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[2002-08-30-GAEA] Manami Toyota & Aja Kong vs Meiko Satomura & Ayako Hamada
G. Badger replied to Loss's topic in August 2002
20 of 22 minutes shown and this was a classic GAEA tag match! Everything looked and worked great - perhaps since there's so much familiarity? But this is a relatively fresh match up with Toyota and Hamada. What I really liked were the cut-offs. There were a few occasions where it looked like one move was going to happen and an opponent would cut it off. So, this had that that element of surprise that is so important in making a bout feel like a competition. Highly recommended -
I know I fucking would. Nakamura already looked cooked nearly 10 years ago when he made his NXT debut (horror crept in as I wrote that sentence). Okada spent the last like 12 years as the ace carrying New Japan. Them just having a bullshit match with bullshit comedy would be the best and ony thing I'd want to watch from them at this point. Both are just REALLY good at that.
I watched the show live with a bunch of friends. We all lost our collective minds during the Hollywood Ending, an absolutely perfect way to blow off a longstanding feud (or as one might say: FINISH. THE. STORY). Then they lost their shit again for Omega/Takeshita, and I was like "It's fine, but I don't think it's all that great." Then they lost their shit again for the cage match and again my response was "Really? I don't see it?" I thought that Toni and Mariah just burned me out, and I coudln't fully appreciate what they were doing. So, after some time to decompress, I fired them both up again last night. Honestly, nothing much changed for me. Both of them had nearly 30 minutes and didn't accomplish what Toni and Mariah did in less than half. Takeshita/Omega was straight out a 00's NOAH main event with Kobashi. The midsection stuff was great, with Kenny taking some truly nasty bumps. But, other than his inability to do the One Winged Angel, it never felt like he was truly inhibited. To the point where Takeshita was hitting elbows right in the ribs and Omega wasn't even registering them. I will give them credit for a smart finish, with Omega escaping the Raging Fire instead of taking it and kicking out, and outwrestling Takeshita to win. But, it just felt too long and drawn out for what all they did. Look up "Overkill" in the dictionary and you'll find a pic of the Osprey/Fletcher cage match. Run ins, buckets of blood, tons of props, at least three different points in the match that should have been an absolute murder death kill sort of finish, only for a regular ass hidden blade to do it,while Fletcher is screaming his head off.
And the Disasters are confirmed: Really, Quake should be going in by himself, but this allows his friend Fred Ottman there too.
PCW better beware because the Monster is back Strange is right, but man this 3 way feud is interesting Wow! Busick takes a beating but will this be enough to keep the bully down. Vito shows he can go at it solo Sarge is still pretty damn tough Scotty's giving the TV title a lot of shine Portland, PCO has Adams number Awesome keeps mowing over the competition The Thrillseekers have given new life to the Brigade YES! Hart's a smart man bringing in Iron and Steel to help fight the terror No doubt about it, Dibiase and Steamboat are ready for each other Eugene, The Money Train aren't letting go of their trios titles anytime soon Thanks to the Monster, Victory gets the victory FOJ comeback with a win Without the Monster, Tatum wasn't as lucky as Jack Malenko has a lot of submission moves in his arsenal Barr and Azul close out the night with another LHW thriller
The Punk/Rollins cage match flirted with greatness, but it was brought down to Earth by finisher spam and the inherent silliness of winning a match by running away from your opponent. Regardless, I appreciate that Punk is seemingly the only guy today who can make exchanging blows feel like a fight rather than sadomasochistic performance art.
Also, if Nakamura is done soon, like it seems to be the case, what's next ? The guy had exactly ONE great match when he debuted in 2016, against Sami Zayn, then apparently coasted for his entire WWE career (I mean, he had two disappointing matches with AJ Styles and that was like 8 years ago). Last time I saw him was against Mutoh in NOAH and he looked completely toasted. If anything, that makes one last Tanahashi vs Nakamura match possible, which probably would be quite the event (also possibly quite sad to watch, despite Tana just having a great match against Goto). AEW ? Don't think so. Unless Nak actually wants to have a last ride in the sunset working his ass off one last time, which I really don't think is credible at this point. He always was a "big match only" kinda guy anyway. Okada vs Nakamura grimacing their way into a comedy match in 2026 would certainly be *something*. Not sure anyone really wants to see that though.
I’ll pick up ludvig
The Beginner's Guide To British Wrestling
David Mantell replied to ohtani's jacket's topic in Megathread archive
This is the earliest of four TV bouts between Sanders and Hayward. Recording starts towards the end of round 2. Apart from the frosty handshake at the end of round 3 there is little of the needle of the subsequent title change but Sanders is possibly displaying symptoms of his later heel persona. The champion having secured the opening fall with a roll up folding press, he at one point taps his brain a la Buddy Rogers and offers a boobytrapped handshake to Hayward, going for a double legdives, but Hayward spots it and gets a backslide pin in first for the equaliser. Hayward gets the decider with his belly to back suplex and bridge, a legacy of his days as a legit Commonwealth Games bronze GR medalist. Sanders is the sportsman after both fall losses and accepts Haward's title challenge "Any time. Anywhere". Trivia learned, Sanders, Clive Myers, Dave Bond and Lee Bronson were all classmates at Tony Hurdle's wrestling gym in Stockwell. -
Well, you sure jinxed it for everyone, now, did you ? Going from Takeshita vs Mike Bailey/Josh Alexander to TAFKA Baron Corbin vs Thom fucking Latimer for the NWA title is not even a drop, it's straight into the abyss shit. It sure started well. And I sure have zero interest in *those* cards now.
Cobb is still announced for NJPW Chicago show in April. And he doesn't have any title to not drop (like Vaquer and Ricky Saints. BTW, Omos never made his way back on TV, so him not dropping the NOAH title was just typical WWE fuckery) so he should probably finish his dates. I will sure miss him on NJPW cards. I was always surprised he wasn't pushed a bit stronger than he was. At 42, it's now or never to get a contract in a major US company. He would have fit better in AEW stylistically. I guess WWE thinks anyone from an island can be put in the Bloodline or something.... Hey, it was fun, from Matanza Cueto to a bunch of great G1 Climax. Fénix, I don't see it happening. They have done jackshit with Dragon Lee (and no, Speed doesn't count, who the fuck cares about working 2 minutes matches on the nazi network ?) and he's younger (and at this point better) than Fénix. Putting him with Penta makes them the old Lucha Brothers, and in WWE they are going nowhere great. In single, he'll probably have a 6 months honeymoon period, but after that point, it probably gonna be a nothing special run. I most probably have seen the best of them for the last ten years. Damn, LU was a long ass time ago.
Slick Ric is in the AWA and is immediately putting himself in the Champagne Challenge. Colon & the Renegade Warriors enter an increasingly loaded field. Debeers lives up to his word and lends Smith an hand. Beefcake may be too focused on Hangman to win the Champagne Challenge. Cactus is having too much fun to quit. Muraco is also multi tasking having to deal with Jumbo and the CC. The RnR Express are pissed off now. Taylor may have the International title but he's still got his sights set on the top prize. Konnan gets laid out giving David an unexpected opportunity. David wins the TV title under questionable circumstances but nobody's focusing on that after Neidhart shows his nasty side.
I'll go ahead and drop Halme. Don't really have a place for him.
AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 3-14-90 AWA Owner Verne Gagne is standing at a podium. AWA C.O.O. Gerry Morrow, Brenda Britton and several committee members are seated up front on both sides of the podium. Press and Media members are in the audience. Verne: I would like to welcome everybody to this very special press conference. The AWA has made a tremendous acquisition and today we would like too officially welcome him to the AWA. I said last week that this man will be a game changer for the AWA and in a moment I'm sure you all will agree. So, please welcome out a former multi time world champion, Ric Flair! Ric Flair walks out looking slick in a new suit. Flashes from cameras light up the room. Flair shakes hands with Verne, Morrow and Britton. Flair walks up to the podium and takes off his sunglasses. Flair: Thank you very much Verne and all those in attendance and watching at home. I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm here for one reason and one reason only, to win the AWA world title. That means I'm gunning for you Hulk Hogan. Wherever I go, I win world titles. That's because I'm the most premier dominant athlete in professional wrestling. I'm Ric Flair, I'm custom made from head to toe. I get the job done in and out of the ring. The task at hand is winning the AWA world title. That starts at Champagne Slam. I'm going to win the Champagne Challenge and then it's off to WrestleRock, where I will win the AWA world title. So, Hulk Hogan, you better get ready, because Ric Flair's here and the world title will soon be around my waist. See you all at Champagne Slam! WHOOOOO! Commercial Break Carlos Colon vs. Trent Watkins Colon returns to the AWA from a successful tour of Puerto Rico. The fans are happy to see him. Colon wins the match with a flying clothesline from the top rope. Nelson informs everybody that Colon will be in the Champagne Challenge. Colon cuts a promo and says he's excited to be back and is geared up to win the Champagne Challenge. Commercial Break The Renegade Warriors vs. Vic Dutro and Willie Lopez Chris hoists Lopez up in a suplex position as Mark hits a flying press to get the win. Nelson announces that both Renegade Warriors will be in the Champagne Challenge. Commercial Break 'Lionheart' Tony St. Clair vs. 'The British Bomber' Johnny Smith w/Les Thornton These two have been feuding for a while and go at it tonight. We see several European uppercut and forearm exchanges. Smith takes control with some bruising power moves. St. Clair comes back with a variety of suplexes. Wait a minute! Col. Debeers walks up and strolls around the ring. Thornton gets on the apron and distracts the Ref as St. Clair has Smith up in a hanging suplex position. Debeers reaches in and trips St. Clair. The Ref runs over and counts as Debeers holds St. Clair's boots 1..2..3! BOOOOOO! I guess Thornton cashed in on that favor pretty quick. Commercial Break Brutus Beefcake vs. Neil Jordan Beefcake wins the match with a running high knee. Nelson: Brutus, I'm sure you heard Nell's words last week regarding the Champagne Challenge. Beefcake: OOOOHHH I heard them, but words don't mean a damn thing. Hangman, you're the prey, because in the battle royal, I'm coming for you! But before Champagne Slam, we have a match at the Royal Albert Hall. I hope you're prepared Nell, because now that I think about it, Hangman might not make it to Champagne Slam. Commercial Break Footage is shown from the Brown County Coliseum as Buzz Sawyer runs into the ring and attacks Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack vs. Todd Rooney Jack has a band aid on his head from Sawyer's attack. Jack wins the match with a double arm DDT. Nelson: Cactus, what is it with you and Sawyer? When will this be enough? Jack: It's enough when the fun stops. At Champagne Slam, Buzz and I are going to have a lot more fun. Bang! Bang! Commercial Break Don 'The Rock' Muraco w/Superstar Graham vs. William Hillman Muraco wins the match with an inverted piledriver. Nelson: Ok Don, you and Jumbo Tsuruta will both be in the Champagne Challenge, but before that, you guys will go one on one at the Royal Albert Hall in 2 weeks. Muraco: I hear Stevens and Jumbo are upset that I got the win at Title Night and spoiled all their plans. Well, too bad! If Jumbo wants another match, bring it on! Graham: That's right Donnie! We're taking them down in England and then Donnie baby is going to win the Champagne Challenge and get his deserved world title match. Commercial Break The Rock n Roll Express are standing in front of an AWA banner. They look pretty banged up from the sledgehammer attack courtesy of the Destruction Crew last week. Morton: Ok Destruction Crew, you got our attention now! If your plan was to get another shot at these world tag titles, nicely played because you got it! Robert: Destruction Crew, we'll see you at Champagne Slam! Commercial Break AWA International Champ 'The Red Rooster' Terry Taylor vs. Carl Kellerman Taylor's as arrogant as ever and wins the match with the flying 5 arm. Nelson: Fans, even the champions will be in the Champagne Challenge. That includes you Terry. Taylor: Well of course I'm going to be in the Champagne Challenge. How long have I been saying that I run this henhouse. Well, at Champagne Slam, all the little chickens will be in the henhouse and it's time for the Red Rooster to show them who's boss. After that, it's on to WrestleRock and that's when the Red Rooster will crow. Commercial Break Footage is shown form last week as Hulk Hogan and Stan Hansen beat the hell out of each other. Nelson: Fans, before we get to our TV title bout, I want to inform you that both Stan Hansen and AWA world champion Hulk Hogan will be here next week. As you all know, they're heading for a showdown at Champagne Slam. Ok, we're set for our...wait a second. I'm being told there's a commotion in the back The camera goes to the back. Gama Singh and Konnan are laid out and bleeding. Commercial Break Nelson: Fans, I'm still stunned by what we just saw. Konnan will not be able to compete for the TV title tonight. I've been told that the AWA will conduct an investigation on what happened. Very unfortunate turn of events. Joining me now is the TV champ Jim Neidhart. Jim, you're not obligated to defend your title tonight, but I've been told that you are more than willing to defend it. So, a name will be drawn to determine who you will face. Jim: Let's do this baby! Nelson: (draws out the name) Ok, you will be defending the TV title against David Sammartino. AWA TV Title Bout Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart (C) vs. David Samartino These guys give the fans a stiff but clean match. David takes control as he puts Anvil down with a back elbow smash. David follows with a snap suplex 1..2..Kick Out. David swings Anvil to the ropes and back drops him. Anvil rises as David puts him down with a dropkick 1..2.Kick Out. David swings Anvil to the ropes but Anvil mows him over with a shoulder block. Anvil regroups. Anvil swings David into the corner and follows with a running clothesline. Anvil hits David with several shoulder thrusts. Anvil hoists David up and slams him down. Anvil goes to the middle ropes and crashes down with a forearm drop 1..2..Kick Out. Anvil swings David to the ropes, but their heads collide and both men fly back and down. Both men stagger up. Anvil grabs David and executes a back suplex. The Ref counts 1..2..(David gets his arm up) 3! Both men rise. Anvil has his arm up. The Ref gets the title and hands it to David. David is announced as the new TV champion. David looks at the title and is overwhelmed with joy. Anvil is getting animated with the Ref. Anvil calms down. He looks at David and offers a handshake. David nods and shakes Anvil's hand. The fans cheer as Anvil raises David's arm. David holds up the TV title with his other arm. Anvil turns towards David and gives him a hard kick lowblow! The fans boo big time. Anvil strokes his goatee, picks up the TV title and tosses it on David. Winner of the Match and NEW AWA TV Champ- David Sammartino
Man, at this point fuck all other plans for Mania and give Jacob all the belts
Osamu Nishimura: Best of/Primer (W/ Gordy List!)
Ma Stump Puller replied to Ma Stump Puller's topic in The Microscope
Yeah I heard about that as well. Really awesome that a already known great match was actually better than we knew it as in the first place, the establishing work especially helps to set the scene before everything goes apeshit and punches start get thrown. If you're going into the NJPW early Nishimura stuff his Hashimoto singles in 1998 is pretty damn good for a quick hierarchy-style AJPW squash for Hash, quite fun - Yesterday
So…that vignette before the Nakamura vs. Priest match on Smackdown…that was Fenix, right? EDIT: Apparently some intrepid viewers have already replayed the vignette and thanks to judiciously freeze framing at the precisely right moment, were able to identify a couple of tattoos that confirm that it was definitely Fenix, no doubt about it.
That is my fault. I never moved them into their proper places after the draft. I have moved them now. This does put WWF 1 over the cap so if he would like to move Halme or release somebody else, it is up to him. Could everyone please check your roster and the draft thread to make sure I didn't miss any others. Sorry for the problems.
WWE has posted this on their WCW YouTube page so I'm going to share it here:
- 22 replies
- Wrestle War
- (and 18 more)
So, can I add him? I will double-check my roster for numbers.
The Beginner's Guide To British Wrestling
David Mantell replied to ohtani's jacket's topic in Megathread archive
Okay, here is the 1981 cup final day Title Change. Skillwise it's much the same as the 1983 bout, perhaps Hayward has a smaller bag of tricks at this time. What's curious is that there is a certain amount of needle between the two after Hayward capitalised on an accidental Sanders injury; after that they are somewhat snappish at each other, both taking time to break. It may just have been an excuse so the Max Ward could do his thing and growl at the two naughty stroppy schoolboys. There is reluctant sportsmanship when Mal gets his consolation pin and they do reconcile fully when the title changes with Mal doing his best to be dignified in defeat, but it's a different animal again from the 1983 and 1986 bouts. Anyway, get this, the title match came about because of an even earlier bout and yes it's up on YouTube.albeit from a ropey copy of the original March 1981 broadcast. I'll check that out over the weekend. -
The Beginner's Guide To British Wrestling
David Mantell replied to ohtani's jacket's topic in Megathread archive
Okay, by way of comparison let's watch that earlier Sanders/Ha(y)ward match: This was part of the undercard of the Big Daddy and Kid Chocolate Vs Masked Marauders match shown on FA Cup Final day 1983. Obviously for the live audience a contrast was needed. Haward had previously defeated Sanders for the title on World Of Sport on 1981 Cup final day (headline Big Daddy & Alan Kilby Vs Giant Haystacks & Wild Angus) - we will check that match out in due course. (The title change, not Daddy. Keith opens up a headlock into a wrist lever but Sanders rolls out and does extra rolls as a flourish. Keith gets another headlock, Sanders headstands out and backwards over Keith to a standing start (a fave escape move of mine we've not seen enough of on here lately.) Kent Walton predicts a clean match and in relation to this particular bout, he's right. Keith side headlocks again Sanders opens it to a top wristlock and takes it to the mat. Keith tries to turn out, a slow predecessor of the rollout, but Sanders blocks the motion so Keith tries standing in the hold, after being dragged down a couple of times he dives in, points upwards the threads his arm in to create the shape to go through Sandrs' underarm and out. Keeping the arm he has Sanders doing all the rolls and flips he knows to counter each twist before rolling out himself at the end. Sanders gets a front hammerlock, Keith backdrops, Mal goes into sunset flip for double leg nelson, Keith double ankles out. Keith goes side headlock to side chancery to a snapmare to side headlock, Mal escapes with an arm into hammerlock, Keith spins out horizontally and gets a Japanese strangle. Sanders reverses but Keith throws him and comes off the ropes with a sunset flip to double leg nelson, Keith double ankles snapmares, power-breaks a full nelson, Sanders arm stretches him, Keith rolls back and breaks the connections to his feet (without Sanders getting a folder!) Gets a leg into Frank Gotch toehold into side surfboard. Sanders gets the arm stretches but again Keith disconnects with being folding presses. Keith flying tackles but Sanders overpowers for slam, doiuble knees and some 1 counts. Reset- Keith gets a wrist lever keeps it through a Sanders rollout and takes him to the mat. Sanders gets a long headscissors, Keith tries snapout and uncork from above, both fail. He gets the escape with a sideways fall. Sanders takes down with a wristlever, Keith this time gets the scissors but Sanders does an easy snapout. Keith gets a leg and Mal gets a front chancery. Stalemate. Keith gets snapmare, bodycheck, flying tackle but Mal makes it a slam and double knees Keith hits with ground dropkick, cross buttock and press for 2, step over escapes a Sanders legdive and folding presses him for the opening fall. Sanders uses the headbutt to the arm and a high kick like the Screensport bout, but legal and restrained. He snapmares and rolls to twist the arm extra. Keith gets two postings and charges in, Sanders tries for a sunset flip but gets stuck Stalemate. Sanders gets a cross buttock takedown. Keith tries pulling open with a crossface so Sanders switches to H&S (sleeper) Keith turns out into a wristlever. Keith overpowers to make it a posting then an armbar of his own into another posting. They try for finger interlock but hit the ropes. Sanders gets a sunset flip into a double leg nelson for the equaliser. They shake hands. A very different Sandrs' back then. Keith gets a headlock and wristlever, adding a knee then switching to a standing lever whip, Sanders does not go with it and gets a nasty arm weakener. Sanders gets a full nelson into snapmares but Keith comes up with the wrist and this time Sanders rolls with it into a wristlock of his own and a roll by Hayward up to standing. Keith double whips Sanders but again he doesn't go, stoically taking he pain and going for a legdive and leg weakeners. He releases and legdives again for a single leg Boston Crab to the softened up limb. Keith pushes up and Sanders, perhaps sensing some coming counter, releases. He still won't go with a whip and Keith capitalises by throwing him in a hammerlock position. Keith comes off the ropes for a folding press but Sanders gets out. He gets a full nelson but Sanders goes for the front hammerlock so Keith backdrops him, but into a sunset flip and double legs. Keith ankle smashes out and gets a simple toehold I to Gotch toehold and finally a foot weakener and break. He takes back the foot too early and the ref stops him. Sanders gets a wristlever, goes underarm to behind forca whip and bump then repeats. He then straight arm lifts forca possible deciding submission but Hayward resists so Sanders drops him and gets a single kick in. while keeping hold on the mat. Hayward stands and rolls but Sanders takes him down again. Haward is up and in a rollout position so Sanders again whips and forces a bump. He gets another straight arm lever but Keith converts to a sunset flip for 2. Keith goes from arm to leg to knee splash. He gets a leg while Sanders gets an arm, takes him down and makes it a standing arm hank. He goes for the same strsight armlift getting the same sunset flip, this time broken with double ankles. A snapmares and bodycheck is met by a slam and cross press for the winning fall. Afterthought number 1: comparing this to the Screensport bout shows how the same two workers can produce two or even three very different bouts like Ian McGregor vs Ray Robinson or to take a more modern example James Mason Vs Dean Allmark. Afterthought number 2 - it is ASTONISHING just how much small detail there is in these clean matches, much of it at a pace slightly faster than the brain can process. It's hard work typing and hard on my tablet batteries (about 40%used up on typing this post) but a joy in terms of the treasure of skill and detail you find when you drill down. I'll next post the 1981 title change. If it's similar to this I'll try to keep it brief but I may feel the need to come back and go through it for more fulsome details. -
Halme is not currently on my roster. Honestly I assumed he'd reverted to fee agency. While i'm here, WWF sends Brian Christopher, Adam Bomb & Zeus to WCW for Mr Hughes, Bob Orton & Berzerker.
Osamu Nishimura: Best of/Primer (W/ Gordy List!)
Jetlag replied to Ma Stump Puller's topic in The Microscope
NJPW world also released the full version of the tag where Nakanishi gets injured and Nishimura takes his boots off. Great match, probably one of the best Japanese tags ever especially when you consider the scale. At one point Nishimura gets so enraged he starts punching a bleeding Tenzan in the face and tossing the referee around and wrestling doesnt get much better than that if you ask me. -
Cobb could well be Gable's lucha-trainer, given his LU background. As much as I'd like to see him against American Made, he would also fit very comfortably in the group.