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[1993-04-24-SMW-TV] Interview: Tammy Fytch


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  • 1 month later...

Tammy debuts! She says she is of the well-connected Fytch family of New England. She announces that she has filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against SMW for not employing any female wrestlers, managers, promoters or announcers. She attends Wellesley College, just like her idol -- Hillary Clinton! She looks nervous and keeps looking at the wrong camera, but she was given good lines that she delivered relatively well. Everyone has to start somewhere.

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Tammy Fytch, of the famous New England Fytches, is a Wellesley College student going into wrestling because "big men who aren't too bright amuse me." After becoming a manager, Fytch promises to get into announcing and promoting, and thinks Bob Armstrong won't be around for long.


Her personal life is SMH-worthy to say the least, but I really, really like this gimmick and already like Tammy's energy and chemistry with Caudle, even if she doesn't have the camera system down pat yet. I'm just going to enjoy this run.


Whatever issues one may have with his political rants, Cornette has always had a much better handle on current events and the real world than almost any other promoter, and it especially shows in Smoky Mountain. This gimmick could probably even be brought back, but Tammy comes off as a real person here whereas a WWE revival would just be a cartoony, schoolmarm rehash of RTC-era Ivory.

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  • 1 year later...

Pre-surgery, Tammy is very pretty and well spoken. Of the New England Sytches, who everyone should've heard of. Filed a sexual discrimination suit against SMW for not employing women. She goes to Wellesley, just like Hillary Clinton did. She'll start as manager, and maybe onto promoting, then commissioner. I already enjoy her more than Cornette.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

One of the things that I've been waiting for!


Bob Caudle announces that the SMW attorneys have advised them to let Tammy Fytch have her say on the program. Tammy can't believe that Caudle hasn't heard of her family, the Fytch's of New England, they're very well connected! She's filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against Smoky Mountain Wrestling, because since the promotion began it hasn't employed a single woman in any prominent position. She is currently enrolled in Wellesley College, the same school that her idol Hilary Clinton attended, and Mrs Clinton has proven that a woman can do anything she wants and she is going to make a difference in this organization by being the first woman to hold a prominent position here. If she can find someone suitable she plans to start by managing, before moving onto announcing, promoting and maybe even being becoming Commissioner (as Bob Armstrong won't be around for long).


She looks in the wrong camera occasionally, but generally does a good job. It really is a crying shame to see her all young and naturally pretty when you know how everything turns out.

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  • 8 months later...

Tammy Sytch is another example of someone whom Vince McMahon helped to ruin. While he certainly didn't put pills in her mouth or force her to make porno flicks, he was the one who took a bright, attractive, naturally talented girl and made her over in his own image of what a female in wrestling should be. I didn't watch the Sunny character much, but what I saw wasn't half as good as this, her first-ever promo. Furthermore, while this may seem blasphemous to some, Tammy does more for me in terms of attractiveness than Sunny ever did. I could actually see my eighteen year-old self developing a crush on her if she'd been going to St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA (my alma mater) instead of Wellesley. (Speaking of which, I know Tammy was going to college in real life at this time, but I forget where, except that it wasn't Wellesley.)


At any rate, she's extremely well-spoken for a first-timer, and she doesn't forget that she's supposed to be a heel; I love her condescending tone when she talks about how big sweaty men who aren't too bright amuse her. Bob's not quite sure how seriously to take her; he's been ordered to hold the mic while she talks, but her plans to become a promoter, an announcer, and eventually the commissioner take him completely by surprise; can a nineteen year-old girl really do all that?


Corny knows how to increase the heat for her, making Hillary her idol in the middle of the Republican-leaning Bible Belt and making her a daughter of one of New England's leading families, as well as having her attend a Women's Ivy League school like Wellesley. By the time she's ready to do more than just talk on TV, the fine people of the Smoky Mountain area will spit on every step she takes, no matter how young and pretty she may be.


I wonder why Corny switched her last name so slightly. What's the difference between Fytch and Sytch?


I wish Tammy had followed the path her character planned to take in this promo. By most accounts, she had the wrestling mind to at least try to pull it off. Any path at all would have been better than the one she's still going down right now.

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