LowBlowPodcast Posted October 3, 2016 Report Share Posted October 3, 2016 Hot debuts for Slater and Dibiase. Love the Mid South call back obviously. Great use of everything and you have definitely got some major stars in the USWA sky right now. I have some ideas who the final two are going to be but in reality it could be anyone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 3, 2016 Report Share Posted October 3, 2016 Loved the flashback from 1983. Really looking forward to the rebirth of the Rat Pack! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 11, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 11, 2016 10/6/1984: WTBS 9:05-10:05 TAPED IN DOTHAN, ALABAMA “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from Dothan Alabama and the Houston County Farm Center. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” HIGHLIGHT FORM TO ALLOW ME TO CATCH UP MATCH TERRY GORDY VS JOHNNY MANTELL Gordy wins with a piledriver and then goes to the interview desk where they show a video of his recent match with Michael Hayes. The video clip shows an all-out war between the two men who are slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Gordy’s power overwhelms Hayes and it appears he is going to win. He is posed to connect with a piledriver but before the move can be carried out, Jimmy Garvin and Buddy Jack Roberts rush in to make the save. Gordy wins by DQ but he takes a good beating before the rest of the Violence Committee (Steve Williams and Manny Fernandez) rush in to even things out. After the video the entire Violence Committee is at the interview desk where they are hyping up their World Six Man Title Match against the Freebirds Tuesday night in Birmingham, Alabama. With the interview concluded, Jim Ross quickly changes the subject to the Gauntlet Match where Mr. Texas is looking for his second win. Ernie Ladd reaches into the hat and pulls out ……… Cpl. Kirchner ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- GAUNTLET GLOVE MATCH MR. TEXAS VS CPL. KIRCHNER Mr. Texas gets the victory when he used the Iron Claw to get the submission victory. Both Ross and Ladd hype this up as it appears Mr. Texas is doing anything he can to get the ire up of the VonErich family. Jim Ross takes us right back to the ring where he is hyping up a 6’8, 300 pound newcomer to the sport of wrestling. MATCH DAN SPIVEY VS IGOR VOLKOFF A nice touch here by USWA to kick this rookies USWA career off by defeating the big, hated Russian. Spivey wins in impressive fashion with a massive clothesline followed by a Power Bomb. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- USWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH THE GREAT KABUKI with Gary Hart vs BRIAN ADIAS A lopsided affair here where Kabuki just beat Adias from pillar to post. The end came after a thrust kick to the throat but that did not stop Kabuki from hitting Adias with the kendo stick after the match was over. This caused Iceman Parsons to rush in and make the save. Parsons went to the interview desk where he demanded a TV Title Match next week and we find out from Bill Watts that this match has been sanctioned. Ernie Ladd tried to stick his two cents in by asking Watts what made Iceman the #1 contender for the belt but as usual, his obnoxiousness fell on deaf ears. MATCH: TERRY TAYLOR VS SAM HOUSTON This is Houston’s first bout in the USWA and he really had his hands full. Taylor controlled the entire match accept for the last moment when Wildfire Tommy Rich came out and distracted Taylor which allowed Houston to roll him up for the pin. Taylor was fuming but wanted no part of Wildfire who celebrated in the ring with Sam Houston. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MAIN EVENT: NORTH AMERICAN TITLE MATCH DICK MURDOCH VS KEVIN VON ERICH The crowd explodes as Kevin comes to the ring but that all changes when Murdoch enters with the members of the Rat Pack. (Ted Dibiase & Dick Slater) As for the match, it is a great TV Main event. Dibiase has gone over to the interview table where together with Ernie Ladd, really hype up Murdoch and give VonErich no chance at the victory. But sometimes actions speak louder than words and in the ring, it is all Kevin. After weakening Murdoch with the claw, the barefooted VonErich climbs to the top rope and comes off with a VonErich Death Leap. He connects and appears to be on the verge of becoming the new champ. As the ref gets in position to count, the crowd roars as someone is rushing to the ring. This newcomer, together with Dirty Dick Slater are all over Kevin VonErich. The ref calls for the bell but this win by DQ is not what VonErich was looking for. Jim Ross: Is that? Yes it is. It is Maniac Matt Borne. What is he doing here? Ted Dibiase: I told you yesterday that there were still two more pieces to the Rat Pack. Matt Borne, an original Rat Pack Member is back in town. Now as you watch this beating just remember, there is still one more member to come. You won’t know who. You won’t know when. But trust me, there is one more still to come! We hear Jim Ross hyping up the card at the Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham, Alabama for Tuesday night and he reminds us that next week the TBS show will be coming from the Crossroads Rodeo Arena in Corinth, Mississippi. “So long from Dothan, Alabama.” As the screen fades to black with see a promotion for The Boutwell Audiorium in Birmingham, Alabama Matches Include: USWA WORLD 6 MAN TITLE MATCH The Freebirds vs The Violence Committee NORTH AMERICAN TITLE REMATCH: Junk Yard Dog vs Dick Murdoch THE BATTLE OF THE HACKSAWS Hacksaw Reed vs Hacksaw Duggan Dick Slater & Ted Dibiase vs Kerry & Kevin VonErich Tommy Rich vs Terry Taylor And much, much more!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 11, 2016 Report Share Posted October 11, 2016 Thumbs up for bringing back Matt Borne in the Rat Pack. This is gonna be so much fun. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 12, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 12, 2016 10/13/1984: WTBS TAPED IN CORINTH, MISSISSIPPI “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from Corinth, Mississippi and the Crossroads Rodeo Arena. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts by really hyping up the recent card in the Jackson, Mississippi. We see a video tape of the No DQ match between Hacksaw Reed and Hacksaw Duggan. The tape shows an all-out war between the two huge men. While both men connected with power move after power move, neither could get the victory, as the bell sounded signaling the 30 minute draw we see the Iron Sheik enter the ring and attack Jim Duggan. When the tape ends we see Skandar Akbar at the interview desk. Jim Ross: I have seen some dirty things in this business but what was that all about Akbar? Skandar Akbar: Well believe it or not Jim Ross, wrestling is a business and in this business money talks. Ernie Ladd: We all know that’s the truth and we all know you have a lot of the green. Jim Ross: I still have no idea what you are talking about. Skandar Akbar: I thought you were smarter than that Ross. Come on, put two and two together and you come up with the fact that Hacksaw Reed is the newest member of Devastation Inc. Jim Ross: I don’t believe that for a second. Butch Reed has been saying for months that he is the man around here and he walks alone. What would make him agree to work for you? The crowd erupts in anger as Hacksaw Reed comes out. Hacksaw Reed: Not work for, but work together. I have seen what Mr. Akbar has done for my buddy the Iron Sheik. I have seen what he has done for the Muslim Connection. I need a business manager. Nobody, and I mean nobody can beat me in the ring but I need some legal power behind the scenes to stop people like Cowboy Bill Watts from keeping me down. Skandar Akbar is that man! Ernie Ladd: Brother, you have finally seen the light! And not to mention that this Tuesday night in Jackson, Mississippi, you are facing none other than the USWA World Heavyweight Champion, Dusty Rhodes. Jim Ross: Oh yeah, and not to mention that! It seems like you are trying to up the odds on becoming the next World Champion. What about America? What about the land that has kept us free? How could you agree to join a team with Akbar and the Iron Sheik when all they do is put down the land that has given you everything? Hacksaw Reed: This country aint given me nothing. I have earned everything I got and now it’s time to get me sum more. American Dream, Dusty Rhodes you better watch your back now! Devastation Inc. will soon rule USWA Wrestling. Skandar Akbar: Oh how sweet that sounds! The Sheik back in control of American Wrestling. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- Jim Ross hypes up the Gauntlet Glove Match and reminds us that today, the masked Mr.Texas is going for his third straight win. Ernie Ladd reaches into the hat and pulls out ……… Brian Adias GAUNTLET GLOVE MATCH MR. TEXAS VS BRIAN ADIAS A great opening match but in the end, Mr. Texas wins with a Cobra Clutch. After the ref calls for the bell, he refuses to release the hold. Jim Ross and Ernie Ladd both discuss how dangerous this is. As the ref threatens to reverse his decision, the crowd explodes as Kevin & Kerry VonErich hit the ring and chase Mr. Texas off. The VonErichs and Adias head to the interview desk where Adias thanks them for their help and that they all know they got each other’s backs. Adias reminds the audience that he and Kevin have been friends since they were in school together and that it is great to have guys like this as friends. The VonErichs express how sick and tired they are of Mr. Texas and want to know what his problem is. They remind the audience that their brother, Mike, suffered a concussion due to Mr. Texas and that he is constantly getting involved in their matches They promise to get to the bottom of this. Jim Ross thanks the group for their time but says they must get back to the ring. MATCH DAN SPIVEY VS JOHNNY MANTELL Here we see Spivey follow up his second match here in the USWA with another win. It was a little awkward to watch but the 6’8, 310 youngster has some real potential. The win came after he connected with a nasty Bulldog. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MATCH KENDO NAGASAKI with GARY HART VS SWEET BROWN SUGAR A nice 5 minute contest here where the end came after Gary Hart distracted the ref and Nagasaki used a foreign object to gain the victory. After the match Gary Hart went to the interview desk and Kabuki joined Nagasaki. Gary Hart warned Iceman Parsons that he was going to get hurt in the Television Title Match with Kabuki and that he should consider himself warned. When that ends, the speakers begin to play Freebird and out strut the World 6 Man Tag Team Champions. Michael Hayes: What is wrong with people? Why doesn’t anybody listen? We are the baddest boys on the block. So bad, they named the block after us! Bad Street USA! We warned Terry Gordy and the rest of his goons that we could not be beaten. Jimmy Jam Garvin: Were we supposed to run in fear? Well if you think that Steve Williams, Manny Fernandez and that traitor Baby Gordy would have us shaken in our boats, you don’t know the Freebird Way! Last week we beat you in the ring. We beat you on the floor. We beat you in the aisles and we beat you in the streets. Jim Ross: I think you took far more then you gave and if it wasn’t for that loaded purse of Precious, I think we would have seen new champs. Buddy Roberts: Don’t you EVER SPEAK like that to us again Ross unless you want a chair up side your head. Ernie Ladd: That’s right Buddy. What is wrong with you Jim Ross? Do you have no class? Well anyway, I don’t understand it but the USWA Board of Directors is mandating that you wrestler the Violence Committee again this week in Jackson, Mississippi. Michael Hayes: It doesn’t matter. Jackson, MS, Memphis, TN, Dallas, TX or Hot Lanta, GA. They all end on Bad Street with the Freebirds partying like the Rock Stars we are! ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MATCH: MAIN EVENT TED DIBIASE VS CHRIS ADAMS Both Ross and Ladd really hype up this contest and it turned out to be well worth the attention. Both men were at the top of their game. They bump! They sell! They give the fans everything they could ask for. In the end, Adams went for the Superkick but Dibiase ducked under it and nailed him with the dreaded loaded glove. From here it was all over. The ref asked if Dibiase had anything in the glove and he vehemently denied it and made the cover. The ref accepted his answer and made the three count. The rest of the Rat Pack came out and tossed Adams to the floor. The show ends with Slater, Murdoch, Borne and Dibiase in control of the ring. As Ross begins to sign off, the camera closes in on Dibiase who holds up 1 finger and mouths the words, “One More Member.” Jim Ross: “So long from Corinth, Mississippi.” As the screen fades to black with see a promotion for Mississippi Fairgrounds in Jackson. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 14, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 14, 2016 10/14/1984: WTBS TAPED IN CORINTH, MISSISSIPPI “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from Corinth, Mississippi and the Crossroads Rodeo Arena. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts with an interview with the USWA World Champion, Dusty Rhodes who is really upset that his next opponent, Hacksaw Butch Reed has joined forces with Skandar Akbar and Devastation Inc. He basically says that there is no way that he would ever allow this title to fall into the hands of someone like Akbar and that he will find some way to defeat the monster, Hacksaw Butch Reed. Ernie Ladd: Dusty, there is no way an out of shape, pot-bellied, over the hill redneck like you could beat today’s perfect athlete, Hacksaw Butch Reed. Dustry Rhodes: I may be old. I may be fat. But one thing will never die in me and that is that I bleed Red, White and Blue. And the next time you mouth off to me Ernie Ladd, you better be willing to get in the ring and stand by your words. Jim Ross: You tell um Dream. Now we got to get to the ring. MATCH SAM HOUSTON VS JOHNNY MANTELL Ross hypes up Houston’s win last week against Terry Taylor but Ernie Ladd believes it was all caused because of the interference by that no good Tommy Rich. As for this match, the young Houston looks pretty good in this affair. He is on the verge of victory after a Bulldog on Mantell but before the ref can make the count Terry Taylor hits the ring and makes a real example out of the youngster. Jim Ross is really sickened by the actions of Taylor who really lays the boots to Houston. With Houston basically out on his feet, Taylor gives him a Bulldog of his own. The crowd pops as Wildfire Rich hits the scene and Taylor scurries for cover. This is the second week in a row that he wanted no part of Rich. Rich helps Sam Houston to his feet and raises his hand. The crowd gives the youngster a nice ovation. Jim Ross tells us that this feud between Taylor, Rich and Houston seems to be just getting started. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- Jim Ross hypes up the Gauntlet Glove Match and reminds us that today, the masked man, Mr.Texas, is going for his fourth straight win which would leave him just one short of a World Title Match. Ernie Ladd reaches into the hat and pulls out his opponent ……… Kevin VonErich. GAUNTLET GLOVE MATCH MR. TEXAS VS KEVIN VON ERICH Jim Ross can’t believe the match up we got here as Mr. Texas and the VonErich’s have been feuding for a while now. As for the match, it pits two great and powerful athletes against each and it proves to be as good as advertised. The end comes after Kevin weakened Mr. Texas with the Iron Claw and climbed to the Top Rope for the VonErich Death Leap. WHAM! At the last second Mr. Texas pulled the ref in close and it was the ref that took the full force of the VonErich leap. Kevin goes over to see how Pee Wee Anderson is doing when WHAM! Mr. Texas hits Kevin with a lowblow and down he went. Mr. Texas now picks up VonErich and locks in the Cobra Clutch. He keeps it locked in until VonErich goes out cold. Mr. Texas goes over and helps Pee Wee to his feet and then simply covers Kevin for the 1…2…3. Jim Ross is really disgusted the tactics of Mr. Texas but Ernie Ladd is excited that the VonErichs are getting taken to school here of late by this masked avenger. He hypes up the fact that if Mr. Texas wins next week, he will get a World Title shot. MATCH THE VIOLENCE COMMITTEE (Terry Gordy, Manny Fernandez & Steve Williams) VS THE OUTLAWS (Ron Bass, Bobby Jaggers & Mean Mike Miller) While the Outlaws are a good team, this was just complete domination by the VC. The end came after an Oklahoma Stampede by Dr. Death on Miller. The Violence Committee stops by the interview desk after their match where they take turns hyping up their 6 Man World Title Match this week in Jackson, Mississippi. Terry Gordy even hints that there will be a little surprise in Jackson for that so called “lady” known as Precious. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- USWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH THE GREAT KABUKI with Gary Hart vs ICEMAN KING PARSONS The crowd is really dancing away to “We are Family” as Iceman hits the ring. The fans would like nothing more than to see a new World TV Champ here as they are sick and tired of the antics of Gary Hart and his wrestlers. As for the match, it was a great showcase for TV but it appeared that the 10 minute time limit would expire. Both men had their turn with the momentum but Kabuki seemed satisfied that with a draw as he kept Iceman on the ground with a painful nerve hold. All of a sudden, Iceman began to shimmy and shake. He seemed to just ignore the pain as he got to one knee and then the other. He stood up with Kabuki on his back and backed full force into the turnbuckle. Kabuki was bucked off and left flat on the ground. Gary Hart feared that Iceman was about to gain the victory so he got up on the apron. WHAM! Iceman hit the ropes and came off with a major Butt Bump and sent Hart flying. WHAM! Iceman came off the ropes again and this time he nailed Kabuki with the Butt Bump just as he was getting to his feet. 1… 2… 3. Jim Ross hypes up the fact that we have a new World TV Champion while Ernie Ladd tells us that he thinks he is going to be sick to his stomach. Jim Ross makes an announcement that on October 31, Halloween Night, there will be a $50,000 winner take all Tag Team Tournament known as TEAM OF TERROR and it will be held in the Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. The tournament will include 8 teams and the tag team title will be on the line each and every time the champions wrestle that night. All of a sudden the USWA World Tag Team Champions, Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton, are led to the interview table by an angry Baby Doll. Baby Doll: What is the crap! Nobody ran this by the champions. Are you telling me Jim Ross, that my Perfect Team will have to defend their World Titles 3 times that night? Jim Ross: I never said that. They could lose the first match and whoever is the champ in the second round would now be defending the titles. Bobby Eaton: Oh very funny, Jim Ross, you must be some sort of comedian. Jim Ross: I am not sure what you guys are worried about. It was just last week that you said that no team around here even deserved to be in the ring with you. Arn Anderson: No team does but this is typical of that fat, no good Bill Watts. Stack the deck against the people who refuse to bow down to him. Jim Ross: Well next week, right here on WTBS, we will announce the other 7 teams. Ernie Ladd: This is the most unfair thing I have ever heard of. Jim Ross: But it will be a real exciting night a wrestling. There will also be a World Title Match that night and a North American Title Match that night. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MAIN EVENT: JYD VS DIRTY DICK SLATER The crowd explodes when the first chord of Another One Bites the Dust is played. JYD comes to the ring swinging his big dog chain and is howling at the moon. The atmosphere does a complete 180 at Slater walks to the ring alone. Ross was surprised that the rest of the Rat Pack didn’t accompany him. Another great match here for the fans and with just a couple minutes left in TV time, it looked like they were to leave happy. JYD was holding Slater up by his ears and was nailing him with headbutt after headbutt. Slater was staggering as JYD whipped him into the turnbuckle. This arch backing toss had Slater bouncing towards the middle of the ring. This is where Dog caught him with a huge THUMP (powerslam) but before the ref could even count to one, the Rat Pack hit the ring. Matt Borne, Dick Murdoch and Ted Dibiase where now laying the boots to JYD. As the show was about to close, JYD was tossed to the floor and for the second straight night, America watched the Rat Pack celebrate in the center of the ring. We hear Jim Ross hyping up the card in Jackson, Mississippi for Tuesday night and the Team of Terror event in Dallas on Halloween night. He also reminds us that next week the TBS show will be coming from the Great Plains Coliseum in Lawton, Oklahoma. As Ross begins to sign off, the camera closes in on Dibiase who holds up 1 finger and mouths the words, “One More Member.” “So long from Corinth, Mississippi.” As the screen fades to black with see a promotion for Mississippi Fairgrounds in Jackson. Matches Include: USWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs Hacksaw Burch Reed with Skandar Akbar USWA WORLD 6 MAN TITLE MATCH The Freebirds vs The Violence Committee Ted Dibiase vs JYD Hacksaw Duggan & Kerry VonErich vs The RAT PACK (Slater & Borne) And much, much more!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 14, 2016 Report Share Posted October 14, 2016 My memory's a bit fuzzy here but did the Rat Pack had more than 3 members back in the day with Mid-South? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 14, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 14, 2016 To be honest, I have no idea. I never saw Mid-South Wrestling. The research I did was a bit confusing. One thing said it was Dibiase, Borne and Hacksaw Duggan while cagematches.com said it was those three + Mr. Olympia, Steve Williams and KKB. Not sure which is true. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 15, 2016 Report Share Posted October 15, 2016 I'm assuming that there probably were rotating parts in the group at some point. I'd have to revisit this part of Mid-South on the DVD WWE released a few years back. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 18, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 18, 2016 10/20/1984: WTBS 9:05-10:05 TAPED IN LAWTON, OKLAHOMA “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from Lawton, Oklahoma and the Great Plains, Coliseum. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts by really hyping up the recent card in the Jackson, Mississippi. We see a video tape of the World 6 Man Title Match between the Freebirds and The Violence Committee. (Terry Gordy, Steve Williams and Manny Fernandez) The tape shows that Madusa Miceli leads The Violence Committee out to the ring and she gets right in the face of Precious and warns her to stay out of the action. The tape then jumps forward and the match is a full out war. With the ref knocked down, Precious jumps up on the apron and is about to throw the loaded purse to Jimmy Jam Garvin to use on Steve Williams. Before she can do this, Madusa catches here with a forearm to the back and she flies into the ring post. Madusa scoops up the purse and throws in to Dr. Death who clocks Garvin in the head. Williams follows up this knock-out blow with the Oklahoma Stampede. As the ref staggers back to the action, Williams covers Garvin. Michael Hayes rushes in to make the save but Bam Bam Gordy catches him and almost plants him through the mat. The ref makes the 3 count and we have New World Six Man Champions! When the tape ends we see the Violence Committee and Madusa Miceli at the interview desk. Jim Ross: Well, well guys! You weren’t kidding when you said you had a plan to deal with Precious. Terry Gordy: Remember, I used to be a Freebird. I know how they think. They always have a plan. They knew that they couldn’t beat us straight up so planned to use Precious and that loaded purse. We got ourselves a little insurance policy! We knew Madusa would take care of that She-Devil! Jim Ross: And take care of her she did. Madusa Miceli: And nothing could have been more fun. People like Precious give the rest of us women in this industry a bad name and I knew I needed to do something about it. Ernie Ladd: Well if you ask me, this was not a win. You cheated and have no right to call yourselves Champions! Steve “Dr. Death” Williams: Well Ladd if you want to come out of retirement and find a few of your old goons to come and try and pry these belts off our waists, we would gladly accept your challenge. If not, just stay out of our business. Jim Ross: What do you think Ladd? Are you ready to get back in the ring? Ernie Ladd: Typical of today’s wrestlers. Pick on the retired guys so they don’t have to give the Freebirds a rematch. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MATCH: USWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton with Baby Doll Vs Al Madril & Brian Adias (NON-TITLE) A rather quick match that saw Anderson hit the Spinbuster on Al Madril and then tag in Bobby Eaton for the Alabama Jammer for the pin. After the match, Baby Doll leads her team over to the interview desk where she confidently knows that her team will be the #1 seed in the upcoming $50,000 winner take all tag team tournament on Halloween Night in Dallas. She demands to know who the other tag teams in the tournament will be. Jim Ross admits that Baby Doll is correct in that the World Champs are indeed the #1 seed. He continues to announce the other teams #2 Seed: The Violence Committee (Terry Gordy & Steve Williams) #3 Seed: The Fabulous Ones #4 Seed: Kevin & Kerry Von Erich #5 Seed: The Japanese Assassins (Kendo Nagasaki & the Great Kabuki) #6 Seed: Devastation Inc.: The Iron Sheik & Black Blood #7 Seed: The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin) #8 Seed: The Rock n Roll Express Arn Anderson: Are you telling me, that we have to wrestle the Rock n Roll Express in the first match and then win 2 more matches in the same night just to leave Reunion Arena with our titles? This seems like Watts is just trying to find a way to take our belts. Jim Ross: That is the setup of the tournament. You could also walk out with $50,000 in cash. Let’s get back to the ring. MATCH HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN VS THE CUBAN ASSASSIN As usual, the Cuban Assassin gets the fans going by waving that Cuban Flag. Duggan can’t take anymore and to the delight of the fans, Hacksaw attacks right away. During the match, the Rat Pack, Dibiase, Slater, Murdoch and Borne, come out to ringside and things look bad for Duggan. It is hear that the crowd pops as JYD, Dusty Rhodes, and the VonErichs also come out to ringside. The two teams stare at each other and kind of draw the line in the sand which neither team crosses. Duggan rides the momentum of his allies coming to ringside to get the victory after a Football Tackle. Duggan joins his pals at the interview desk where the USWA World Champion, Dusty Rhodes does most of the talking. Dusty Rhodes: These are sum dark times! Whether it is the Rat Pack or Devastation Incorporated and that no good desert rat, Skamdar Akbar. Whether it is Gary Hart and his team of Assassins or Michael Hayes and his team of Cuckoo Birds. These are sum dark times but in dark times you band together. You find who is willing to be by your side. And let me tell something brother, the guys out here right now have each other’s backs. Whether you make up some corny name for us like all the ones on the evil side have done, We Got Each Other’s Backs! Call us the Dream Team. Call us the Dog Pound. Call us the Von Erich Extended Family. Call us Hacksaw’s Hitman! It doesn’t matter. We will never be alone again. Good is about to rise up and put evil in its place. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- Skandar Akbar comes out to the interview desk where Jim Ross asks about this new edition to Devastation Inc. known as Black Blood. Akbar says that he has people all over the world searching for the best wrestlers and that he will spare no expense to rule the USWA. He warns the fans that what they are about to see will make some of them very, very nervous and for them to sit back and think what Dusty Rhodes is thinking right now knowing that Hacksaw Butch Reed, the Iron Sheik and now Black Blood are hot on his heels. MATCH: HANDICAP MATCH BLACK BLOOD VS THE OATES BROTHERS This powerful monster just annihilates the Oates brothers with power move after power move. The end comes when Black Blood puts Ted Oates into a Backbreaker Rack and then changes it into a nasty Power Bomb. The crowd is in awe and Akbar is all smiles. Ross and Ladd hype of the power of this new, masked man in a big way and then Ross takes us back to the ring. MATCH THE JAPANESE ASSASSINS with GARY HART VS THE FORT BRAGG BROTHERHOOD (Kernodle & Kirchner) Gary Hart and his men are not to be out done by Akbar as the Japanese Assassins just dominate. The end comes with the Spinning Thrust kick by Kabuki on Kirchner. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- Both Ross and Ladd really hype up tonight’s main event as it is the Gauntlet Glove Match. If the masked man, Mr. Texas gets the win, he will earn a World Title Shot and he would be the first USWA Wrestle to complete the Gauntlet Glove. Jim Ross asks Ernie Ladd to reach into the hat to find out the opponent of Mr. Texas. Ernie Ladd reaches into the hat and pulls out…………… Kerry VonErich. Jim Ross: Business is about to pick up now. Mr. Texas has been going after the VonErichs for weeks now and tonight it will be the Modern Day Warrior, Kerry VonErich standing between Mr. Texas and a World Title Shot! MATCH: MAIN EVENT GAUNTLET GLOVE MATCH MR. TEXAS VS KERRY VON ERICH With Mr. Texas already in the ring, the crowd explodes as we hear “Tom Sawyer” by Rush blare from the speakers. They truly go nuts as Kerry makes his way to the ring. Neither man waits for the bell and the brawl is on. Kerry has the advantage for the first few minutes but Mr. Texas takes control after an eye rake. It appeared as if Mr. Texas would win after he locked in the Cobra Clutch but Kerry made it to the ropes. VonErich blocked a vertical suplex and then reversed it with one of his own. Kerry was shaking his fists as the crowd was now behind him. With only about a minute to go in the match and 2 minutes to go in TV time, VonErich connected with the Tornado Punch and followed it up with the Iron Claw. Kerry almost turned this into a pin a couple of times but Mr. Texas got the shoulder up. While Mr. Texas would not submit to the Iron Claw, he did begin to lose consciousness. With about 5 seconds to go, the ref lifted his arm up and the fans watched it fall to the side and he counted 1. Ref Pee Wee Anderson repeated this action and counted to 2. He was in the middle of lifting it again when the bell rang signaling a 10 minute time limit draw. Jim Ross sounds disappointed that Kerry did not win the match but he also expressed how relieved he was that whoever this Mr. Texas was, would not get a shot at the USWA World Title. Ernie Ladd chimed in and the two began to argue. While they were arguing, the camera picked up on the fact that Kerry was now going for the mask and that he had it half way off. Mr. Texas was doing everything he could to keep that mask on but Kerry ripped it off. Mr. Texas quickly put his hands over his face and ran to the locker room. The camera did catch a quick glimpse of this blonde haired, blue eyed handsome man. While Jim Ross is left wondering who it could be, Kerry VonErich looks like he has just seen a ghost. Jim Ross: “Fans, we will have to wait to tomorrow night to get to the bottom of this. So long from Lawton, Oklahoma.” As the screen fades to black with see promotions for the Denver, Auditorium on Tuesday night and Reunion Arena in Dallas for Halloween Night. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 18, 2016 Report Share Posted October 18, 2016 OK, that photo tease was really cool. (But I still can't figure out who it is lol) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LowBlowPodcast Posted October 18, 2016 Report Share Posted October 18, 2016 Looks like we have a mystery man from his past coming to haunt Kerry. It id definitely a fresh angle, but we'll see how it plays out. There is a lot going on in the USWA right now and everyone is fighting for that top spot. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 21, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 21, 2016 USWA WRESTLING: 10/21/1984: WTBS TAPED IN LAWTON, OKLAHOMA “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from Lawton, Oklahoma and the Great Plains, Coliseum. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts by really hyping up the recent card in the Jackson, Mississippi. We see a video tape of the USWA World Title Match between Dusty Rhodes and Hacksaw Butch Reed. The video shows the two slugging it out in the center of the ring and Dusty seemed like he just refused to feel the pain that this monster must have been causing him. Rhodes blocks a right by Reed and connects with a huge Bionic Elbow. Reed goes down but quickly rolls out of the ring. Rhodes follows him out onto the floor where the two just beat each other senseless. Reed somehow musters the energy to scoop Rhodes up and drop him across the steel barricade. Reed is able to beat the 10 count in as Rhodes is counted out. Reed goes wild thinking he is the new World Champ but Ref Bronco Lubich rips the title from his hands. Akbar, Reed and The Iron Sheik resume their beating of the champ. Jim Ross once again expressed how disappointed he is in the tactics of Akbar and his men and that it seemed like Reed was out to injure Rhodes and that he went too far when he dropped the champ across the steel barricade. Ernie Ladd, as you would expect, believes that Reed should have been declared the champ and that Rhodes got himself counted out just to save his belt. Jim Ross changes the topic to our first match which will be for the USWA World TV Title. MATCH ICEMAN KING PARSONS VS MATT BORNE Ross hypes up Parson’s title win last week over Kabuki but he seems worried here if Iceman will get a true one on one battle here tonight or will the rest of the Rat Pack interfere. As for this match, it is a nice back and forth for about 5 minutes and then the Rat Pack tries to take the law into their own hands. First, Dick Slater wonders out and attempts to trip Iceman. Iceman turns quickly in anger but is able to refocus on Borne. Next we see the USWA North American Champion, Dick Murdoch come out. He distracts the ref and allows Borne to catch Iceman with an eye rack. Borne now controls the next few minutes. As Dibiase comes to the interview desk and says that his Rat Pack is about to add another title to its collection, borne Irish Whips Iceman into the ropes as Borne goes for a clothesline. Somehow, Iceman had the where to all to duck under it. He comes off the ropes and connects with a big Butt Bump! He quickly goes for the cover and gets the three count just before the Rat Pack can hit the ring. Iceman rolls out the other side and hits the locker room before the Rat Pack can attack 4-1. Ross really hypes up Iceman’s win while Ladd wants to know how Ross can support a coward as a champion. Jim Ross: Coward? What are you talking about? Ernie Ladd: That’s right, Ross. I called him a coward. He didn’t stay and fight. He took his belt and ran away. Jim Ross: Oh brother. We got to take a break. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- Jim Ross calls out Kerry VonErich but insists that we see the end of last night’s match between Kerry and Mr. Texas first. With only about a minute to go in the match and 2 minutes to go in TV time, VonErich connected with the Tornado Punch and followed it up with the Iron Claw. Kerry almost turned this into a pin a couple of times but Mr. Texas got the shoulder up. While Mr. Texas would not submit to the Iron Claw, he did begin to lose consciousness. With about 5 seconds to go, the ref lifted his arm up and the fans watched it fall to the side and he counted 1. Ref Pee Wee Anderson repeated this action and counted to 2. He was in the middle of lifting it again when the bell rang signaling a 10 minute time limit draw. The camera picked up on the fact that Kerry was now going for the mask and that he had it half way off. Mr. Texas was doing everything he could to keep that mask on but Kerry ripped it off. Mr. Texas quickly put his hands over his face and ran to the locker room. The camera did catch a quick glimpse of this blonde haired, blue eyed handsome man. Jim Ross: ok Kerry, it looked like you definitely knew who Mr. Texas was. I mean by the look on your face when you pulled that mask off last night, it was very clear. Mr. Texas was someone you have crossed paths with before. Kerry VonErich: That is for sure. I have definitely crossed paths with him before as has all of my brothers. Jim Ross: Well that might explain why he has been coming after each and every one of the VonErichs over the past month. Kerry VonErich: Well that it where I disagree with you. Family should never attack family! Jim Ross: Family? Kerry VonErich: That’s right Jim. Mr. Texas is my cousin. He is the son of my father’s brother Waldo. That masked man is none other than my cousin, Lance VonErich. When I saw who it was I was in shock. I tried to gather my composure last night and call him to see what was going on but he did not answer. Kevin, Mike and I are in need of answers and we want them sooner than later! Jim Ross: Well thanks Kerry. This is all been a shock to us and I hope you get the answers you have been looking for. We need to get back to the ring. MATCH DAN SPIVEY VS NICK KINISKI Dan Spivey, the rookie, continues to look better and better since he first appeared in the USWA. He racks up another win. This time is came after about 4 minutes of some robotic wrestling as he connected with a powerbomb. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- THE FABULOUS ONES VS BOBBY JAGGERS & MEAN MIKE MILLER The crowd is really dancing away to “Sharpe Dressed Man” as the Fab Ones hit the ring. This is one of the best entrances in all of wrestling and it really is fun to watch. As for the match it is a nice 8 minute back and forth with the Fab Ones getting the win after Steve Keirn connected with a reverse DDT on Miller. The Fab Ones head over to the interview desk where the really hype up the Halloween Tag Team Special in Dallas, Texas. Both Keirn and Lane say how great it would be to win $50,000 but it would mean more to them to walk out again as the USWA World Heavyweight Champions but they know how tough it would be as all 8 teams in the tournament are really good. Ladd basically says they have no shot but Ross thinks differently and wishes them luck. All of a sudden Skandar Akbar leads out Devastation Inc. out to the interview desk where Hacksaw Butch Reed, the Iron Sheik and Black Blood get right in the face of the Fab Ones as Akbar takes the microphone Skandar Akbar: Just look at my men Jim Ross. They are big. They are strong. They are mean. How do these little girly men think they could win the tag team tournament when their first match is against Devastation Incorporated? All of a sudden the crowd explodes as the World Champion, Dusty Rhodes rushes out and grabs the mic. Dusty Rhodes: It is real easy to act big and bad when it is 3-2. Well I said it last night. The American Dream will not let any of his friends be outnumbered by people like you Skamdar Akbar. Skandar Akbar: Well, well, if it not the Dough Boy Champion of the World. Be careful Rhodes before Reed beats you some more. All of a sudden all 6 men begin a pushing match as officials and wrestlers poor out from the back and somehow find a way to maintain order. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MAIN EVENT: JYD & TOMMY RICH VS DICK MURDOCH & TED DIBIASE The crowd explodes when the first chord of Another One Bites the Dust is played. JYD comes to the ring swinging his big dog chain and is howling at the moon as Wildfire runs around the ring giving the fans high fives. The atmosphere does a complete 180 as the Rat Pack comes to the ring. Jim Ross and Ernie Ladd both hype up the North American Title Match between Murdoch and JYD this week in Denver. Another great match here for the fans and with just a couple minutes left in TV time, it looked like they were to leave happy. JYD and Rich were in control when all of a sudden, Dibiase “accidently” knocked the ref down. All 4 men were now in the ring and going at it. Dibiase caught Rich with an eye rack and then quickly caught him with the loaded glove and Rich went down. Murdoch caught JYD here with an elbow and then grabbed him from behind. Dibiase again goes for the loaded glove and connects. JYD goes down and Murdoch scoops him up in the center of the ring and WHAM Murdoch nails JYD with a Brainbuster. Murdoch covers JYD just as the ref recovers and he to the fans dismay, gets the 3 count. Jim Ross is sick and tired of the tactics of the Rat Pack while Ladd hypes up the idea that Murdoch has JYD’s number and there is no way for JYD to get his title back in Denver. Matt Borne and Slater come out as the full Rat Pack ends another show in complete charge of the arena. We hear Jim Ross hyping up the card in Denver, Colorado for Tuesday night and the Team of Terror event in Dallas on Halloween night. He also reminds us that next week the TBS show will be coming from the Cincinnati Gardens. As Ross begins to sign off, the camera closes in on Dibiase who holds up 1 finger and mouths the words, “One More Member.” “So long from Lawton, Oklahoma.” As the screen fades to black with see a promotion for the Denver Auditorium. Matches Include: “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes & The Fab One vs Hacksaw Burch Reed, the Iron Sheik and Black Blood with Skandar Akbar USWA WORLD 6 MAN TITLE REMATCH The Freebirds vs The Violence Committee USWA NORTH AMERICAN TITLE (KING OF THE ROCK MOUNTAIN MATCH: NO RULES Dick Murdoch vs JYD Tommy Rich, Iceman Parsons & Chris Adams vs Ted Dibiase, Dick Slater & Matt Borne And much, much more!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 21, 2016 Report Share Posted October 21, 2016 Great card! Should've known that it was Lance Von Erich under the Mr. Texas mask! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LowBlowPodcast Posted October 21, 2016 Report Share Posted October 21, 2016 Lance Von Erich... what a bastard! You would know he is the one to come back and try and rain on their parade. Outside of that, the USWA has got a lot of kings of the mountain and I like that schedule of having multiple figures at the top rather than the way I rely on Hogan as my top top guy. Sure I have got Savage and some others, but Hogan is totally the top guy with no questions asked. It is a fun dynamic you've got going. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 24, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 24, 2016 USWA WRESTLING: 10/27/1984: WTBS 9:05-10:05 CINCINATI, OHIO “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from Cincinnati, Ohio and The Cincinnati Garden. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts by really hyping up the recent card in the Denver, Colorado. We see a video tape of the 6 Man Tag Team Match between Devastation Inc. (Hacksaw Reed, the Iron Sheik and the masked monster, Black Blood vs The USWA World Champion Dusty Rhodes and The Fabulous Ones. The video tape starts with Butch Reed connecting with a huge haymaker on Dusty Rhodes and Rhodes basically collapses into the ropes. It is here that the rest of Devastation Inc. hits the ring and goes after the Fab Ones. This distracted ref Pee Wee Anderson long enough for Skandar Akbar to reach into his Arabian attire and pull out some sort of foreign object and clock Rhodes. As the ref regains control of the ring, Hacksaw Reed impressively scoops up Rhodes into a Gorilla Press Slam and goes for the cover. 1.. 2.. 3. When the tape ends we see Devastation Inc. is at the interview desk. Jim Ross: Well, what else would we expect from you Skandar Akbar? Can you leave a match up to the abilities of the wrestlers involved? Skandar Akbar: It is my job to manage and guide my stable to be the best that they can be. That is what I do each and every day. As you can see, with my guidance, Hacksaw Reed easily defeated Dusty Rhodes. Jim Ross: Guidance, don’t you mean cheating? Skandar Akbar: I would never stoop to the levels that you are insinuating. The one thing I do know is that in just 4 days in Reunion Arena, you will see Hacksaw Reed defeat Dusty Rhodes and become the World Champion. Ernie Ladd: I completely agree with you. It is time Reed and you get what you deserve and that is the World Title. Jim Ross: Well we will have to see about that. I have never seen Dusty Rhodes so focused as he has been lately and I also have a bit of information for you Skandar Akbar. Skandar Akbar: What is that Jim Ross? Jim Ross: The Board of Directors of the USWA ruled this week that if you or any current member of Devastation Inc. interferes in the World Title Match, it will be an automatic suspension. Ernie Ladd: Typical of USWA. They will once again make up some sort of rule to help protect Rhode but they never say anything when his groupies like the VonErichs or JYD stick their noses in where they don’t belong. As we head to the ring, Akbar is screaming about unfair treatment and threatening to get his lawyers involved. MATCH: DEVASTATION INC. (the Iron Sheik & Black Blood) with Akbar vs The Oates Brothers The only thing to say here is the poor Oates Brothers. In a complete beating, Devastation Inc. destroys the Oates. The end comes when Black Blood gets the submission victory on Jerry Oates with the Swinging Full Nelson. Both Ross and Ladd hype up how difficult Devastation Inc. will be in the upcoming tag tournament in Dallas where the winner not only gets $50,000 in cash but also walks out as the USWA World Tag Team Champions. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MATCH: MR. TEXAS LANCE VON ERICH VS JOSE LOTHARIO A rather quick match that saw Lance Von Erich get the win with the Iron Claw. After the match, Lance Von Erich goes over to the interview desk where Jim Ross does not hold back. He says that what Lance Von Erich did to the rest of the VonErich clan over the past few weeks was one of the lowest things he has ever seen in this industry. Lance VonErich: First of all, let’s get my name right. I am Mr. Texas. I will never again use the name VonErich in this industry. I have always been the best athlete of all the VonErichs. I am the reigning Mr. Texas Bodybuilding Champion along with being the fastest rising star in Professional Wrestling. You saw how easy I took out that punk Mike VonErich. He wrestled me over a month ago and has not been seen since. Kevin VonErich walked in the ring with me and barely was able to walk out. Kerry caught me with a lucky ILLEGAL PUNCH and the ref did nothing about it. When I came to that no good sleazy Uncle of mine, Fritz VonErich and said that I wanted to wrestle, he refused to give me a job. He said I was not good enough. He was just afraid that I would out-shine all of his sons. He did the same to my father Waldo VonErich. My father was better than him at everything but Uncle Fritz got a lucky break and got into this business. When his own brother asked him to help him break into the business he refused. That’s because again, he knew his brother was superior to him in every way. A few months ago, Jack and Jerry Brisco came to me and said I have great potential and brought me into Memphis and taught me the ropes. I owe them everything and I owe the VonErichs nothing! Fritz VonErich goes and runs World Class Championship Wrestling into the ground and Cowboy Bill Watts saves his butt and allows WCCW into the USWA. I will spend the rest of my days ridding this sport of the VonErichs. All of a sudden Skandar Akbar walks out and the crowd boos. Jim Ross wants to know what Akbar is here for and Akbar says that Watts and the Briscos are not the only ones who can see talent. Akbar goes on to say that he also sees the potential in Lance and says he loves that they have one thing in common and that is to rid wrestling of the VonErichs. What happens next shocks everyone in the building. Akbar offers Mr. Texas a contract to join Devastation Inc. and Lance accepts. As we go to break, Ross expresses his disgust while Ernie Ladd is so excited that someone else sees the evil in the VonErichs. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MATCH: THE ROCK n ROLL EXPRESS VS THE KINISKI BROTHERS The crowd explodes as one of the most popular tag teams in history is back in action for the first time in a while in the USWA. As for the match, it is all RnR Express here but about 2 minutes into the match, The Perfect Alliance (Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton with Baby Doll) comes to ringside. Jim Ross reminds us that these two mega teams will meet in the opening round of the $50,000 tag team tournament this Wednesday in Dallas and that the World Title will be on the line. Ross also expresses concern at why the Perfect Alliance is out here right now. Ernie Ladd says they are just scouting as any good team would be doing but Ross is skeptical. The RnR Express seem to pick it up even more with their opponents at ringside and quickly dispose of the Kiniski brothers after a double dropkick on Nick Kiniski. As the ref was busy making the three count, the Perfect Alliance rushes the ring and hops up on the apron but as soon as the 3 count is completed, Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson turn their attention to Arn and Bobby. The Perfect Alliance has second thoughts and returns to the floor. Both teams stare each other down but nothing else happens. MATCH: TERRY TAYLOR VS SAM HOUSTON This feud has been going on for about three weeks now and it all began when Houston caught Taylor with a roll up for the surprise victory. In this match, the fans are really behind Houston but it does him little good. Taylor catches Houston with an Airplane Spin and then connects with a vicious Bulldog. After the ref made the three count, Taylor continued the beating. He rammed Houston’s head into the steel post and busted him open. The TV screen became censored as the blood was really flowing but that did not stop Taylor. All of a sudden Tommy Rich rushes out and just misses catching Taylor who made another one of his escapes. It seems of late that Taylor has no problem taking on Houston but wants no part of Wildfire Tommy Rich. Rich and the official helps Houston back to the locker room but then Wildfire goes over to the interview desk where he goes crazy about what he is going to do to that coward Terry Taylor. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MATCH: MAIN EVENT WORLD TV TITLE MATCH ICEMAN PARSONS VS DICK SLATER Ross hypes up Parson’s win last week over Rat Pack member Maniac Matt Borne but has some concern on how will do against another member of the Rat Pack here in Dick Slater. He also reminds us that Iceman just barely escaped last week before he was attacked by the Dibiase’s entire stable. As for this match, it is a brawl from the opening bell. You would expect that this is exactly what Slater would want but Iceman holds his own. Just like last week, the rest of the Rat Pack begin to circle the ring but what is different is JYD, Dusty Rhodes, Kevin& Kerry VonErich and Hacksaw Duggan come out as well. Jim Ross hypes up the fact that for the first time in a while, the side of good outnumbers the Rat Pack. Ernie Ladd says that Rhodes and his stable of goons have no business being out there. Jim Ross says the same about the Rat Pack but Ladd simple says Ross must be stupid and asks if he forget that Slater is a member of the Rat Pack. Ross ignores this and goes back to calling the match. Iceman connects with the Butt Bump which should be the end but all of a sudden the Rat Pack hits the ring. The ref calls for the bell and gives the win to Iceman due to interference but Rhodes and his gang don’t miss a beat and hit the ring too. It is a scene that is totally chaotic but again, the numbers game wins out. This time Ross expresses how the Rat Pack is One member short as they take a pretty good beating. Dibiase gathers his troops and they make a quick exit to the locker room as those on the side of good rejoice in the center of the ring. Jim Ross: So long from Cincinnati, Ohio.” As the screen fades to black with see promotions for the Halloween Super card from Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 24, 2016 Report Share Posted October 24, 2016 Lance Von Erich....sorry....Mr. Texas joining Devastation Inc makes things really interesting going forward! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 25, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 25, 2016 USWA WRESTLING: 10/28/1984: WTBS 9:05-10:05 CINCINNATI, OHIO “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from Cincinnati, Ohio and The Cincinnati Garden. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts by really hyping up the recent card in the Denver, Colorado and then we see Dusty Rhodes come out with his USWA World Title and he really goes to town on Skandar Akbar and Butch Reed. He is furious at the tactics of Reed last week in Denver which lead to a count out victory for Devastation Inc. over Rhodes and the Fab Ones. Rhodes explains that if Reed wants to fight dirty that is fine because he was raised on the streets of West Texas and is ready for anything Reed can bring his way. MATCH THE JAPANES ASSASSINS with Gary Hart vs SWEET BROWN SUGAR AND SCOTT McGHEE A good opening bout that goes for about 4 minutes but in the end, Gary Hart trips McGhee and that leads to a nasty thrust kick by Kabuki for the victory. Hart & the Assassins head over to the interview desk where Hart basically claims victory in the upcoming tag team tournament on Wednesday night in Reunion Arena in Dallas. He warns the Fab Ones that they are in for some real pain. He guarantees the end of Lane and Keirn and that the fans better get ready for Kabuki and Nagasaki to be the next World Champions. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MATCH TED DIBIASE VS BRIAN ADIAS Dibiase controls the first few minutes but then Adias ducked under a clothesline and came off the ropes with a cross body block and gained a near fall. This just seemed to anger Dibiase more who now punishes Adias. The end coming by submission with the Figure 4. After the ref called for the bell, Dibiase refused to release the hold. In fact, he grabbed the ropes and really amped up the pressure. Adias was writhing in agony but there was nothing he could do. The crowd explodes as Hacksaw Duggan rushes the ring with his 2 X 4. He takes a might swing and just misses Dibiase who rolls out to safety and high tails it back to the locker room. Duggan spends the next few minutes at the interview desk where he keeps saying how sick of the Rat Pack he is and how he wants Dibiase inside the squared circle at the Halloween Spectacular and doesn’t care about the stipulations. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- The Rat Pack (Dibiase, Slater, Murdoch and Borne) joined Ross and Ladd at the interview desk where Dibiase says that he will agree to face Hacksaw Duggan in Dallas as long as Duggan comes out here right now by himself and without that weapon he carries around. Jim Ross: Now why would Duggan came out here to face the 4 of you all alone? That seems like it would be a foolish thing to do. Ted Dibiase: You heard him Ross. He wants me in a ring this week and doesn’t care about the stipulations. Well coming out here now is one of the stipulations. The crowd explodes as Duggan rushes out and gets right into the face if Dibiase. Ted Dibiase: Wait a minute Big Boy! If you want a match this week, you will not touch any of us tonight. Is that understood? Hacksaw Duggan: First of all you don’t tell me what to do. If you try anything here, I will take out the entire Rat Pack. The crowd pops but Dibiase and the Rat Pack just laugh as they know that nobody in this industry can take them out all alone. Ted Dibiase: Well that is almost what you will have to do but it just won’t be here tonight. It will be in Dallas on Wednesday. If you want a match with me, first you will have to go through my men. All my men except for Dick Murdoch who will be busy beating Junk Yard Dog. Jim Ross: Now that hardly sounds fair! Ted Dibiase: I don’t care about fair. He demanded a match and said I could set the rules. First he has to wrestle Maniac Matt Borne. This should end his night but if some crooked ref helps him to win then Dirty Dick Slater will be next. Now it would be preposterous to think he could win that but if and only if he does, he will get his match with me! Ernie Ladd: Seems fair. It was Duggan’s idea to let you set the rules. Jim Ross: This is ridiculous! Jim Duggan: Deal And Duggan simply walks off set as the Rat Pack are all smiles. Ted Dibiase: Wow, what a night it is going to be. The Rat Pack is going to put an end to Junk Yard Dog and Hacksaw Jim Duggan all in the same night. MATCH THE FABULOUS FREEBIRDS (Hayes & Garvin with Precious) VS THE FORT BRAGG BROTHERHOOD (Kernodle & Kirchner) With the Brotherhood already in the ring, The Freebirds come strutting out to “Freebird” and Jim Ross seems angry at their arrogance but Ernie Ladd says they have all the reasons in the world to be arrogant as they are the best in the business. As for the match, the Brotherhood do well in the beginning but Precious distracts ref Pee Wee Anderson and this allows Michael Hayes a chance to pull the top rope down as Kernodle was whipped across the ring. Kernodle crashed to the floor where Hayes continued to give him the business before tossing him back in. Garvin followed this with a sit down jawbreaker followed by a DDT for the victory. The Freebirds head over to the interview desk where they are so excited for Wednesday night. They can’t believe that they get to win the World Tag Title, $50,000 and take care of that traitor Terry Gordy all in the same night. The crowd pops as Gordy and Dr. Death come out and basically challenge the Freebirds right now and say there is no reason to wait. Both teams begin to push but the officials and Cowboy Bill Watts rush out and maintain order. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MAIN EVENT: KERRY VON ERICH VS THE IRON SHEIK The crowd explodes when the first chord of Tom Sawyer is played. Kerry comes to the ring full of energy as the crowd goes wild. With Kerry already in the ring, the Iron Sheik and Skandar Akbar walk out carrying the Iranian flag. Sheik gets the microphone and starts calling everyone “Stupid Americans” and that they need to stand and give the Iranian flag some respect. The crowd is all over him as he goes into his “Tehran, Iran” chant. As the match begins, Ross reminds us that Kerry will be joined by his brother Kevin in Dallas at the big tag team tournament to face Sheik and Black Blood in the first round. As for the match, Kerry is all over Sheik until Akbar gets up on the apron and distracts Kerry. Kerry hits Akbar with a huge tornado punch to the delight of the crowd but this gave Sheik an opportunity to catch Kerry with a knee to the back. Sheik begins to weaken Kerry for the Camel Clutch but Kerry regains the momentum when he blocks a blow by Sheik and catches him with a tornado punch of his own. As Kerry goes for a suplex, the crowd moans as Mr. Texas (Lance VonErich) and Black Blood hit the ring. The bell sounds but Kerry takes a pretty good beating until his brother Kevin and the USWA World Champion Dusty Rhodes hits the ring to even it out. This only lasts a minute until the last member of Devastation Inc. hits the ring. That’s right, the monster, Hacksaw Butch Reed comes in and just pummels Rhodes. He finishes him off with a Gorilla Press Slam. This gives the rest of Devastation Inc. an advantage and they clear the ring of the VonErichs. Akbar and his stable are all smiles as his men rule the ring as the show closes. Ernie Ladd is so excited as he is sure this is a sign of things to come and says he can’t wait for Reed to beat Rhodes this Wednesday night in Dallas. Jim Ross tells him not to count out Rhodes or the VonErichs so quickly. “So long from Cincinnati, Ohio. As the screen fades to black with see promotions for the Halloween Supercard from Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. Matches Include: USWA WORLD HEAVYEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs Hacksaw Burch Reed with Skandar Akbar USWA NORTH AMERICAN TITLE Dick Murdoch vs JYD GAUNTLET MATCH Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs The Rat Pack $50,000 WINNER TAKE ALL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 25, 2016 Report Share Posted October 25, 2016 Love the development between Hacksaw Jim Duggan and the Rat Pack. Let's see if he can take them all all by himself. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted October 27, 2016 Author Report Share Posted October 27, 2016 10/31/1984: WTBS 7:05-10:05 FROM REUNION ARENA DALLAS, TEXAS “Hello again everybody. Welcome to the Halloween Special from Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. We are here live on WTBS. I am Jim Ross along with Ernie Ladd. Both Ross and Ladd hype up tonight’s tag team tournament. Ross believes there will be a title change while Ladd says that even though the deck has been stacked against the Perfect Alliance, he expects survive tonight and have their championship intact. Ross and Ladd also have a bit of a back and forth on the North American Title Match between Dick Murdoch and JYD and also tonight’s main event, the USWA World Championship bout between Dusty Rhodes and Hacksaw Butch Reed. Ross takes us to the ring for our first bout which could be a Main Event anywhere in the country. $50,000 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH WINNER GETS THE MONEY AND THE TITLE 1ST ROUND MATCH (#1 Seed) THE PERFECT ALLIANCE (Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton) with Baby Doll VS (#8 Seed) THE ROCK n ROLL EXPRESS TITLE MATCH Ross and Ladd can’t believe this is a first round match but they both hype up what a night of wrestling this is going to be if this is only the opening match. The RnR Express get the fans going from the beginning as they are jumping in their seats as the first sound of Kiss and Rock n Roll All Night is heard from the speakers. As the World Champions hit the ring, it is noticeable that Baby Doll will be a factor. She gets right into the faces of Morton and Gibson and starts to push them. The RnR show a little composure and don’t hit a women here but maybe they should have as Arn and Bobby attack before the bell sounds. As for the match it is a great start to the night. These 4 are tag team wrestling artists and this match doesn’t disappoint. The end comes when Arn Anderson whips Robert Gibson into the ropes and goes for a back body drop but Gibson leaps over Anderson and goes for the pin with the sunset flip. Baby Doll quickly jumped up on the apron and distracted ref Pee Wee Anderson. This allows Bobby Eaton a chance to come and drop an elbow on top of Gibson’s head. Baby Doll jumps back to the floor as Anderson legally tags in Eaton who quickly ascends to the top rope and leaps off…. WHAM! Alabama Jam and Eaton goes for the pin on Gibson. Morton rushes in but is caught by a forearm by Anderson. 1… 2… 3. Jim Ross is upset at the fact that Baby Doll got her team the win as Ernie Ladd plays dumb and has no idea what Ross is talking about and this match just proves why the Perfect Alliance are the champions. MATCH TIME: 14:21. WINNERS: THE Perfect Alliance _________________________________________________________________________ $50,000 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH WINNER GETS THE MONEY AND THE TITLE 1ST ROUND MATCH (#4 Seed) THE VONERICHS VS (# 5 Seed) DEVASTATION INC. (The Iron Sheik & Black Blood) with Skandar Akbar Now if you think this Dallas crowd was for the RnR Express in the last match, you should hear this Reunion Arena crowd for the hometown VonErichs. This match is a brawl from the get go and Akbar does his best to get involved as often as he could. Ref Bronco Lubich got a little too close to the action and was knocked out when Black Blood “accidentally” collided with him. This gave Akbar a chance to grab Kerry from behind but as Black Blood came off the ropes about to hit Kerry with a powerful sledge hammer, Kerry broke free at the last second and Black Blood hit the leader of Devastation Inc. Akbar crumbled to the floor as Kerry wound up for a tornado punch on Black Blood and connected. Black Blood went down just as the ref was staggering to his feet. Kerry quickly tagged in his brother who climbed to the top rope for a VonErich Death Splash and connected. Kerry made sure that the Iron Sheik couldn’t make the save as the ref made the 3 count. Ernie Ladd is now the disgusted by the illegal punch that the USWA keeps allowing Kerry to get away with while Ross asks what about the interference by Akbar. None the less, the VonErichs are on to the second round and a World Title Match with the Perfect Alliance! MATCH TIME: 9:02 WINNER: The VonErichs __________________________________________________________________________ $50,000 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH WINNER GETS THE MONEY AND THE TITLE 1ST ROUND MATCH (#2 Seed) THE VIOLENCE COMMITTEE (Steve “Dr. Death” Williams & Terry Gordy) VS (#7 Seed) THE FABULOUS FREEBIRDS (Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin) with Precious This rivalry has been red hot for a month or two now. Ever since the Freebirds added Jimmy Garvin and turned on Terry Gordy, these team have been at each other’s throats. Tonight will be a regular tag match as the Freebirds have Buddy Roberts sitting out and the Violence Committee has Manny Fernandez sitting out. As for the match, it is pretty violent from the get go. The Freebirds try every trick in the book but for most of the match, Dr. Death and Gordy are just too powerful for the Freebirds. It looks like Williams has the match won after he nailed Garvin with an Oklahoma Stampede but Hayes rushed in to make the save. From here it all breaks down as Gordy hits the ring. As the ref tires to restore order, Buddy Roberts rushes to ringside but he is quickly tract down by the Ragin Bull, Manny Fernandez. These two just add to the chaos and unfortunately for Gordy and Dr. Death, they lost sight of where Precious was. She clocks Gordy with the loaded purse as he is battling Michael Hayes on the outside. Dr. Death comes over to the ropes and starts to warn her. Jim Ross hypes up the idea that when you wrestle the Freebirds, you better have eyes in the back of your head. On que, Williams turned back and was blinded by some white powder from Jimmy Garvin. Garvin quickly followed this up with a nasty DDT. The ref heard the loud bang as Williams’ head hit the mat and turned his attention back to the center of the ring just in time to make the 3 count. Ross is in shock at how devious the Freebirds and Precious are and Ernie Ladd reminds us again that they are the best in the business. MATCH TIME: 16:41 WINNER: The Freebirds __________________________________________________________________________ $50,000 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH WINNER GETS THE MONEY AND THE TITLE 1ST ROUND MATCH (#3 Seed) THE FABULOUS ONES) VS (#7 Seed) THE JAPANESE ASSASSINS (Kabuki & Kendo Nagasaki) with Gary Hart In this match, the Fab Ones outsmarted Hart’s team and pulled a victory out of defeat. While the ref was distracted, Kabuki sprayed the Asian Green mist into the eyes of Stan Lane and he went down blinded in agony. Kabuki tagged in Nagasaki who picked up Lane and connected with a Spinning Superkick to the temple and Lane was out on his feet. Nagasaki played to the crowd for a second and made a throat slashing sign while Kabuki and Gary Hart turned to each other and celebrated. The ref warned Hart not to get involved and Ernie Ladd thought this was unnecessary as Hart was simple on the floor fist pumping. Steve Keirn quickly hit the ring and dragged Lane out onto the floor and then rolled back in the ring and laid face down pretending to be Lane. Kabuki came to finish off who thought was Lane and Keirn quickly rolled him up for the surprise pin. Ross goes wild as the Fab Ones move into the semifinals as Ladd can’t believe how incompetent the referee was and that the Fab Ones should be disqualified. MATCH TIME: 7:41. WINNER: The Fab Ones __________________________________________________________________________ HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN VS THE RAT PACK (GAUNTLET MATCH) Jim Ross reviews the rules and lets the audience know that Duggan will first have to wrestle Maniac Matt Borne and if he wins he gets Dick Slater and if he wins again, he finally gets the leader of the Rat Pack, Ted Dibiase. Ross also informs that there will be two minutes between each match to allow the next opponent time to get to the ring. Ernie Ladd jumps in and basically guarantees Ted Dibiase will have the night off. With Matt Borne already in the ring, Duggan rushes to the ring carrying his trusty 2 X 4 and barely misses Borne’s head with a might swing. The ref secures the weapon and calls for the bell. This one is all Duggan. He has so much anger and adrenaline that whatever Borne did had no effect on Duggan. The end comes quickly as Duggan catches Borne with a Powerslam. MATCH TIME: 3:21. WINNER: Hacksaw Jim Duggan As Slater makes his way to the ring, Duggan is dancing around the ring like a boxer and it is obvious that Hacksaw is fixing on taking care of the entire Rat Pack. Slater stalls for the entire two minutes and doesn’t get into the ring until the ref calls for the bell. This match is a little more even and Slater is able to get in a few dirty tactics. At one point, Slater was on the floor and while Duggan was still in the ring. Slater was able to trip up Hacksaw and drag him into the corner where he rammed Duggan’s leg in the steel ring post. From here on out, Slater was going after that knee. Jim Ross hyped up the fact that both Slater and Dibiase use the Figure 4 as their finisher and Duggan might be in some real trouble. Slater whipped Duggan into the corner and rushed in. WHAM! Somehow Duggan mustered the energy to explode out of the corner on one leg and catch Slater in a nasty football tackle for the three count. Jim Ross is excited as he tells us 2 down and 1 to go. Ladd can’t believe Duggan’s luck. MATCH TIME: 9:41. WINNER: Hacksaw Duggan Ted Dibiase slowly makes his way to the ring as Marc Lowrance announces one minute to match time. With about 20 seconds to go, Dibiase has jumped up on the apron and is pointing at Duggan. Duggan starts to rush at him but Dibiase jumps down. WHAM….. Slater has recovered enough to connect with a belly to back suplex just before the bell sounds. Ref David Manning admonishes Slater but there is little he can do. The match between Dibiase and Duggan had not yet started so technically he did nothing wrong. Jim Ross is again disgusted by the Rat Pack as Ladd just says,”genius.” As the ref tosses Slater from the ring, the camera catches Dibiase adjusting that black glove that he wears. Dibiase simple picks Duggan up by the hair and WHAM! Dibiase clocks Duggan with the loaded glove and covers Hacksaw for the victory. MATCH TIME: 0:19. WINNER: Ted Dibiase __________________________________________________________________________ $50,000 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH WINNER GETS THE MONEY AND THE TITLE SEMIFINALS USWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH THE PERFECT ALLIANCE (Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton) with Baby Doll VS THE VONERICHS A classic from the get go. Back and forth action that has the fans on the edge of their seats. At one point, Bobby Eaton tossed Kevin VonErich out of the ring where the Amazon, Baby Doll decided to take the law into her own hands. As Eaton distracted the ref, Baby Doll laid into Kevin with big right hand after big right hand. Jim Ross is in shock at her power while Ladd simply states she is as big as almost any man in that ring and she might be just as dangerous. All of a sudden the crowd explodes as Madusa Miceli rushed to the ring and goes right at Baby Doll. She might not be quite the same size but she doesn’t back down an inch. One thing that is certain, is these are two tough ladies. As Kevin struggles to get into the ring, the camera stays focused on the women. The crowd moans as Madusa ducks under a right by Baby Doll and steps in a gives the Perfect 10 a snap suplex right on the arena floor. The fans go wild as Ross seems to cringe. Kevin is unable to get to his brother and make a tag and this gives Arn and Bobby time to really dish out some punishment. Finally he is able to dive out of trouble and reach the corner. Kerry attacks like a house afire and connects with a tornado punch on Bobby who is not the legal man in the ring. Bobby flips over the top rope which leaves Kerry 1-1 with Arn. Kerry connects with a tornado punch and goes right into the Iron Claw. Kerry is squeezing with all his might as the crowd goes wild. Two or three times, this claw almost led to a pin on Arn. The camera catches Eaton getting back up onto the apron and he goes right for the top rope. WHAM!!! ALABAMA JAM But Kerry saw it coming and rolled out of the way. Eaton nailed Arn. Kerry quickly tags in Kevin he also climbs to the top rope! WHAM!! VonErich Death leap and Kevin covers Arn. 1.. 2.. Kerry nails Bobby with another tornado punch to prevent him from making the save. 3. Jim Ross hypes up the fact that we have NEW USWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS but Ernie Ladd is certain that their title reign won’t even last the night. MATCH TIME: 18:27. WINNERS: THE VON ERICHS (NEW USWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS) __________________________________________________________________________ $50,000 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH WINNER GETS THE MONEY AND THE TITLE SEMIFINALS THE FABULOUS ONES VS THE FREEBIRDS This one looks bad for the Fab Ones from the beginning. Lane comes out with a bandage over his right eye and seems to be really having trouble seeing at all. The Freebirds take full advantage of this and have the Fab Ones on the ropes the entire match. Keirn gets worn out trying to do the majority of the work and eventually has to tag in Lane. Lane tries his best but just seems lost. After a whip into the corner by Hayes, Lane slumps over. Hayes struts over and grabs him by the hair. He gets Lane in a headlock and runs in the other direction for a huge Bulldog. Keirn tries to rush in but the ref pushes him back. Garvin runs into the ring and together Hayes and Garvin connect with a Spike DDT and that was all she wrote. Jim Ross really hypes up the finals and can’t believe that after all that has happened tonight, it will be The VonErichs and The Freebirds in Dallas for $50,000 and the World Title! Ladd can’t wait to see the Freebirds win the belts. MATCH TIME: 6:50. WINNERS: The Freebirds __________________________________________________________________________ USWA NORTH AMERICAN TITLE MATCH DICK MURDOCH VS JYD The crowd really pops as Another One Bites the Dust leads the Dog to the ring. He is pumped up and swinging his big dog chain and howling at the moon. Murdoch comes out is a simple warm up jacket and hands the belt to the ref. Ernie Ladd mentions that Murdoch looks like he mean business. The match is an all-out war and both men were busted open. Dog was cut after having his head rammed into the ring bell and Murdoch was gashed after a series of massive head-butts. Dog caught Murdoch in what appeared was going to be a Big Thump (powerslam) but he lost his balance and fell backwards and got caught up in the ropes. Murdoch took this opportunity to really lay it on the Dog. Finally, the ref helped free JYD but he was in trouble. The crowd began to stomp and cheer. Slowly the Dog made it up to his knees even though Murdoch was hitting him with haymaker after haymaker. The crowd continued to stomp and cheer and Dog is now up on one leg as Murdoch begins to have a frightened look on his face. Dog is now up and the crowd goes wild. He grabs Murdoch again by the side of the head and hits 3 more head-butts. He won’t let Murdoch fall even though his is out on his feet. The crowd begins to roar as Dibiase rushes to the ring. Jim Ross is screaming that business is about to pick up as Hacksaw Duggan is in hot pursuit of Dibiase. Duggan has a bandaged head but also has his trusty 2 X 4. WHAM! Duggan nails Dibiase as JYD whips Murdoch into the ropes. Slater and Borne hit the arena floor and Duggan takes out Borne just as JYD catches Murdoch with a Big Thump. JYD covers Murdoch for the pin as Ross is convinced we have a new champ. 1… 2… Slater hits the ring and leaps into the air for an elbow drop. 3. WHAM! Slater hits JYD and the ref calls for the bell. Ross thinks JYD is the new champ but Ladd thinks there might be a DQ which would save Murdoch’s belt. None the less, Duggan is in the ring swinging his mighty 2 X 4 and Slater has no choice but to clear out. The ref raises JYD’s hand and PRESENTS HIM WITH THE USWA NORTH AMERICAN TITLE! Ladd can’t belief that JYD is the champion again as Ross hypes up the fact the good has trumped evil. MATCH TIME: 21:25. WINNER: JUNK YARD DOG (NEW USWA NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION) __________________________________________________________________________ $50,000 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH WINNER GETS THE MONEY AND THE TITLE FINALS THE VONERICHS VS THE FREEBIRDS with Precious FREEBIRDS VS VONERICHS! Nothing more needs to be said. The Freebirds enter first and strut their way to the ring. Precious is making the sign of the championship belt and then kisses Garvin. As the Von Erichs start to come to the ring, we notice that Madusa is leading them down the aisle. Jim Ross is excited that finally there will be someone to watch that jezebel, Precious, as Ladd explodes that she has no right to be out here. He continues that she is not a licensed manager and….. As Ladd is talking, Madusa sprints into the ring and goes right after Precious who decides discretion is the better part of valor and high tails it back to the locker room with Madusa in hot pursuit. Jim Ross: Well there you go Ladd, Madusa is not at ringside. Ha! As for the match, this Dallas crowd could not have asked for more. It is a great back and forth for about 15 minutes and then all of a sudden Buddy Roberts appears. He tries to make his presence known but it is short lived as the crowd explodes that Fritz VonErich has now made his way to the ring and gets right in the face of Roberts. Buddy just laughs as if to say “what are you going to do old man.” Well the old man clocks him with a huge right hand and Roberts goes down to the delight of the crowd. Inside the ring, Kevin backs Hayes into the corner where he tags in Kerry. They whip Hayes into the ropes and connect with a double dropkick. As Michael Hayes slowly gets to his feet, Kevin tags back in Kerry. Kevin comes off the ropes for a flying cross bodyblock but Hayes ducks under it and Kevin nails Kerry. Instead of falling to the ground, the powerful Kerry catches Kevin and drops him right across the neck of Hayes. Garvin rushes in only to be meet with a Tornado Punch! Garvin now tumbles through the middle ropes and is laying right next to Buddy. Kerry picks up Hayes a nails him with Tornado Punch and makes one last tag to Kevin. Kevin again climbs the ropes and leaps! WHAM!! Von Erich Death Leap right on top of Hayes. The crowd counts along with ref Pee Wee Anderson. 1… 2… 3. Jim Ross and the fans are really excited as he can’t believe the VonErichs won this tournament in front of their home town crowd. Fritz hits the ring to celebrate with his sons as Mike VonErich rushes to the ring to join in the celebration. Ross reminds us that this is the first time we have seen Mike in over a month since his was attacked by Lance Von Erich. Ernie Ladd tells Ross to please call him by his name… Mr. Texas. Jim Ross: Whatever! We have now entered a new age a tag team wrestling here in the USWA… The VonErich Championship Reign has begun! MATCH TIME: 25:27. WINNERS: THE VON ERICHS __________________________________________________________________________ USWA WORLD TITLE MATCH “THE AMERICAN DREAM” DUSTY RHODES VS HACKSAW BUTCH REED with SKANDAR AKBAR The main event is just brutal. Rhodes seems overwhelmed by Reed’s power but never backs down. After about 25 minutes, Reed catches Rhodes in a bearhug and squeeze with everything he can. Rhodes never looks to submit but you can tell he is getting week. It looks like he keeps thinking about hitting Reed with one of those Bionic Elbows to the head but each time he lifts the elbow Reed squeezes harder and Rhodes can’t complete the move. Somehow Rhodes is able to hip toss Reed by grabbing him around the waist. This forced the hold to be broken but it was only momentarily as Reed snaps it back on. After another two minutes or so, Reed and Rhodes back into the corner. Still locked in the bearhug, Rhodes climbs to the second rope and looks for the Bionic Elbow again but Reed lifts him into the air and pulls him back to the center of the ring with the bearhug still locked in. Finally Rhodes is able to hit a Bionic Elbow and then another and then another. The hold is broken and Reed stumbles backwards right into ref Scrappy McGowan. McGowan tumbles through the ropes. Rhodes is still in bad shape and Reed recovers first. Reed starts to throw huge haymakers across the already weakened back of Dusty. After 4 smashes, Reed pushes Rhodes face first into the ropes. Dusty back peddles towards Reed who gives him a huge forearm to the back. Rhodes goes down to one knee. As Reed steps in, Rhodes catches him with a back flip and Reed goes straight to the arena floor. Reed is now on the arena floor next to McGowan. He struggles to get back into the ring and Rhodes has recovered. Rhodes grabs Reed and suplexes him back into the ring. Rhodes covers Reed for at least of 5 count but there is no ref to make the pin. Rhodes picks Reed up by the hair and whips him into the ropes. Reed somehow manages a cross body block but his momentum carries Rhodes right on top. Rhodes again has the pin attempt and this time McGowan is standing on the arena floor. From outside the ring, the ref counts 1… 2… Reed powers out. Rhodes sets up Reed for a Piledriver and connects. Another pin attempt. 1… 2… 3. MATCH TIME: 32:27. WINNERS: Dusty Rhodes Jim Ross hypes up that Dusty is still the USWA World Heavyweight Champion. "So long from Dallas, Texas." A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL OF THOSE WHO HELPED PICK THE WINNER OF THE TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted October 28, 2016 Report Share Posted October 28, 2016 To think that my #1 pick was eliminated in the first round. That's how loaded that tournament was. Congrats to the Von Erichs! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
agentofenton Posted October 31, 2016 Report Share Posted October 31, 2016 Fun tournament. Stacked lineup, each of the main matches could have been main events ANYWHERE. Love tag team wrestling, and this seemed like a lot of fun. The major titles matches in between the tournament rolled real nicely through as well. Super fun show. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted November 3, 2016 Author Report Share Posted November 3, 2016 11/2/1984: WTBS 9:05-10:05 NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from New Orleans, Louisiana and the Lake Front Arena. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts by really hyping up Halloween Howl, the recent card in Reunion Arena. We see one of those cool videos set to the music of the day. The video is a 5 minute video montage of all the highlights including The VonErichs winning the World Tag Team Title, JYD regaining the North American Title from Dick Murdoch and Dusty Rhodes outlasting Hacksaw Butch Reed. When the tape ends we see Dusty Rhodes at the interview desk as the fans really explode. Rhodes hypes up Halloween Howl and then he begins talking about what a great time in wrestling it is and how it is great to see groups like the Rat Pack, the Freebirds, and Devastation Inc. without any of the prestigious belts in the USWA. All of a sudden there is a murmur from the crowd….. Jim Ross: oh my, what is this? TERRY FUNK IS WALKING TO THE INTERVIEW desk. Terry Funk: It doesn’t matter to me if I have to wrestle each and every member of the USWA. I am here for one reason and one reason only. To take that belt away from this fat slob next to me and give the USWA a champion they can be proud of Dusty Rhodes: Funk, I knew I smelled something dirty in the studio tonight. I have wrestled you all over this great country and there is no way, I would allow someone like you to be the Champion of this great company. Terry Funk: Let me be the champion? I did not say you were going to let me. You just can’t stop me! You say we wrestled all over this country. That is true but you left out the fact that I beat you all over this country. If you forgot what I am capable of in the ring, why don’t you stay out here and watch my match. It will only be a minute. MATCH: TERRY FUNK VS SCOTT McGHEE Funk goes to the ring with his cowboy hat and bull rope and doesn’t even wait for the bell before he attacks. In less than two minutes, Funk just beats McGhee senseless and gets the pin. That does little to stop Funk who now takes the Bull Rope and begins to tie McGhee to the ring post and then he continues the beating. McGhee is in a real bad way. Dusty Rhodes: I can’t take this anymore. If it’s the Dream he wants, it is the Dream he will get. Rhodes rushes to the ring as Ross lets the fans know that “Business is about to pick up.” Funks turns away from McGhee and meets Rhodes is the center of the ring. The two really go at it before the locker room empties and tries to separate these two stars. As we go to commercial break, Ross guarantees that we have not seen the last of these two. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- As we come out of break, we see Cowboy Bill Watts at the interview desk. Watts informs us that the next USWA wrestling spectacular will be held Thanksgiving week in New Orleans at the world famous Silverdome! Ross and Ladd are in the middle of hyping up this monster event when all of a sudden Baby Doll and the former World Tag Team champions, Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton come out to the desk. Baby Doll is furious and doesn’t mix words. She believes that Madusa Miceli cost her men the World Tag Team belts and that she isn’t going to stand for it. She wants two things. First, because of the interference of Madusa, her men deserve a title rematch tonight! Second, she asks the camera to close in on her and you can tell she means business. Baby Doll demands that Madusa get in the ring with here where she will rid the USWA of the trash that she is. Jim Ross lets us know that Madusa is not due in the arena until tomorrow so we cannot get her answer and also that the rematch between her team and the new World tag team champions, The VonErichs has already been signed for this week in Baton Rouge. The Perfect alliance seems satisfied with the answers and leave the set as Ross takes us to the ring. MATCH: THE FAB ONES VS THE RED SCARE (CUBAN ASSASSIN & IGOR VOLKOLFF) What a match of opposites. Never mind the speed of the Fab Ones vs the power of team evil, the reaction of the crowd towards these two teams is polarizing. The crowd loved the Fab Ones but they despise the Red Scare and the Commie flags they carry to the ring. As for the match, the Red Scare take the early advantage as they attack before the bell but once the Fab Ones regain control, it is all she wrote. They overcome their opponent’s power by finishing it off when Keirn caught Volkolff with a Russian Leg Sweep. Ross hypes of the tag division and reminds Ernie Ladd that the Fab Ones can’t be forgotten and that they are definitely a top contender for the World Championship. Ladd simply states that he believes that they are way overrated. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- When the break is over we see Mike VonErich at the interview desk. Jim Ross reminds us that this is the first time that Mike has been in the TV studio in quite some time due to the vicious attack by Mr. Texas who turned out to be none other than his cousin, Lance Von rich. Mike VonErich: That whole situation has made me sick. I mean family attacking family is wrong. I hope to put that all behind me and move on. I am really excited to be back in the ring tonight and hope to come out with a win. I promise to deal with Lance real soon. Ernie Ladd: You mean Mr. Texas. Jim Ross: Give us a break Ladd. Well good luck in your match which is coming up right now. MATCH: MIKE VONERICH VS JOHNNY MANTELL Mike seems to be picking up right where he left off and is on fire. The end comes after only a few minutes and it is by submission as Mike catches Mantell with the Iron Claw. Just as ref Pee Wee Anderson raises Mike’s hand the crowd gasps as Lance VonErich rushes to the ring and comes up from behind and smashes Mike with a steel chai right to the head. Lance simply drops the chair on Mike and walks out of the ring full of smiles as Jim Ross is outraged while Ernie Ladd says, “I told him before to call him Mr. Texas.” As we go to break we see the VonErich brothers out to help their younger brother back to the locker room. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- As we come out of break we see a video of the devious attack by Dirty Dick Slater on Hacksaw Duggan during the Gauntlet Match at Halloween Howl. Slater whipped Duggan into the corner and rushed in. WHAM! Somehow Duggan mustered the energy to explode out of the corner on one leg and catch Slater in a nasty football tackle for the three count. Ted Dibiase slowly makes his way to the ring as Marc Lowrance announces one minute to match time. With about 20 seconds to go, Dibiase has jumped up on the apron and is pointing at Duggan. Duggan starts to rush at him but Dibiase jumps down. WHAM….. Slater has recovered enough to connect with a belly to back suplex just before the bell sounds. Ref David Manning admonishes Slater but there is little he can do. The match between Dibiase and Duggan had not yet started so technically he did nothing wrong Jim Ross explains that it was this attack that has led to our great Main event tonight. MATCH: MAIN EVENT HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN VS DICK SLATER This was a brawl from the opening bell. Slater tries every trick he knows but Duggan seems hell bent on revenge and stays one step ahead of Slater the entire time. The action spills out on to the floor with TV time running out. All of a sudden, Captain Redneck, Dick Murdoch rushes out and the 2-1 beat down begins. Once again Jim Ross expresses his anger while Ladd says that Duggan is getting what he deserves. Jim Ross seems feed up with Ladd and hopes that the rest of the Rat Pack is not going to be next. The crowd explodes as it is not Dibiase who rushes out next. It is none other than Wildfire Tommy Rich. Rich still in jeans and a t shirt is throwing wild haymakers and has the Rat Pack on the run. Matt Borne hits the arena floor but this is Rich at his best. He quickly catches Borne with a few big blows. Duggan is up and quickly retrieves his trusty 2 X 4. The Rat Pack gather their wits and decide to head for the hills. Duggan and Rich embrace as the crowd goes wild. Ladd is furious that Rich has stuck his nose in where it doesn’t belong but Ross is excited that the Rat Pack seems to have gotten what they deserve. He is just disappointed that Dibiase did come out and get hit by that piece of lumber. At least for tonight, anyway. Jim Ross: So long from New Orleans, Louisiana.” As the screen fades to black with see promotions for the major event this week in the Cajundome in Baton Rouge. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevinmcfl Posted November 6, 2016 Author Report Share Posted November 6, 2016 11/3/1984: WTBS 9:05-10:05 NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA “Hello again everybody. Welcome to USWA WRESTLING from New Orleans, Louisiana and the Lake Front Arena. I am Jim Ross and my partner today is the Big Cat, Ernie Ladd.” The show starts by really hyping up Halloween Howl, the recent card in Reunion Arena. We see a replay from yesterday’s show of one of those cool videos set to the music of the day. The video is a 5 minute video montage of all the highlights including The Von Erichs winning the World Tag Team Title, JYD regaining the North American Title from Dick Murdoch and Dusty Rhodes outlasting Hacksaw Butch Reed. Jim Ross takes us right to the ring for Ted Dibiase. Ernie Ladd hypes up Dibiase’s win over Hacksaw Duggan at Halloween Howl while Ross reminds him that he had help from “Dirty” Dick Slater and his loaded black glove. MATCH TED DIBIASE VS JOSE LOTHARIO Even though Lothario is pretty good, this was all Dibiase with the end coming by submission with the Figure Four. Dibiase heads over to the interview desk where it is obvious that he has turned his attention to the North American Title and the Junk Yard Dog. Ted Dibiase: It has only been a few weeks since I returned to the USWA but it is obvious nothing has changed. The ref’s continue to cheat the Rat Pack. That is obvious as that no talent JYD was able to recapture the North American Title from Dick Murdoch. This would be impossible without some help from the USWA officials and the referees. This has only made me want to beat JYD even more and if you remember, that is a really easy task for me. Twice in the last year and a half, I have beaten him in loser leave town matches but he somehow keeps coming back. Last year, I beat his yellow bellied thick skull and the next thing we know, this fool name Stagger Lee appears. I mean everybody knew it was that cheating dog but the Board of Directors did nothing about it. The stupid fans loved Stagger Lee and that is because these rednecks have no morals. They are ignorant. Then a few months ago, I beat him in another loser leave town match and here he is again. HOW? Jim Ross: What do you mean how? You asked for him to be reinstated so you could take on Gino Hernandez? Ted Dibiase: Nobody asked for your warped input Ross. Anyway, this time two things are going to happen. I am going to win the USWA North American Title and the second thing is, JYD will be gone from the USWA forever! ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- The segment starts with the Freebirds at the interview desk and they once again continue to say they are the rightful owners of the USWA World Six Man Title belts and that here is no way the Violence Committee could stop them. Jimmy Garvin and Precious take their turn on the mic and explain that if Madusa ever goes after Precious again, she will be in a world of trouble. Precious says she has more talent in her little pinky than Madusa has in her entire body and that Madusa is lucky she is not here tonight or she would prove it to her. All of a sudden Cowboy Bill Watts comes out. He says that he is sick and tired of the Freebirds saying that the USWA is a corrupt organization but tonight he hears them loud and clear. Michael Hayes: Finally, someone else sees we are the best 6 man team around and we are going to get our title shot. Cowboy Watts: Not quite Hayes. I heard Garvin and Precious. So tonight in our Main Event it will be Jimmy Garvin and Precious vs Dr. Death Steve Williams and Madusa Miceli. Precious and Garvin nearly jump out of their skin and start to really argue but Watts will hear nothing of it. Ross really seems to love this latest twist as Ladd says that he is sick and tired of Watts trying to bully the Freebirds. MATCH HACKSAW BUTCH REED with Skandar Akbar VS PVT. KERNODLE & CPL. KIRCHNER Complete destruction by Reed as he seems to be back on a roll of late after almost capturing the World Title at Halloween Howl. Here, he makes quick work of the Ft. Bragg Brotherhood as he follows up a Gorilla Press Slam with a Football Tackle for the pin on Cpl. Kirchner. Both Ross and Ladd hype up the fact that the Brotherhood are a really good tag team and Reed beat them easily by himself. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- The segment begins with Reed and Akbar at the interview desk where Ross congratulates Reed on tonight’s win. Reed seems confused. Hacksaw Reed: Congratulations? That was a waste of my time. If the USWA doesn’t start to challenge me with some competition, I am just going to start hurting people. I heard Ted Dibiase out here earlier saying he deserves with JYD. Who does this Johnny Come Lately think he is? Dibiase just arrived in the USWA and now he wants a title shot. Get in line! Whether it is Dusty Rhodes or JYD, all TITLE SHOTS RUN THROUGH ME. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am the man around here. All of a sudden Dibiase comes out and gets in the face of Reed and starts to say if he were the man around here, he would already have one of those belts. He wonders why the USWA would give him anymore title shots as he has had so many and failed. The duo are really having a heated discussion and Ladd just keeps agreeing with whatever person spoke last. Finally, they agree to go their own way. MATCH USWA WORLD TV TITLE ICEMAN KING PARSONS VS HACKSAW HIGGANS In a nice match that got the crowd really dancing in their seats, Iceman gets the victory over the powerful Higgans with the Butt Bump. When the match is over, Rat Pack member, Maniac Matt Borne comes out and wonders when Iceman is going to put the title on the line against some real competition. Iceman tells him to get out of his face but Borne continues. Iceman turns to walk away when out of nowhere he is blindsided by the largest man ever seen in the USWA. Borne just starts laughing and laughing. Matt Borne: The USWA will pay the Rat Pack the respect they deserve or suffer the consequences. Iceman turned his back on me and our brand new enforcer taught him what his mamma should have taught him a long time ago. Respect your Superiors. Oh, and by the way, the name of our newest enforcer is Loch Ness and I don’t think anyone else should cross the Rat Pack or else they will meet the same fate. ------------------COMMERCIAL BREAK/PROMOS----------------- MAIN EVENT: STEVE “DR. DEATH” & MADUSA VS JIMMY “JAM” GARVIN & PRECIOUS The crowd is really excited for this one as they fully expect the Freebirds to get what is coming to them. As the bell sounds, all 4 competitors are still in the ring. Garvin and Precious begin to argue with each other as neither one seems very interested in starting the match. Finally, Precious just runs from the ring and by the rules of this inter-gender match, Garvin will face Dr. Death. Dr. Death is all over Garvin and just begins to pummel him. The crowd loves it but they really want to see Madusa get at Precious so they start to chant for Williams to tag in his partner which he does. As Madusa enters the ring, Precious looks like she has seen a ghost. She begins to tremble as she enters the ring. Madusa begins to come at her but Precious quickly runs from the ring. With Madusa in hot pursuit, Precious runs around her own corner. WHAM! With a perfectly timed flying elbow, Garvin has caught Madusa who is now down on the cement floor. Dr. Death rushes over after Garvin as Precious retrieves her loaded purse. WHAM! Again, Madusa takes a huge shot and seems to be in real trouble. Garvin is in a full out sprint towards the locker room with Williams closing quickly. The ref begins to count and somehow Madusa sneaks in at the count of 9. Madusa shakes off the cob webs as Precious is trying one more blow but it looks like she has never been in a fight before. This awkward “girly” punch does nothing to Madusa who know has a smile on her face. She catches Precious in a front headlock and changes it quickly into a nasty sling shot suplex and it is all she wrote. Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts rush to the ring but they are met by Terry Gordy and Manny Fernandez. These 4 begin to brawl all over the arena floor as Jim Ross really hypes up he feud between these two groups and says he can’t wait for their battle for the 6 Man Championship belts. Ladd seems disgusted by the actions of Madusa as he says she had no right to go after Precious as she is a valet and not a wrestler. Jim Ross: So long from New Orleans.” As the screen fades to black with see promotions for the major event this week in the Cajundome in Baton Rouge. Matches Include: USWA WORLD HEAVYEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs Terry Funk USWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH The VonErichs vs Bobby Eaton & Arn Anderson Tommy Rich & Hacksaw Duggan vs Dirty Dick Slater & Dick Murdoch Special Women’s Battle Baby Doll vs Madusa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirEdger Posted November 6, 2016 Report Share Posted November 6, 2016 Looking forward to that Cajundome card! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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