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[1991-06-29-USWA-Memphis TV] Jerry Lawler and Eric Embry


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  • 3 months later...

Clip of a match from Mid South Coliseum. The match ended in a double countout, and Lawler gave Embry a piledriver on the outside. He's about to give him another one in the ring when Carl Stiles runs in. But he eats a piledriver himself for his troubles. Nishimura suffers the same fate. Candido too!


Then Leatherface hits the ring with the chainsaw and Lawler manages to make the chainsaw stop working when he kicks it in a lucky shot! Leatherface freaks out and Lawler is about to really take his head off with a chair when Embry returns to the ring and attacks Lawler from behind. Embry ends up accidentally hitting Leatherface with the chainsaw, and tries to run off, but Lawler brings him back in. Eventually, all the other heels return and I start to wonder WHERE ARE THE OTHER BABYFACES?


Back in the studio, Embry isn't pleased at all by Lawler's favorable edit. The two are facing off on Monday night with Jackie Fargo in Lawler's corner. He conveniently ends his interview just as Lawler shows up with a chair. Lawler promises to take the fight right to Embry on Monday night.


Good segment with Lawler cleaning house as they continue to build toward the eventual Lawler/Embry showdown to settle it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy crap, the psychology (yes!) surrounding the chainsaw is fantastic. Leatherface is lost and confused when it conks out, and then while Embry is trying to get him to help beat down Lawler, Leatherface is caressing it like Lennie Small's mouse--you'd get the feeling he was two seconds away from trying to administer mouth-to-mouth.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lawler piledrives Embry on the floor but we cut later in match. Lawler hitting piledrivers on everyone in the ring. Leatherface’s chainsaw stops working allowing Lawler to hit him with a chair. Lawler keeps fighting back but the numbers get to him. Why nobody coming to his aid? Well he don’t need cause he manages to run everyone off. Jerry looking like superman.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Leatherface is about to be proclaimed my biggest shock of 1991. SOmething so fucking stupid on the surface has been treated with logical sense and care. I don't know if I have been this surprised by a character since Tatum's changed man. Sadly, it does feel like the Lawler vs. Embry and Texas vs. Tennessee feud is heading to a breaking point fairly quickly.

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  • 1 year later...

For so many weeks, Embry's looked damn near unstoppable. Now, it's Lawler's turn, as he goes through any and every Embry crony that comes near him, then renders him speechless and runs him off the interview set. I should be applauding, I guess, considering how much I complained about Embry doing a lot of the same stuff, but it really doesn't look all that much better on Lawler. Neither one of them seem to know how much to give the other side to make this feud the true epic they're presenting it as.


I guess you could say that if Embry beats Lawler after this, it'll seem like a bigger upset than it would have before, but does anyone think that's actually going to happen based on what we've seen so far? If I didn't know better from reading future match listings, I'd swear that Embry was leaving Memphis sooner rather than later, because it sure seems like Lawler's out to totally bury him, much like Embry tried to bury the faces in his absence.


Fargo as an active tag team partner (as opposed to an opposite number for the heel team's manager)? Well, why not? He held his own the last time he met up with Embry and Prichard. It may defy all wrestling common sense, but lack of common sense is what makes Memphis Memphis. Besides, they almost always find a way to pull it off believably.

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  • 2 years later...

Lawler is pretty much the King of everything in the clip. I like that the way they have been portraying Embry makes you question whether or not he actually did leave Lawler in a pool of his own blood. My guess is no, but it's neither here nor there. Leatherface does indeed surprise in the depth of his love for the chainsaw. Poor guy, all he wants to do is cut people in half.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1991-06-29-USWA-Memphis TV] Jerry Lawler and Eric Embry

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