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First round match #12


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end Tuesday morning. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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I really wanted to vote Rude, but couldn't in good conscience. Rude was probably a worse worker in the late 80s than some of HHH's years, and never had the same amount of success that Helmsley did. If we're counting WCW years, this might be close, but since it's the WWF, it really isn't a close one.

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I feel horrible making that vote, but HHH's best in the company is far superior to Rude's best. He's also had over a half decade as the top star now. I think Rude, at his peak, was the better worker by a landslide, but HHH's impact in WWE has been bigger. I want Rude to do well in this tournament though, so if he loses, maybe he'll have better luck in the other bracket.

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Guest Mac
Triple H. Has done a lot more and had far better maches than Rude in the WWF/E. Sadly he's the one of the two more likely to go down in history.
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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

I can only vote for one person here, and I refuse to even type his name. You know who I mean.

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Jesus. Yes, Triple H plays backstage politics and has kept himself on top past his expiration date. That does not make him a bad person. Why does he get so much hatred, while someone like Dynamite Kid, who was a great wrestler but an absolute jerk, gets a free pass. Yes, I know the answer to that already.

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Because Dynamite Kid has done something for me. HHH hasn't. You get what you give. I couldn't care less if they're all scumbags; HHH can kill kittens and steal groceries from old ladies. I don't know him, and I don't have to be around him. Company sabotaging has nothing to do with quality of human beings and everything to do with making for a crappy wrestling show. If I was a co-worker or peer of HHH, yeah, I'd care if he was doing those things, but as a fan, he's made wrestling less fun to watch. Dynamite Kid never did that.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

HTQ invented the Rude Awakening. He also stole HTQ's gimmick.

Cut the music


What I'd like to have right now is for all you fat, out-of-shape, New Millennium Nincompoops?keep the noise down, while I take my robe off, and give you a good look at what a real sexy man is supposed to look like.


Hit the music.

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Absolutely!!! Why does wrestling lack the excitement, the unexpected, anythhing-can-happen atmosphere it onece ahd on RAW? Because HHH likes it that way. He wants, you, me and the whole world to know that is his playground. Without the internet, shoot interviews and dirt sheet, we wouldn't know any of the backstage crap. However, we all know what is on our TV screen and it isn't good.

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Without all that, I still think we'd know something was up, just because he's too entrenched in the big picture. I've had casual fans who follow nothing online ask me about it, because they know I follow it. They've said stuff like, "HHH is still around. Is he ever going to leave?" and I usually tell them the right answer, which is that he'll wrestle until the day he dies.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Rick Rude


Just because somebody has had a lot of time on top of a company doesn't necessarily mean they've made a positive impact. Sure, HHH is probably the most carryable talent in the company's history, but just because he's an adaptive worker doesn't excuse him torpedoing the careers of other workers and being the symbol of the company's second big Wrestlemania-era decline.

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Guest KingPK

Rick Rude


Ok, ok, so this is a little bit of a spite vote because I'm sick of watching HHH on my TV screen week in and week out, but I liked Rude's gimmick and promos though I don't remember much of his matches.

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Because Dynamite Kid has done something for me. HHH hasn't. You get what you give. I couldn't care less if they're all scumbags; HHH can kill kittens and steal groceries from old ladies. I don't know him, and I don't have to be around him. Company sabotaging has nothing to do with quality of human beings and everything to do with making for a crappy wrestling show. If I was a co-worker or peer of HHH, yeah, I'd care if he was doing those things, but as a fan, he's made wrestling less fun to watch. Dynamite Kid never did that.

Agreed. But I am not going to hate a wrestler personally because I do not like his work as a wrestler.
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Guest teke184



Rude in WCW could have competed but, in the WWF, he was mainly a midcard attraction with above-average ringwork.

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Because Dynamite Kid has done something for me. HHH hasn't. You get what you give. I couldn't care less if they're all scumbags; HHH can kill kittens and steal groceries from old ladies. I don't know him, and I don't have to be around him. Company sabotaging has nothing to do with quality of human beings and everything to do with making for a crappy wrestling show. If I was a co-worker or peer of HHH, yeah, I'd care if he was doing those things, but as a fan, he's made wrestling less fun to watch. Dynamite Kid never did that.

Agreed. But I am not going to hate a wrestler personally because I do not like his work as a wrestler.
I agree 100% Al, somehow on the net bad worker often equates to bad person and I just don't understand that. I'm not saying that everyone does it, but it is common. I mean John Tenta was a bad wrestler, but seems to be one hell of a human being.
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