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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN , December 7th


The Eagle vs. Dennis Condrey


The Eagle is now without his partner, due to Commissioner Savage's proclamation the day before. He was able to bounce back in this match, defeating an always game Condrey with the Screaming Eagle (missile dropkick).


Jerry Lynn vs. Brian Lee


Emboldened further by his walkout on the Brigade, Lee was ruthless as he put down Lynn with the Prime Time Slam.


Billy Gunn vs. Steve Williams


Gunn did his best, but Doctor Death crushed him with the Oklahoma Stampede.


Bret Hart vs. Buddy Rose


This was a classic match between two of the mainstays of Pacific Coast Wrestling, when went back and forth until Hart caught Rose in a single arm rollup for the win.


Iron & Steel (Tony Atlas & Larry Cameron) vs. The Destruction Crew


Iron & Steel got even more cheers from the fans as they defeated the former Pacific Tag Team Champs, pinning "Mean" Mike Enos following a Spike Piledriver.


Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat © vs. Terry Gordy


A rematch from San Diego Battleground, Gordy was gunning for the title just as hard as the week before. It took everything Steamboat have to hit the Diving Crossbody and pull out the win.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Kelowna Memorial Arena, Kelowna,  December 8th


Al Snow vs. Scotty The Body


Snow was not about to take any of Scotty's guff, and gave the Playboy Club member a fierce battle. It took some interference from Tina Ferrari to render Snow vulnerable to the Body Shot (DDT), allowing Scotty to steal the win.


Shane Douglas vs. Genichiro Tenryu


Shane gave an especially spirited effort in this match, and did well for a while, but the experience and skill of Tenryu were touch to overcome. Tenryu pinned him with a Power Bomb, but gave Douglas a bow of respect after the match.


Steve Austin vs. Masahiro Chono


The cheers from the fans for Austin were definitely starting to outweigh the boos, and he rode that wave to a win by way of the Stun Gun.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : Phoenix Rising (Toshiaki Kawada & Kensuke Sasaki) © vs. The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli)


The Blondes were holding nothing back, cheating like crazy, and did a lot of damage to the champs. The Blondes wound up being caught out when Candido was trying to sneak up on Kawada for a low blow from behind, only to get nailed with a spin kick to the face that put him down for the count.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Dragon Azul © vs. Erin O'Grady


Dragon's first title defense was a hot one, with the energetic challenge from the Leprechaun being put down by a spinning neckbreaker from the champ.


Pacific Submission Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Fit Finlay


The evening (and the year for PCW) ended with a gritty battle over the Submission title. Dean successfully defended his newly regained title by forcing the Fighting Irishman to tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf. Next up for the PCW roster : sun , fun and relaxation on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii. See you all in 1990, folks.



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Dutch starts the show with some last minute cleaning.

SinMin doesn't seem to mind having to basically start over.

A touching goodbye from Hall & Rhodes.

Bigelow is set too have a huge year in 1990.

Cornette got busted! Good to see Douglas & Busick patch things up.

Okay I appreciate the whole "SinMin sucks" thing Iron & Steel but the fact you're still taking the money kinda takes some wind out of it.

Severn & Blackman are looking good with their respective rivalries behind them.

WIndham backs up his earlier words.

Hart & Austin bury the hatchet.

Hashimoto holds onto the TV Title heading into the new year.


Eagle soars alone.

Lee is determined to prove he doesn't need anybody.

Dr Death puts down Gunn.

The Hitman takes out the Playboy.

Iron & Steel have some new fans.

Gordy gets a second chance but it ends the same as the first.


Tina continues to come through for Scotty.

Douglas earns a nod, er, bow of respect from Tenryu.

Austin is really getting the crowd behind him.

Three successful defenses to close out the year.

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Dutch took care of business but it didn't seem to rattle Sinister much

I always liked how PCW gives its departing wrestlers a chance to say goodbye

Bigelow is fired up for 1990 

Great continuity with Busick. It looks like he's back with the old gang. 

Iron and Steel cut off ties with Sinister. However, there's something more sinister going on here. 

Severn and Blackman might be making a run at the tag gold

Windham looks to get back on track 

Hart and Austin respectfully go their separate ways 

Hashimoto keeps his amazing run going. 


Eagle fly's solo and rebounds well.

Lee's the new lone wolf in PCW 

Williams might be Steamboat's next challenger

Love the match up between Hart and Rose

look at that, Iron and Steel are winning over fans. Maybe Austin should hook up with these guys. 

Steamboat fends off Gordy a second time 


Scotty picks up a solid win...with a little help

Tenryu is back on his path of destruction

Austin hearing the cheers

The Blondes rule breaking isn't enough to take the titles from PR 

Dragon's going to have an exciting reign

Malenko's a submission machine

1989 was an incredible year in PCW. Bring on the 90s! 



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The scene starts on a blank screen as one can hear the sound of a lone bagpipe playing "The Skye Boat Song". A gentle montage follows of scenes from Scotland ... the shores of Loch Lomond, the windswept highlands, a marching band playing the pipes, a caber toss at the Highland Games, haggis (?). The montage closes on the flag of St. Andrew's Cross and a brief text ...

Coming to PCW in 1990


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The scene starts on a blank screen as one can hear the sound of a band playing "America The Beautiful". A gentle montage follows of significant American monuments and sites ... the Washington Monument, the White House, the Capitol building, the Lincoln Memorial, the USMC War Memorial. The montage overlaps the last image with the Stars & Stripes and a brief text ...

Coming to PCW in 1990




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1989 has been a great year for PCW and I think you've utilized all of your talent pretty well. The arrival of Steve Williams and Terry Gordy has brought a lot to the promotion and their interactions with other members of the roster have always been interesting to read about. 1990 should just as exciting with some great young talent coming up through the ranks.

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The scene comes up on a six sided space, it's shape defined by stone pillars at each corner. It is lit by candles, outside of is darkness. From the flickering candles outside the space can be seen 4 figures wearing hooded cloaks, plus the shadowy semblance of a man wearing a fez. Inside the space are two men. They are young, slim but fit, and are bare chested and wearing white martial arts pants. The man with the fez raises his hand and snaps his fingers. Out of nowhere , masked men wearing black martial arts gear stream into the space and attack the two young men. The young men take them down with ease, a hurricane of chops and spinning kicks. More and more masked men come in to attack, only to be knocked out by the young men, until there is nothing left inside the space but the triumphant duo, barely breathing heavily, and a plethora of unconscious bodies. The man in the fez raises both hands, holding up 6 fingers, and nods. He then snaps his fingers one more time, and the candles all extinguish at once, leaving nothing but darkness. On the black screen, white text appears.

Just what is the mystery of ..... The Hexagon?

Pin pageWrestling Magazine on X: "Rob Zakowski, a remarkably impressive rookie  currently wrestling in the USWA, has to be seen to be believed!  https://t.co/eHUteetfqq" / X

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The scene opens up on a highway going through the southwest. "For The Love Of Money" by the O'Jays plays as the soundtrack. There are mountains on either side of the highway and a train track running parallel to it.  An open top convertible is cruising down the highway while a train also runs down the track. Behind the wheel of the convertible is a muscular man with short hair. In the passenger seat is a man with a ponytail wearing a shirt in a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt. In the back seat is a third man, his long blonde hair flying in the breeze. The convertible paces the train for a while, until the tracks cause the train and the highway to go in different directions. The long haired man in the back turns to the camera and winks. The short haired man then hits the gas and the car disappears into the distance. The scene fades to black, with a text appearing on the screen ...

Chugging into Pacific Coast Wrestling in 1990 ... the Money Train!

E. Z. Money - WikipediaChris Hamrick - IMDbKid Kash

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The scene opens up outside a swanky Hollywood nightclub at nighttime. There is a long line up at the entrance. A stretch limo pulls up near the head of the line. The drive gets out and opens the passenger side door at the back. Out of it come three men, each with a stunning blonde woman on their arm. The first man has his hair slicked back and a familiar drop handlebar mustache. The second man has a shaved head and wears tight black pants and an open shirt that shows off his chest and many medallions. The third man looks like he wandered out of the Lynyrd Skynyrd road crew. He has long hair and a beard, wears a black leather hat, vest and pants. He has an air of quiet menace to him, but the woman at his side clutches even tighter to his arm. They breeze past the queue and go straight to the front door, while the club doorman rushes to open it for them. The screen goes black, while text appears on the screen :

Out to woo the West Coast in 1990 .... The Hollywood Heartbreakers!

Who are some of the most handsome wrestlers of all time : r/SquaredCircleBig Vito Lograsso signed AUTHENTIC 8x10|Free Ship|The Autograph BankBilly Black

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The scene comes up on a theme park. While "Rock America" by Danger Danger plays, a crowd of buxom and excited young woman are clustering around someone heading towards one of the rides. What is causing all of this fuss? No, it's not the Lynyrd Skynyrd reunion tour. It's two handsome young men, one with short dark hair, the other with long blonde hair that flows in the breeze. They eagerly get on the Scrambler, while many of the women also get on the ride, just to be near them. Their follows a montage of them at a variety of theme parks, including Disneyland, going on a variety of rides : rollercoasters, bumper cars, ferris wheels, Splash Mountain, Jungle Cruise, the Matterhorn. Always with broad smiles and having a tremendous time, always with dreamy eyed women following behind. The last we see of them is them heading off to find another thrill, with the women trailing behind like they were muscular Pied Pipers. The scene fades to black with text appearing on the screen :

Ready to Rock America and bring us all a thrill in 1990 ... the Thrillseekers!

Rasslin' History 101 on X: "Lance Storm and Chris Jericho.the exciting  young tag team in Smoky Mountain Wrestling known as The Thrill Seekers,circa-1994  https://t.co/OWgXNck22j" / X

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Scene opens on a private dining room in a fancy restaurant in Hawaii . A table is full of roast turkeys, chickens, pork loins, as well as vegetables and other sides, There are also plenty of bottles of champagne, wine and beer. Surrounding the table are the members of the Terror Collective. Ted Dibiase , Terry Gordy, Steve Williams, Gary Albright and David Young are all wearing suits, some ill fitting and with food splotches on them, and each of them has a plate in front of them which is piled high with delicious food. Most of them  are chortling to each other and enjoying their meals, but Ted Dibiase turns to the camera.

Dibiase : Seasons greetings, peasants! The Man Of Means here. As you all know, the Terror Collective have accomplished many great things in 1989. We have served notice to all of Pacific Coast Wrestling, we have established ourselves as the premiere wrestling unit in the world, and we have destroyed all who have stood in our path. Done, done and done! So we are now enjoying the fruits of our labours.  But we aren't going to stop there. You see, the next step to our dominance is the golden step. Titles all around ... Steamboat, Dreamboats, Phoenix Rising, Hashimoto, Regal, Malenko , all of your championship reigns are on borrowed time. We might just even bring a light heavyweight into our ranks, just to take that belt away from Dragon Azul. Then, our conquest will be absolute! And so, a very Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year for 1990 ... to us!

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Scene opens on a stretch of Waikiki Beach. Scotty The Body, wearing surfing trunks , is lying stomach down on a towel. Tina Ferrari , wearing a slinky bikini, is kneeling beside him while rubbing his shoulders and putting lotion on his skin.  Sitting nearby in a beach chair is "Playboy" Buddy Rose. He is underneath a parasol, wearing oversize trunks, flip flops , and a beach robe, all while holding a fruity tropical cocktail in a coconut shell with a tiny paper umbrella in it. Rose turns to the camera.

Rose : Well,  hello there! Greetings from sunny Hawaii. As you can clearly see, life is good for the Playboy Club, as it always is. Oh, sure, there were the occasional setbacks in the last year. But we are the team of the future! And we have some fun surprises in store in 1990, you can bet your life on that. Isn't that right , Tina?

Tina : You bet, Boss!

Rose : Scotty?

Scotty : Mmmmmmmmm .......

Rose : Well, I'm sure he agrees. So hope you folks are enjoying your holidays, and you can look forward to the privilege of watching the the Playboy Club rule over you all with firm but benevolent mercy in the New Year. (raising his coconut shell mug) Cheers!

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Night time. A bar in Honolulu. Sitting at a table in a corner are Barry Windham and Billy Gunn. Each man is bleary eyed and has a beer in his hand, with plenty of empties on the table. While many pretty women passing by are giving inviting glances to them, the two men are sitting alone. Windham addresses the camera, his speech slurring a bit.

Windham : Howdy fans. A bit of a late night, my apologies. Well, here we are ... the Brigade, or at least, what is left of it. Been dealt some punches, ain't gonna lie. But you know what they say ... it's always darkest before the dawn. And the sun is going to shine tomorrow, you betcha. So don't you worry about us ... me and Billy will be back and on top for you guys in no time. (Billy Gunn mutters something in Windham's ear) Oh, yeah ... Merry Christmas, everybody!

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