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The British Bomber arrives with a boom.

Lighting Strikes The Thunderfoots.

Kernodle shows Steve O why he's Number 1. I wonder what Paul Jones thinks of him using that name?

Another wild one between The Olympians & The Union.

Charland wrecks "Iron" McGee...with a little help from Brito.

Idol shows Lawler the kind of tricks he'll have to deal with at SuperClash.

And it's 3-3! As if SuperClash wasn't stacked enough now we're getting the tiebreaker between Rock n Roll & The Fabs!

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Lawler vs Idol is probably going to be a bloodbath, and I can't wait!

Los Thunderfeet have arrived!

Bruise Brothers head to the finals of the National Tag Title Tournament!! My Guys!!

I'm going to assume that Priceless has a plan, and isn't just lazing away there chances of retaining the titles!!

Curt Hennig is really embracing life as a bad guy. You love to see it! I think we are looking at the next big star of the AWA!

The Idol/Bock/Dream Machine vs Lawler/Mulligan/Garvin 6 man on the house show would be worth the price of admission by itself! Holy shit, what a line up!

The Rock and Roll's tie it up!! We are going to #7 at SuperClash! 

SuperClash is looking huge!! Can't wait to see it!!

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Lawler is ready for SuperClash!

The Thunderfeet have arrived!

Punkski may have made a big mistake shoving down the Great Gagne!

Bruise Brothers appear to be back on track and have to be heavy favorites to win the whole thing.

Strong words from the Fabs who are still ahead.

Glad to see the Champs are still living the high life on the road to SuperClash, I just hope it doesn't come back to bite them.

An angry Austin Idol is a dangerous Austin Idol!

Looks like the Dream Machine is ready for Mulligan....or is he?

Happy to see Hennig get the pin in that crazy 8 man tag match!

Over to the Rupp Arena.....

"British Bomber" Dave Taylor, I like it!

Kernodle gets a nice win

HUGE six man tag where Idol proves he still has some tricks up his sleeve!

Rock & Roll tie it up! I can't wait for SuperClash!

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I must say, you are the master at building a super card and finding something for everyone to do.  Not a shock to see the Fab Ones and The RnR Express going the distance and I can't wait to see which way you go with it.  These are two of my favorite tag teams and this angle has been awesome to follow.  I can say the same thing for Lawler vs Idol.  I loved Idol on Georgia Championship Wrestling when I was a kid.  He was usually a babyface and I thought him, Tony Atlas and Wildfire were the best.  As an adult, I have know been able to see some Memphis shows and love Idol and Wildfire as heels.  This game is really fun to see each of us put our own spin on things.  While I love the entire Super card, I am also really looking froward to the Steamboat/Colon match.  I know who I want to win but I am more excited to see how you write up Colon as a heel in a major match with a ring technician.  Also, whoever comes out of Garvin vs Bock is going to get a huge push.  Looking forward to seeing what direction you go.  Awesome job putting the big show together.  

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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 11-12-86



Lance Russell: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of AWA Major League Wrestling. In action tonight will be, Nick Bockwinkle, Larry Zbyszko and Al Perez, Ron Garvin, Brian Adias, Richard Charland and Gino Brito Jr., Jimmy Snuka and Cabin Fever in 6 man action. 8 man tag match as The Olympians team with Lightning Strike to take on The Union and Karachi Vice. Vin Man's Kerry Brown will go head to head with Blackjack Mulligan. All that plus AWA World Champ Ricky Steamboat will be in the ring. Fans, SuperClash is just 2 weeks away and on that night you'll see Austin Idol defend the National title against Jerry Lawler with No DQ, No C.O. stipulations added. Right now I wanted to get a word with the National Champ himself, Austin Idol. 

"Do you want touch me" by Joan Jett blasts over the speakers. 

Idol stands in front of Lance and gives a double bicep pose to the camera. Idol's neck is still bandaged from the fireball incident a few weeks ago. 

Idol: You know something Lance, each and everyday, I have to look in the mirror and I'm reminded of what a sick animal Jerry "The Loser" Lawler is. 

Lance: Hold on just a second Idol, you were the one who brought the fire into the match in the first place. Lawler was just defending himself. 

Idol: Look at you Lance, always sticking up for your best friend Lawler. None of that matters anyways. Even though my neck is burnt, I'm still way better looking than that ugly Lawler. Nobody wants to see his ugly face here anymore. Oh and did you see the way I put a dent in his ugly face at the Rupp Arena last weekend? (laughs) 

Lance: Yea sure, I saw it and I saw the brass knuckles you used. 

Idol: There you go again Lance, always making excuses for golden boy Lawler. Lawler! That was nothing compared to what's coming...

The fans go crazy as Lawler comes out in street clothes and tackles Idol in front of the podium! Lance gets out of there as Lawler punches away on Idol! Idol kicks Lawler off and tries to run but Lawler grabs him and hurls Idol into the ring. Lawler swings Idol to the ropes and back drops him. Idol staggers up and Lawler puts him down with a big right punch. Lawler swings Idol into the corner and charges but Idol sticks up his knees as Lawler hits them head on. 

Idol regroups and stomps away on Lawler. Idol hurls Lawler out of the ring. Idol swings Lawler towards the steel post but Lawler reverses it and swings Idol into it. Finally, officials come out to back Lawler off. 


Commercial Break 


"The Wrecking Machine" Richard Charland and Gino Brito Jr. vs. Vic Dutro and Willie Lopez


Brito clotheslines Dutro down and tags in Charland. Charland finishes things off with an inverted piledriver. Boos as they head to ringside. 


Resnick: Ok, as everybody knows at SuperClash there will be a tag team battle royal. The winners will not only receive 100,000 dollars but will also get a world tag team title shot later that night. These two men standing with me will be in that battle royal. 

Brito: Resnick, first of all, you should be congratulating me on my triumphant return to the ring after some time away. But lets talk facts. You're looking at two men who will not only be a lot richer at SuperClash but will also be walking away with the world tag titles. And that my friend is a fact! 

As they walk away, Charland bumps Resnick. 


Commercial Break 


"Rugged" Ron Garvin vs. Trent Watkins 


Garvin wins the match with a KO right punch! 


Resnick: Ron Garvin, you made the challenge and Bockwinkle accepted. The two of you will meet at SuperClash. After watching you in the ring, I would say you're very well prepared to face one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. 

Garvin: Nick Bockwinkle is one of the greatest and that's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to stepping in the ring with him at SuperClash. However, Bockwinkle has been running his mouth about the lack of competition here in the AWA. I told Bockwinkle we both have something to prove. I want a world title shot just as bad as he does and at SuperClash I'm going to prove I'm sufficient competition and I'm going to win the match. 


Commercial Break 


The Olympians and Lightning Strike vs. The Union and Karachi Vice 

It's hyped up on commentary that all 4 teams will be involved in the SuperClash Tag Team Battle Royal. 

Pretty fun and fast paced match with everybody showing their stuff. Lightning Strike brings the high octane offense. Kazmaier brings the power while Rheingans changes things up with his technical skills. Union come back with some high impact moves as well. Karachi Vice are the ruthless ones here. Of course things are going to get crazy in an 8 man tag. All 8 men end up in a pier six brawl. The Ref loses control and signals for the bell. A DOUBLE DQ.

The fight doesn't stop as it goes into battle royal mode. Allen hits a flying press on Gama that sends them both over the top rope. Makhan clotheslines Horner from behind over the top rope. Makhan turns around and gets clotheslined over the top by Kaz. Ross sends Kaz over the top with a combat kick! Rheingans back drops Huber over the top. Ross charges at Rheingans and Rheingans back drops him over the top rope! 

Bodies are all over the outside as a commercial hits. 


Commercial Break 


Resnick: My goodness! After watching that, I can't imagine what the SuperClash tag team battle royal will look like. Switching gears. Fans, over the past couple months we've seen the two top teams in wrestling battle in a best of 7 series. I'm talking about the Rock n Roll Express and Fabulous Ones. After what happened at the Rupp Arena, that series is now tied at 3 apiece. The 7th match will take place at SuperClash. Please welcome out the Rock n Roll Express.


Massive pop as RnR slap hands with the guys and hug the gals. 

Resnick; Ricky and Robert, you guys beat the odds and came back to tie it. I would think momentum is in your favor. 

Robert: Yea, it feels pretty good Ken. Now we're looking to put this away at SuperClash.

Ricky: Oh yea baby! Never count RnR out! Fabs, you underestimated us and now we're even steven. Come SuperClash, Robert and myself are going to show you boys just who the better team is! WHOO! 


Commercial Break 


"Lonestar" Brian Adias vs. Todd Rooney 


Adias slams Rooney down, picks him up and hits a Russian Leg Sweep for the win! 


Resnick: Brian Adias, we all know the history between you and your former partner Curt Hennig. Will this get settled at SuperClash? 

Adias: You know last week, Hennig caught me with a low blow and got the pin on me. Hey, no excuses, at SuperClash I will settle this with my own flavor of Texas justice. Hennig! You can count on that! 


Commercial Break 


The camera zooms in on the glowing "SuperClash" sign then pans down to Brenda Britton. 



Britton: Hi everybody and welcome to another SuperClash update hosted by yours truly. On November 26th at the St. Paul Civic Center, you will see 14 All-Star matches. Kicking off the event will be recording sensation Linda Ronstadt singing the National Anthem. I'm still wondering why I wasn't asked to do that but I'm sure she will do pretty good. One of the matches I wanted to focus on tonight is the Tornado handicap match as Jimmy Snuka and Cabin Fever, yuck, will take on Billy Jack, the Beasts of Burden and Ox Baker. Let's hear from Ox and his gang right now.


Ox, Billy and The Beasts are standing in front of a SuperClash banner.

Ox: Last week that Ape Jimmy Snuka and his goons Cabin Fever came back from the dead and violently attacked us! You boys want to get violent? We wrote the book on that! Don't forget it was us who put you out of commission! It was us who left you in a pool of your own blood! And it will be us who ends your careers at SuperClash! 

Britton: Oh my, those guys are scary. Snuka and Cabin Fever are doomed. Another match will be the battle of former AWA world tag team champions between Curt Hennig and Brian Adias. Let's hear from Curt. 

Curt is standing in front of a SuperClash banner.

Hennig: Brian, I always knew you weren't as awesome as me and I think everyone else saw that as well. At SuperClash, you're going to be stepping in the ring with a man who makes no mistakes. A man who wont make an error. I'm a gifted wrestler and will show you and the world that at SuperClash. 

Britton: He's so cool. Another big match everybody is talking about is the tag team battle royal. I keep hearing all the buzz about Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami. You know, I have to say, does it really matter who wins? Sure they get 100 Grand but is that worth the embarrassment of being humiliated later on by the champs Priceless? I think not. Well, that does it for this week. I'll be back next week for one final update, until then, toooodles. 


Commercial Break 


Nick Bockwinkle vs. Sam Smith 


Bock gives Smith a wrestling lesson tonight and wins the match with an Indian Deathlock. 



Resnick: Nick, you saw Ron Garvin in action earlier. I'm sure you scouted him well.

Bock: Everybody has been asking me if I'm taking Ron Garvin lightly and looking past him. One might think that. However, nothing could be further from the truth. I want nothing more than a world title shot and to do that I must defeat Ron Garvin. So right now, the order of business is to defeat Garvin and move on to bigger things. If that means I'm calling Mr. Garvin a stepping stone, so be it. 


Commercial Break


Larry Z and Al Perez vs. Arnie Goldstein and Warren Coolidge 


Perez hits the Helicopter spin then tags in Larry, who finishes things off with a spinning neckbreaker.


Resnick: It's now official, the two of you will face the Bruise Brothers at SuperClash in the tournament finals for the National Tag Team Titles. 

Perez: Get real Resnick, look at us. Do you really think those two chumps stand a chance? 

Larry: I couldn't of made a more valid point. Resnick, you and all these spudheads are looking at the National tag team champs. We're a well oiled machine. They're a team comprised of a no talented muscle head and a washed up has been with a bum knee. Those titles are ours. 


Commercial Break 


Jimmy "Superfly Snuka and Cabin Fever vs. Willam Hillman, Roy Glader and Clinton Stitch 

Grizzly mows Hillman and Glader down with a bulldozer shoulder block. Fernandez hits the flying burrito on Stich and Snuka follows with the Superfly Splash for the win! 

Snuka looks in the camera and says "Ox! We're coming for you brotha!" 


Commercial Break 


Blackjack Mulligan vs. "Pitbull" Kerry Brown w/Vin Man 


Nothing pretty as these guys just pound away on each other. Mulligan gets the upper hand and that's Vinnie's cue to hop on the apron. Mulligan grabs Vinnie by his collar and holds him in the air. Vinnie's legs are shaking as he pleads for mercy. Brown gets up and nails Mulligan with a high knee to the back. Brown controls the next segment with stomps, slams, elbow drops and choking. Brown swings Mulligan to the ropes but Mulligan ducks the clothesline, comes back and clotheslines Brown down. 

Mulligan is all over Brown. Mulligan picks up Brown and slams him down, the picks him up again and slams him down with authority! Vinnie stupidly gets on the apron again and Mulligan runs over and punches him off. Mulligan picks up Brown and swings him around but Brown's boot hits the Ref as Mulligan slams him down. 

Boos as Paul Jones and Dream Machine hit the ring with a bull rope (cowbell attached) Mulligan knocks Jones down but Dream nails Mulligan with the cowbell! Mulligan goes down and is bleeding. Dream picks up Mulligan. Jones staggers up. Him and Dream swing Mulligan to the ropes and clothesline him down with the bull rope! Mulligan is lying there in a bloody mess. Dream and Jones exit. 

Brown gets up and drops a big elbow on Mulligan as the Ref crawls over and counts 1..2..3! 

Vinnie staggers in and hugs Brown. Jones and Dream come back in. All 4 laugh and look down at Mulligan. They all put the boots to him. 

Wild cheers as JERRY BLACKWELL hits the ring with a chair! He swings away as everybody runs out of there. Blackwell manages to nail Brown across the back with the chair which sends Brown flying out of the ring. Blackwell checks on Mulligan. Vin helps Brown up as they glare up at Blackwell, who's glaring right back. 


Commercial Break 


AWA World Champ Ricky Steamboat vs. Chris Richards 


Steamboat looks great tonight as he takes Richards over with several arm drags. Steamboat hits a vertical suplex, then goes to the top rope. Richards staggers up as Steamboat hits the flying press for the win! 


Resnick: Ricky Steamboat, come on over. I know the last month has been an emotional ride for you. At SuperClash, you face Carlos Colon for the world title. You look physically ready, are you emotionally and mentally ready?

Steamboat: If you told me a few months ago, all this with Carlos would be happening, I would of called you crazy. Carlos, at SuperClash...



Carlos nails Steamboat from behind with a kendo stick! 

Steamboat is on his knees as Colon whacks him again across the back. 

Resnick: What the hell is wrong with you Carlos?! 

Colon: (Rage in his eyes) You know how many times I was hit with one of these? You don't! It is to much to count! But did you ever ask how I was doing after being hit with this? No! 

Steamboat slowly gets back to his knees as Colon hits him again

Colon snatches the mic from Resnick and looks down at Steamboat.

Colon: At SuperClash, you and all these people will respect me! 

Colon hits Steamboat again with the kendo stick! 

Officials and wrestlers run out to stop this as the show goes off air. 


AWA presents 


Friday, November 26th 

St. Paul Civic Center, also available on closed circuit TV 

National Anthem sung by Linda Ronstadt 


AWA World Title Bout 

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (C) vs. Carlos Colon 


AWA World Tag Team Title Bout 

Priceless (C) vs. Winners of the Tag Team Battle Royal


AWA National Title Bout- NO DQ, NO C.O.

"The Universal Heartthrob" Austin Idol (C) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler 


Finals for the National Tag Titles 

Larry Z and Al Perez vs. The Bruise Brothers 


AWA TV Title Bout 

The Great Gagne (C) w/ Johnny V vs. Scott "Powerhouse" Putski 


Match 7 of the Best of 7 series 

Rock n Roll Express vs. The Fabulous Ones 


Tornado Handicap Match 

Jimmy Snuka and Cabin Fever vs. Billy Jack, Beasts of Burden and Ox Baker 


Nick Bockwinkle vs. "Rugged" Ron Garvin


El Canek vs. Giant Haystacks 


Bull Rope Match- If Mulligan wins, he gets 5 minute Bull Rope match with Paul Jones

Blackjack Mulligan vs. Dream Machine w/Paul Jones


Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs. "Pitbull" Kerry Brown w/Vin Man 


Curt Hennig vs. "Lonestar" Brian Adias 


Special Challenge Match 

Iceman Parsons vs. "Number One" Don Kernodle 


100.000 Dollar Tag Team Battle Royal- winners get a world tag title shot later that night 


Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami


Art Crews and Timothy Flowers

Gold Standard

The Union

Karachi Vice

Lighting Strike





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The Universal Heartthrob & The King start us off with a wild brawl.

Brito reenters the ring so he & the Wrecking Machine can win the title shot & the 100k.

I like the minimalist build for Bockwinkel/Garvin.

A crazy 8 man tag previews the big battle royal at SuperClash.

Looking forward to seeing Henning get some Texas justice.

Brenda & I don't agree on much but one thing we have in common is our fear of Ox & crew. 

You can always count on Larry Z to rile a crowd up.

Dream Machine & Paul Jones help the Vin Man's Pitbull get a w on Mulligan. If only Blackwell had been quicker.

Colon gives Steamboat a simple choice, show me some respect or I'll show you how much damage a kendo stick can do!


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AWA @ The Roanne Fieldhouse, Memphis TN 11-14-86



Scott "Powerhouse" Putski defeated Spike Huber with a rolling reversal 


"Number One" Don Kernodle defeated Steve O with a reverse neckbreaker 


Gold Standard defeated "The Ace" Art Crews and "Diamond" Timothy Flowers w/The Vin Man- Gold Standard hurled Flowers into Vinnie (on the apron) then doubled clotheslined Crews for the pin


Carlos Colon defeated "Iron" Scott McGhee with a flying clothesline from the top rope. After the match, Colon grabbed a kendo stick and put McGhee in the camel clutch with the kendo stick under his chin. Colon is getting nuclear heat until the fans get up and cheer when RICKY STEAMBOAT hits the ring with a kendo stick of his own and whacks Colon's back! Steamboat gets in some hard shots until Colon frantically rolls out of the ring while Security enters the ring. Massive cheers for Steamboat! 




El Canek defeated Makhan Singh with a flying shoulder block followed by a senton. Makhan got in some hard hitting offense but Canek prevailed and is ready for his showdown with Giant Haystacks. 


Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and Billy Jack Haynes w/ Ox Baker battled to a wild Double DQ. Ox tried to interfere but a jumping headbutt by Snuka stopped that. Snuka and Billy fought outside the ring for a few more minutes. 


Jerry "The King" Lawler, The Rock n Roll Express and "Lonestar" Brian Adias defeated National Champ Austin Idol, The Fabulous Ones and Curt Hennig- The fans get 45 minutes of thrilling action. The finish happens during a pier six brawl. Hennig and Adias are trading blows. The Ref is distracted by RnR and The Fabs battling on the outside. Idol brings a chair into the ring and goes towards Lawler. Lawler kicks Idol low, grabs the chair and whacks Idol over the head! Ref turns around and counts 1..2..3! 



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Always nice to see Vin Man eat shit.

Kinda surprised to see Colon retreating but if I'm being honest if I had Ricky Steamboat coming after me with a kendo stick I'd bail to.

Canek beats the big man but a giant awaits at SuperClash.

Snuka & Hayes with another wild one.

But what everyone is going to be talking about the next day is that stacked 8 man tag. Idol is reminded that his dirty tricks are a double edged sword.

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Idol/Lawler starts the show off hot as we head towards SuperClash! These two never disappoint!

Garvin/Bockwinkel could steal the show at SuperClash...excited for this match!

This Fabs vs. Rock & Roll feud has been excellent and this thing could really go either way when they meet to final match to decide the best of 7!

Adias promises some "Texas Justice" for Hennig....this could be bad news for Curt!

The Bruise Brothers have been great here in the AWA but I'd lying if said I'm not pulling for Perez/Zbyzsko.

Steamboat is going to has his hands full with the legend from Puerto Rico at SuperClash!

Onward to Memphis!

Colon shows off his new sadistic side with his post match attack but Steamboat shows up with a Kendo stick of his own, this match may have more of an edge to it than we thought!

Canek gets a win over a very big man on his way to face Haystacks.

Huge win for the "good guys" in the main event but Lawler shows Idol he will do whatever it takes to get the "W"!

SuperClash is going to be insane!!

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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 11-19-86



Show opens with footage from an 8-man tag match at the Roanne Fieldhouse as Austin Idol brings a chair into the ring but Jerry Lawler kicks Idol low, grabs the chair and nails Idol over the head with it to give his team the win. 

Footage is also shown of Ricky Steamboat attacking Carlos Colon with a kendo stick. 


Lance Russell: Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of AWA Major League Wrestling. Fans, we're just one week away from SuperClash and tonight we'll be talking a lot about that tremendous event. You'll also be seeing Giant Haystacks taking on 3 men. Curt Hennig will be in action as will the Bruise Brothers, Iceman Parsons, the Thunderfoots, TV champ Greg Gagne. Manny Fernandez of Cabin Fever will go one on one with Rip Morgan of the Beasts. Huge main event as the Dream Machine will go up against Crusher Blackwell. And AWA World Champ Ricky Steamboat will be here. Should be a great...ok wait a minute, our National Champion Austin Idol is heading my way. 

Idol: Lance! Did you see that footage? Did you see Lawler cheat and hit me with that chair? I told you he was nothing but a loser! He's not only a loser but a coward! I've had enough! Lets see how much guts that coward has. At SuperClash, I want to add a stipulation to our match. I want it to be a loser leaves town match! That's right! Who's laughing now Lance? I'm calling that loser out. 

Idol storms off.

Lance: Well, I wasn't expecting that. I'm sure we can find Lawler and get his response. In the meantime, let's go to the ring. 


The Thunderfoots vs. Renaldo Cruz and Stu Jersky 


Thunderfoots look tuned up and ready for the SuperClash tag team battle royal. They win the match when Thunderfoot #2 slams Cruz down and Thunderfoot #1 gives him a loaded boot stomp from the middle ropes. 


Commercial Break 


Iceman Parsons vs. Roy Glader 


The fans are up and cheering as Iceman swings Glader to the ropes and hits the Booty Bump for the win. 


Resnick: Ok, Iceman Parsons, come on over. You certainly have been on a winning streak since arriving to the AWA. However, one Don Kernodle has seemed to have taking a disliking to you. He made the challenge for SuperClash and you accepted. 

Parsons: Ken, like I said, I have no idea what his deal is with me but...

Boos as Don Kernodle walks out.


Kernodle: Look, let me get some things straight. There's no doubt in my mind that you're a capable wrestler. But instead of focusing on your in ring skills, you hide behind this clown façade. You come out here and do nothing but cater to these people. It's like you're a puppet and they're pulling your strings. So, I'm taking it upon myself to knock some sense into you and show you what a real wrestler can accomplish. Until SuperClash, best of luck to you and your future. 

Kernodle walks off. 

Resnick: Iceman Parsons, care to respond to what you just heard? 

Iceman takes a deep breath, pauses, looks around, then just walks away. 


Commercial Break 


The Bruise Brothers vs. Vic Dutro and Willie Lopez 


Bruise Brothers are pumped up tonight! Cash swings Lopez to the ropes and puts him down with a diving crossbody/headbutt. Cash tags in Snowman. Snowman hoists Lopez on his shoulder and hits a running powerslam for the win! 


Resnick: Bruise Brothers, at SuperClash, you will meet the team of Larry Zbyszko and Al Perez in the tournament finals to crown AWA National tag team champions. They seem pretty confident heading in. 

Snowman: You know Ken, the Bruise Brothers are former world and national champs and brother we want the gold again! They might seem confident but that will all change when Cash and myself get a hold of them. 

Resnick: Porkchop Cash, I have to ask, how's the knee holding up? 

Cash: It's no secret that I've had some knee issues recently but I can tell you and all these great people, the knee is good to go and so are the Bruise Brothers! At SuperClash, we're getting the gold back baby! 

Bruise Brothers high five each other. 


Commercial Break 


"The Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez vs. Rip Morgan w/Ox Baker 

The match never officially begins as Ox and Morgan jump Manny and put the boots to him! Before you know it, Billy Jack, Nord, Snuka and Boone hit the ring and it's an all out fight! The fight goes on for a couple minutes until a commercial hits. 


Commercial Break 


Resnick: My goodness, things have finally settled down. I'll tell you what, that tornado match at SuperClash is going to be explosive. Fans in the front row better be on high alert. Speaking of SuperClash, the Fabulous Ones and Rock n Roll Express will face off in match 7 of their best of 7 series. These two teams fought in 6 of the greatest tag team matches I've ever seen. At SuperClash, we'll find out who truly is the better team. On that note, please welcome out the Fabulous Ones. 


Boos as the Fabs come out looking pretty serious. 

Lane: Oh yea, everybody is talking about those Fab rip offs coming back and evening up the series. Well let me fill all you idiots in on something. At SuperClash, the better team will prevail and your damn well looking at the better team! 

Keirn: This works out well for us because now we get to prove ourselves in front of millions of people. We get to prove what we already know. We're the greatest tag team in the world. Fab wannabes, you're going down! Simply as that. 


Commercial Break 


Curt Hennig vs. Neil Jordan 


Hennig toys with his opponent and even slaps him around a few times. Hennig finally puts him away with the fisherman's suplex. 


Resnick: Curt Hennig, it's you and Brian Adias at SuperClash. It wasn't to long ago when the two of you were AWA world tag team champions. Things obviously went a different direction.

Hennig: Stop talking Resnick. We were champs because of me. The only reason we lost the titles was because of him. Oh I heard him talking about administering Texas Justice on me. (wiggles his fingers) I'm really scared. Oooohhhh I'm really shaking. Brian Adias can't lace my boots. At SuperClash, he's going up against a flawless wrestler. I'm going to make him look stupid. I'm going to embarrass him so bad, he'll never want to step foot in a ring again. Brian, get ready for the ultimate humiliation. (pokes Resnick's chest) And you can count on that! 


Commercial Break 


The camera zooms in on the glowing 'SuperClash' sign then pans down to Brenda Britton.



Britton: Hi everybody and welcome to the final SuperClash update, hosted by yours truly. I have a big scoop for you this week. I literally just got off the phone with Linda Ronstadt. She was in the middle of a concert but when they told her I was on the line, she stopped the show. You see, you people wouldn't understand that but celebrities like us always have time for each other. Anyways, she said she's so excited to see me and sing the National Anthem in front of me. You heard it right here. Now, one match I'm really looking forward to is the ever classy Nick Bockwinkle taking on that dirty working stiff Ron Garvin. Let's hear from both men. 


Bockwinkle is standing in front of a SuperClash banner wearing a stylish suit. 

Bock: Ron Garvin, I give you credit. You stood up like a man and wanted this match at SuperClash. You are a tremendous competitor which means this will be a tremendous victory for myself. After I dispose of one Ron Garvin, my eyes are on the AWA world title. 


Ron Garvin is in a gym, working the heavy punching bag. He stops and looks into the camera. 

Garvin: Nick Bockwinkle, I've been listening to your backhanded comments. Let me assure you, I've been training harder than ever for our match. I'm not coming to SuperClash to lose and I'm not your stepping stone. I hope you're ready because I know I am. 

Garvin goes back to hitting the bag. 


Britton: It seems to me that Nick Bockwinkle is a lot more confident. That Ron Garvin needs to remember, a punching bag doesn't strike back but Nick Bockwinkle sure does. Switching gears, I want to talk about the huge main event. Ricky Steamboat will defend his AWA world title against Carlos Colon. I understand we're going to hear from Carlos in a very different environment. 


It's nighttime and Carlos Colon is standing in the middle of several torches. 



Colon: (twirling a kendo stick) So it was only a matter of time before your hero champion reached a breaking point. Now Steamboat wants to enter into a very dark world. You're a very delusional man Steamboat!

Colon proceeds to hit himself several times with his kendo stick until he bleeds. Colon smears the blood across his face.

Colon: I've shed blood my entire career. Ricky Steamboat, at SuperClash, it will be your blood that is shed! And then I will hold up the world title over your fallen body. 


Britton: Wow! I got chills! I think Ricky Steamboat is in big trouble. Ricky, I wish you would of respected him because now you're going to pay dearly. It all happens on Friday November 26th at the St. Paul Civic Center also available on closed circuit TV across all the AWA arenas. You wont want to miss it. I know I wont. I'll see you there, toooodles.  


Commercial Break 


Giant Haystacks vs. Arnie Goldstein, Warren Coolidge and Maurice Thorpe 


Haystacks just destroys the 3 men. He slams them down on top of each other, then drops the big elbow for the pin! Haystacks then throws each man to the outside by where Resnick is. Haystacks walks over.

Haystacks roars at Resnick and Resnick backs away.

Haystacks: Canek! It's over! At SuperClash I will end you forever! 

Haystacks pushes Resnick out of the way, then picks up each of the 3 men and slams them down on top of each other on the concrete. Haystacks backs up and hits another big elbow drop! Haystacks lets out another roar. 


Commercial Break 


We come back and see the AWA world tag team champs Priceless laying on hammocks under palm trees while pretty woman feed them grapes and champagne. 

Wells: Gerry, you were right. This is my kind of training. 

Morrow: HAHAHA indeed! I told you, while those other teams wear themselves out during de battle royal we will be well rested. Not only dat, but what makes me laugh is that de winners will also receive 100,000 dollars. Dat is peanuts, nothing but spare change to me. George, It will be de easiest night of our lives. Oh and did I mention, I have rented out a special VIP room. So during de show we will be sitting in our custom spas and sipping de finest champagne brought in from France. Just for our enjoyment. 

Wells: It's great to be champions and it's great to be us. 

Morrow: I could not have said it better myself. 

Priceless reach out and have a toast. 


Back Live


Resnick: I don't know, our AWA world tag team champs might be in big trouble come SuperClash. All the top AWA teams will be competing in the 100,000 dollar battle royal with a world tag team title shot on their minds. On that note, I know the AWA is excited that Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami, 2 of Japan's best have agreed to team up for this tremendous event. The competition will be fierce. Let's hear from some other teams involved.

Union, Lighting Strike, Richard Charland and Gino Brito, Gold Standard, Olympians and Vin Man's Family all give quick promos to hype up the battle royal. 


Commercial Break 


TV Champ The Great Gagne w/Johnny Valiant vs. Fern Willard 


Gagne hits a high dropkick on Willard, picks him up and clamps on the sleeper for the win. Johnny V runs in the ring, pushes the Ref away and hands Gagne the TV title. Gagne hops on the middle ropes and raises the title as the fans boo. Johnny goes to the outside, grabs the mic from Resnick and hand it up to Gagne. 

Gagne: That was clearly a message to you Punkski. A focused Gagne is a dangerous Gagne. You wont come close at SuperClash. I'm the professional and you're just a little punk! 

Valiant: You heard the great one. Punkski, you're out of your league boy. 

Valiant tosses the mic at Resnick. 


Commercial Break 


Resnick: Fans, with me right now is none other than Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Huge pop! 

Resnick: Well Jerry, you heard the challenge laid down by Austin Idol. He wants a loser leaves town stipulation added.

Lawler: I heard him loud and clear. Idol, my answer is hell yes I accept! At SuperClash, I get the satisfaction of whipping your butt, taking your National title and sending you out of the AWA with your tail between your legs. 

The fans start screaming. Lawler turns around and Austin Idol blasts him over the head with his National title! 

Officials run out to back Idol away and check on Lawler. 

Massive Boos. 




Commercial Break 


Crusher Blackwell vs. The Dream Machine w/Paul Jones 


Hard hitting match as these guys go to town on each other. Dream gets the upper hand with an eye rake and pounds Blackwell down. Dream stomps away, grabs the top rope and drops several knees on Blackwell. Dream chokes Blackwell on the bottom rope. The Ref pushes Dream away which allows Jones to reach in and choke Blackwell. Dream picks up Blackwell, swings him to the ropes but misses a clothesline, Blackwell comes back and puts Dream down with a bulldozer of a shoulder block. 

Dream staggers up and Blackwell scoop slams him down. Blackwell swings off the ropes but Jones trips him. Blackwell stumbles then turns around and goes out after Jones. The Ref is distracted by this. 

Cheers as Blackjack Mulligan his the ring. Dream slowly gets up as Mulligan clotheslines him with a bull rope! Mulligan quickly exits. 

Blackwell gets in the ring and hits a leg drop on Dream 1..2..3! 

As soon as Blackwell stands up, KERRY BROWN hits the ring and nails Blackwell with a loaded towel! Vin Man then enters and applauds his man on. 

Mulligan goes back towards the ring but Jones comes from behind and breaks his cane over Mulligan's back! Mulligan pauses then turns around and stares at Jones. Jones is begging for mercy. Mulligan grabs Jones and lifts him off his feet while choking him. 

Dream Machine rolls out of the ring, grabs his bull rope with cowbell attached. He staggers over and nails the back of Mulligan's head with the cowbell! 

In the ring, Brown is stomping away on a knocked out Blackwell while Vin Man nods with approval. 

Dream starts choking Mulligan with the bull rope. Jones finally gets up, grabs Mulligan's bull rope and starts hitting him with it as Dream chokes him. 


Commercial Break 


Lance: My oh my, that was a very chaotic scene. Both Jerry Blackwell and Blackjack Mulligan had to be helped out of here. I hope all those grudges will be resolved at SuperClash. At SuperClash, Carlos Colon will face my guest at this time, AWA World Champ Ricky Steamboat.

Fans are up and cheering as Steamboat comes out. He gives them a wave and holds his title high. 


Lance: I still can't believe the change in Carlos Colon. Ricky, you seemed to have felt all his frustration. However, after seeing what you did to him at the Roanne Fieldhouse, he's felt some of yours. I'm sure you saw that eerie video of him earlier. What's going through your mind? 

Steamboat: Lance, I've never condoned attacking a man with a weapon. That is not what I'm about and it certainly is not who I am. I did reach a breaking point and I wanted to make a point to Carlos. I will not be pushed around. He talks about respect and yet he's the one who hasn't shown me any. Carlos, I want you to know at SuperClash I will not hold anything back. You're not the only one who has shed blood in this sport. I've shed my share of blood, sweat and tears to be holding this world title. I promise you, at SuperClash I will do whatever I have to do to hold onto to this title and I will go through you to keep it! 



AWA presents 


Friday, November 26th, St. Paul Civic Center and available on closed circuit TV 

National Anthem sung by Linda Ronstadt 


AWA World Title Bout 

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (C) vs. Carlos Colon 


AWA World Tag Team Title Bout 

Priceless (C) vs. Winners of the Tag Team Battle Royal 


AWA National Title Bout- LOSER LEAVES TOWN! NO DQ, NO C.O. 

"The Universal Heartthrob" Austin Idol (C) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler 


Finals for the AWA National Tag Team titles 

The Bruise Brothers vs. Larry Z and Al Perez 


AWA TV Title Bout 

The Great Gagne (C) w/Johnny Valiant vs. Scott "Powerhouse" Putski 


Match 7 of the best of 7 series 

The Rock n Roll Express vs. The Fabulous Ones 


Nick Bockwinkle vs. "Rugged" Ron Garvin 


El Canek vs. Giant Haystacks 


Tornado Handicap Match

Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and Cabin Fever vs. Billy Jack, The Beasts of Burden and Ox Baker 


Crusher Blackwell vs. "Pitbull" Kerry Brown w/The Vin Man 


Bull Rope Match- If Mulligan wins, he gets a 5 min bull rope match with Paul Jones

The Dream Machine w/Paul Jones vs. Blackjack Mulligan 


Curt Hennig vs. "Lonestar" Brian Adias 


Special Challenge Match

Iceman Parsons vs. "Number One" Don Kernodle 


100,000 Dollar Tag Team Battle Royal- Winners receive a world tag team title shot later that night


Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami 

The Olympians

Gold Standard

Art Crews and Timothy Flowers 

The Union

Richard Charland and Gino Brito 

Lighting Strike 




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Idol's had enough & declares the AWA isn't big enough for both him & Lawler! Of course the King accepts but is immediately laid out by Idol. This one is gonna be bloody.

I like the touch of Kernodle thinking he's doing Iceman a favor...and Parkins seeming to consider Kernodle's point.

Cash says the knee is fine but we'll know for sure at SuperClash.

We get a brief glimpse of the chaos promised in the handicap tornado match.

The Fabs are supremely confident heading into the tiebreaker.

Henning is developing into a Perfect dickhead heel.

I like the contrasting promos from Garvin & Bockwinkel. And then Colon finishes by scaring the hell outta everybody watching!

Haystacks appears all but unstoppable!

Priceless is just begging to be knocked on their asses.

Gagne with a nice tune up before the big title defense against Punkski.

Brown/Dream Machine vs Mulligan/Blackwell sounds like a money main event.

Steamboat sends a clear me to close the show, you can't push The Dragon around!

14 Matches! I'll never figure out how you seem to find a spot for EVERYONE on these supercards.

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I didn't think Superclash could get any bigger, but now Lawler vs Idol is Loser Leaves Town!! Damn, I have no idea which way this ones goes now!

That's what I've always loved about your shows Spaldoni. You constantly keep the talent coming in and out of your promotion, but it never feels rushed, and everyone always has something to do. It's truly a talent, and you have it down!!

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Leave it to the King to raise the stakes in an already huge match!

As it's been said, there is no one better in this game than you are at building characters and giving everyone something to do with a meaningful match on these supercards.

I honestly would have never believed you could make me interested in a Don Kernodle/Iceman Parsons match but here we are and I'm looking forward to it!

I still say Ronnie Garvin vs. Nick Bockwinkel is a sleeper match that could steal the show!

I'm on the edge of my seat wondering who will come out on top between the Fabs/Rock & Roll Express!

SuperClash is going to be amazing, some very solid cards coming up this week/weekend.

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AWA presents 



Friday, November 26th

St. Paul Civic Center 

Also available on closed circuit TV 



The camera pans over the sold out St. Paul crowd, then zooms down to the ring.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the singing of the National Anthem by recording sensation Linda Ronstadt" 


Linda finishes the Anthem and receives a standing ovation. She smiles and waves to the crowd. As she's exiting the ring, Brenda Britton runs up to greet her but is held back by Linda's security. Linda gives Brenda a puzzled look like she has no idea who she is. Security quickly escorts Brenda away. Linda smiles and shrugs her shoulders then blows a kiss to all the fans. 


Lance Russell and Ken Resnick are wearing tuxedos by ringside. 

Lance: Hello everybody and welcome to SuperClash. Well Ken, the big night has finally arrived and boy do we have a tremendous night of action in store for all our great AWA fans. 

Ken: Indeed we do Lance. 14 All-Star bouts. This will no doubt be one epic night for the AWA. Co owners Jerry Jarrett and Verne Gagne are in the building and are ready to get the action started. 

Lance: Well ok, on that note, lets get to the ring. 


100.000 Dollar Tag Team Battle Royal- Winners will also receive a world tag team title shot later this evening


Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami

The Olympians

Richard Charland and Gino Brito Jr.

The Union

The Thunderfoots

Gold Standard

"The Ace" Art Crews and "Diamond" Timothy Flowers w/The Vin Man

Lightning Strike 


The bell rings and here we go! 

Jumbo and Fujinami stereo clothesline the Thunderfoots over the top rope- Thunderfoots eliminated

Olympians and Union are tearing into each other. Huber rolls under the ropes to get away from Rheingans. Kazmaier presses Ross then tosses him onto Huber- Union eliminated

Lightning Strike double back drop Brito over the top- Charland and Brito eliminated

Crews nails Allen with a forearm blast that sends Allen over the top- Lightning Strike eliminated

Gold Standard and Olympians are bunched up by the ropes. Wait a minute! The Union comes back to ringside and pull Kazmaier over the top. Olympians eliminated

While Gold Standard and Rheingans are looking down in confusion, Crews and Flowers sneak up and dump all 3 over. Gold Standard are eliminated. 

Union and Olympians brawl to the back.

It's down to Jumbo/Fujinami and Crews/Flowers. Vin Man is on the outside cheering his team on. 

Crews and Flowers offer to shake hands with Jumbo and Fujinami. Jumbo and Fujinami pause and Crews and Flowers ambush them. They swing them to the ropes and miss stereo clotheslines. Jumbo and Fujinami swing back and stereo clothesline Crews and Flowers down. Vin Man hops on the apron but Fujinami and Jumbo chop him off. Fujinami and Jumbo pick up Crews and Flowers and hurl them both over the top rope! Big POP! 

Winners of the tag team battle royal- Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami! 

Verne Gagne and Jerry Jarrett enter the ring and present them each with a check. 


Special Challenge Match 

Iceman Parsons vs. "Number One" Don Kernodle 

Kernodle waits in the ring as Iceman comes down the aisle more serious and focused. 

Kernodle controls the opening segment with solid technical and aggressive wrestling. To his surprise, Iceman shows off some skills by taking Kernodle down a couple times. Iceman turns things up with a big back drop followed by a standing dropkick. Kernodle staggers up, Iceman grabs him and hits a snap suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Kernodle rolls out of the ring and regroups. Kernodle hops on the apron. Iceman grabs him but Kernodle forearm blasts him in the gut and hits a sunset flip 1..2..Kick Out. 

Kernodle hits a backbreaker, hops on the middle ropes and crashes down with a forearm drop 1..2..Kick Out. Kernodle swings Iceman to the ropes and back drops him. Kernodle hoists Iceman on his shoulders and hits a Fireman's Carry slam 1..2..Kick Out. Now Kernodle is frustrated. Kernodle slams Iceman, then goes to the middle ropes and comes down with a knee drop but Iceman moves. Iceman regroups. Kernodle staggers up as Iceman swings off the ropes and shoulder blocks him down. Iceman swings Kernodle to the ropes and puts him down with a back elbow smash and follows with a jumping elbow drop 1..2..Kick Out. Iceman picks up Kernodle and swings him to the corner but Kernodle reverses it and swings Iceman into the corner and charges in but Iceman puts his knees up as Kernodle slams into them. Iceman quickly scoops Kernodle's legs under him and pushes them over his shoulders 1..(Iceman puts his own boots on the turnbuckles)..2..3! 

Iceman quickly rolls out of the ring with a big smile as he gets a mixed reaction from the fans. Kernodle is on his knees with his hands on his hips. 

Winner of the Match- Iceman Parsons 


AWA TV Title Bout 

The Great Gagne (C) w/Johnny Valiant vs. Scott "Powerhouse" Putski

The first few minutes is some pretty good back and forth action. Putski hits a flurry of hip tosses, dropkicks and body slams. Gagne comes back with a back drop followed by some chops to the chest. Putski gets the upper hand and swings Gagne to the corner but Gagne hops on the middle ropes and comes back with a reverse press 1..2..Kick Out. Gagne turns it up with a flying headscissors followed by a scissorlock. Gagne puts the pressure on as Valiant applauds. The fans cheer Putski on as he finally maneuvers his way out. A frustrated Gagne chokes Putski on the bottom rope. The Ref backs him off as Valiant reaches in and chokes Putski. 

Gagne swings Putski to the ropes and goes for a high dropkick but Putski holds onto the ropes as Gagne crashes down. Putski runs over and delivers a jumping knee drop 1..2..Kick Out. Putski gets on a roll and takes it to Gagne. Pustki swings Gagne to the ropes and powerslams him over 1..Valiant hops on the apron and yells at the Ref. The Ref yells at Valiant. Putski gets up and grabs Valiant. Gagne staggers up and nails Putski with a high flyer dropkick to his back. Gagne picks up Putski and clamps on the sleeper! Gagne wrenches away as the Ref drops Putski's arm 3 times. 

Valiant runs into the ring and hands Gagne his TV title. Gagne raises it high, smiles and yells "I told you so" 

Winner of the Match and still TV Champ- The Great Gagne 



TORNADO Handicap Match! 

Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and Cabin Fever vs. Billy Jack, The Beasts of Burden and Ox Baker 

All out brawl! These guys are fighting everywhere. Snuka and Billy Jack are slugging it out in the ring. Cabin Fever double shoulder block Ox through the ropes and Ox takes a nasty bump. The Beasts fight Cabin Fever to the outside. Snuka and Billy continue to slug it out in the ring. On the outside, Manny back drops Rip on the concrete. Nord puts Grizzly down with a big boot. Manny turns around and Nord blasts him with a big boot. Snuka pounds away on Billy, then puts him down with a jumping headbutt. Nord gets in the ring. Snuka turns around as Nord nails him with a big boot 1..2..Kick Out. 

On the outside, Rip is putting the boots to Grizzly. Manny gets up but Rip clotheslines him down. Rip helps Ox up. They pick up Manny and swing him into the steel post. As they turn around, the fans go crazy as Grizzly puts them both down with a running tackle! 

Inside the ring, Nord is choking Snuka on the top rope. Grizzly gets on the apron, grabs Nord's head and snaps it on the top rope. Billy runs over and sends Grizzly off the apron with a running forearm blast. Billy picks up Snuka and slams him throat first on the top rope. Manny sneaks in the ring. Billy turns around as Manny hits the flying burrito that sends Billy through the ropes. 

Nord sends Manny over the top rope with a clothesline from behind. Nord goes to the outside. Nord and Grizzly pound away on each other. Manny and Rip start going at it. Manny atomic drops Rip into the steel post. Ox staggers up but Manny clotheslines him down. Billy goes over and helps Nord beat down on Grizzly but from out of nowhere, Snuka leaps over the top rope and crashes down on Billy and Nord! 

Everybody is bleeding, bruised and battered. 

Manny picks up Rip and slams his head several times on the apron. Snuka picks up Billy and rams him back first into the steel post several times. Nord staggers up and charges Grizzly but Grizzly back drops him onto the announcer's table! 

Snuka and Cabin Fever look down at Ox as he staggers up. Ox freezes as they surround him. They all pound away on Ox and hurl him into the ring. 

Manny swings Ox to the ropes and hits the flying burrito! Grizzly picks up Ox and powerslams him over. The fans go wild as Snuka goes to the top rope, flashes the "I love you" sign. The arena lights up with camera flashes as Snuka hits the Superfly Splash! 1..2..3! Massive pop! 

Winners of the Match- Jimmy Snuka and Cabin Fever 



Finals for the AWA National Tag Team Titles 

The Bruise Brothers vs. Larry Zbyszko and Al Perez 

Jerry Jarrett enters the ring and holds up the National tag titles. Bruise Brothers are pumped up while Larry and Al seem like the titles are already theirs. 

Neither team controls for the first few minutes as it's more of a feel out process. Bruise Brothers start to get the advantage but Larry rolls out of the ring. The fans get irritated as Larry goes to his master stalling act. Al goes out and the fans really give it to them. Larry tells them to "Shut up!" After what seems like forever, Bruise Brothers finally have enough and run out there. Larry and Al don't know what hit them as the Bruise Brothers pound away on them and hurl them into the ring. 

Bruise Brothers double back drop Al and Al bumps back to his corner. Bruise Brothers swing Larry to the ropes and double back drop him. The Ref gets control. Cash sends Larry bouncing all over with a jumping headbutt. Larry staggers up as Cash swings off the ropes and hits him with a high knee 1..2..Al breaks it. Cash grabs Larry and swings him into the corner and follows with a charging clothesline. Cash tags in Snowman. Snowman hops on the turnbuckles and punches down on Larry 10 times as the fans count along. Snowman hops down, swings Larry to the ropes and clotheslines him down. Al runs in but gets clotheslined. Snowman tags in Cash. Snowman swings Larry to the ropes as Cash nails Larry with a back elbow blast. Cash swings off the ropes but from the apron, Al nails him with a knee to the back. Snowman runs in but the Ref guides him back.

Larry rolls over and tags in Al. Al slams Cash down by the ropes. Al grabs the top rope and crashes down on Cash with several knee drops. Al starts stomping away on Cash's knee. Al sets Cash's leg on the bottom rope and stomps away on the knee. Al tags in Larry. Al holds out Cash's leg as Larry comes down on the knee with a knee drop. Now Larry goes to work on the knee. The Ref keeps asking Cash if he wants to submit but Cash yells "NO!" Larry tags in Al. Al walks over but Cash nails him in his gut. Snowman cheers Cash on as Cash punches away at Al's mid section. Cash rises and puts Al down with a jumping headbutt. Larry runs in and clips Cash behind the knee! Snowman sends Larry flying back with a running forearm blast. The Ref guides Snowman back. Al and Larry pick up Snowman and hit a double knee buster! Cash is screaming in pain as Al covers. The Ref runs over as Larry goes after Snowman. Snowman hammers away on Larry as the Ref counts 1..2..3! 

Snowman quickly runs over and checks on Cash. Al helps Larry up and guides him out of the ring. Jerry Jarrett hands them the National titles. Larry and Al hold them up and hug. 

Winners of the match and new AWA National Tag Team Champs- Larry Zbyszko and Al Perez 



Giant Haystacks vs. El Canek 

The crowd is electric as Haystacks and Canek have an intense staredown. 

Haystacks lets out a monstrous roar and charges but Canek fires away with punches. Canek keeps punching and Haystacks is dazed. Canek swings off the ropes and hits a flying body press but Haystacks catches him and slams him down. Haystacks stomps away, picks up Canek and once again slams him down hard. Haystacks drags Canek into the corner, holds onto the top rope and chokes away on Canek with his boot. Haystacks breaks at the Ref's count of 4. Haystacks repeats this a couple more times, then picks up Canek and headbutts him through the ropes. 

The Ref hits 8 as Canek gets on the apron. Haystacks grabs Canek and slams him back into the ring. Haystacks backs up then goes for his giant elbow drop but Canek moves! 

The fans cheer Canek on. Canek slowly rises. Canek swings off the ropes and hits a senton 1..2..Kick Out. Haystacks sits up as Canek swings off the ropes and dropkicks him back down. Canek swings off the ropes and hits a leg drop 1..2..Kick Out. Canek reaches down but Haystacks viciously rakes his eyes. Haystacks slowly rises and lets out an angry roar. Haystacks is pissed. Haystacks mows Canek over with a shoulder block. Haystacks goes over to the turnbuckles and rips the top one off. The Ref is yelling at him but Haystacks just hands him the turnbuckle pad.

Haystacks grabs Canek by his throat with both hands, lifts him up and chokeslams him down. Haystacks picks up Canek and takes him to the corner. Haystacks rears back and is going to slam Canek's head on the exposed turnbuckle but Canek puts his boot on the turnbuckle and elbows Haystacks several times. Canek grabs Haystacks head and slams his head on the exposed turnbuckle several times. Haystacks is bleeding! Canek slams it one more time. Haystacks slowly staggers back but still doesn't go down. Haystacks is just teetering. Canek goes to the top rope and hits a flying shoulder tackle. The fans go nuts as Haystacks goes down! Canek goes back up the top rope and comes down with a flying elbow drop 1..2..3! Mega POP! 

Winner of the Match- El Canek 



Ken Resnick is standing by a door labeled "VIP's only" Ken opens the door and the cameras follow. They stop as Gerry Morrow and George Wells are each sitting in a jacuzzi. They're both wearing sunglasses and fedoras (The arrogance) There's several empty champagne bottles around the room. Beautiful woman hand them each another bottle as they toast to another round. 

Resnick: I don't believe what I'm seeing. Priceless! My goodness, don't you know you have a title defense against Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami later tonight? 

Morrow: Oh those Japanese gentlemen won de battle royal? HAHAHA, I told you George.

Wells: You called it and here you go. 

A woman hands Morrow a 5 dollar bill. 

Resnick: I don't know what to say. I'm disgusted. 

Morrow: Aw, don't be dat way. Look, here comes Brenda Britton. Come on stick around. 

Resnick: No thank you

Britton: See, I told you, he's a square like Lance and that no good Linda Ronstadt. 

Morrow: Well then be a good boy and go see if Gordon Solie is around. He'll have a drink for sure. 

Britton: Yea, get lost Resnick, this is a private party! 

Brenda pushes Resnick out the door. Resnick walks away shaking his head. 



Highlights are shown of the RnR/Fabs previous 6 matches


Match 7 of the best of 7 series

The Rock n Roll Express vs. The Fabulous Ones 

This one starts off a barnburner. High octane back and forth action that keeps the fans on the edge of their seats. After a few minutes a pier six brawl breaks out. RnR double back drop Keirn. Gibson slides behind Lane as Morton hits a cross body on Lane. Lane falls back over Gibson 1..2..Kick Out. Keirn blasts Morton and punches away. Gibson and Lane fight in the corner. The Ref loses control and finally has no choice but to signal for the bell. He's calling a Double DQ! 

Jerry Jarrett gets up and talks with the ring announcer.

"I've just been informed by Jerry Jarrett that there must be a winner. This match will continue" 

The fans are up and cheering. 

We get another action packed segment. RnR gets control as Gibson sends Lane flying with a knee lift. Lane staggers up to the wrong corner as Morton puts him down with a punch. Gibson tags in Morton. They swing Lane to the ropes and double punch him in the gut, grab him and double suplex him over. Keirn runs in but RnR kick him and double suplex him over. The fans are going nuts. 

The Ref gets control. Morton swings off the ropes but Keirn trips him. Morton staggers into a superkick by Lane! Fabs take over. Lane tags in Keirn. They swing Morton to the ropes and double clothesline him down. Keirn hits a backbreaker 1..2..Kick Out. Keirn swings Morton into the corner. Lane chokes him while Keirn puts the boots to him. Gibson runs over but the Ref guides him back. Lane holds Morton on the bottom rope and Keirn hits a body guillotine. Keirn tags in Lane. Keirn holds Morton as Lane comes off the top rope with a double axehandle 1..2..Gibson breaks it! Keirn runs in but Gibson punches him and they fight through the ropes. Lane picks up Morton but Morton back drops him over the top rope. Morton regroups and goes to the outside. Both teams are fighting as the Ref hits the 10 count. The Ref signals for the bell and a double c.o. but once again Jarrett says NO. 

The Ref was wrapped up in his job and forgot, then quickly signaled for the match to continue. 

Both teams get back in the ring and continue the fight. The Ref once again gets control. The next few minutes is more seesaw action. Both teams pull out everything they have but can't finish things off. Once again tempers flare and all 4 men are in the ring going at it. The Fabs swing RnR into each other, RnR collide and stagger into back suplexes by the Fabs. The Ref counts both men 1..2..Kick Outs. Lane punches Gibson into a corner while Keirn punches Morton in the opposite corner. Fabs swing RnR into each other again but Morton leapfrogs over Gibson and dropkicks Lane while Gibson dropkicks Keirn through the ropes. Lane staggers up as RnR nail him with the DOUBLE DROPKICK 1..2..3!!!!! Screaming fans are up and cheering! The Rock n Roll Express have done it! The fans continue to cheer as Morton and Gibson hug and raise each others arms in sweet victory. The Fabs are on the outside. They look up and give RnR respectful nods before heading out. Long live Rock n Roll! 

Winners of the match and best of 7 series- The Rock n Roll Express 



A video is shown highlighting the city of St. Paul as they prepared for SuperClash 



Curt Hennig vs. "Lonestar" Brian Adias 

The bell rings and Hennig arrogantly walks up to Adias. Hennig is chewing gum then spits it in Adias's face. Adias comes unglued and charges at Hennig. Hennig leaps over the top rope and to the outside. Hennig starts arguing with the fans then yells in pain as Adias grabs his hair from behind and yanks his head back. Adias spins him around and punches away. Adias hurls Hennig into the ring. Adias goes to the top rope. Hennig staggers up and turns around as Adias puts him down with a double axehandle. Adias picks Hennig up, Hennig takes a wild swing but Adias ducks and atomic drops Hennig. Hennig stands cross legged as Adias clotheslines him down 1..2..Kick out. Adias swings Hennig into the corner and charges in but Hennig moves as Adias hits hard.

Hennig takes a breather then stands Adias up and puts him down with a standing dropkick. Hennig body slams Adias and follows with an elbow drop 1..2..Kick Out. Adias rises as Hennig backs up and hits a neck snap. Hennig picks up Adias and hits an inverted atomic drop then follows with an axe smash to the head 1..2..Kick Out. Hennig sets Adias on the turnbuckles. Hennig hops up and goes for a superplex but Adias punches away then pushes Hennig off! Hennig staggers up as Adias blasts him with a forearm shot from the middle ropes 1..2..Kick Out. 

Adias snapmares Hennig over and follows with a knee drop. Adias picks Hennig up and hits a gut wrench suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Adias picks up Hennig but Hennig mule kicks him. Both men are reeling. Hennig hits a gut wrench suplex of his own 1..2..Kick Out. Hennig swings Adias to the ropes but misses a clothesline, Adias swings back and hits a flying press 1..2..Kick Out. Both men rise, Adias kicks Hennig, hoists him up and gives him an airplane spin! Adias slams him down, picks up Hennig and goes for his Russian Leg Sweep but Hennig grabs the top rope as Adias crashes hard to the canvas. Hennig picks up Adias and executes the Fisherman's Suplex 1..2..3! 

Winner of the Match- Curt Hennig 



BULL ROPE MATCH- if Mulligan wins, he gets 5 minutes with Paul Jones 

The Dream Machine w/Paul Jones vs. Blackjack Mulligan 

The officials tie the men to the bull rope. There's a cowbell right in the middle. Jones antagonizes Mulligan but hightails it quick when Mulligan runs after him. This distraction allows Dream to nail Mulligan from behind. Dream pounds away on Mulligan. He grips the cowbell and goes to work on Mulligan's head. Mulligan is bleeding bad. Dream sets Mulligan's head on the middle ropes as Jones slaps Mulligan several times. The fans boo as Jones laughs and slaps Mulligan a few more times. Dream pulls Mulligan up and gives him a bull rope clothesline. Dream wraps the rope around Mulligan's neck and chokes away. The Ref checks on Mulligan. Jones is yelling at the Ref to ring the bell. The fans cheer as Mulligan clenches his fists. Mulligan slowly rises then puts Dream down with a jawbreaker. 

Mulligan is hurting bad but the fans fire him up. Mulligan grips the cowbell and punches Dream's head several times. Mulligan stops and looks at Jones. Mulligan slowly punches Dream's head with the cowbell. Mulligan never takes his eyes off Jones as he hits Dream over and over again. Mulligan wraps the rope around Dream's neck, then hurls him over the top rope. Mulligan holds tight as he hangs Dream over the rope. Dream is frantically trying to fight it but it's to much for him and he passes out. The crowd explodes as the Ref signals for the bell. 

Jones is terrified and tries to run but he's met in the aisle by Jerry Jarrett, Verne Gagne and the entire AWA security staff. They push Jones to the ring. The Ref unties Dream Machine. Security ties Jones to the bull rope. Jones is pleading for his life as he looks over at a bloodied Mulligan. The fans can't stop cheering as Mulligan clotheslines Jones with the rope. Mulligan holds the cowbell up high and just unloads on Jones. The fans count along as Mulligan punches down on Jones. Jones is a bloody mess. Mulligan wraps the rope around Jones's neck and puts him out of his misery.  The Ref unties Jones and Jones ends up being stretchered out. Mulligan raises the rope to the cheering fans. A vindicated victory for Blackjack Mulligan. 


Mulligan is hit from behind by ICEMAN PARSONS! What the hell?!?! 

Iceman grabs the cowbell and unloads on Mulligan! Mulligan is unconscious as Security runs in to stop this. Thundering boos as Iceman smiles and exits. The fans are in shock.

Winner of the Match- Blackjack Mulligan



Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs. "Pitbull" Kerry Brown w/The Vin Man 

The fans are puzzled as Vin Man leads Kerry Brown to the ring along with a familiar face from the past wearing a suit.. Vinnie grabs the mic. 

Vin: "The Vin Man is here...YEA! Right now I would like to announce that with the Pitbull's consent and with my upmost respect, I have sold the contract of Kerry Brown to this man. A true wrestling legend and one tough hombre, I'm talking about none other than Roger Kirby. Roger, it's been a pleasure my man.

Vinnie shakes both Kerry and Roger's hands before exiting. 

St. Paul gives Blackwell one hell of an ovation as he enters the ring.

The bell rings and fists are flying. These guys pummel away on each other and fight to the outside. They continue to club away on each other with heavy shots. They fight all around the ring and keep fighting when the Ref hits the 10 count. Just as Blackwell starts to get the upper hand, Roger Kirby blasts Blackwell with a chair shot to his back! Blackwell goes down as Kirby delivers another chair shot to the back. Brown picks up Blackwell and really impresses Kirby when he body slams Blackwell on the concrete. Kirby gives him a proud smile and shakes his hand. BOOOOOOOS! 

Official ruling- A Double C.O. 



Nick Bockwinkle vs. "Rugged" Ron Garvin 

We get a good chess match in the opening minutes. The match stays clean as Bock has Garvin up against the ropes a couple times and surprisingly breaks clean both times. Once again, Bock has Garvin against the ropes. Bock slowly backs up, then blasts Garvin with a punch. Bock hammers away on Garvin with forearm shots to his head. Bock aggressively pulls Garvin out and delivers a vertical suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Bock swings Garvin to the ropes and dropkicks him down. Bock grabs Garvin and hits a swinging neckbreaker 1,,2..Kick Out. Bock berates the Ref and holds up 3 fingers. Bock swings Garvin towards the corner but Garvin reverses it and swings Bock hard into the turnbuckles. Bock staggers forward and Garvin back drops him. Garvin regroups.

Bock gets up and falls back against the turnbuckles. Garvin walks over and gives Bock several palm strikes until Bock's chest is beet red. Garvin hip tosses Bock out of the corner. Garvin picks up Bock and slams him down. Garvin backs up and hits a delayed knee drop 1..2..Kick Out. Garvin reaches down but Bock grabs his trunks and pulls him through the ropes. Bock needs this breather. 

Garvin gets on the apron. Bock runs over and throws a punch but Garvin blocks it, grabs Bock and pulls him over the top rope. Garvin gets back in the ring. A furious Bock hops on the apron but Garvin punches him and suplexes him back in the ring 1..2..Kick Out. Garvin swings Bock to the ropes and goes for a back drop but Bock kicks him. Both men are recuperating. 

Both men rise but Bock grabs Garvin, swings him to the ropes and flips him over with a knee to the mid section. Bock stomps on Garvin's back, picks him up and hits a backbreaker. Bock applies the Boston Crab. Bock wrenches away but Garvin wont give up. The fans cheer Garvin on as he's able to muscle his way and grab the ropes. The Ref tells Bock to break as Bock puts on more pressure before finally releasing the hold. Bock grabs the top rope and comes down on Garvin with several knees to the back. Bock pulls Garvin out and once again applies the Boston Crab! Bock wrenches away as Garvin uses all his strength to roll out of the hold. Garvin rolls to the outside. An irate Bock yells at the Ref. Bock goes to the outside. Bock charges Garvin but Garvin back drops him back into the ring. Garvin rolls back in. Bock gets up but Garvin lays him out with his knock out punch! The fans are going bonkers but Garvin is to hurt to cover. Garvin is really favoring his back. Garvin finally rolls over and covers 1..2..Bock gets his foot on the rope. 

Garvin staggers up and yanks Bock to the center of the ring. Garvin proceeds with the Garvin Stomp! Garvin then clamps on the Scorpion Deathlock! The fans are up and cheering as Garvin wrenches away while Bock screams in agony. To his credit, Bock manages his way to the ropes. Garvin picks up Bock, twirls him around and slams him down then follows with a quick body splash 1..2..Bock barley gets his shoulder up. Garvin swings Bock to the ropes but both men knock heads and fall back. The Ref starts counting both men out. Garvin slowly rises and slowly goes to the top rope. Bock slowly rises as Garvin hits a sunset flip from the top rope. Bock is still standing with his arms flailing. Bock drops down and hooks Garvin's legs and leans forward 1..2..3! Garvin kicks out a second to late. Both men slowly rise. In a stunning move, Bock offers a handshake to Garvin. Garvin shakes it and exits. This gets a big cheer. 

Winner of the Match- Nick Bockwinkle 



AWA World Tag Team Title Bout 

Priceless (C) vs. Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami 

Jumbo and Fujinami get a big ovation as they enter the ring. On the flip side, Priceless get boos as they stagger to the ring. Both men's fedoras are crooked and so are their sunglasses. They stop and realize they forgot their title belts. Brenda Britton rushes out and hands them their titles. They crack up and hold them high as the fans boo this terrible and disrespectful behavior. They enter the ring and trip over each other. They start laughing, pick up their titles and stand up. Fans start throwing trash at them. It takes a minute for things to cool down. Jumbo and Fujinami have no idea of what to make of this. 

The bell finally rings. Morrow starts the match with Jumbo. Morrow forgets he's still wearing his sunglasses and fedora. Morrow takes off his fedora and throws it at Jumbo. Jumbo kicks Morrow in the gut, (sunglasses go flying) grabs him and gives him one heck of a powerbomb! Morrow barley rolls out of the ring and actually vomits on the floor! BIG TIME BOOS. Wells helps Morrow back into the ring. Morrow doesn't have a clue where he is. Wells tags himself in but stumbles over Morrow and falls down. Jumbo picks him up and hip tosses him across the ring. Jumbo tags in Fujinami. Fujinami picks up Wells and hits a Dragon Suplex 1..2..3! Massive POP! Wells slowly rolls out of the ring and now he vomits. 

Jumbo and Fujinami hold up the titles as the fans are so happy they put an end to the disrespectful reign of Priceless. Both members of Priceless are still passed out. A disgusted Verne Gagne leads Medics to the ring. The medics throw buckets of cold water on Priceless before escorting them out.. Verne then goes into the ring and congratulates the new champs. After they exit, Janitors come out and clean up the mess. 

Winners of the Match and NEW AWA World Tag Team Champs- Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami  



AWA National Title Bout


"The Universal Heartthrob" Austin Idol (C) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler 

Both men get elaborate entrances and really work the crowd. Once the bell rings, the show is over and the fight is on. 

The fans go nuts as these 2 have a furious Memphis punch exchange. They hammer away on each other and fight to the outside. They fight all around the ring, up and down the aisle and even into the crowd. Idol grabs a fan's beer and throws it in Lawler's face. Idol hurls Lawler over the guardrail. Idol picks up Lawler and swings him towards the steel post but Lawler reverses it and slams Idol into it. Lawler slams Idol on the concrete, jumps down, puts his knee on Idol's chest and punches away until Idol bleeds. Just as Lawler rises, Idol nails him with one hard lowblow. Both men are reeling.

Idol slowly gets up, grabs Lawler's head and slams it on the apron until he bleeds. Idol grabs a trashcan and blasts Lawler over the head with it. Idol hurls Lawler into the ring and throws the trashcan into the ring. Idol gets in the ring, puts the trashcan on Lawler's head and stomps away. Idol swings off the ropes and delivers a knee drop to the trashcan. Idol throws the trashcan out of the ring and covers Lawler 1..2..Lawler gets his shoulder up. Idol hurls Lawler out of the ring. Idol goes to the apron. Lawler staggers up as Idol goes for a double axehandle but Lawler flips him over with a punch to the gut. 

Lawler regroups and grabs a cable, then starts choking Idol with it. Lawler swings Idol and yanks the cable back practically decapitating Idol. The Ref goes out to check on Idol to see if he's still alive. He is...barely. Lawler hurls Idol back into the ring. Lawler goes to the top rope. The fans explode as Lawler pulls down his strap. Lawler holds up his fist and crashes down with a fistdrop but Idol moves. Lawler holds his hand in pain while Idol just rolls over. Idol reaches in his tights. Both men rise as Idol throws a white substance in Lawler's face. Lawler frantically rubs his eyes as Idol continues to regroup. 

Idol finally gets to his feet. Lawler gets up as Idol clotheslines him down. Idol picks up Lawler and hurls him over the top rope. Lawler is saying something to the fans. A fan hands Lawler a cup of water. Lawler rubs his eyes with it. Idol crashes down with a forearm drop from the apron. Idol grabs Lawler and swings him headfirst into the steel post. Lawler's a bloody mess. Idol grabs a chair and heads towards Lawler. Lawler kicks Idol, grabs the chair and whacks Idol over his head. Both men fall down. Both men are bleeding bad. 

After a couple minutes, both men slide into the ring. They're both on their knees as they slowly hit each other with punches. They take turns hitting each other. Both men are exhausted but punch each other with everything they have. They each hit each other and fall back down. Idol reaches in his boot and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles. Both men grab the ropes and help themselves up. Idol takes a huge swing but Lawler ducks and kicks Idol low. Lawler takes the brass knuckles and just wallops Idol with them! Lawler picks up Idol and delivers a piledriver 1..2..3! The entire arena jumps up and cheers.

Lawler is on his knees as the Ref hands him the National Title. Lawler is busted up and bleeding but he manages to hold the title high. Idol is helped out of the AWA.

Winner of the Match and NEW AWA National Champ- Jerry Lawler 




Lance: Fans, this has been one heck of a night. SuperClash will go down in history. As you just saw, Jerry Lawler is the new National Champ. Larry Z and Al Perez are the new National tag team champs and of course Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami are the new AWA World tag team champions. Truly a special night this has been. It's not over yet as we're getting set for our big AWA World title bout. This should be a great one. 

Highlights are shown of the Ricky Steamboat/Carlos Colon storyline. 



AWA World Title Bout 

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (C) vs. Carlos Colon 

Thundering boos as Carlos Colon heads down the aisle. He raises his kendo stick then tosses it. Colon has a look of pure anger and intensity. After a long night, the fans have enough energy to give Steamboat a rousing ovation. You can just feel the tension as the Ref holds up the world title to the fans. The bell rings. Colon slowly walks to the center of the ring. Steamboat does the same. Cameras go off as these 2 stare each other down. Neither one is backing off. 

They have a hard lock up and go back and forth. Steamboat arm drags Colon over. Colon gets up and charges Steamboat but Steamboat arm drags him over. Colon gets up and charges but Steamboat hip tosses him. Colon gets up as Steamboat chops him down. Colon rolls out of the ring and shouts and points up at Steamboat. Steamboat lets Colon enter the ring. Colon tries to kick Steamboat but Steamboat grabs his leg, spins him around and atomic drops him through the ropes. The fans cheer as Colon is furious. Colon walks around the ring flipping over chairs. Colon gets on the apron and baits Steamboat in. Steamboat walks over as Colon tries to sucker punch him but Steamboat blocks it and chops Colon off the apron. Once again Colon is beside himself. Steamboat is close to the ropes as the Ref tries to back him up. Colon grabs Steamboat's boots and yanks him under the ropes and to the outside. Colon grabs Steamboat but Steamboat chops away and hurls Colon back into the ring. Steamboat climbs to the apron. Colon gets up and charges but Steamboat flings himself in and puts Colon down with a diving shoulder block 1..2..Kick Out. Steamboat picks Colon up but Colon grabs him and nails him with a headbutt. Colon clears the cobwebs.

Colon swings Steamboat into the corner and follows with a running knee to the mid section. Colon follows with several knees to the mid section. Colon snapmares Steamboat over and delivers several knees to his back as he holds Steamboat in a chinlock. Colon hits Steamboat with several elbows to the top of his head. Colon picks up Steamboat and hot shots him on the top rope 1..2..Kick Out. Colon is outraged. He picks Steamboat up and holds him while he hits him with several headbutts. Steamboat starts to bleed. Colon swings Steamboat to the ropes and hits him with a punch to the gut, then follows with a high knee lift that sends Steamboat flying. Colon hops on the middle ropes and comes down with an elbow drop 1..2..Steamboat gets his foot on the rope. 

Colon chokes Steamboat on the top rope then snaps him back. Colon goes to the top rope. He yells at the booing fans. Steamboat slowly rises as Colon goes for a diving clothesline but Steamboat ducks as Colon crashes to the canvas. Steamboat is hurting as he regroups. Steamboat slowly rises as does Colon. Steamboat goes for a kick but Colon grabs his boot. Steamboat jumps up and down on one foot then nails Colon with an enzugiri! Colon goes face down. Steamboat goes to the top rope. Colon staggers up and Steamboat puts him down with a brain chop. Steamboat swings Colon hard into the corner, follows and monkey flips Colon over. Steamboat goes out to the apron and hits a slingshot splash 1..2..Kick Out. Steamboat swings Colon to the ropes and hits a diving back elbow smash. Steamboat swings off the ropes and goes for a splash but Colon puts his knees up. Once again, both men are reeling. 

Both men rise at the count of 8. Colon kicks Steamboat and follows with a rib breaker 1..2..Kick Out. Colon reaches down and chokes Steamboat. Colon breaks at 4 then chokes Steamboat while banging his head several times on the canvas. Colon picks up Steamboat, spins him around and Snake Eyes him on the top turnbuckle. Colon puts his feet on the ropes as he covers 1..2..Steamboat kicks out! Colon just about punches the Ref. Colon hurls Steamboat out of the ring. 

Colon jumps off the apron and nails Steamboat with a stomp to his back. Colon is a madman as he clamps on the camel clutch outside the ring. Just as Colon wrenches back, the fans roar as Steamboat starts to rise. Steamboat continues to rise with Colon on his back. Steamboat executes an electric chair drop on the concrete! Both men are down. The Ref can't believe what he just saw. He slowly starts the count. Steamboat gets up at 7, grabs Colon and hurls him into the ring. 

Steamboat swings Colon to the ropes but Colon reverses it and goes for a back drop but Steamboat grabs him and hits a tornado DDT 1..2..Colon gets his foot on the rope. Steamboat swings Colon into the corner and charges in with a shoulder thrust but Colon moves and Steamboat's shoulder hits hard. Colon is on his back trying to regroup. Colon uses the ropes to get himself up. Colon walks around favoring his back. He pulls Steamboat out, hoists him up and hits a shoulder breaker 1..2..Steamboat gets his shoulder up. Colon swings Steamboat to the ropes and hits a diving headbutt to the mid section. Colon picks up Steamboat and delivers a hanging vertical suplex. Colon goes to the top rope and crashes down with a flying knee drop but Steamboat moves. Colon rolls over and holds his knee as Steamboat shakes the cobwebs. 

Steamboat rises and slowly goes to the top rope. The fans cheer big time. Colon limps up and turns around as Steamboat hist his flying body press but Colon carries the momentum over and grabs a handful of tights 1..2..NO! Steamboat kicks out as the crowd gasps. Both men rise. Colon hits Steamboat with punches as Steamboat fights back with chops. Steamboat gets the upper hand, swings off the ropes and hits a flying cross body but Colon holds on as both men go back against the ropes. The Ref gets caught up in there and all 3 men sail over the top rope. Everybody hits hard on the ground.

The Ref is knocked out. Colon and Steamboat are on their knees reeling. Colon crawls over and gets his kendo stick. Colon slowly gets up with an enraged look. Steamboat slowly rises but Colon hits him several times with his kendo stick. Colon is satisfied after a few more shots. Colon hurls Steamboat into the ring. Colon slaps the Ref around and hurls him into the ring. The Ref slowly comes to his senses. Colon gets in the ring. Steamboat slowly rises with welts all over his back. Colon gives an evil smile, grabs Steamboat from behind and executes a belly to back suplex 1..2..(Steamboat gets his shoulder up)..3! 

Colon rolls over and gives an exhausted smile. He rises and raises his arms in victory. The fans are in a state of confusion. The Ref groggily walks over and gets the world title. He walks back and hands it to Steamboat, then raises his arm. The fans are up and cheering. Colon goes crazy and grabs the Ref. The Ref is explaining that Steamboat got his shoulder up. Colon goes berserk and punches the Ref, then hurls him out of the ring. Colon goes towards Steamboat but Steamboat gets up and says "Bring it" 

Security, Jerry Jarrett and Verne Gagne enter the ring to stop this. Colon yells at all of them. Colon finally exits then goes and flips a table over. Colon pushes everybody out of his way as he heads up the aisle. Jarrett and Gagne converse with Steamboat and raise his arm in victory as the fans give a standing ovation. 

Winner of the Match and STILL AWA World Champion- Ricky Steamboat 

Thank you all for being a part of SuperClash! 





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Tsuruta & Fujinami earn themselves 100k & a World Tag Team Title shot. Not bad for their first night on the job.

Parsons gets a little shady to beat Kernodle. I'm going to keep my eye on him.

Valiant saves the title for the Great Gagne.

The Tornado Handicap match is the war we were all hoping for. Snuka pinning Ox was the best possible ending.

Always bummed to see the Bruise Brothers lose but I gotta admit, Larry Z & Perez earned that one.

Canek chops the down the redwood.

Priceless reaction to their opponents was simply...well...PRICELESS!!!

Rock n Roll win the best of 7 & even the Fabs can't argue who's the better team.

Henning evens the score with Adidas. Is a tiebreaker on the horizon.

Dream Machine was on dream street as Jones was stretchered out of St Paul. But what in the 9 hells is Parsons thinking?

Kirby makes a memorable debut as he helps the Pitbull leave Blackwell laying.

Mutual respect after a hard fought match, you love to see it. Bockwinkel certainly strengthened his claim on another title shot.

And that's why we wait until AFTER the match to get hammered. Congratulations to the NEW champions.

Idol gets sent packing with his own brass knuckles.

A grueling match leads to a confusing ending. Colon can say he was screwed while Steamboat can rightfully say he kicked out. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

SuperClash is everything I expected...and more!

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I cannot wait for someone to finally wipe the smile of Greg Gagne's face!

New tag champs! Larry Zbyszko and Al Perez are unstoppable!

El Canek beating Giant Haystacks is such a great result! What a treat for the audience to see that monster god down!

I really dug the drama of teasing a draw between the Fabulous Ones and the Rock 'n' Roll Express! That would've been amazing to see live!

I hope this is a sing of things to come for Curt Hennig!

It's good to see Nick Bockwinkle get the win here - I hope he can work his way back into the title picture soon enough!

I loved that great classic Jerry Lawler bout! The visual of the cable was so visceral!

This has to have been Ricky Steamboat's greatest challenge yet! He's such a great champion but ... for a moment I really thought Carlos Colon was going to take him down. I'm very glad it all worked out for the Dragon! Really cool show!

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As expected.... Superclash delivers big time!!

The Japanese Dream Team takes the battle royal, and I think Priceless are in trouble!

We follow with a nice win for the Iceman, and then Gagne retains to bring me and the crowd back down!

Good Lord, the tornado handicap match is NUTS! Snuka picks up the win for his team, but at what cost!

Larry and Al get the best of my boys The Bruise Brothers, which is unfortunate.

Ricky and Robert bring it home!! Great Series! Well done bringing it down to the wire!!

Hennig is going to be the next big thing here, I can feel it.

Iceman heel turn? Interesting.....

Bockwinkel picks up the win over Garvin, and you have to think he gets his title shot now!

and as expected, Priceless are done!

Lawler sends Idol packing, and picks up the gold! We can ignore those knuckles for a feel good moment!!

Thank God! If Colon had won, I think I'd have given up watching the AWA! Steamboat makes a great champ.


Awesome Show!!!

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Sorry for falling so far behind on my comments.  Hopefully, I will get on a better schedule soon.

That being said, Superclash was AWESOME!  

I loved the opening with Brenda and Linda Ronstadt.

The St. Paul crowd really got their money's worth here with 14 matches.  WOW... great work  here!

Interesting night for Iceman... started out a little heelish with the feet on the ropes and then the attack on Mulligan completed the turn.  Looking forward to seeing this develop.

I must say that that I am enjoying the Great Gagne!  Verne should have done this in real life!

I must that a bit of me was wishing to see one more heart punch from Ox but this was a really well writen feud from the beginning and you did an awesome job in the end.

You really tried to not have a winner in the RnR Express/Fab One 7 match series but Jarett wouldn't allow it!  Either way you wrote this would have been awesome.  These two teams could go another 100 matches with each winning 50 and it would sell tickets every time.

Bockwinkle with a great show of sportsmanship after the match with Garvin.  Bock is one of those guys I watched in real life that I wasn't sure if I was suppossed to hate.  He was just so good that you had to respect him.  You have done a great job of capturing that side of Mr. AWA.

Priceless in the hot tube before the match was such a great way to show their arrogance.  Too bad it didn't pay off!  If this is the end of Priceless, they had an awesome run.

Lawler-Idol is over for now but it is such a great feud that somewhere in the game, I bet they match up again.  Great job writing this up.

Colon vs Steamboat for Match of the Year.... Colon is another guy I like better as a heel. You have done a great job of bringing his wild WWC side to the AWA and making it work.

I know these shows are a lot of work and you did a great job with it.  Thanks for all the hard work.  I really enjoyed it.


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Great win for the Japanese team to come out on top on the battle royal...Priceless can't be happy with this result...

Parsons to me is at his best as a heel, I like where this might be headed!

While I've been a fan of the Bruise Brothers here all along, I really want to see where Zbyzsko and Perez can go as a team.

Rock & Roll is king and by the looks of the transaction thread, the Fabs are done as a team....for now at least.

Hell yeah! There he is....that's the Iceman I was looking for!!

Bockwinkel and Garvin was the classic I has hoped for, can't wait to see Bockwinkel get another title shot!

Well, Priceless had a good run. I feel like one of the things you do best is knowing how long to run with somebody before moving on. I often cut things short or let things drag on too long but Priceless seemed ready to be wrapped up here.

Lawler gets it done and sends Idol outta the AWA! That's what I loved about Lawler when I was a kid, he do whatever needed to be done to get the win!

Steamboat retains! But you sure had more worried there...lol

Great show! Nobody builds to a supercard like you do!

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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 12-3-86


Show kicks off with "Rock Rock Til You Drop" by Def Leppard as all the highlights from SuperClash are shown. Included are Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami winning the battle royal and later defeating Priceless for the World Tag Team Titles. Larry Z and Al Perez defeating the Bruise Brothers in the tournament finals to become National Tag Champs. Jimmy Snuka hits the Superfly Splash on Ox Baker. Blackjack Mulligan beating up Paul Jones with the bullrope. Iceman Parsons attacking Mulligan. The Rock n Roll Express defeats the Fabulous Ones to win the best of 7 series. Jerry Lawler defeating Austin Idol for the National title as well as sending Idol out of the AWA. Ricky Steamboat narrowly defeats Carlos Colon to retain the AWA World Title. 

Comments by Steamboat in the Lockeroom right after his match with Colon.

Steamboat: I have to admit, Carlos Colon gave me one of the toughest challenges of my life tonight. He pulled out all his dirty tricks but, in the end, I walked out still AWA world champ. I want to make one thing clear, I will continue to defend this title, night after night against anybody the AWA sends my way. I hold this title with great pride and honor, and I plan on holding it a lot longer. 

To the program

Lance: Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of AWA Major League Wrestling. Well, as you saw, SuperClash is in the books and what a historic night that was. We'll be talking quite a bit about SuperClash tonight. We have a great program lined up. You'll see the Olympians take on the Union. Also....wait a second, Carlos Colon is on his way over. Carlos, is there something on your mind? 

Colon: You saw it! All these people saw it! I should be the AWA world champion! Do you know why I'm not? Because, once again everybody has conspired against me and have protected Ricky Steamboat. Blatant disrespect! 

BOOOOS come over the crowd. 

Lance: I don't believe what I'm seeing. Curtis Iaukea is heading over. Hold on gentlemen, just take it easy. 


Colon clenches his fists and gives Iaukea a death look. 

Iaukea: Carlos Colon, I come in peace. Just listen to me. If there is one man that deserves respect, it is you! For months, my main objective was to destroy you. I sent in monsters, paid assassins, beasts and blood thirsty animals to take care of you. One by one they all failed. Carlos Colon, you not only survived but you won! I am here to say, you have my upmost respect! I have been watching you very closely. You have taken a step towards the dark side. I can take you the rest of the way. Join with me Carlos Colon and you will get everything you want and most off all you will get the respect you so deserve! I am here for you. Walk with me Carlos Colon. Walk with me. 

Iaukea walks away. Colon pauses for a few seconds and follows.

Lance: (shaking his head in disbelief) I have no idea what just happened, and I can't believe what I just saw. Carlos Colon has followed Curtis Iaukea. I never thought I would ever say that. We'll be back. 


Commercial Break 


The Rock n Roll Express vs. Vic Dutro and Wille Lopez 


The fans can't stop cheering as RnR hit the double dropkick for the win! 


Resnick: Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, first off congratulations on your big win at SuperClash. You defeated the Fabulous Ones in a thrilling best of 7 series (Huge Pop) and now you will be rewarded with an AWA world tag team title shot against the new champs Jumbo Tsuruta and Tatsumi Fujinami. 

Robert: Hey, we went toe to toe with the Fabs and won. Now it's time to win some gold. 

Ricky: Rock n Roll will never die! We showed the world that RnR is better than ever. We're riding high and we're going to continue this momentum by winning the world tag titles. Nothing but respect to Jumbo and Tatsumi. We're looking forward to an outstanding match up. 


Commercial Break 


TV Champ "The Great" Gagne w/Johnny Valiant vs. Neil Jordan 


Gagne is at his arrogant best and wins the match with the sleeper. 


Valiant snatches the mic from Resnick 

Valiant: (Singing) He's the great great Gagne, he's the champ. He's the great great Gagne, he's the best! 

Gagne: (smiling) Thank you Johnny, that was beautiful. Resnick, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! When the pressure is on, the great Gagne comes through. Right now, I'm the greatest champion in the AWA, bar none! Nobody can beat me for this TV title! And I mean nobody! Because I'm the Great Gagne! 


Commercial Break 


Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs. Todd Rooney 


Snuka is pumped up tonight and wins the match with the Superfly Splash! 


Resnick: Jimmy Snuka, your Superfly Splash has become a highlight reel in the AWA. What's next for the Superfly? 

Snuka: Well brutha, no matter what obstacle gets in my way, the Superfly always overcomes it. I'm ready for any challenge that comes my way and I'm ready to go after any title here in the AWA. 


Commercial Break 


Iceman Parsons vs. Melvin Jones 


Thundering boos during the entire match. Iceman hits the booty bump, then hoists Jones up and delivers a front face suplex for the win. 


Resnick: Iceman Parsons! I think you owe all these fans an explanation. Just what was your deal with Blackjack Mulligan? 

Iceman: First off, I don't owe these idiots a damn thing! However, if it's an explanation you want, why don't I let this man give it to you. Introducing my new manager, Roger Kirby. 

Resnick: What in the world? 

Roger Kirby walks out with Kerry Brown. 



Kirby: SuperClash was a big night for me. I want you to remember, that was the night where it all began. I went out and bought the contract of the Pitbull Kerry Brown. Then I watched in pure joy as the Pitbull slammed Jerry Fatwell down on the concrete. Next up, I saw something that changed my life forever. I saw Iceman Parsons get in the ring with the baddest SOB in the AWA, Blackjack Mulligan. Parsons beat that man bloody! I had talked earlier with Parsons but wasn't sold just yet. After watching that beatdown on Mulligan, I can say without a shadow of a doubt Iceman Parsons belongs with us. You all saw him as a fun loving dancing puppet. I see him for the man he is, and that man is a very dangerous individual. Also, I've made arrangements with Paul Jones and with a smile on my face, I can announce that the Dream Machine will be joining us as well. Think about it Resnick. Kerry Brown, Iceman Parsons and the Dream Machine! We'll rule this place! Who's going to stop us? 

Iceman: Have mercy! 


Commercial Break 


Footage from SuperClash is shown as El Canek defeats Giant Haystacks 

Resnick: What a match that was. I understand El Canek is back on a tour of Mexico but will be back in the AWA soon. On that note, the AWA is truly a global force as we have international stars from Japan, Mexico, Canada and debuting in the ring tonight, a team from the United Kingdom. Let's get to the ring. 


The British Bombers (Dave Taylor and Johnny Smith) vs. Carl Kellerman and William Hillman 


Smith is wearing blue wrestling pants with the Union Jack Flag on the back. His hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Taylor is wearing blue trunks with the Union Jack flag on the back.

Bombers are aggressive and ruthless. Taylor swings Hillman to the ropes and puts him down with a spinning forearm blast. Taylor tags in Smith. Smith hoists Hillman on his shoulder and hits a running powerslam for the win! 


Commercial Break 


The camera zooms in on the pink neon "Beauty Shop" sign, then pans down to Brenda Britton. 



Britton: Hi everybody! Did you miss the Beauty Shop? (BOOOOOS) Yea, I didn't miss you! I don't care what anybody says, SuperClash wasn't all that. My guys Priceless were totally robbed. The worst part is George Wells has left the AWA and Gerry Morrow is missing. (Cheers) That's enough! Don't worry, I'll find Gerry. Well, there was something good that came out of SuperClash. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome out the new AWA National Tag team champs, Larry Zbyszko and Al Perez! 


Boos as Larry and Al walk out smiling. They each kiss Brenda's hand. 

Britton: Let me be the first to say congratulations guys. I'm so glad you won and not those Bruise Brothers. I mean, you guys are solid. A true tag team. 

Perez: Coming from you Brenda, that's a true compliment.

Larry: You know, it's nice to finally talk to somebody with class, unlike that spudhead Resnick. 

Britton: Jeez, that guy's such a nerd. Now, I've been told that you guys will be defending the National titles against that dirty and grimy team Cabin Fever. My opinion is, they don't stand a chance against such a superior team like you.

Larry: Very true and to the point. Cabin Fever are nothing but barroom brawlers. Al and I are a cohesive wrestling unit. We're going to carry these titles into 1987 and way beyond. Together we're a glorious team and Cabin Fever will be nothing but a blip on the radar. 

Britton: Spoken like true champions. What a delight this was. Until next week, toooodles! 


Commercial Break 


Gama Singh vs. Troy Rogers 


Gama simply outwrestles his opponent and finishes things off with the camel clutch. 


Resnick: Tremendous win for Gama Singh. I have to ask, where is your partner Makhan Singh? 

Gama: Makhan has left the AWA because of unfair treatment. That is why Karachi Vice was absent from SuperClash. Karachi Vice was the longest reigning USWA tag team champions. When we arrived in the AWA we received no opportunities whatsoever! I do not blame Makhan for leaving. Now, I heard Jimmy Snuka out here talking about taking down obstacles and wanting title matches. Snuka, I am an obstacle in your way and if anybody will get a title shot, it will be me! 


Commercial Break 


Resnick: Fans, with me right now is Nick Bockwinkle. Nick, you had a hard fought victory over Ron Garvin at SuperClash. 

Bock: It was hard fought and my respect to Ron Garvin. I believe that should be enough for a world title shot. That's been my goal and now it's time to accomplish it. 

Boos as Curt Hennig comes out.

Hennig: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the phone. You're not the only one who got a big win at SuperClash. If anyone deserves a world title shot, it's me and not this old timer. 

Bock: To be young and dumb. I strongly suggest you watch your mouth young man. 

Just as Hennig walks forward, Jerry Jarrett comes out.

Jarrett: Gentlemen, just relax. I've come up with something, I'm sure you both will like. Next week at the Jackson Coliseum, you two will have a match and the winner will wrestle Ricky Steamboat for the AWA world title, on New Year's Eve at the Mid South Coliseum. Good luck to both of you. 

Hennig: When your flawless like me, you don't need luck. Your time's up old man. 

Bock: I guess I have to prove myself one more time. Mr. Hennig, I promise you a defeat. 



Commercial Break 


The Diamond Aces (Art Crews and Timothy Flowers) w The Vin Man vs. Sam Smith and Frank Thompson 


The Diamond Aces come out wearing black vests. Crews has an Ace card on the back of his while Flowers has a diamond card on the back of his. Vin Man is wearing a Hawaiian shirt. 

The Diamond Aces hit a double rib breaker for the win! 

Vin Man cuts a promo and says his team should be the number one contenders to the world titles. Vin Man...Yea! 


Commercial Break 


The Olympians vs. The Union

These teams had quite a brawl during the SuperClash battle royal as their rivalry continues. 

Solid seesaw battle as both teams look pretty good. Tempers flare and we get an all out brawl that leads to a double c.o. The bell rings but the teams keep fighting. 


Commercial Break 


Resnick: Fans, I'm not sure anything will ever get resolved between those teams. Switching gears, please welcome out the NEW AWA National Champ, Jerry "The King" Lawler! 


Massive cheers as Lawler (Bandaged head) comes out and holds up the National title. 

Resnick: Jerry, SuperClash was an epic night for you. You sent Austin Idol out of the AWA and you win the National title. I'm sure you're feeling pretty good right now. Look out! 



Lawler is hit on the back by a chair from TOMMY RICH!!!!

Tommy puts the boots to Lawler, then slams him on the concrete! Rich grabs the mic. 

Rich: Come on Lawler! Come on Lawler! 

Rich picks up Lawler and double arm DDTs him on the concrete! Lawler's head just thuds on the ground as the fans gasp. 

Resnick: We need help out here! Now! 

The show ends with a bloody and unconscious Jerry Lawler laying on the ground as officials and Security run out to help. Rich is laughing the entire time. 








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Carlos Colon joining up with Curtis Iaukea? Did NOT see that coming.

Rock n Roll is in for a hell of a fight trying to take the titles off Jumbo & Fujinami.

Well you gotta admit, Gagne did tell us so.

Superfly is on the hunt for gold.

Have to hand it to Kirby, he's got quite the crew assembled in a short amount of time. 

The Bombers could be big here.

Beauty Shop returns with the new National Tag Champs. They might not have them for long with Cabin Fever coming after them.

Gamma could be a tricky obstacle for Snuka.

Bockwinkel vs Henning is quite the clash of personalities.

Diamond Aces sounds like a name Vin Man would come up with.

The Olympians & The Union are heading for a violent blowoff.

Wildfire leaves the King laying in what will be one of the AWA's most memorable endings. I'm not sure the AWA is ready for Tommy Rich.

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Great transition from SuperClash!

I think you hit the nail on the head with Colon joining Iaukea!  

I enjoyed using Kirby when I made up the Midwest Mafia and I think he will be fun for you also.  He has a pretty good stable with some toughness and personalities.  Looking back at our game here, I think Iceman has gone from babyface to heel more than anyone.  I loved him as a babyface when I was a kid but for some reason, he has been a better heel in Dawn of War.  Enjoy this new stable.  It is going to be a wild ride.  

Bock vs Hennig... WOW.  Usually I can get an idea of who might be higher up on the pecking order but here... I have no clue.  This is going to be awesome!

Tommy Rich vs Jerry Lawler... Love it!!

AWA has plenty of great storylines heading into 1987!

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