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[1993-06-01-PWFG-Shinsei] Jerry Flynn vs Diuseul Berto


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  • 2 months later...

I stopped typing too soon. Really, there's no reason Flynn couldn't have gotten over in late 90s WCW with the right push as more than Goldberg fodder. And I was probably unfair about the crowd heat -- it's not sustained, but the momentum shifts do get a response. This style layered with more pro-style stuff may be where wrestling should have gone at this point in time, when the best of the Flair years were over and wrestling was in a bit of a lull. It's exciting and physical without being overly dangerous. And that was not a response I expected to have to this match.


This is a more fluid style than UWFI or RINGS. I haven't seen enough PWFG to go proclaiming anything about what the style is, but if this match is any indication, there's promise. It's flashier than most RINGS I've seen while also not having quite as much New Japan influence as UWFI. But even without the direct link to a pretty traditional wrestling company like UWFI, the match has a more classic pro wrestling structure with momentum shifts that have consequence and takedowns that get over as big moments than I expected.


I'm anxious to see more.

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I was totally blown away by this match. Berto is a guy who we knew had some fun spots and really great sperm, but nothing he did before really prepared us for a match this good. In my previous review I had talked about liking one dimensional kicker Jerry Flynn better then multifaceted Jerry Flynn, but here was the match where he put it all together. The mat work was great, I especially loved this crossarmbreaker spot, where he was able to shift his body and hold on to the hold even as Berto was rolling him around the ring. He also had a great rear naked choke off of a missed high kick. Then when he unleashed the stand up, you had some great back and forth exchanges with Berto, who's goofy Ninja kicks actually landed well

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

This had some good work but seemed dull with the crowd heat that actually affected my enjoyment for once. Someone like Flynn was great on the mat but just didn't have really any charisma to speak of so him in the US setting as a shooter would have been interesting to see if it could have worked on ability alone. ***

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  • 1 year later...

This was pretty one-sided to me, as Berto couldn't defend against Flynn's knees. I've never see a shootstyle match where knees end up being the definitive strike before.


Not much else to say, as Berto looked like a rookie, whether he actually was one or not. Like Pete, I'm fine with never seeing this again.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-06-01-PWFG-Shinsei] Jerry Flynn vs Diuseul Berto

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