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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 9-6-89



Highlights from Title Night are shown and ends with Hulk Hogan holding his title high. 


Larry Nelson: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of AWA Major League Wrestling. Fans, on Saturday Oct. 5th, from the Mecca in Milwaukee, the AWA presents its next pay per view, The Happening. Hulk Hogan will defend the AWA world title against Tatsumi Fujinami. Tonight, both men will be in the ring to sign the official contract. Also tonight, The Rock n Roll Express teams with Steve Disalvo to take on the Soultaker and the Moondogs. El Canek returns to AWA action. Brutus Beefcake makes his AWA debut. And there will be two matches, Lou Perez vs. Mike Miller and Tom Brandi vs. Cannonball Griz. The winners will face each other at the Happening for the AWA TV Title. So much going on, so lets get to the ring. 


Justified (Gary Young and Rip Oliver) vs. Trent Watkins and Louis Carbon 


Oliver and Young have apparently joined forces to compete in the AWA tag team ranks. They come out wearing black boots, black knee pads, black tights and black vests. They get the job done in the ring tonight. Oliver hits a diving clothesline from the middle ropes on Watkins, then tags in Young. Young finishes things off with a tornado DDT. 


Nelson: Ok Rip Oliver and Gary Young. We all saw you guys at Title Night do a number on Vinergy and Vin Man. It now looks like you'll be teaming up as Justified. Talk to me about the name and your intentions. 

Young: Vinnie! Vinergy! You all made a big mistake kicking me out and putting me down. What we did to you at Title Night is just the beginning! 

Oliver: That's right! Gary and I were both embarrassed by those 3 idiots and we feel we were justified in our actions. Hence the name. From here on out, we're going to be justified in all our actions! 


Commercial Break 


Winner will advance to a TV title match at the Happening

'Lightning' Lou Perez vs. 'Mean' Mike Miller 


Miller attacks at the bell and starts hammering away on Perez. Miller swings Perez to the ropes and goes for a back drop but Perez leapfrogs over, swings back and puts Miller down with a dropkick. Miller gets up but Perez puts him back down with another dropkick. Perez goes to the top rope and comes down with a knee drop but Miller moves. 

Miller regroups and stomps down on Perez. Miller rakes his boot across Perez's head. Miller picks up Perez and executes a vertical suplex. Miller follows with a shoulder breaker 1..2..Perez gets his foot on the rope. Miller's pissed and starts choking Perez. Miller picks up Perez and swings him into the turnbuckles. Miller charges but Perez moves. Miller hits hard and staggers back as Perez grabs him and hits a bridging back suplex 1..2..3!! Big POP! 


Commercial Break 


El Canek vs. Todd Rooney 


Canek returns from another successful tour of Mexico. Canek looks awesome tonight and wins the match with a body slam followed by a senton from the middle ropes. 


Canek is attacked by Black Blood! Skandor Akbar is instructing Blood as Blood inflicts more punishment. Blood leaps off the top rope and nails Canek with a knee drop across his throat! 


Nelson: Akbar! What the hell was that all about? 

Akbar: How quickly you forget Nelson. Greg Gagne hired me to do a job and Black Blood will make damn sure we finish that job! That was a warning Canek! Leave the AWA while you still can walk or Black Blood will see to it that you're stretchered out of here! 


Commercial Break 


'Sir' Tony St. Clair w/Les Thornton vs. Ray Glader 


St. Clair puts on a wrestling clinic tonight. He nails Glader with a running European uppercut the follows with a floating butterfly suplex for the win. 


Nelson: Ok Les Thornton, your Parliament will be very busy. It's been announced that Tony St. Clair will face Carlos Colon at the Happening. Also, next week your Union Jacks will face Karachi Vice and the winners will get a world tag title shot at the Happening. 

Thornton: Carlos Colon is merely a stepping stone for Sir Tony. Quite frankly Sir Tony is leagues ahead of a blood thirsty savage like Colon. Sir Tony will teach a brawler like Colon a serious wrestling lesson. Next, the Union Jacks will finally get rid of those peasants Karachi Vice and then move on to win the world titles and bring them back to the Queen. I told you, the Parliament will rule the AWA! 


Commercial Break 


Winner will face Lou Perez for the AWA TV Title at The Happening 

'Thrilling' Tom Brandi vs. Cannonball Griz 


We get a contrast of styles match here as Brandi excites the fans with his high flying maneuvers while Griz puts his size and power to good use. A few minutes in and the match could go either way. Griz takes control and slams Brandi down hard. Griz swings Brandi to the ropes and puts him down with a back elbow smash, then follows with a standing fist drop 1..2..Kick Out. Griz swings Brandi to the ropes but misses a clothesline, Brandi swings back and hits a flying press 1..2..Kick Out. Both men stagger up and start punching away on each other. Brandi gets the upper hand and atomic drops Griz into the turnbuckles. Griz staggers back and down as Brandi goes out to the apron and hits a sling shot splash 1..2..3!! Big Pop! 

Tom Brandi will face Lou Perez at the Happening for the AWA TV title 


Commercial Break 


Brutus Beefcake vs. Clyde Putnam

The fans get a kick out of Beefcake as he struts around the ring and has a good time. Beefcake swings Putnam to the ropes and hits a running high knee for the win. 

Larry Nelson goes into the ring to talk with Brutus. 

Hold on! 

Austin Idol, Bill Dundee, Chicky Starr and Dream Machine enter the ring. 

Nelson: Wait a minute! Because of all the issues, Bob Armstrong, Iceman Parsons and Don Muraco were told not to show up tonight, so please, don't cause any trouble. And Dundee, I thought you left the AWA? 

Dundee: You thought wrong Nelson. I've never felt better in my life after that beating I gave Muraco last week. Have mercy! But we're not here to talk about that. We're here to talk to this man (points at Beefcake) 

Dream: That's right! So listen up babay! 

Starr: It's simple, we don't like the looks of you amigo. 

Idol: Look Beefcake, Chicky said it best. The All-Stars simply don't like you darling. I mean who do you think you are coming in here and strutting around, dressing like us and copying our every move. We don't need another imposter, so why don't you go back to where you came from. The All-Stars are out here to welcome our newest member and brother it isn't you! So get lost or get a beating! 

Beefcake: (rubs his chin) You know my good buddy, the real superstar Billy Graham (this gets Dundee heated) told me about a group. But I thought you boys were the No Stars! 

The All-Stars circle Beefcake. The fans go wild as Beefcake starts throwing punches! He's doing pretty good but the numbers catch up. Things get worse when BRIAN ADIAS runs in and starts stomping down on Beefcake! All 5 men put the boots to Beefcake. Dundee goes to the top rope and crashes down with the Bombs Away. Chicky hits his corkscrew elbow drop. Dream follows with a jumping elbow drop. Idol picks up Beefcake and holds him. The All-Stars smile and let Adias do the honors. Adias grabs Beefcake and hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Adias puts his boot on Beefcake's chest as the All-Stars surround Adias and hold up his arms. Idol grabs the mic.

Idol: The All-Stars needed a blockbuster hit and we found one. Welcome Brian! 


Commercial Break 


David Sammartino vs. Neil Jordan 


Sammartino wins the match with a belly to belly suplex! 


Nelson: David, since you've arrived to the AWA, Larry Zbyszko has been a big thorn in your side. Well, at the Happening you two will meet in a no DQ match. 

Sammartino: I guess it wasn't enough that I knocked him out at WrestleRock. NO! He had to beat me senseless with nun chucks! Fine! I can fight dirty too and at the Happening I get to do whatever I want. That means you're in a lot of trouble Zbyszko! 


Commercial Break 


The Rock n Roll Express and 'The Mighty Yankee' Steve Disalvo vs. The Moondogs and Soultaker w/Skandor Akbar 


Shocker, but this one is declared a No Contest from the start. RnR and the Moondogs fight all over the place, while Disalvo and Soultaker trade hard shots in the ring. The viewers get to enjoy the chaos up until the commercial break. 


Commercial Break 


Brenda Britton is in the ring with AWA C.O.O. Gerry Morrow

Britton: Hi everybody, it's only fitting that I kick off this historical contract signing. Ok Gerry, it's all yours. 

Morrow: AHHHHHH thank you Brenda. The Happening will take place on October 5th at de Mecca in Milwaukee. Before we get to dis contract signing, I would like to announce another big title bout for de Happening. Paul Orndorff will defend de International title against Stan Hansen.

Britton: Oh my! That's a dream match for sure! 

Morrow: Indeed it is Brenda. Dat is why I signed it. I cannot wait. Ok, we all know dat Hulk Hogan will defend de AWA world title against de winner of last week's battle royal Tatsumi Fujinami. Let me first welcome out de challenger, Tatsumi Fujinami. 


Fujinami comes out wearing a black kimono. He steps in the ring and shakes hands with Morrow. 

Morrow: And now please welcome de AWA world champion, Hulk Hogan. 


Eye of the Tiger blasts as Hogan comes out wearing jeans, tank top and headband. The title is around his waist. He enters the ring and shakes hands with Morrow. 

Morrow pulls out the contract. 

Morrow: Mr. Hogan if you would sign here please and feel free to say a few words. 

Hogan signs the contract and is ready to speak. 

Boos as Ray Stevens enters the ring. 

Morrow: Mr. Stevens, this is quite a surprise. 

Stevens: This won't take long Gerry. (looks at Hogan) You don't think Jumbo Tsuruta forgot about you, do you? Oh no Hogan, Jumbo is still in Japan. However, in the meantime, I've got something for you Hogan and trust me you're going to love this. 


From behind, Fujinami nails Hogan with an Enzigiri! Fujinami picks up Hogan and delivers a Dragon Suplex! 

Hogan is down. 

Britton: What just happened!!?? 

Stevens: I'll tell you what just happened! Hogan was just put down by my newest client Tatsumi the Dragon Fujinami! That's what just happened! 

Fujinami takes the contract from Morrow and signs it, then drops it on Hogan. 

The show ends with Hogan laid out while Stevens raises Fujinami's arm. 



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I agree, Young & Oliver are certainly Justified in opening a can of whoopass on Vinergy.

Akbar hadn't forgotten about Canek.

St Clair has a tough test ahead in Colon while the Union Jacks have a chance to to earn a tag title shot.

Perez vs Brandi should be a fun match to crown a new TV champ.

The All Stars make a new enemy in Beefcake and gain a new member in Adias.

Sammartino is looking for payback.

Devastation Inc is proving a source of weekly chaos.

Orton's International title is in jeopardy with Hansen as the next challenger.

Stevens shocks everyone by signing Fujinami, none more so than Hogan.

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AWA update on The Happening pay per view 


AWA C.O.O. Gerry Morrow has made the huge announcement that the War Games match will take place in Milwaukee at the Happening. 


The War Games Match!!! 

Austin Idol, Bill Dundee, Chicky Starr, Dream Machine and Brian Adias


Bob Armstrong, Don Muraco, Iceman Parsons, Sweet Brown Sugar and Brutus Beefcake


Also just signed 


Mask vs. Mask 

El Canek vs. Black Blood w/Skandor Akbar 


Tornado Match 

The Rock n Roll Express vs. The Moondogs w/Skandor Akbar

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AWA TV @ The Hammond Center 9-13-89



Footage from last week is shown of what went down between Hulk Hogan, Tatsumi Fujinami and Ray Stevens.  


Larry Nelson: Hello everyone and welcome to AWA Major League Wrestling. All eyes are on The Happening and we'll be talking a lot about that tonight. So much going on, so let's just get to the ring. 


Vinergy w/The Vin Man vs. Vic Dutro and Willie Lopez


Vinnie cheers his men on as they put Dutro down with a double Polish Hammer for the win. 


Nelson: Vinnie, it seems you've created a tag team called Justified with Gary Young and Rip Oliver. And it looks like they're coming for payback. 

Vinnie: I knew that Gary Young was always the weak link and that's why we gave him the boot. Rip Oliver found out that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And am I supposed to be scared that they joined forces? OOOOOHHHHH I'm shaking in my boots. Those vigilante wannabes are the ones who will pay when my boys Vinergy get in the ring with them...YEA!


Commercial Break 


'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer vs. Trent Watkins


Sawyer demolishes his opponent and finishes things off with a powerslam! 


Nelson: Buzz, it's official, you will face Leo Burke at the Happening. 

Sawyer: (screaming) I had so much fun beating up Carlos Colon that it's time for some new blood! (laughs) That means you're next Leo Burke! 

Nelson gets nervous as Buzz laughs like a maniac while swinging his chain around. 


Commercial Break 


'The Red Rooster' Terry Taylor vs. 'The Foreman' Spike Huber 


Taylor once again starts the match with a strut. He slicks back his ponytail and flings his hands at Huber. Huber punches Taylor, swings him to the ropes and puts him down with a back elbow smash. Huber picks up Taylor and gives him a vertical suplex 1..2..Kick Out. Huber swings Taylor to the ropes and goes for a back drop but Taylor kicks him. 

Taylor regroups and pounds away on Huber, then follows with a snap suplex. Taylor hops on the middle ropes and crashes down with a forearm drop 1..2..Kick Out. Taylor swings Huber into the corner and charges in but Huber moves. 

Huber clears the cobwebs and unloads on Taylor. Huber body slams Taylor, then picks him up and gives him an airplane spin. Huber drops Taylor and hits a standing leg drop 1..2..Kick Out. Huber reaches down but Taylor rakes his eyes. Huber is rubbing his eyes as Taylor gives him a knee lift. 

Taylor catches his breath, swings Huber to the ropes and back drops him. As Huber staggers up, Taylor swings off the ropes and nails him with his 5 Arm 1..2..3!! 

Taylor rolls out of the ring and pats himself on the back, then raises his arms in victory. 


Commercial Break 


AWA National Tag Champs The Olympians vs. Todd Rooney and Ray Glader 


Rheingans delivers a gut wrench suplex to Glader, then tags in Patera. Patera finishes things off with a swinging full nelson. 


Nelson: Ok, at the happening, the Brawny Boys have been given a rematch for the National tag team titles. After what happened at Title Night, I think this is a great call. 

Rheingans: Oh do you Nelson? That doesn't surprise me because you're on their level. You're a dumb oaf just like them. 

Patera: That's the truth. You know, we taught those two losers a lesson at title night. That they don't belong in the same ring as elite and respectable athletes like us. So now we have to face them again? What the hell is going on around here? 

Rheingans: At the Happening, we're going to simply outwrestle and out wit those morons. 

Patera: Which wont be hard to do. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: Fans, it was announced last week that at the Happening, Paul Orndorff will defend the AWA International Title against Stan Hansen. Let's here pre recorded comments from both men. 


Hansen: Since I came to the AWA, I've knocked down and defeated everyone in my way. One by one I defeated all the wannabe cowboys and outlaws. Dory Funk, both those Gunslingers and sent Blackjack Mulligan off into the sunset. Well, now it's time for me to get some gold. Which brings me to you Paul Orndorff. I know you're a tough man, but you haven't faced anyone like me. I'm going to run roughshod over you boy and take that title! 

Orndorff: I've held a title all year in the AWA and I've faced all commers and been through wars. Stan Hansen! You're no different. If you think you're going to run over me and take this here title from me ha ha ha, think again! 


Commercial Break 


Carlos Colon vs. Arnie Goldstein


Colon turns up his wrestling skills tonight and wins the match with a diving clothesline from the top rope. 


Nelson: Carlos, at the Happening, it will be you and Tony St. Clair, one on one. 

Colon: I heard the comments last week from Les Thornton. Yes, it is true, I can fight and I've had many bloody battles. But do not underestimate my in ring ability. At the Happening, Mr. St. Clair is in for a big surprise. 


Commercial Break 


Winners will get an AWA World Tag Team Title shot at The Happening 

Karachi Vice vs. The Union Jacks w/Les Thornton


Before the match, Thornton went on a tirade over Colon's previous comments and reassured everybody that Tony St. Clair will easily defeat Colon. 

Thornton's confidence waned as Karachi Vice start the match off strong. Makhan's size and strength combined with Gama's technical skills and submission moves really throw the Union Jacks off. The Union Jacks come back with power moves and swift technical skills as well. The match goes back and forth. 

Makhan takes control and swings Smith into the corner and charges in with a running back elbow smash. Makhan tags in Gama. They double suplex Smith. Gama clamps on the Boston Crab and wrenches away. Dave runs in and blasts Gama with a running forearm. Makhan runs in and punches Dave to his corner. Thornton gets on the apron and yells at Makhan. Makhan grabs Thornton. The Ref is trying to break this up. Meanwhile Gama hoists Smith up for a suplex but Dave runs over and clips Gama behind the knees. Smith falls on top of Gama as the Ref turns around and counts 1..2..3! BOOOO

The Union Jacks will face the Fantastics for the World tag titles at the Happening.  


Commercial Break 


'The Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko vs. Ross Jenkins 


Zbyszko wins the match with a swinging neckbreaker and then gives the fans a nun chucks demonstration. 


Nelson: Larry, it's you and David Sammartino in a NO DQ match at the Happening. Will this finally end? 

Zbyszko: Of course it will be the end spudhead. The end of Bruno's boy. Poor David tried to come to the AWA to make a name on his own. That's real cute.  But the facts are this. He's coming into Larry Land for a fight and he'll be leaving Larry Land a broken and pathetic man. It's ok, I'm sure he can go and cry into daddy's open arms. 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: Fans, it was announced that the War Games match will take place at the Happening. Due to all the chaos from previous weeks, for this next match Austin Idol, Bill Dundee, Chicky Starr, Brian Adias, Don Muraco, Iceman Parsons and Brutus Beefcake have all been banned from the building. Ok, here we go. 


'Bullet' Bob Armstrong vs. Dream Machine 


The bell rings and fists are flying. These two fight in the ring and then through the ropes to the outside. Armstrong hammers away on Dream and hurls him back into the ring. Dream staggers up as Armstrong clotheslines him down. Armstrong picks up Dream, winds up and punches Dream down. Armstrong stomps away on Dream, picks him up, swings him to the ropes and backdrops him. Dream staggers up as Armstrong scoop slams him down. Armstrong picks up Dream, but Dream hits him low. 

Dream regroups, picks up Armstrong and executes a delayed vertical suplex. Dream hurls Armstrong out of the ring. Dream goes to the apron. Armstrong rises as Dream nails him with a double axehandle. Dream picks up Armstrong, slams his head on the apron and hurls him back into the ring. Dream taunts and yells at the fans. Dream swings off the ropes and goes for a jumping elbow drop, but Armstrong moves. 

Both men rise and start pounding away on each other. The Ref tries to intervene but takes a punch and goes down. Armstrong kicks Dream and delivers a Jaw Breaker! Armstrong covers but the Ref is still down. Armstrong goes over to help the Ref. Dream rolls over and pulls a foreign object out of his trunks, then puts it in his mask. 

Wait a minute! 

The fans go wild as Sweet Brown Sugar charges into the ring with a briefcase. Dream rises and turns around as Sugar blasts him over the head with the briefcase! Sugar quickly exits. Armstrong helps the Ref up. Armstrong covers as the Ref counts 1..2..3! Huge Pop! 


Commercial Break 


Nelson: Fans, I've been told that AWA officials thought Sweet Brown Sugar was still out with injuries, which is why he wasn't on the banned list. (Smiles) Oh well, I guess those are the breaks. Switching gears, at the Happening Hulk Hogan will defend the AWA world title against my guest at this time, Tatsumi Fujinami along with Ray Stevens. 



Boos as Stevens accompanies Fujinami into the ring. Fujinami is wearing sunglasses and a black suit. 


Nelson: You know, I still can't believe what happened last week. I can't believe Tatsumi Fujinami has aligned with you Ray Stevens. 

Stevens: You better believe it Nelson, because it's happening! The name of the pay per view says it all. This is in fact a true happening. The world saw Jumbo Tsuruta cheated out of his world title at WrestleRock. This man (points at Fujinami) is going to set things straight. Tatsumi the Dragon Fujinami will take down Hulkamania at the Happening and bring the world title back to where it rightfully belongs. What Tatsumi did to Hogan last week was just a taste. You're in over your head Hogan and after the Happening, the AWA will be a better place thanks to Tatsumi Fujinami! 








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Vinnie isn't worried if Young & Oliver think they're Justified.

The Mad Dog is looking to take a chunk out of Burke.

Taylor's streak continues.

The Olympians are less than impressed with the Brawny Boys.

Tough talk from Orndorff and Hansen.

Colin looks to show Sir Tony what he can do.

An angered Thornton costs the Vice.

Zybysko is ready to finally welcome Bruno's Boy to Larry Land.

Sweet Brown Sugar hasn't forgotten what Dream Machine did to him babay.

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The Happening Full Card 

Saturday Oct. 5 from the Mecca in Milwaukee 

Live on pay per view 


AWA World Title Bout 

Hulk Hogan (C) vs. Tatsumi 'The Dragon' Fujinami w/Ray Stevens



Bob Armstrong, Don Muraco, Iceman Parsons, Sweet Brown Sugar and Brutus Beefcake


Austin Idol, Bill Dundee, Chicky Starr, Dream Machine and Brian Adias 


AWA World Tag Title Bout 

The Fantastics (C) vs. The Union Jacks w/Les Thornton


AWA International Title Bout 

'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff (C) vs. Stan Hansen 


AWA National Tag Title Bout 

The Olympians (C) vs. The Brawny Boys 


For the AWA TV Title 

'Thrilling' Tom Brandi vs. 'Lightning' Lou Perez 



'The Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko vs. David Sammartino 


Tornado Match 

The Rock n Roll Express vs. The Moondogs w/Skandor Akbar 


Carlos Colon vs. 'Sir' Tony St. Clair w/Les Thornton 


Mask vs. Mask 

El Canek vs. Black Blood w/Skandor Akbar 


'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer vs. Leo Burke 


Special interview with the Red Rooster Terry Taylor 



Friday Oct. 4th edition of AWA Major League Wrestling will feature the following matches


The Renegade Warriors vs. The Rose Cousins 

'The Mighty Yankee' Steve Disalvo vs. The Soultaker

Justified vs. Vinergy w/The Vin Man 



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