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[2000-01-28-Onita Pro] Atsushi Onita & Shigeo Okumura & Mitsunobu Kikuzawa vs Kendo Nagasaki & Shoji Nakamaki & Ichiro Yaguchi (Barbed Wire)


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There is something homely about being back at Onita Pro as weird as that feels typing it out. Big brawl to start to the shock of no one and Onita is piledriving people through tables. It was around this point that I realized I wasn't really familiar with Kikuzawa. Let me look him up on cagematch. HOLY SHIT that is Ebessen???? This the prototype garbage style match but had some sick looking spots, blood and the action was constant. I fully admit that is my ultimate wrestling guilty pleasure but this was a fun change of pace from the weapon dependency that the ECW brawls typically have, Mexican Death Match excluded. Onita gets the win (big shock) by powerbombing Nagasaki. I don't need a show of this stuff but it fits in a format like this where we can drop in and see what was going on. ***

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This is the most subdued match I've seen from Onita Pro, which is not usually something I'd say about a match with guys shredding each other with barbed wire, hitting each other with boards and throwing fireballs. Rather than being fucking nuts, it's simply nuts. Onita still has unrivaled charisma and quite possibly the best babyface psychology in wrestling. Say what you want about the style of wrestling in which he made his name, but few guys are better at knowing when to take a beating and when to fight back, and how to get the most out of the least. I enjoyed this quite a bit, which doesn't surprise me one bit, and I love that this seemed like a regular day at the office for Onita Pro. This casual barbarism. ***1/2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty fascinating to think that Onita was forced to innovate the Death Match style because of a knee injury... then subsequently my man Kikutaro was forced to innovate the Comedy Puro style because the alternative was being a lower-rung death match worker. I never knew that Shodai Ebessan once held the Barbed Wire Street Fight Six Man Tag Title. My mind is blown.


By the way, I think that Ichiro Yaguchi was the third guy on Nakamaki and Nagasaki's team.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There is just something about Onita deathmatches that I love even to this day. From the entrance to him just wrecking dudes. Kikutaro doing the sabu tribute spot of wrapping barbed wire to his body to hit Nagasaki was nuts. Stunned to see him in a deathmatch. Almost as much as seeing current day CMLL mid carder Shigeo Okumura doing deathmatches. That was a fake Kendo Nagasaki right?

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  • 8 months later...

This is you typical Onita Pro main event:


Onita? Check!


Yaguchi? Check!


No rope barb wire ring? Check!


Crazy crowd brawling? Check!


Table piledriver? Check!


Blood? Check!


DDT's? Check!


Piledrivers? Check!


Reckless powerbombs? Check!


I personally enjoy this type of stuff, so it was entertaining to me personally.



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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-28-Onita Pro] Atsushi Onita & Shigeo Okumura & Mitsunobu Kikuzawa vs Kendo Nagasaki & Shoji Nakamaki & Ichiro Yaguchi (Barbed Wire)

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