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Happy to see the Tournament of Lions back! 

Regal carries his CA title win momentum into the tournament. 

Starr takes advantage of the chaos to advance. 

Oh man I love Iron and Steel even more after that promo. 

Finlay will be a force in the tournament. 

Blackman's name is on the rise in PCW and I see him doing well in the tournament. 

Damn! Dutch lays down the law with authority. No doubt about it, he means business! 

Hart and Austin brawling right after Dutch's announcement got a big laugh from me. I have a feeling Dutch has something special planned for these two. 


Awesome just steamrolls over Payne. 

Dustin's woes continue as do Lee's frustrations. 

Looks like Severn and Tenryu are trying to bring respect and honor out of their pupils. 

Hart and Austin are really testing Dutch. 

Hashimoto is already in fighting champion mode as he retains against a red hot Condrey. 


Hall gives the Brigade a much needed win.

The Southern Boys are getting a real kick out of the Blondes rule breaking.

The LHWs showcase once again why this division is so exciting. 

After that decisive win over Rose, Bigelow should be in line for a title shot. 

Pillman evens things up...for now. 

Scotty is going to have a great LHW title run. 

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Portland Sports Arena, Portland , on ESPN / TSN, September 13th


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Jerry Lynn vs. Dennis Condrey


The second half of the Tournament Of Lions opening round kicks off with young up and comer Lynn facing the veteran Condrey. Lynn certainly put on a good showing against "Loverboy" Dennis, but experience and cunning proved to be the difference, with Condrey hitting a shot to the midsection which he deftly followed with a DDT to move on in the Tournament.


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Al Snow vs. Reno Riggins


Some folks just can't take the hint. Tina Ferrari was in the corner of Riggins and tried to keep him focused. But part way through the match, Mark Starr came down to ringside, looking to tip the balance. Tina started arguing with Starr, telling him he should go back to the locker room, but the situation was exacerbated by the arrival of Alex Porteau, coming to back up his partner. The two were coming close to blows, with Tina interposing herself between the two of them. The ensuing confusion led to Reno losing track of the match, allowing Snow to catch him in a Snow Bomb for the win. After the match, sparks continued to fly between the two teams, but the situation was cut off by Tina dragging both Sin City Superstars off by the ear.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the Crow's Nest


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests *shudder* are once again in the centre of controversy here in Pacific Coast Wrestling … The Playboy Club.


The crowd boos as the Club walks out to the Crow's Nest. The Sin City Superstars are looking abashed, Buddy Rose and Tina Ferrari are annoyed, Scotty The Body has the Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Belt around his ring and looks proud, and Mike Awesome seems particularly arrogant.


Rose : Hand over the mic, Coss, the Playboy Club takes care of it's own business. *Coss complies* Ok, first question first …. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? *Riggins and Starr hang their heads in shame* Now, I am not worried about a little rough housing. I didn't bring you into the club to obey Robert's Rules Of Order. I readily paid your fines, because the Playboy Club takes care of their own. I even paid the fines of Stormfront because I wanted to keep those jerks around so you could settle the score. But you are just taking things too far. The Playboy's pockets are deep, but they aren't bottomless, and you are getting to be too expensive to keep around, and I am not going to start throwing good money after bad.


Riggins : Sorry, boss , those guys just get under our skin. *Rose gives them a stern look* Uhhhh …. We'll try to do better.


Rose : Do that. Next order of business …. You. * points at Scotty The Body * First thing, congratulations, kid. The Pacific Light Heavyweight Title … a high profile title and you won it in big league fashion. You and Big Mikey here scored major victories for the Club at Phoenix Firestorm. You did us proud. But … when I was defending the TV title against that Japanese guy, you and Tina were conspicuous by your absence. I needed you both to bail me out … errr … watch my back, but you were out living the high life in Phoenix. (Tina stares at the ground, but Scotty meets Rose's look.) What do you have to say for yourself?


Scotty : Buddy, I apologize. You needed me and I wasn't there. But I had already put my neck on the line against Hashimoto once already. The week before, with a major title shot for me coming up, I went in the ring against him to try and tune him up for you. I had done my part. When I won my first singles title, I felt I had deserved to celebrate, and I talked Tina into joining me. Don't blame here, it was my mistake.


Rose : (ponders for a while, then … ) You're right. Kid … Scotty, you do make very good points. You and I, we had a bit of a bumpy ride at the beginning, but we came to an understanding. You've done nearly everything that's been asked of you, and the Club has given you full back up. The Pacific Light Heavyweight Title is a big prize … but it is only the beginning . The sky is the limit for you. You are destined for great things, Scotty. I don't want you to blow it. I have missed my share of opportunities because I let my head get turned by temptation. Don't get blinded by the good life and neglect the work. Eyes on the prize, my friend. You are going to be a king in this business, just don't let it slip away. Believe me, I know what I am talking about.


Scotty : Message received, Buddy. It won't happen again.


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Shane Douglas vs. Beetlejuice


Douglas took on the always unpredictable Beetlejuice, but was able to shut out his crazy antics and keep his mind off his feud with Camp Cornette to keep control of this match. He caught Beetlejuice with a belly to belly suplex and score the three count, moving on to the Quarter Finals.


Tournament Of Lions First Round Match : Dragon Azul vs. Erin O'Grady


The last match of the Tournament's First Round would be a thrilling light heavyweight duel. Dragon Azul and the Leprechaun had an incredibly fast paced match, with the momentum swinging back and forth. It closed with a battle of rollups, and O'Grady caught Dragon with a flying victory roll to pull of something of an upset. Up next week : We move on to the Quarter Finals.


The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane)  vs. The Southern Boys


The evening would close out with a hot tag team battle between the current top contenders for the Golden State Tag Team Titles and the former Pacific Tag Team Champs. This was a ferocious war, with both teams wanting to stake their claim for contendership. The Southern Boys tried to take out Dreamer with a double clothesline, but he ducked under, and Shane came in with a springboard double clothesline that gave him the pin over Armstrong. This should definitely give Trisa Hayes' men another shot at the Midnight Express and their Golden State Tag Team belts.       


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Portland Memorial Coliseum , Portland , on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, September 14th


Eddie Guerrero vs. Steve Austin


Eddie is no pushover and put up a credible fight. But an angry Steve Austin is a lot to try and stop, and despite Eddie's best efforts, Stunning Steve took him out with the Stun Gun.


Barry Windham, Brian Lee & Dustin Rhodes vs. Ted Dibiase & The Miracle Violence Combination


The Brigade tried mightily to get some kind of traction against the Terror Collective, in spite of Lee's reluctance to tag in for Dustin Rhodes. Unfortunately for them, Rhodes once again got cornered by Steve Williams, and was pinned following a brutal Backdrop Driver.


Bret Hart vs. Gary Albright


Partway through the match, Steve Austin tried to come out, but was intercepted and dragged away by PCW security. Bret kept his eye on Albright and gradually chipped away at the stone, eventually outlasting Albright and taking him down with a Flying Bulldog for the hard fought win.


Buddy Rose & Scotty The Body vs. Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle)


After airing things out the day before, these two are clearly on the same page, with Scotty holding off the Demon while the Playboy took down the Eagle with the Inside Out Backbreaker.


Pacific Television Title Match : Shinya Hashimoto © vs. Bobby Eaton


The young Japanese's star's first title defense would be against a multi-time tag team champ and one of the most respected competitors on the West Coast. Eaton gave it his all, but Hashimoto was able to outlast him and come out on top with the Leaping Spike DDT.


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. David Young


It seemed like trouble was brewing when the rest of the Terror Collective came out, but they contented themselves with circling the ring and observing. David Young is in the first year of his career, and the Oregon Wrecking Crew member gave a good accounting of himself. Nevertheless, Steamboat shut down an attempt at a Spinebuster Clam with a hard forearm shot to the face, then followed up with a running crossbody press to pull out the victory. A big win for the champ, but having Ted Dibiase take an interest in your can't be good news.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from McArthur Court, Eugene, September 15th


Steve Blackman vs. Masahiro Chono


Both men kept their tempers in check and put on another gripping match, with Blackman forcing Chono to tap out with a Cross Armbreaker.


Jerry Lynn vs. Big Bully Busick


A rough weekend for Lynn, as he went down to the Big Bully and his dreaded Spinebuster Slam.


Billy Gunn vs. Mark Starr


The tall Texan was able to get one in the win column as he took down Starr with the Sidewinder (spinning Side Suplex)


Brian Pillman & The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli)  vs. Chris Adams & The Destruction Crew


Pillman was on the wrong side of rather lackluster support from the Blondes, leaving him prey to a Superkick from Adams.


California Title Match : Steven Regal © vs. Larry Cameron


Regal won by DQ when he was attacked by Tony Atlas. Iron & Steel tried to do further damage until Cactus Jack made his return by running out with a steel chair and sending them scattering.


Pacific Submission Title Match : Fit Finlay © vs. Dean Malenko


This match looked like it would go to a 30 minute time limit draw. But right before time would have run out, Finlay caught Malenko in the Celtic Knot and just barely got the win. The evening ended as it began, with a tap out.


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Lynn, Snow, Douglas and in a surprise O'Grady round out the quarterfinals.

Rose is firm yet fair with the SCS and surprisingly open with Scotty.

The Dreamboats remain in ittle contention.

Portland night 2.

Austin's anger pushes him to the win.

The Brigade continue to struggle against the TC's founding trio.

Harts tames the Animal.

Rose and Scotty show off their renewed teamwork.

Hashimoto with a Beautiful title retention.

Young shows what he can do but just isn't on the Dragon's level.


Blackman wins the latest round with Chono.

Busick bullys Lynn.

Gunn is on the rise.

The Blondes hearts weren't in it and it costs Pillman.

Cactus returns to save Regal.

Finlay scores the win with just seconds to spare.

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Condrey has been on fire since returning to PCW and just might win the tournament. 

Snow advances but the teams are still at war. 

Wow, I have to say, Rose came off like quite the leader. 

Douglas advances with a decisive win while O'Grady advances with an exciting upset. 

Dreamboats are tuned up and ready for another title shot. 


Eddie has trouble with a pissed off Austin. 

I'm wondering if it's time for Dustin to move on from the Terror. 

Hart gets a big win but still has Austin to deal with. 

Rose and Scotty are definitely in sync. 

Hashimoto looks ready for all challengers. 

Oh yea, seeds planted for Dibiase vs. Steamboat. This is very interesting, especially with Steamboat's upcoming cage match with the Jackal on his mind. 


Blackman and Chono have listened to their mentors and it showed tonight.

Busick's rampage continues. 

Gunn keeps racking up wins. 

What's been up with the Blondes? Not cool leaving Pillman hanging. 

Regal has a good ally in Cactus. That could've ended badly. 

The night ends with Finlay edging out Malenko in a thriller. 


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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Oakland Alameda County Arena, Oakland, on ESPN / TSN, September 20th


Tournament Of Lions Quarter-Final Match : Steven Regal vs. Mark Starr


The Tournament Of Lions Quarter-Finals kicked off with two British wrestlers squaring off. The two took it to the mat for much of the match, with Regal fighting his way out of every attempt by Starr to catch him in the Heel Hook. The California Champ was  ultimately able to overpower the Sin City Superstar and cinch in the Regal Stretch to win a hotly contested match, one with fortunately no appearance by Reno Riggins or the members of Stormfront.


Tournament Of Lions Quarter-Final Match : Steve Blackman vs. Fit Finlay


The next match in the Tournament saw a bit of a switch in tactics, with the deadly striker Blackman going for takedowns and armlocks, while the Pacific Submission Champ hitting hard and often. Blackman came close on a number of occasions, but Finlay dropping him on the head with a Tombstone Piledriver earned the Belfast Bruiser a spot in the Final Four.


Brian Lee & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Juice Crew (Beetlejuice & Big Juice)


Young Dustin hasn't been faring too well lately against the Terror Collective, and it would remain to be seen if a change of scenery would provide a change of fortune. It wasn't looking too good for Dustin as the Juice Crew capitalized on his flagging confidence and double teaming him throughout the match. Dustin rallied, though, and was able to flatten Big Juice with a Western Lariat. It was at this point that Brian Lee, who had been looking annoyed on the ring apron through much of the match, tagged himself in. He planted Big Juice with the Prime Time Slam and got the three count. Regardless, Dustin was able to get back on the winning track.


Tournament Of Lions Quarter-Final Match : Al Snow vs. Dennis Condrey


The Tournament continued with this match and, once again, Alex Porteau and the Sin City Superstars kept their noses out of it. Snow put in a determined effort and the action kept both competitors and the fans on their toes. In the end, Condrey's impressive return to the West Coast continued and he took Snow down with a DDT and step into the Semi-Finals.


Tournament Of Lions Quarter-Final Match : Shane Douglas vs. Erin O'Grady


The Quarter-Finals closed out with this match between two young and hungry gladiators. O'Grady had pulled off a considerable upset by defeating Dragon Azul, and was eager to pull out another upset. This eagerness would ultimately cost the Leprechaun, as he ran straight into a Belly To Belly suplex from Douglas and that was that. Douglas would fill the last spot in the Final Four, which also consisted of Steven Regal, Fit Finlay and Dennis Condrey.


Pacific Television Title Match : Shinya Hashimoto © vs. Chris Adams


Since winning the TV Title a few weeks ago, Hashimoto has wasted no time in earning a reputation as a fighting champion. He has taken on some incredibly tough challengers, and none tougher than "Gentleman" Chris Adams. The Englishman really took it to the Japanese star, and the sound of their kicks and shots resonated throughout the arena. Although Adams gave quite a battle to the champ, but Hashimoto knocked him over with a spinning back heel kick, then drove him down with a Brainbuster to successfully defend his title.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Cow Palace , San Francisco,  on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, September 21st


Maxx Payne vs. Terry Gordy


The Man From Badstreet dominated Maxx Payne, pinning him following a Power Bomb


The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. The Southern Boys


The Dreamboats kept their momentum going with Shane pinned Armstrong following the Glamour Profession (top rope diving elbow smash)


Alex Porteau vs. Buddy Rose


All of the good behaviour from the Sin City Superstars and Stormfront went out the window when Snow and the Superstars came out during this match to make their presence felt. Tina Ferrari interposed herself between the two sides to keep things from going further, and Rose capitalized on the distraction to hit the Inside Out Backbreaker for the win. Nevertheless , The Playboy was clearly displeased as he left the ring.


Dean Malenko vs. Ted Dibiase


As if to prove a point, Dibiase wrestled a purely scientific match, resulting in a gripping back and forth match that the "Man Of Means" won by pinning Malenko following a Russian Legsweep.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : Phoenix Rising (Kensuke Sasaki & Toshiaki Kawada) © vs. The Midnight Express


The Pacific and Golden State champs provided an epic thrill ride that went to a 30 minute time limit draw .


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. David Young


Having impressed many with his efforts in his challenge the week before, Young was given a rematch against the champ tonight. Once again, the rest of the Terror Collective were at ringside but took no hand directly in the match. Young once again put in a determined effort but went down to the Diving Crossbody. Another big win for the Dragon, but Dibiase's smirk as he led his men away from the ring was definitely a dark omen.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Selland Arena, Fresno,  September 22nd


Cactus Jack vs. Mike Awesome


Cactus was able to hold his own against the monstrous Awesome until Tony Atlas and Larry Cameron snuck into the ring and flattened him with a double shoulder tackle. Awesome put his foot on Cactus to get the three count, but seemed irked at this unwanted interference in his match.


Brian Pillman vs. Eddie Guerrero


These two had a dynamic, high flying match where Flyin' Brian came out on top with the Air Pillman.


The Destruction Crew vs. Iron & Steel (Tony Atlas & Larry Cameron)


This battle of the bullies came to a messy end when Cactus Jack rushed in with a chair to attack Atlas and Cameron, giving them the win by DQ.


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Can-Am Express


The Blondes continued their drift into shady behaviour, pulling out some unsavory tactics in this match against the former Pacific Tag Team Champs. It would not be enough against the Express, with Furnas pinning Spicolli with a bridging German Suplex.


California Championship Match : Steven Regal © vs. Steve Austin


Before the match, a furious Commissioner Dutch Savage came out with a squad of PCW security officials, stating that if Iron & Steel, Cactus Jack or Bret Hart were to come out at all during this match, they would be immediately be suspended for two weeks without pay. Even with this stern warning, Savage's hard line attitude didn't seem to make much of an impression on Austin, who left the ring during the match to try to grab a chair. He got in a tug of war with a security official, and was unprepared with Regal came out and nailed him with a spinning forearm smash to the face. He then pulled Austin into the ring and got the win with a Regal-Plex.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Scotty The Body © vs. Jerry Lynn


After all of the shenanigans of the show so far, the Light Heavyweights closed out the night with a technical match. Surprisingly, the always confident Scotty kept things clean and held off a game Lynn with the Body Shot (DDT).


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 A pair of champions advance to the semis.

Lee pulls his team across the finish line.

I'm sure Douglas is happy to take on Cornette's leading man in the ToL semis.

Hashimoto denies the Diamond Exchange another piece of gold.

San Francisco.

Gordy with a dominant win.

The Dreamboats are chugging along.

Rose gets a win but has some issues with his boys.

The all champions tag match goes the distance.

Dibiase with an impressive victory and clearly has the Dragon in his sights.


Awesome didn't appreciate Iron & Steel's helping hand.

Flyin' Brian grounds Eddie.

Cactus returns the favor.

The Express overcome the Blondes new tendency to play rough.

Dutch is about to blow a gasket and Austin's little stunt with the chair surely didn't help.

Scotty closes the night with a surprisingly clean title defense.

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UK will be represented well in the final four.

A change of scenery is exactly what Rhodes needed. Lee gets the job done but nevertheless a win for Rhodes as well.  

You've given Condrey the best career resurgence I've seen. 

Always watch out for the belly to belly suplex. Douglas is in the final four. 

I agree, Hashimoto has quickly earned credibility as a fighting champ. 

Cow Palace,

Gordy is so damn dominating right now. 

Dreamboats are gearing up for another title shot. 

Hmmmm, just what's going on in Rose's head. 

Both tag champs give the fans a thrilling draw. Always fun seeing champions vs. champions. 

Why do I have a feeling Dibiase has a very well calculated plan to get the PCW title. 


Iron and Steel give Awesome the win, but a man like Awesome likes to get the job done himself. 

The LHW's tear it up again. 

Cactus comes back with a vengeance. 

The Blondes play dirty but it's not enough against the Can Ams. 

Austin loses his cool and it costs him. 

Judging by his performance, I think Scotty wants to keep the well built up LHW title credible. Good job Scotty. 

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Olympic Auditorium , Los Angeles , on ESPN / TSN, September 27th


Brian Lee vs. Joel Anderson


Lately, Brian Lee has been showing signs of frustration with the Brigade's lack of progress in their feud with the Terror Collective, in particular bristling with Dustin Rhodes'  performance in their matches. Getting out of that environment for the moment, Lee made quite a statement with the rookie Anderson. The Bulldozer stormed the ring, booted Anderson in the midsection and planted him with the Prime Time Slam, dispatching him within a few seconds. Hopefully he can direct this energy in a way that get his momentum going, because he clearly has a lot of talent.


Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) vs. Iron & Steel (Tony Atlas & Larry Cameron)


This match never even got out of the starting blocks. As Stormfront were heading out to the ring, they were waylaid by the Sin City Superstars , and the two teams brawled back to the locker room as Iron & Steel looked annoyed and the ref made the countout. Commissioner Dutch Savage is undoubtedly taking notes somewhere.


Tournament Of Lions Semi-Final Match : Steven Regal vs. Fit Finlay


After a very quick match and a match that never got started, the crowd were getting a bit restless, but their patience would be repaid with the next match in the Tournament Of Lions. The California and Submission champs gave them a long and hard hitting match, holding nothing back as they battled to move on in the tournament. Despite some jarring shots from Finlay, Regal was able to wear him down until he came off the ropes and clocked him with the Iron Fist Punch. The Englishman scored the three count to become the first finalist in the tournament.


Billy Gunn vs. Ted Dibiase


Dibiase has led the Terror Collective to dominant showings over the Brigade, and now seems to have broadened his scope to take an interest in Pacific Heavyweight Champion Ricky Steamboat. All the same, Billy Gunn is not somebody to look past, and the lanky Texan gave the Man On Means quite a fight. Dibiase was still able to pull out the win with a powerslam off the ropes, but Gunn certainly proved he was not someone to look past.


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Juice Crew (Beetlejuice & Big Juice)


This tag match was at least able to get started, but there was definitely the scent of chaos in the air. The ref struggled to maintain control, with all four men in the ring at many points as well as the Sinister Minister getting involved. Both members of Wings Of Fire had been targets in the past few weeks of the Jackal and the rest of the Sinister Ministry, and were hungry for some measure of payback. They must have gotten some satisfaction when the Eagle was able to hit the Screaming Eagle (top rope missile dropkick) on Big Juice to grab the victory for his team.


Tournament Of Lions Semi-Final Match : Shane Douglas vs. Dennis Condrey


The evening closed out with the last match in the Tournament Semi-Finals and it would be a barn burner. Douglas' hatred of all of Jim Cornette's men has been made clear over the past few months, stemming from what Douglas feels as Cornette's manipulation of his former friend Big Bully Busick, and Cornette has made it clear that he doesn't think any better of Douglas. "Loverboy" Dennis has been doing a sterling job as Cornette's point man since his return and really took it to Douglas, and Douglas was just as fierce in trying to take Condrey down. It looked like the young star would pull off the upset when he nearly hit the belly to belly suplex. Condrey shut that down with a nasty forearm shot to the face, then hit a Full Nelson Facebuster and score the one two three. The Tournament Of Lions Finals for two weeks in Portland were now set : Steven Regal would square off with Dennis Condrey.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the LA Sports Arena, Los Angeles, on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, September 28th


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Southern Boys


The Blondes continued to sink into more dirty tactics, but the Southern Boys still came out on top when a low blow from Smothers on Spicolli set up a Bulldog Headlock from Armstrong.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Reno Riggins


In a match that was thankfully free of outside interference, Dustin defeated the Sin City Superstar with an inverted DDT.


Brian Pillman vs. Chris Adams


Another fast paced battle between these two that Pillman won with a top rope flying Sunset Flip.


Barry Windham & Scott Hall vs. The Miracle Violence Combination


The Brigade did all they could to put a stop to the Terror Collective, but the MVC still overpowered them when Gordy took Hall down with a Spike Piledriver.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki) © vs. The Destruction Crew


The young Japanese team fended off the challenge from the former champions with Kawada hit a Brainbuster on Enos.


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. Steve Austin


The show finished off with a blazing hot match with the Dragon defending against the former California champ. Austin went at it hard and gave it everything he had, but Steamboat was able to shut down an attempted Stun Gun and then follow up with a single arm roll up to successfully defend his title.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling Show from the UCSB Event Center, Santa Barbara, September 29th


Alex Porteau vs. Mike Awesome


Another dominant victory by Mike Awesome with the Awesome Bomb.


Cactus Jack vs. Mark Starr


Cactus was able to overcome the Sin City Superstar by hitting a Double Arm DDT


Al Snow vs. Buddy Rose


Snow put in a determined effort against the Playboy and did quite well until Rose lured him into the Inside Out Backbreaker


Dean Malenko & Eddie Guerrero vs. The Can-Am Express


This match was something of a shock, as not long ago Malenko and Guerrero had been feuding with each other, exchanging the Submission and Light Heavyweight titles in some legendary matches. Living up to the legend, they had a gripping match with the former Pacific Tag Team champs, going to a 30 minute time limit draw.


The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) & Jerry Lynn vs. The Midnight Express & Big Bully Busick


The highlights of this match were the clear tension between Jim Cornette and his Bodyguard Busick, and the feud between the Dreamboats and the Midnights. The Dreamboats were able to score the victory with Dreamer pinning Eaton following the Tomikaze.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Scotty The Body © vs. Erin O'Grady


Once again, it fell to the Light Heavyweights to close out the show, and they did not disappoint. Scotty came out on top as he caught the Leprechaun attempting a flying back body press and turned it around into a Tombstone Piledriver.

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Lee doesn't get paid by the hour.

Iron & Steel don't appreciate the easy win the Superstars gave them.

Regal wins the champ vs champ tournament match.

Dibiase builds his case for a title shot.

WoF get a bit of payback on the ministry.

Loverboy moves on to the finals.

LA night 2.

The Southern Boys continue to draw out the Blondes dark side.

Rhodes gets a needed win.

Pillman scores another point against Adams.

The MVC deal the Brigade another defeat.

PR wrecks the DC's plans to bring tag gold to the Diamond Exchange.

I actually saw Steamboat & Austin face off on a Clash of Champions. Great time.

Santa Barbara.

Awesome and Cactus both look impressive.

Snow shines in defeat.

Eddie & Dean take the Express to the limit in their first outing as a team.

Camp Cornette is in a bit of disarray.

Scotty has all the luck since becoming Light Heavyweight champ.

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Lee's not playing around anymore. 

Like Awesome last week, Iron and Steel didn't like the outside interference.

Regal really earned his way into the finals. 

I hope Steamboat was taking notes because Dibiase is gunning for him.

WOF finally get some satisfaction. 

Condrey vs. Regal in the finals is going to rock!! 


This time the Southern Boys heel tactics overcome. 

Yea, a change of scenery is doing Dustin well. 

Looks like Pillman is getting the upper hand on Adams. 

It wont be long until Gordy and Williams go for tag team gold. 

Phoenix Rising rack up another defense against former champs.

Steamboat retains after a serious challenge from Austin. 

Santa Barbara,

Awesome gets another awesome win.

I always liked that double arm DDT from Cactus. 

Rose always pulls out a win with his finisher. 

Eddie and Dean proved they can work well together. 

The Dreamboats have had the Midnights number lately. Can they win the big one? 

Scotty's really shining as LHW champ. 

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Victoria Memorial Arena, Victoria, on ESPN / TSN, October 4th


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


Both of these teams are familiar with being brought into someone else's war. Wings Of Fire have found themselves targets in Ricky Steamboat's feud with the Sinister Ministry, while the OWC are taking point in the Terror Collective's battles with the Brigade. Both teams seemed on an equal level as they battled back and forth. Then, out of nowhere, the OWC kicked it into another gear, with Albright crushing Vic with a series of devastating suplexes. He then whipped him into Young for the trademark Spinebuster Slam for the win. The original Trio of the Collective may get the most attention, the Oregon Wrecking Crew are certainly making a name for themselves.


Cactus Jack vs. Larry Cameron


Well, it seems like it just wouldn't be a PCW show these days without at least one match devolving into a complete schmozz outside the ring with other parties getting involved. With both Tony Atlas and Steven Regal making their presence felt, Cameron got knocked outside by the Cactus Jack, then a dive by the Man From Truth Or Consequences resulted in all 4 men in a pile and a double countout finish. Somebody, go check Dutch Savage's blood pressure.


Brian Pillman vs. Erin O'Grady


Perhaps as something of a reaction to the previous match, this one provided solid exciting in ring action. The always pugnacious Leprechaun got a lot of good shots and moves in on Flyin' Brian, but Pillman was on top form and hit a spectacular top rope missile dropkick to get the win.


Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) vs. The Miracle Violence Combination


While the OWC are coming into their own, their Terror Collective brethren the MVC are on a rampage of absolute dominance. Nothing Snow and Porteau did made the slightest dent in Gordy and Williams, and when Gordy jammed Porteau's head into the match with a brutal piledrive, it was all over. Pretty much business as usual for the Terror Collective.


Bret Hart vs. Chris Adams


While Hart has been mostly focused on his former pupil Steve Austin, Austin's Diamond Exchange partner Chris Adams has been right in the thick of things as well. Adams was relentless in going after the Hitman, and it was all Bret could do to stay out of range of Adams' dangerous Superkick. Adams fought off every attempt at the Sharpshooter, and it was only a mistimed attempt at a Superkick that allowed Hart to sneak in  a single arm rollup and just barely get the three count. It was close, but the Hitman was able to pull out the win.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN , October 5th


Steven Regal & Shane Douglas vs. Dennis Condrey & Fit Finlay


With the Tournament Of Lions Finals coming up next week, all four Semi-Finalists squared off in a rollicking tag team match. There were some hard hitting exchanges between Finalists Regal and Condrey, it wound up being Douglas whose shoulders were pinned to the mat, courtesy of a DDT from Condrey.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Adams


Coming back after his loss to Bret Hart the night before, Adams took on a game Eddie Guerrero and withstood his offense to land the Superkick and get the win.


Scott Hall vs. Mark Starr


Hall was clearly thinking of Starr's Playboy Club partner Mike Awesome as he steamrolled over the Sin City Superstar, beating him with the Niagara Driver.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Mike Awesome


Rhodes recent rally and string of wins came to an end when, despite a valiant effort, he was crushed by the Awesome Bomb.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki) © vs. The Destruction Crew


As they did last week, the popular Japanese team successfully defended their titles against the former champs, with Sasaki forcing Bloom to tap out to the Strangle Hold Gamma.


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. Buddy Rose


The Playboy pulled out everything in his considerable bag of tricks, including some well timed interference from Tina Ferrari, taking the Dragon to the limit in a 30 minute time limit draw.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Kelowna Memorial Arena, Kelowna, October 6th


The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. The Southern Boys


The Dreamboats came out strong and ultimately prevailed over the former champs, with Shane defeating Armstrong with a swinging neckbreaker.


Dragon Azul vs. Reno Riggins


The masked Dragon came out on top over the Sin City Superstar after landing the Asai Moonsault.


Dan Severn & Steve Blackman vs. Genichiro Tenryu & Masahiro Chono


Another technical classic, with the students following the lead of their mentors and Blackman defeating Chono with the Running Bicycle Kick.


Golden State Tag Team Title Match : The Midnight Express © vs The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli)


This was a much more chaotic match than the previous one, with the Blondes cheating just as much as the Midnights and Lane resorting to a tennis racquet shot to the back of Spicolli's head to steal the victory.


Brian Pillman vs. Big Juice


Flyin' Brian got his second win of the weekend, hitting the Air Pillman on the Juice Crew member and scoring the three count.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Scotty The Body © vs. Jerry Lynn


The weekend closed out with a Light Heavyweight duel, with Lynn coming very close on several occasions to take the title, only for a duel of rollups to be stolen by Scotty with his feet on the corner ropes.

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The OWC show why they aren't to be ignored.

Cactus & Regal take the fight to Iron & Steel.

Pillman followed the rainbow to a win.

The MVC continue to tear up the tag scene.

he Hitman takes out the Gentleman.


Condrey gets some major momentum ahead of the ToL finals.

Adams rebounds.

Hall & Awesome take turns sending messages to the other.

PR's reign looks indestructible!

The Playboy takes the champ to the limit.


The Dreamboats take down the always dangerous Southern Boys.

Azul gets some shine.

Things seemed to have cooled a bit between Blackman & Chono.

The Blondes really pushed the Midnights.

A successful weekend for Pillman.

Scotty takes the low road to retain.

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Despite Dibiase, Gordy and Williams getting most of the attention, OWC are really clicking. 

Can't wait until Cactus and Regal square off against Iron and Steel. 

Watch out, Pillman's on a streak. 

Damn, Williams and Gordy cannot be stopped! 

Bret gets a satisfying win over Adams, but I'm sure he's looking ahead to Austin. 


Condrey sends a message,

Nice comeback win for Adams. 

Hall squashes Starr

I think Awesome wanted to upstage Hall. 

Phoenix Rising are settling in as champs

Oh man, Steamboat vs. Rose is such a fun match up. I would've gotten my money's worth on that one. 


Dreamboats are on the road for another title shot. 

Azul has been another standout in the LHW division. 

Blackman scores the fall and tempers didn't flare. One less thing for Dutch to worry about. 

The Blondes rulebreaking gives the Midnights a scare. 

Pillman racks up yet another win. 

The LHW title match closes out the show with Scotty proving he wants to hold on to that title by any means necessary 

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Portland Sports Arena, Portland , on ESPN / TSN, October 11th


The Jackal vs. Chet Welch


With his challenge for the Pacific Heavyweight Title coming up in a couple of weeks, the masked Jackal has been keeping an unusually low profile of late. Tonight, he crawled out of his cave and made a show of force against the unfortunate Mr. Welch. The Jackal savaged poor Welch, dragging him around the ring while hammering him with repeated blows to the head. He then forced him to tap out to the Claws Of The Jackal (Iron Claw), refusing to release until ordered by the ref. As statements go, this was a very convincing one, and you can bet the PCW champ Ricky Steamboat is watching with concern.


Brian Lee vs. Mark Starr


Lately, Brian Lee has been showing some frustration with the ongoing feud his allies in the Brigade have had with the Terror Collective. Perhaps looking to get a fresh perspective, he has found some success by taking on some new opponents. Mark Starr came to quickly regret this decision on Lee's part. The Sin City Superstar was swiftly dispatched by Lee with the Prime Time Slam, an easy three count for the Bulldozer. Hopefully, this will help his confidence when he returns to the front lines against Ted Dibiase's crew.


Pacific Television Title Match : Shinya Hashimoto © vs. Fit Finlay


Ever since he won the TV title from Buddy Rose, Shinya Hashimoto has sought out the toughest competition in PCW to prove himself as champion. Well, he certainly wasn't going to find any tougher than the Pacific Submission Champion Fit Finlay. The shots rang out across the arena in this hard hitting match as the two laid into each other with brutal shots and kicks. It took nearly everything the champ had but he was able to outlast the Belfast Bruiser and finally put him down with the Brainbuster. Whoever plans to take the TV title from the Japanese star had best be ready to give it all they have got.


Maxx Payne vs. Steve Williams


While every member of the Terror Collective score very highly on the scale of toughness, Dr. Death brings with that a considerable stock of viciousness. Showing that he didn't care what size opposition he faced, Williams made a meal out of the burly Maxx Payne, battering him and crushing him with power moves before flattening him with the Doctor Bomb for a convincing victory. The Terror Collective continue to tower over the competition on the West Coast, whether it is individually or as a group.


Tournament Of Lions Final Match : Steve Regal vs. Dennis Condrey


After several weeks of intense tournament competition, the Finals are here. A study in contrasts, the young but still seasoned Regal would face the cunning veteran Condrey. Both men were at the top of their respective games and the match went long with the proverbial duel of Human Chess. Condrey and Jim Cornette frequently went for their usual subterfuge and underhanded tactics, but Regal had the wherewithal to either counter or come back from it. After a thrilling bout, Condrey sought to take the prize with the Full Nelson Facebuster. Regal blocked it with a hard elbow to the face, then followed up with a Russian Legsweep. He then went for the kill and locked Condrey in the Regal Stretch, and despite every effort, Loverboy Dennis had no choice but to tap out. After a classic tournament and final match, the California Champion stood tall and accepted the applause of the fans as the winner of the 1989 Tournament Of Lions.


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