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[1993-06-26-SMW-TV] Tracy Smothers vs Kevin Sullivan


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  • 2 months later...

Clips of a match from a house show. DWB comes out to attack Smothers with a chair, but Smothers still gets the win and is getting the better of both guys for a moment. Brian Lee finally comes out to even the sides and clears the ring. He sits Smothers down in the chair, then turns on him!


Lee says he's tired of being a big man living in a little man's shadow.

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 6 months later...

Clips of a house show that is jip, from Johnson City, TN. Smothers is on the top turnbuckle when out comes Tony Anthony who nails him in the back with a chair. Sullivan goes to slam Smothers, but he cradles him up for the pin. The Dirty White Boy jumps Smothers after the match and the two of them go to work on him. Brian Lee makes the save and is just about handling them both when Smothers pass him the chair and they exit the ring sharpish. Lee goes over to Smothers, helps him up and then sits him in the chair raising his hand. All of a sudden he bounces off the ropes and takes Smothers’ head off with a clothesline. Lee puts the boots to him, hits a powerslam, comes off the top with a knee drop and spits on him. A second knee drop off the top and he continues the attack, leaving Smothers laying in the ring.

Chip Kessler is then outside Brian Lee’s dressing room knocking on the door and trying to get some answers about what just happened. Lee opens the door and says ‘he’s tired of being a big man living in a little man’s shadow’, before slamming the door shut.


In a matter of moments it is evident that Lee was horribly miscast as a face; the clothesline and subsequent beatdown were great. Bar Smothers interfering in his interview time on the previous episode of TV not overly sure what led to this turn, or maybe he just turns out to be Tammy Fytch's first client? Gives Smothers a new challenger after the Dirty White Boy although their rematch for the held up Heavyweight title appears to have been completely forgotten on TV, which is very uncharacteristic for this program.

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  • 10 months later...

Even though I remember Lee with Tammy, I honestly thought based on what we saw earlier in the set that Horner was the one who was going to turn on Tracy. I wonder if that might have been Corny's original plan. That said, Lee has a much better potential heel look and seems more like the type of man someone like Tammy would want to manage.


The hand-raising stuff followed by the chlothesline was taken straight from Orndorff's turn on Hogan. Come to think of it, even though we don't see it here, I seem to remember Lee's finisher as a heel being the piledriver.


I liked the delayed reaction from Sully to Tracy's dropkicks, one of which was noticeably light. It's almost like Sully wasn't sure which dropkick should be the one that sent him out of the ring, then decided to just take the bump and get it over with.


Was this a title match? I don't recall Les (at least I think it was him on the call) saying that the belt was on the line, though he ​does say that Sully won't collect the bounty on Tracy's head.


I'm shocked that no one came to Tracy's defense, especially since Rock 'n' Roll seem to make saves for every distressed face in SMW lately. Any beatdown that lasts as long as this one did whould have faces at least trying to make the save for someone whom they supposedly call their friend, even if all they do is swing a chair or throw a couple of punches.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-06-26-SMW-TV] Tracy Smothers vs Kevin Sullivan

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