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January 1984 Freelancers booking thread


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Now that I have inherited it, could somebody please help me with a list of who will be available for that month? Thanks.


Stan Hansen


2nd Memphis

3rd Memphis

6th AWA

9th Memphis

16th Memphis

18th AWA

20th AWA


Bruiser Brody

2nd Memphis

7th Memphis

9th Memphis

18th Mid-South

21st Memphis

25th Mid-South


Abdullah The Butcher (in Japan up to the 28th)


30th Memphis


Andre The Giant


25th Mid-South




7th WWA

21st WWA




21st WWA

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I know that Abdullah the Butcher is in New Japan the whole month of January 1984.


I can't find any results for Stan Hansen from January don't know if he was just taking time off or what.


Brody & Mil Mascaras seem to have both spent the month in the U.S. so seems their calendar is open for the month.


The Sheik has no results at all for 1984 on wrestlingdata so I don't know the story there.

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Working to get this up to date and straightened out. Have all of the current picks updated in the first post. Previous MACW and International had selections that I have removed, although International had selections that conflicted with other ones. Gene, do you want to take up those previous MACW bookings for Hansen? (12th to 14th) They are yours if you want them.

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I don't think there was a set thing on that. I do know that it could work, but it would be opposite of this thread. That would simply be on the free agency wire I'd think especially for just a one off.


It was just a one shot, want Ron Starr to drop a title. In theory i did have Ron Starr booked through goc and Southwest, just though id do it through the freelance thread...

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