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Things A Smart Wrestler Should Never Do...


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Just a bit of fun!


So I recently re-watched this match from NOAH's 2009 Great Voyage, it was Kawada/Taue vs. Akiyama/KENTA. At roughly 1.55, KENTA decides to slap Kawada, the expression of Dangerous K says it all. Adding to the stupidity, KENTA then proceeds to throw some of Kawada's own signature kicks against him. The result? Kawada enraged, slaps KENTA repeatedly and then kicks his head off. A more Genre Savvy (if you like) wrestler would realise the danger in aggravating a miserable veteran like Kawada.


It got me thinking about other stupid (kayfabe) things wrestlers do in matches that nine times out of ten, result in them getting levelled or losing control of the match.


Some well known examples:


- Ric Flair attempting an aerial dive.

- Anybody attempting to Powerbomb Billy Kidman.

- Striking Hogan when he's "Hulking Up".

- Attempting to punch Cena when he's connected with two running shoulder tackles.



Anybody got any less well known examples of genre stupidity, or examples of wrestlers doing things in matches that simply aren't a smart idea, based upon the kind of opponent they are facing?

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A really standard one, especially in 80s WWF, is Irish whipping the opponent into the ropes and then putting your head down for a backdrop which almost always resulted in the babyface getting back on top and Gorilla Monsoon busting out the line "that was a cardinal mistake for a pro".


One of the most basic WWF transition spots.

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Getting up off the mat to face HBK when you hear him stomping on the mat in the corner.



In a tag match, the outside man entering the ring to argue with the ref while the opponents pummel his partner.



When a manager/valet/second grabs someone's foot, the aggrieved party standing with his back to the action doing the "What's up with that?" pose.

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Never interfere in a number one contenders match for the belt you hold. Your plan to make sure you have no challenger will only result in you defending in a triple threat match.

In said triple threat match, don't forget your pillow. You are just going to fall to the outside early in the match, and you don't want to rest your head on the floor. You can lay out there all day and let those two dumbasses kick the shit out of each other and then run in and get the easy win.

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