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It says a lot when even Cornette doesn't question Busick. 

I was actually thinking the same thing about Lee. It's like ridding the Undertaker took everything out of him. Good to see he's trying to get his groove back. 

Very eerie promo from Sinister. 

Hart and Austin are tearing up PCW. Maybe a cage match is the only solution. 

Brigade win a battle but it was a fight. 

Seems like the Dreamboats are one step ahead of the Midnights. Can they pull off the upset of the year? 

Cow Palace,

Chono and Blackman are rivaling Hart and Austin in the hot feud category. 

Poor Dustin is taking some beatings from Williams. 

Pillman is victorious this round, but I'm sure Scotty wants to go another round. 

Steamboat returns and sends a strong message that he isn't a false dragon. 

Can Ams hang on to retain. 

Speaking of hanging on, Rose barely squeaks by again. It doesn't help that Hall is causing hell for the Playboy Club. 


Oh yea, Iron and Steel are officially back in the tag team scene. WATCH OUT! 

Lynn gets in a rare defeat on Condrey. I'm really interested in where Busick is heading. 

We get a taste in the long awaited Hall/Awesome showdown. To be continued. 

Starr takes a pounding from Bigelow. 

It's good to have friends in PCW. Just ask Douglas. 

As always, the LHW's continue to keep the division hot and close the night on an exciting note. 

Phoenix Firestorm is always one of the best cards of the year. Steamboat vs. Jackel is going to be NUTS! 




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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Olympic Auditorium , Los Angeles , on ESPN / TSN, 23rd


Ted Dibiase vs. Mikey Bortone


Ever since the Terror Collective made their first impact in PCW, the self proclaimed Man Of Means has stood tall in taking and doing whatever he wants. He taunted and humiliated the rookie Mikey Bortone, slapping him in the face to start the match and slugging him to the mat with a right cross when Bortone fired back. He easily dominated Bortone the whole match, easily forcing him to tap out to the Cobra Clutch. Dibiase is certainly reaching new heights of arrogance, but given the position he is in, one can hardly blame him for being confident.


Phoenix Rising (Kensuke Sasaki & Toshiaki Kawada) vs. The Fighting Irish (Fit Finlay & Erin O'Grady)


The Japanese team of Phoenix Rising are certainly rising in the rankings, gunning for a shot at the Can-Am Express and their Pacific Tag Team Titles. They certainly proved their worth against the always pugnacious Fighting Irish. Despite a fierce battle from the Celtic duo, Kawada was able to score the win over O'Grady when he knocked him to the mat with a Gamengiri (jumping high kick to the head). If that doesn't secure them a title shot, then there is something wrong with the world.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring


Don Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests have been on a major high for much of this year, but seem to be experiencing a major comedown  … Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express!


The fans boo as Cornette leads Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane, Dennis Condrey and Big Bully Busick to the ring. Busick has his usual implacable scowl on his face. Cornette, usually high strung, seems to be one step short of full on gibbering apoplexy.


Coss : Well , Jim Cornette, what particular bee has gotten in your bonnet this time?


Cornette : Well let me tell you , Don Coss! It's a nasty little painted up bee by the name of Trisa Hayes! That brazen strumpet! That French whorn! (Eaton gives a puzzled look to Stan Lane, Lane simply shrugs in response) She's just the sort of woman my sainted mother told me to stay away from! It turns out her middle name is Virginia. They call her Virgin for short … but not for long! She's been on more street corners than the LA Times! I have to put up with her sticking her nose in my business while my men are trouncing those two punks, Shane and Dreamer! Well , it will take more than some shameless hussy shaking what's she's got to get the better of my Midnight Express! We are the Golden State Tag Team Champs, and there is nothing she can do about it.


Bret Hart, Bam Bam Bigelow & Brian Pillman vs. Chris Adams & The Destruction Crew


While Steve Austin was not involved in this match, Bret Hart's hatred of the Diamond Exchange was still very much to the fore. He had two good friends by his side. Bam Bam Bigelow certainly had his own axe to grind with DDP's men, and he did not hold back in this match. But, a bit more surprisingly, Brian Pillman seemed to draw the ire of the Exchange. Chris Adams in particular took umbrage with Flyin' Brian and his ability to keep just out of reach of his offense. It culminated in Adams attempting to Superkick Pillman in the corner, only for Pillman to dodge out of the way at the last second. As a result, Adams got caught up in the corner, and Pillman swiftly capitalized with a single arm rollup for the three count. Adams and the Crew tried to jump Pillman after the match, but Hart and Bigelow were quick to back him up, and the Exchange made a strategic retreat. A big win for Pillman, but he may well have made a new enemy.


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. Iron & Steel (Tony Atlas & Larry Cameron)


The duo of Atlas and Cameron seem to be picking up right where they left off when they left PCW a few years ago. Iron & Steel have taken no prisoners in the past few weeks, running roughshod over the competition. Their opposition this evening was the promising young team of the Suicide Blondes. Having already challenged for the Pacific Tag Team Titles, they were not going to be just pushed aside by the bigger team, and even started to match them in dirty tactics. They did the best they could, but still ended up with Candido going down to Harlem Hammer (running double axe handle to the back of the head) from Cameron. Iron & Steel are finding that the competition in the tag team division has gotten even stiffer in their absence, but are rising to meet the new challenge.


Shinya Hashimoto vs. Scotty The Body


Shinya Hashimoto is on the verge of the biggest match of his PCW career, challenging Buddy Rose for the Pacific Television Title. To try to soften Hashimoto up, Rose sent out his top lieutenant , Scotty The Body, to do as much damage as he could. Scotty certainly did his best for his boss, pulling out every dirty tactic he could to wear down the Japanese star. But Hashimoto was made of tough stuff, coming back with jarring kicks and suplexes. Scotty attempted to take him out with the Body Shot (DDT), but Hashimoto countered with a Northern Lights Suplex for the three count. Hashimoto had cleared his last obstacle. Next stop : Phoenix Firestorm and the Playboy.

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Another fun and Action packed show from the Pacific Coast.

The slow build of the arrogant Ted Dibiase starts us off as he wastes no time in his Match.

The tag division is on fire as we get a couple of strong contenders starting to rise.

Classic Cornette here as he gets his point across and furthers the feud.

Strong 6 man as Bret Hart continues his war against the Diamond Exchange, with help from Bigelow and Pillman.

Main Event time and we see Hashimoto defeat the last hurdle on his road to the TV Title and Buddy Rose.

Love how everything has a reason and place to on the show. There's no wasted time to me that's the sign a of strong booker who knows what he wants from his roster. Great work.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the LA Sports Arena, Los Angeles, on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, 24th


Dustin Rhodes & Brian Lee vs. Terry Gordy & David Young


With their regular partners, Steve Williams and Gary Albright, competing in Japan for the UWF this weekend, Gordy and Young teamed together to take on the Brigade. Despite their relative unfamiliarity, Gordy and Young were fully in synch in this match, not giving the Brigade's duo any time to think or breathe. Lee seemed to be getting frustrated with Rhodes, as the young Texan took a battering at the hands of the Terror Collective and being held back from making the tag. Gordy eventually whipped Rhodes into Young's feared Spinebuster Slam and that was that. Lee was shaking his head as he helped Rhodes to his feet and back to the locker room.


Scott Hall vs. Tracy Smothers


Scott Hall may be focused on getting revenge on Mike Awesome, but he certainly had his hands full tonight with Smothers. While he has been mostly focused on tag team action, Smothers is a former California champion, and took Hall to his limits. Hall was able to get the pinfall by catching him coming off the rope with a side suplex, but you could tell he had been in a fight.


Cactus Jack vs. Mike Awesome


For some reason, Awesome seemed not so much looking to beat Cactus but hurt him. There was an extra edge to his moves and Cactus needed to fight back hard to stay in the game. In desperation to hold off Awesome, Cactus went for a lunging clothesline that Awesome ducked and Cactus went flying over the top rope, crashing hard onto the floor. Then, in a disgusting move, Awesome went outside and pulled up the floor mat, setting up Cactus for an Awesome Bomb on the concrete. Possible catastrophe was averted when Scott Hall rushed out to save Cactus by slugging Awesome. This gave Awesome the win by DQ but possibly saved Cactus' life. Why on earth would Awesome try to do this to Cactus?


Barry Windham vs. Mark Starr


Poor Mark Starr caught Barry Windham on a bad day. The Widowmaker has had a rough go of it in his dealings with the Terror Collection and wound up taking out his frustrations on Starr, battering him until he executed the Superplex to put him out of his misery. Windham isn't going to be satisfied until he gets to unleash his fury on Ted Dibiase and the Terror Collective.


California Title Match : Steve Austin © vs. Al Snow


Although Bret Hart didn't make an appearance in this match, you could tell he was very much present in Austin's mind. Stunning Steve kept glancing towards the runway entrance, which gave way too many opportunities to Snow. The Citadel member was far too dangerous an opponent to look past, and gave quite the challenge until Austin was able to take him down with the Stun Gun. Eyes on the prize, Stunning Steve.


Ricky Steamboat & Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Jackal & The Juice Crew (Beetlejuice & Big Juice)


A week from facing the Jackal at Vegas Vengeance, Steamboat brings in Wings Of Fire to face the masked man and his Wild Thing-, err, Sinister Ministry congregation. The Dragon had clearly been awakened, and there was a clear edge to his offense. The bandage on his chest from the Sinister Minister's fireball was a regular target for the Ministry, but the champ didn't let that hold him back, and he scored the victory with a running crossbody. The Ministry might be coming to regret having burned the Dragon.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling Show from the UCSB Event Center, Santa Barbara, 25th


Steve Blackman vs. Masahiro Chono


Dan Severn and Genichiro Tenryu were both in the respective corners of their men and did their best to keep them focused. It didn't seem to do much good , as the two kept breaking down during the match and resorting to wild fists and kicks. Blackman was able to get the win this time with a running knee strike to the side of the head, but once again, Severn and Tenryu had to separate the pair after the match.


Maxx Payne vs. Fit Finlay


Although Payne had a noticeable size advantage over Finlay, the Belfast Bruiser was able to slowly wear the big man down and eventually take him down to the mat with a dropkick to the knee. He then tied him in the Celtic Knot to force the tap out.


Billy Gunn vs. Steve Armstrong


Billy Gunn was able to hold out against an intense challenge from the second generation wrestler and defeat him with the Sidewinder (spinning side suplex).


Dan Severn vs. Genichiro Tenryu


For this match, Severn and Tenryu brought out Steve Blackman and Masahiro Chono, giving them strict orders to stay in the corners, ignore the other and pay attention to the match. They were able to keep in their spots, although frequently giving each other the evil eye. Severn and Tenryu had a technical classic, dueling in the proverbial game of human chess until the clock ran out in a 20 minute time limit draw. Blackman and Chono were still death glaring at each other as their mentors led them from the ring.


Shane Douglas, Jerry Lynn & The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. Dennis Condrey, Big Bully Busick & The Midnight Express


Trisa Hayes did her noble best to shut out the jibes of Jim Cornette, but you could tell it took her considerable effort to maintain her poise. She certainly gave her full support to her men, and while much of the drama centred around exchanges between former friends Shane Douglas and Big Bully Busick, it was the Dreamboats who pulled off the upset, with Dreamer pinning Lane following a Tomikaze. This has got to cinch in for the Dreamboats a title shot against the Express for the Golden State Tag Team Titles.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Chris Candido


Candido seems to be falling back into some old bad habits, taking a few shortcuts in this challenge. That said, the former Light Heavyweight champ still kept Malenko on his toes throughout the match, until the current champion was able to pull out the Brainbuster to successfully defend his title.


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Pacific Super Cards for the 24th kicks off as the Terror Collective get a win over Rhodes and Lee but going on Brian Lee’s post match reaction I’ve feeling there could be more to this than just a simple loss to Gordy and Young.

Next up is a strong back and forth match as Scott Hall gets the win over Tracy Smothers as he looks to get his hands on Mike Awesome. Speaking of Awesome he’s up next against Cactus Jack but seems more intent on putting Cactus on the shelf as opposed to just getting the win and thankfully Hall comes back out to make the save.

Barry Windham wastes no time in beating Mark Starr proving to everyone that he’s ready to end the Collective’s regin of terror.

California Champion Steve Austin’s paranoia nearly gets the better of him as he defends against Al Snow but Austin proves why he’s champion by hitting the Stun Gun to retain the title.

Main event time and this could have huge implications on Vegas Vengeance as The Dragon calls on the wings of fire to help him neutralize the threat in the names of The Jackal and the Juice Crew. Thankfully Team Dragon get the win.

All in all another strong showing as plenty is furthered in preparation for the weeks to come. I love how theres no wasted time on your shows because everything has a place and purpose.


Time for the Pacific Coast Wrestling Show from the 25th.

A hard hitting match between Steve Blackman and Masahiro Chono gets us under way with the heat between these two been at a boiling point so much that not even their respective corner men can’t keep them controlled which leads in to the match later in the night between Dan Severn and Genichiro Tenryu which is a 20 minute time limit draw in which Blackman and Chono are in the respective corners just glaring at each throughout.

Maxx Payne falls victim to the Celtic Knot the shorter Fit Finlay in a hard hitting contest.

Steve Armstrong puts up an intense fight against Billy Gunn but gets defeated by the Sidewinder.

Trisa Hayes leads out Shane Douglas, Jerry Lynn & The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) against Jim Cornette’s Dennis Condrey, Big Bully Busick & The Midnight Express for a huge 8 Man Tag Match that ends as Dreamer gets the pin on Lane with the Tomikaze which surly puts him and Glamour Boy Shane a tag title shot in the near future.

Light Heavyweight title match is on the line in our main event as we see former champ Chris Candido try and regain the title but ultimately fails as Malenko gets the win with Brainbuster.

Another strong showing here with yet more talent and storylines on show here as you have been able to showcase your roster in good strong shows that do exactly what they need to do.

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Dibiase shows why he's the leader of the TC.

Phoenix Rising are taking off.

Okay that "French whorn" line cracked me up be holy shit that promo would not age well.

Pillman steps up in the six man and Adams is not happy.

Iron & Steel have to be in title contention.

Hashimoto takes down Rose's top lieutenant.

LA night 2.

Lee seems displeased by the progress in the war against the TC.

Hall continues to roll.

Awesome randomly decides to try to kill Cactus.

Starr faces a pissed off Texan. It doesn't end well.

Snow nearly takes advantage of a distracted Austin.

Awakening the Dragons wrath could prove to be the worst mistake the Ministry ever made.

Santa Barbara.

Blackman & Chono continues to heat up....somehow.

Finlay & Gunn with solid showings.

Severn & Tenryu try to show their students how it's done.

Cornete's fixation on Hayes may have cost his team.

Candido gets a little dirty but it's not enough to pry the title off the Iceman.

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After announcing the main events for both nights of Phoenix Firestorm, Pacific Coast Wrestling is proud to present the card in full :


Pacific Coast Wrestling Phoenix Firestorm from Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix,  Night One


Dragon Azul vs. Erin O'Grady


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Juice Crew (Beetlejuice & Big Juice)


Maxx Payne vs. Steve Williams


Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) vs. The Sin City Superstars (Reno Riggins & Mark Starr)


Shane Douglas & Jerry Lynn vs. Big Bully Busick & Dennis Condrey


Brian Lee vs. Terry Gordy


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Scotty The Body


Golden State Tag Team Title Match : The Midnight Express © vs. The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane)


Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose © vs. Shinya Hashimoto


Pacific Coast Wrestling Phoenix Firestorm from Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix,  Night Two


Brian Pillman vs. Chris Adams


Dustin Rhodes & Billy Gunn vs. The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


Scott Hall vs. Mike Awesome


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Southern Boys


Cactus Jack vs. Larry Cameron


Dan Severn & Steve Blackman vs. Genichiro Tenryu & Masahiro Chono


Pacific Submission Match : Eddie Guerrero © vs. Fit Finlay


Taped Fist Match : Barry Windham vs. Ted Dibiase


California Title Match : Steve Austin © vs. Steven Regal


2/3 Falls Pacific Tag Team Title Match : The Can-Am Express © vs. Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki)


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. The Jackal


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Dibiase has really shaken things up in PCW.

Phoenix Rising has risen to a tag title shot. 

You gotta love Cornette's one liners, but for me the Eaton glance was icing on the cake. 

I can get behind a Pillman/Adams feud. 

My guys Iron and Steel are quickly becoming title contenders. 

Hashimoto sends a strong message to Rose. 


Poor Rhodes has been taking some beatings and Lee's frustrations are building. 

You're right, Awesome might've killed Cactus if Hall didn't stop things. 

Windham's a man possessed. 

A distracted Austin still manages to retain. 

I think the Ministry actually breathed fire into the Dragon. 

Santa Barbara,

I'm loving this hard hitting Blackman/Chono feud! 

Finlay is really making a claim for a Submission title shot. 

Gunn has racked up some impressive wins this year. 

I wouldn't mind watching Severn and Tenryu go at it for 20 minutes. 

The Midnights better regain focus otherwise the Dreamboats might pull off the upset of the year. 

Are we seeing a Candido heel turn? Malenko has been dominant as LHW champ. 

Firestorm is beyond stacked! 

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Pacific Coast Wrestling Phoenix Firestorm from Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix,  Night One


Dragon Azul vs. Erin O'Grady


PCW's summer spectacular kicks off with an exciting light heavyweight battle between two up and comers. The Leprechaun and the Japanese star kept things moving fast, with a bit more of a submission focus than one might have anticipated. Both of them attempted a variety of arm and leg locks to wear down their opposition, but it wound up being the Dragon Sleeper from Dragon Azul that got O'Grady to tap out and give the masked man the victory.


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Juice Crew (Beetlejuice & Big Juice)


The Wild- , ummm, Sinister Ministry have waged war not just on Ricky Steamboat , but also on anyone associated him. Wings Of Fire have been on the worst side of some of their attacks, with younger bother Vic Steamboat getting a devastating lungful of the Jackal's Crimson Death Dust. He was back but still a bit shaky and did his best against the Juice Crew. The Sinister Minister liberally interfered and, while they did their best, Wings Of Fire still ended up defeated when Vic was hit with the Juice Loosener (Bearhug by Big Juice into a slingshot lariat by Beetlejuice). The Sinister Ministry continue to among the most dangerous groups on the west coast.


Maxx Payne vs. Steve Williams


Speaking of dangerous groups, "Dr. Death" has been one of the most fearsome parts of the Terror Collective, bowling over all opposition and seemingly doing so with ease? Big Maxx Payne was a particularly tough nut to crack, but the explosive offense from Williams was too much to overcome. Williams planted him with a crushing Oklahoma Stampede and put another notch in the win column. The Terror Collective is jam packed with top title contenders, and this match is further proof of that.


Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) vs. The Sin City Superstars (Reno Riggins & Mark Starr)


Both of these teams are former Pacific Tag Team champs (although it was in a different configuration for Sin City) , but have been finding themselves fighting the tide of late as they try to get back into title contention. The desperation of both teams was evident as they continued to lapse into brawling throughout the match, and the ref had to give numerous warnings. Snow managed to score the pinfall with a victory roll on Riggins, but the fight between the two teams continued to flare up after the match, and Dan Severn had to come out and drag Snow and Porteau back to the locker room. Bad enough his troubles with Steve Blackman, more of Severn's charges are turning out to be disciplinary problems.


Shane Douglas & Jerry Lynn vs. Big Bully Busick & Dennis Condrey


Ever since Big Bully Busick made his shocking return in the service of Jim Cornette, Shane Douglas has been trying to get through to his former friend. While he has found a new friend to watch his back in Jerry Lynn, Douglas has found no end of grief coming his way from the other members of Camp Cornette. While the young man from Pittsburgh put in a credible effort in the match, Condrey was able to catch him in the Full Nelson Facebuster and give the win to Cornette's men. After the match, Douglas gave Busick a long look of disappointment. Busick returned with a steely glare of his own, but then, just for a moment, looked down at the ground, before returning to the locker room with Cornette and Condrey.


Brian Lee vs. Terry Gordy


Brian Lee has been getting more and more frustrated with his current progress in PCW, and has gotten progressively wilder as a result. He was all wild kicks and swinging fists in the match, and did some damage early on in the match. That said, if you want to brawl with Terry "Bamm Bamm" Gordy, you had best bring your A-Game, and the former Freebird battled back with a vengeance. A high angle belly to back suplex put the full stop to the match, and Brian Lee's woes continued.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Scotty The Body


Scotty The Body has made a considerable name for himself in the less than 2 years he has been on the west coast. No stranger to tag team gold, this would be his highest profile shot at a major singles title. He was taking on the Man Of 1000 Holds, and Malenko looked to be putting down this challenge with considerable technical skills. Malenko was able to block multiple attempts at the Body Shot (DDT) and it looked like Scotty's challenge would be all for naught. But Scotty was able to lure  Malenko into a rollup in the corner and put his feet on the ropes for leverage. Malenko was unable to get his shoulders up and the ref counted to three. Dirty pool, but Scotty was now the Light Heavyweight champ. Scotty immediately wrapped Tina Ferrari in his arms after the match , then the pair rushed out into the night to celebrate the title victory in the Phoenix night life.


Golden State Tag Team Title Match : The Midnight Express © vs. The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane)


The feud between the Express and the Dreamboats got extra personal last week with Jim Cornette blasting Trisa Hayes on the microphone. Dreamer and Shane have clearly taken umbrage with his comments. This led to a wild and crazy match, and the ref struggled to maintain even a semblance of control. Once again, a confrontation between Cornette and Hayes outside the ring led to the tennis racquet ending up inside the ring. As the two teams battled over using the racquet, the ref was at his wits end, and pulled the plug on the match by declaring a no contest. Looks like this feud is showing no signs of slowing down.


Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose © vs. Shinya Hashimoto


Buddy Rose has scratched and clawed his way through his long TV title reign, but lately, there has been an increase in desperation. After Shinya Hashimoto pinned him in a 6 man tag match, the Playboy has done everything he could to keep his grip on the belt. The desperation continued in this match, as he went for his cheating tactics straight from the get go . Hash would have none of it, hitting Rose hard and often. As the match wore on, Rose signaled to the back for the Sin City Superstars to rush out . Unfortunately for them, they were intercepted by Stormfront, who waylaid them in the aisle. Going for his next option, Rose signaled again and Mike Awesome came out. But the big man was himself tackled from behind by Scott Hall. Starting to full on panic, Rose attempted to capitalize on the chaos outside by pulling a pair of Bras Knuckles out of his trunks. But any plans to use them went unfulfilled as Hashimoto flattened him with a spinning back heel kick. Hashimoto then pulled him up and hit the Leaping Spike DDT. One … two … THREE!!!!! Despite all of the chaos, Shinya Hashimoto was now the Pacific Television Champ! The crowd loudly cheered the much liked Japanese star, and Phoenix Rising, Stormfront and Scott Hall raised him on their shoulders along with the title belt. On that note, we will see what Night Two brings.

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A win by Azul gets the crowd warmed up.

The Juice Crew build momentum for the Jackal.

Dr Death puts Payne down.

Snowfront win but things get crazy. Poor Severn must be so frustrated.

Camp Cornette prevails but has Douglas gotten through to Busick?

Gordy makes it 2-0 for the Collective.

Scotty the Body gets his first singles gold.

The Golden State Tag titles match ends in chaos.

Hashimoto's friends run interference allowing him to capture the TV title. I gotta feeling Rose is going to have something to say to Scotty and Tina about hitting the club early.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling Phoenix Firestorm from Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix,  Night Two


Brian Pillman vs. Chris Adams


Out of nowhere, things have blown up between Brian Pillman and Chris Adams. They first ignited last week in a six man tag match, and the heat was cranked up for this match. There seemed to be an extra edge of viciousness to both of their moves as they laid into each other. They gradually worked their way into more and more risky moves to try to put the other down. Pillman whipped Adams hard into the corner and charged in with a diving clothesline, only to be flattened by a spectacular Superkick from the Englishman. Adams got the three count and , credit where it is due, earned the incredibly hard fought win.


Dustin Rhodes & Billy Gunn vs. The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


In the war between the Brigade and the Terror Collective , Dustin Rhodes was the first to volunteer to stand by Barry Windham's side and has taken the brunt of the damage.  After taking quite a pounding in several matches with Steve Williams, and was clearly hurting going into this match with the OWC. Billy Gunn did all he could to assist his fellow Texan, but when Young crushed Rhodes with his trademark Spinebuster Slam, that was that. Gunn helped Rhodes to hit feet and consoled him on the way back to the locker room.


Scott Hall vs. Mike Awesome


Once again, the ring was not enough to contain these two competitors. Awesome and Hall just plain out and out hate each other, which was evident in this match. No technique, just pure brawling that, as always with these two, spilled out of the ring and stayed there until the ref declared a double count out. Sooner or later, something must be done to keep them in the ring together.


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Southern Boys


Last week saw Chris Candido indulge in some shady tactics in his challenge for the Light Heavyweight Title. Tonight, he and his partner Louie Spicolli carried on and showed a fair sized bag of dirty tricks at their disposal. They were facing the Wild Eyed Southern Boys, and Smothers and Armstrong had plentiful tricks of their own. Regardless, this was an incredibly entertaining match , which ended when Spicolli dodged a savate kick from Smothers, which instead knocked Armstrong off his feet. Candido held off Smothers while Spicolli hit a Samoan Drop on Armstrong to give the win to the Blondes. Despite the loss, the Southern Boys were laughing after the match, and they gave Candido and Spicolli a good natured clap on the shoulder before leaving the ring, a reaction which seemed to confuse the Blondes.


Cactus Jack vs. Larry Cameron


Cactus Jack has been getting a lot of unwanted attention lately. Last week, Mike Awesome nearly crippled Cactus with an attempted Awesome Bomb on the concrete. Tonight, Larry Cameron unleashed a particularly violent offense on the Madman from Truth Or Consequences. But things got worse when Cactus attempted a diving elbow smash that instead took out the ref. On cue, Tony Atlas rushed out and clobbered Cactus. The two men of Iron & Steel double teamed Cactus before a jarring Spike Piledriver. Atlas then revived the groggy referee before sliding out of the ring while the three count was made. What has Cactus done to draw so much fire?


Dan Severn & Steve Blackman vs. Genichiro Tenryu & Masahiro Chono


Lately, both Severn and Tenryu have been at their wits end trying to keep their younger charges in line. Blackman and Chono have not been able to keep their anger with each other in check in their matches with each other so far. Severn and Tenryu occupied most of the first half of the match in a technical showdown. Then the two junior members tagged in, while their mentors kept a close eye on their actions. While their intensity was clear , they focused their emotions on take downs and wrenching limb worker. Both men fought hard to get the other to tap out. Blackman was able to work his way out of an attempted STF, then hit a brilliant single arm takedown into a cross armbreaker. Chono struggled to get the rope break, but ultimately had to tap out. Even so, after the match , Chono walked straight over to Blackman and gave him a steely stare. He held it for a bit, then pointed to Blackman before thumping his own chest and walking away. You can bet that Chono will want another shot at Blackman.


Pacific Submission Match : Eddie Guerrero © vs. Fit Finlay


Fit Finlay earned this shot with several recent Submission victories, forcing people to tap out to the Celtic Knot. Both men were second generation wrestlers, technically well schooled and opening up the match with a long period of move and counter move. After a while, Finlay moved this into another gear, countering Guerrero's moves with a hard left or right to the face. He fought his way out of an attempt at the Gory Special, and his powerful legs were able to block the Lasso From El Paso. He took Eddie off his feet with a devastating clothesline, then followed up with a Tombstone Piledriver. He tied up a groggy Guerrero in the Celtic Knot, and for all of Eddie's effort, he had no choice but to give up the match. Eddie tapped out and Finlay had won the Pacific Submission Title in decisive fashion.


Taped Fist Match : Barry Windham vs. Ted Dibiase


The feud between Windham and Dibiase moved into the next phase with a match bound to bring out the hatred in them. Dbiase came out with Steve Williams to stand in his corner, while Windham got Billy Gunn to watch his back. This got very bloody very quickly, with both men looking a complete mess. They kept pounding away at each other, grinding each other down. Windham flattened the Man Of Means with a Western Lariat, but the ref would not let him go for the cover as he was checking a cut on Dibiase's forehead. Windham kept trying to close in until the ref had to push him back into his corner. While the ref was doing so, Williams grabbed Dibiase's arm and started taping a foreign object to his fist. When the ref finally got the match started again, Dibiase came quickly out of the corner and sucker punched Windham with the loaded fist. Windham went down like a sack of rolled oats, and Dibiase quickly got the pinfall. It looks like Dibiase is determined to get whatever he wants, no matter what he has to do to get it.


California Title Match : Steve Austin © vs. Steven Regal


Austin has held the California Title for several months now, but Regal has worked hard to angle his way back to contention for the title he once held. Regal had a clear technical advantage in this match, but Austin's power and ferocity would not be denied. Then the match took a turn when Bret Hart showed up in the aisle and watched the match. Security came out, but Hart raised his hands and protested that he hadn't actually gone near the ring, so they let him be. Austin certainly wasn't going to leave well enough alone, shouting at Hart throughout the match, to which the Hitman's only response was a cold stare. This cost him dearly, as one time he turned back around right into a running knee to the head by Regal. The English Lion followed up with the Regal-Plex to take back the California Title. After the match, a furious Austin kicked over several ringside chairs before tearing off after Hart, but by this point, the Hitman was long gone.


2/3 Falls Pacific Tag Team Title Match : The Can-Am Express © vs. Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki)


The penultimate match of the night would be a tag team classic between two top flight teams. The Japanese teams had worked hard with several impressive wins to get this shot, and were going at it full throttle to earn their first gold. Lafon scored the first pinfall with a reverse flying bodypress on Kensuke Sasaki. It looked like the defense would go to the champs in straight falls when Furnas hoisted up Sasaki in a Canadian Backbreaker to set up the Volunteer Slam (running Canadian Backbreaker into the corner) , only for Sasaki to flip over him in a Sunset Flip to even up the score. Both teams then kicked it into high gear. There were plenty of close calls and near falls until Kawada nailed an exhausted Lafon with a Brainbuster. Furnas was not able to break up the pin in time, and Phoenix Rising had risen to the Pacific Tag Team Titles in what everyone agreed was the match of the night.


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. The Jackal


After the previous match, we follow it with something as far from a technical match as possible. Steamboat is perhaps the greatest pure wrestler of his generation, but the most pure thing about him in the match was his pure hatred. The words "chaos" and "chaotic" have come up a lot in this review, but there was no sense of order at all in this match. The Jackal went after Steamboat's bandaged and burned chest with chops and claws, rendering it a livid red. Steamboat went after the Jackal's mask, which was nearly shredded by the end of the match, while still barely covering his face. Steamboat was able to shut down attempts at the Crimson Death Dust, but the Sinister Minister still tossed in a fireball, which hit not Steamboat but the ref. The ref fled the ring, then suddenly, the lights went out in the arena. When they went back on after about a minute, Steamboat, the Jackal and the Sinister Minister were standing in the ring looking confused. PCW Commissioner Dutch Savage strode out to the ring, and he was clearly furious. He declared that he was throwing the match out, and that all three men were temporarily suspended. He would make up his mind as to what to do with them and about the shenanigans that had taken place over the weekend , but he would make an announcement next week in Victoria. He then ordered security to escort the other three men to their respective locker rooms. A bizarre end to what was otherwise an epic weekend of wrestling.


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Adams gets one up on Pillman.

3-0 for the Terror Collective.

Hall & Awesome gets out of control.

The Southern Boys take their loss surprisingly well.

Cactus is on everyone's hit list it seems.

Blackman & Chono calm down a bit but still want a piece of each other.

The fighting Irishman has some gold to go with his leprechaun.

TC with a clean sweep!

Regal gets his belt back and Austin throws a fit.

The Phoenix has risen to the top.

The main event goes so batshit crazy the boss has to throw it out! What an ending!

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Phoenix Firestorm. I've been pumped up for this one! 

Azul's win gets the night going. 

The Juice Crew gives Sinister early momentum. 

I give Payne a lot of credit, but man who can stop Wiliams right now? 

First Blackman and now Stormfront. Poor Severn has his hands full. 

Is there still hope for Busick? I have a feeling Douglas isn't giving up. 

Lee wanted a brawl and definitely got one as Gordy puts him down. 

I have to say, I popped at Scotty winning the LHW title. This is going to be a fun reign. 

The Dreamboats have become a serious thorn for Cornette and his Express. Too be continued. 

Rose tried everything and should've known the Playboy Club's foes would be watching. Hashimoto gets a feel good moment. I have to wonder what's next for Rose. Is it Scotty's time? We'll find out soon enough. 

Night 2,

YES! Adams vs. Pillman is an electrifying way to start things off. 

Oh man, the Terror really has young Dustin's number. 

I think it's time to put Hall and Awesome in the cage. 

Was that the Southern Boys way of welcoming the Blondes to the heel side. LOL 

Iron and Steel give Cactus a hammering. What did Cactus do to deserve all this? If he wants payback, he better call in an army to take on these guys. 

In a twist Chono and Blackman keep their cool. Blackman scores the fall, but Chono seems to want more. This has been a fun feud. 

Finlay has been on a submission terror and keeps his momentum going as he trounces Eddie to win the title. 

It took a lot, but Dibiase kos Windham to get the win. Clean sweep and an epic 2 nights for the Terror Collective! 

Bret causes Austin to lose focus AND his CA title. Regal's once again on top. Austin and Bret are going to get ugly. 

I agree, Phoenix winning the titles was the match of the night. Well earned victory! I did enjoy the Can Am's reign. 

After a crazy two nights we get an even crazier finish in the main event. That was nuts! I can't wait to hear what Dutch has to say. It might not be good for the Jackal or Steamboat. 

As always, Firestorm delivered! Great job! 





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Great job on this one! Happy to see Steve Regal get some gold, and even more oil poured on the fire between between Bret Hart and Steve Austin! We wait with baited breath to hear how Dutch Savage plans to resolve the chaos in the main event scene!

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Victoria Memorial Arena, Victoria, on ESPN / TSN, September 6th


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Steven Regal vs. Phil Lafon


Last year's Tournament Of Lions was such a success that PCW has decided to make it an annual event. A celebration of the up and coming talent on the West Coast, 16 competitors will do battle in a single elimination tournament, with the ultimate champion winning not just incredible prestige and standing but also a prize which has now been doubled to $200 000 . With all that on the line, the tournament kicks off with the newly crowned California champ Regal facing the recently dethroned Pacific Tag Team champ Lafon. The two had an outstanding technical match, the proverbial game of human chess with move and counter-move. An attempted waistlock suplex by Lafon was blocked and countered by Regal with a backslide that got the one two three. A great start to the tournament that got much applause from the fans.


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Alex Porteau vs. Mark Starr


This match would be a study in contrast with the previous match. Both men had their partners, Al Snow and Reno Riggins, in their corners , and it wasn't long before the chest bumping between the two got started. The pair proved an increasing distraction to the action in the ring until they inevitably started brawling. While the ref tried to maintain some sort of order, Starr torpedoed Porteau from behind and executing the Starr-Burst Suplex (Slingshot Suplex) for the win. Even so , the two teams kept fighting until PCW officials had to get them separated.  This situation just keeps getting more volatile with every week.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests have certainly made their presence felt since their return to Pacific Coast Wrestling … Iron & Steel!


The crowd boos Tony Atlas and Larry Cameron as they impassively make their way to the ring.


Coss : Tony Atlas … Larry Cameron … last week at Phoenix Firestorm , you perpetrated a brutal attack on Cactus Jack for seemingly no reason. What gives?


Cameron : Strictly business, my man. You see, the Sinister Minister put a price out on the head of Cactus Jack. He offered $100 000 to anyone who could send him out of PCW. Mike Awesome tried to collect, but he couldn't get the job done. Well, if you want to get a job done, you call on professionals. You want the Cactus head on a platter, Iron & Steel will serve it up to you with gold trim on it with a smile on our faces. * Cameron bares his teeth in a disturbing grimace *


Coss : So, does this mean you are now affiliated with the Sinister Ministry?


Atlas : Oh, hell no! My momma told me to never trust a preacher man. We get the job done, the preacher man hands over the money, and our business is over. After that, we hope we never see him or his bunch of creeps ever again.


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Glamour Boy Shane vs. Fit Finlay


The next match of the tournament has one half of the Dreamboats facing the new Pacific Submission champion Fit Finlay. Shane did well for his relatively brief time in the business, putting in a credible effort against the Belfast Bruiser. But, once again, the experience of Finlay proved to make the difference. A lightning quick single leg takedown led to the Celtic Knot, and he forced Shane to tap out, earning himself a spot in the quarter finals.


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Steve Blackman vs. Tracy Smothers


The last tournament match of the night paired the Living Weapon with the Wild Eyed Southern Boy. Blackman has regained focus in his feud with Masahiro Chono, but Smothers is definitely not a competitor to overlook. The two had a very tense battle, with the momentum swinging back and forth. Blackman able to catch Smothers in the running bicycle kick, and that was able to keep Smothers down for the three count. The first half of the Quarter Final round was now filled. We will have to wait until next week to find out the second half.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guest is a Pacific Wrestling legend and the commissioner of Pacific Coast Wrestling … Dutch Savage!


The crowd applauds the beloved legend, but the normally genial commissioner is clearly livid as he joins Coss in the ring.


Coss : Dutch, after the main event of Phoenix Firestorm, you said you would make an announcement tonight on Pacific Wrestling Showcase. The floor is yours, sir.


Dutch : Oh, you bet I have something today. During my time as PCW Commissioner, I have served that office with pride. I have long considered Pacific Coast Wrestling to be the gold standard of professional wrestling, with the top wrestlers and best matches. I have tried to give the wrestlers a relatively free hand and let them settle their differences in the ring. I felt this competitive spirit and excitement are the reasons our fans come to the shows, and a certain element of chaos can keep people interested in our shows. But there has been an increase in shenanigans that have been having a negative effect overall. Ambushes, outside interference, and whatever the hell it was in the Phoenix Firestorm main event between Ricky Steamboat and The Jackal. The Tournament Of Lions is a particular point of pride for me, and most of the tournament so far has been up to our high standards of excellence. But Stormfront and the Sin City Superstars just can't keep themselves under control, and the tournament match between Porteau and Starr was proof of that. So I am laying down the law. First of all, after Phoenix Firestorm, I suspended Ricky Steamboat and the Jackal. Well, the hard fact is, PCW can't afford to have their top champion and challenger out of action, so that suspension ends after this weekend. I am scheduling them for another title match in 2 months at Calgary Combat and this will be in a steel cage. This will be the last match between the two, no matter what the result. Until then, they are strictly ordered to stay away from each other, under threat of fines if they don't. If they aren't worried about fines, well, that leads to my second announcement. For the foreseeable future, fines issued will be TRIPLE their previous amounts. This is starting with the fines I am now issuing against the Sin City Superstars and Stormfront. The final announcement is the biggest. This is a very important time of year for Pacific Coast Wrestling. The Tournament Of Lions is now underway. In a couple of months will be Calgary Combat, followed a month later by San Diego Battleground, our biggest show of the year. After that , the wrestlers and staff of PCW celebrate until the New Year with our traditional vacation on the beaches of Hawaii. Well, some people might not be making that trip! I will do anything to make sure nothing ruins this important run of shows and events, so I have come up with a plan. You see, another of the reasons I feel the fans love our shows is that we are always willing to showcase young and promising talent. We have scouted and have our eye on some very enticing prospects indeed, including some thrilling tag teams. But we will need to have space on our roster to fit in these newcomers. So I reached back into the past. A few years ago, San Diego Battleground had a special theme called The Last Chance Saloon. Now seems like the perfect time to ring it back. A lot of our roster seem to be unable to work with each other, so we will give them their wish. There will be several Loser Leaves Town matches on that show . Which wrestlers are going to be in those matches will depend on their behaviour between now and then . Stormfront and Sin City Superstars, I will be keeping a close eye on you. So for the next 3 months, if you want to keep your jobs, always remember … Big Dutch is watching you!


Bret Hart & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Destruction Crew


A big announcement from Commissioner Savage that seems to have completely sailed over the heads of Bret Hart and Steve Austin. It wasn't long into the match when Austin rushed out to the ring and pulled Hart off the ring apron. While the two brawled, the ref was sufficiently distracted for Diamond Dallas Page to slid the sledgehammer into the ring to Wayne Bloom. Bloom then rammed the handle into the midsection of Bigelow, allowing Mike Enos to come off the top with a double axehandle and get the pinfall. Even then, Austin and Hart kept slugging it out until they had to be separated by security. Guys, Dutch savage literally JUST said …


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN , September 7th


Maxx Payne vs. Mike Awesome


Mike Awesome continues to live up to his name as he steamrolled over big Maxx Payne before winning with his trademark Awesome Bomb.


Brian Lee, Billy Gunn & Dustin Rhodes vs. Ted Dibiase, Steve Williams & Terry Gordy


The Brigade's woes against the Terror Collective continued, with the Collective keeping Rhodes in their corner of the ring before Williams took him out with a Doctor Bomb. Lee seemed hugely displeased as the Brigade left the ring.


Dan Severn vs. Genichiro Tenryu


Once again, Steve Blackman and Masahiro Chono were in the corners of their respective mentors, with strict orders to stay put and match. Severn and Tenryu put on another gripping technical showdown, with Severn putting a mighty effort to hit a German Suplex and hold Tenryu's shoulders to the mat for the three count. After the match, Severn and Tenryu bowed in respect to each other before ordering Blackman and Chono to do so as well, which they did , albeit while still glaring at each other.


California Title Match : Steven Regal © vs. Steve Austin


Austin's first shot at regaining the California Title went just as one would expect it. A tense battle that ended when Bret Hart rushed the ring and attacked Austin, leading to a DQ finish and security having to intercede. You can bet that Commissioner Dutch Savage taking notes somewhere.


Bret Hart & Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki) vs. Nick Busick & The Midnight Express


The highlight of this was the first meeting between different pairs of tag champs, as the newly crowned Pacific Tag Team Champions Phoenix Rising went at it with the Golden State Tag Team Champions the Midnight Express. Predictably, Hart was attacked by Steve Austin during this match, letting The Midnights take this one with a nasty double team on Kawada, which could set them up for a shot at the Pacific belts.


Pacific Television Title Match : Shinya Hashimoto © vs. Dennis Condrey


This would be Hashimoto's first TV title defense, and he certainly wasn't taking it easy on himself. "Loverboy" Dennis has made a reputation since his return as an incredibly tough nut to crack, and he gave Hash a real run for his money before going down to an elevated DDT. Hashimoto has proven himself in his first defense an incredible contender.

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The Tournament of Lions is back and off to a great, if slightly bumpy start.

Big Dutch laying down the law! Suspending the champion is sure to send a message to everyone! Can't overlook the return of the Last Chance Saloon.

Iron & Steel are after SinMin's money.

Austin & Hart immediately put Dutch's edict to the test.


Mike is truly looking Awesome.

Lee grows ever distant from the Brigade.

Severn & Tenryu are getting quite friendly with each other.

Hart & Austin are definitely pushing Dutch's buttons.

Hashimoto fends off the Lover boy.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Kelowna Memorial Arena, Kelowna, September 8th


Scott Hall vs. David Young


Scott Hall managed to give the Brigade a win over the Terror Collective, defeating David Young with the Gator Breaker (Fallaway Slam).


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Southern Boys


Another match which saw the Blondes cutting as many corners as the Southern Boys did. Candido caught Armstrong with a rollup assisted by his feet on the ropes, but once again,  the Southern Boys seemed strangely pleased with this. The congratulated the confused Blondes after the match, patting them on the back.


Dragon Azul vs. Erin O'Grady


After the chicanery of the previous match, the action came back with a fleet footed light heavyweight duel where Dragon got the win with an Asai Suplex.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Buddy Rose


Bigelow has shown himself to be very keen to make a move up the rankings of PCW, and made a strong case for that in this match. He was able to outlast the considerable guile and cunning of the former multiple time champ and caught Rose in the corner with a crushing Avalanche. He swiftly followed up with a Slingshot Splash to score a major victory.


Brian Pillman vs. Chris Adams


Pillman evened the score with Adams, pinning him following a spectacular top rope flying sunset flip.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Scotty The Body © vs. Eddie Guerrero


Scotty proved his title win was no fluke, defeating former champ Eddie Guerrero with his always deadly Body Shot (DDT).


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