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[1998-04-13-WWF-Raw] Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon


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  • 1 month later...

In one RAW, the WWF builds up a match as well as anything they have ever promoted. The opening interview drags a little bit but the playing off of the “easy” and “hard” ways and the conclusion they reach makes up for it. Then, throughout the night, they have Shane, Patterson, and Brisco talking to Vince backstage. My favorite part of this was Brisco showing Vince he to defend the kick to the gut so he can avoid the stunner. Vince slaps Austin as they are about to get underway. The match is about to happen and Vince, using the language aspect of the feud, reminds Austin that he said he could beat him with one hand tied behind his back. Foley coming out isn’t the most logical way to go, but it kind of works with his Dude Love character. An outstanding job, even without the payoff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes watershed moments can seem ironic or pure happenstance and unjustifiable of the benefits they caused. In other areas, the stars align and something artistically magically happens. This was artistically brilliant and brought a dose of Memphis wrestling into the mainstream culture. Gimmicks like Patterson and Brisco warming Vince up and the one arm tied behind his back stip are good bait and switch. Hell, the whole match is a huge bait and switch but there is such a dynamic between Austin and McMahon and the development of Dude Love is so interesting based on last weeks promo, that you don't care. Amazing compared to the distress and disorganized feeling occurring on Nitro that same night. Austin vs. McMahon was the feud to allow WWF to not look back.

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  • 1 year later...

Loved Chimel's grandiose introduction of McMahon. The proto-Vince Power Walk!!!!


Chad I agree this I very Mempho. Shane coming out to talk his Dad out of it. Vince is still in dress shoes! Jim Ross I just bought a house and he is worried about his mortgage goddamnit! LOL!


The one arm tied behind his back gimmick was great. I figured Dude Love would interfere and definitely the right move. I guess Foley and VinnyMac were not in cahoots yet, but I think they should have gone full on there. The Philly crowd was inclined to cheer Foley so I felt the reaction was a bit muted if he had just joined Vince right then and there. Foley going after McMahon first and then attacking Austin was a bit too much shades of grey in my opinion. Still Im excited for Foley/Austin. Loved the Over The Edge match and looking forward to the build.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, this doesn't quite reach the glorious heights of the show-long build, though at this point nothing could even if they went through with the match. Dude Love's appearance is a groaner, but there was no avoiding that--but having Vince shove him and try to challenge him as the show goes off the air is a little too confusing and something out of WCW. In WCW that's a trend--here, though, it's just nitpicking. A day later, and weeks later when it was apparent that this ratings win wasn't a one-off fluke, no one gave a shit that they built the match up *too* well.

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  • 1 month later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1998-04-13-WWF-Raw] Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon

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