big Show- For a slug his size, he has had some amazingly good matches, showing he is more than able to work and be carried. Arn's run was decent, but the Brainbusters were just one of many tag teams in an era full of memorable tag teams. No doubt, Arn had the better career... but if Arn had only wrestled in the WWF, and we didn't know anything about his NWA/WCW run, most people wouldn't even be giving him consideration on this list.
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And according to Tim, Big Show v. Eddy from SD! was a WWE MOTYC. For every Brainbusters match you list, I could probably list a decent Big Show match.


Even then, I will always give more credit to the single star than the tag team guy since I think the tag team formula makes it easier to have a good tag match than a good singles match. Show me the many good Arn WWF singles matches and I'll gladly change my vote.

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He never had a singles match in the company to my knowledge. It's hard to criticize him for something he was never in a position to do.


I agree that Show has developed into a decent worker, but that's happened in the past year. Who do you prefer -- the guy with five bad years and one good one or the guy with one really strong year?

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Even then, the good-decent matches for Show have been spaced far apart. Good matches with Brock, Eddy, Benoit, etc.


And I can fault Arn's tag run. If he had to rely on the tag formula the whole time then his full potential wasn't realized and therefore it hurts his case in this tournament.


And I am baffled, you are arguing about the guy with one really strong year vs. the guy with several bad years but a decent run and you voted for Matt Hardy over Steamboat?

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Minor argument, but I disagree that Show just got good in the past year. I think his career's had a turnaround since about late 2002 when, at that time, his own character became more stable, and those matches with Brock Lesnar turned him into a smarter worker.

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That's because Matt Hardy is a better worker than the Big Show. If it was Steamboat/Show, I'd vote Steamboat. Matt Hardy doesn't have five actively bad years working against him. And if it was Hardy/Arn, I'd vote Hardy, because I do think 5-6 good years counts for more than one great one. If Show had been decent since debuting in the company, I'd agree with you, but I'm not going to vote for him over Arn Anderson when I've seen nearly a dozen good-great matches with the Harts, Rockers and Demolition in the course of a 12-month period, especially not when what's probably Show's best singles match is one I haven't seen yet.

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You just listed the Harts, Rockers and Demolition... three of the most beloved tag teams of the time period.


I listed Eddy, Brock, Benoit... three of the most praised wrestlers in their era. If you put Show up against those three for a year straight, we would all be calling Show the best big man in history. I think Arn is a fine wrestler but his impact is meaningless compared to what Show has done. Hell, Show has been in some of the worst angles known to man but he still comes out of it as a credible force. Hell, most people voted for JBL based on one match. This is nuts.

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