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[1992-10-03-WCW-Worldwide] Rick Rude & Bobby Eaton & Arn Anderson vs Sting & Rick & Scott Steiner


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  • 2 months later...

Good match, one of the better WCW TV matches of the last half of the year so far. Without commercials, this probably went closer to 21-22 minutes. Most of these guys had worked each other many times throughout '92, so they are comfortable enough to have a decent match. I wish we could have seen more of Eaton, because he doesn't really do much compared to Rude and Arn. If there's anything that keeps this from being great, it's that they spent too much time clowning around early on, so the finish ended up a little rushed as a result. Otherwise, really good.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

Madusa was wearing Kwang's pants. Thought it was alright but felt the Steiners were really subdued. Good to see Eaton back as been a while on the yearbook but his contribution wasn't as much as his tag partners. Steiners weren't throwing around their opponents. Nice to see Scott does some extended selling though.

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  • 11 months later...

Eaton must be pretty banged up--not that that would be a surprise--because his contributions have been minimal in 1992. This is an okay match not on the level of the earlier 6-mans, but it's made by an absolutely molten crowd. Why kill each other with big suplexes and bumps when the crowd is going nuts for hip swivels? I never liked how the Dangerous Alliance just sort of half-heartedly faded away. Now Paul E. isn't even at ringside.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sting taunting Rude early before a crowd that looks really hot as opposed to piped in noise. Was Paul E gone by now? Rude was a hell of a worker this year, selling like crazy and getting the crowd involved in everything he did. I thought this was a bit long and would've been better served cut down to 9-12 minutes. Huge pop for Sting's hot tag. Sting pins Anderson after Stinger Splash and his facebuster. With the time they gave it this could've used a more sustained finishing strech.



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  • 2 years later...

The clipping hurt this match, because while what was here was good, it wasn't really great. My favorite part was the interaction between Scotty and Rude; it almost seemed like Watts was trying to figure out if Scotty could possibly be U.S. champion material, and while this match didn't settle that question; it sure whetted the appetite for the match should they have chosen to book it.


I guess Heyman was out of the mix by now, since there's no mention of the Dangerous Alliance by Tony or Jesse at any point in the bout. (He wasn't gone for good, as someone wondered above, but his days as anything meaningful were over.)


I liked Jesse putting over how popular Sting was, which is more than he ever did for Hogan even when the two of them were supposedly getting along well. I'm guessing that was at least partially because Jesse still had designs of working some kind of program with Hogan, even after he supposedly retired. (By program, I mean something that aired on TV; the two wrestled on quite a few house shows in the fall of '85, but never in an arena where the WWF taped for TV.)


Jesse was a hoot ragging on Rick's headgear, which did look kind of goofy at that. I loved Rick mimicking Medusa's time out signal, as well as Scotty trying (but failing) to mimic Rude's hip swivels.


Odd that Sting pinned Arn after simply ramming him face first into the canvas. I guess they didn't want Arn taking a submission loss due to the Scorpion Deathlock while they were still trying to push him and Bobby as top contenders for the world tag title.


It seems like they're trying to revive the Sting-Rude issue, what with them being on a collision course in the King of Cable tournament. That's fine by me; their issue from '91 has never been properly settled in the first place.


In another oddity, Doc and Gordy lost a non-title bout to the Steiners the week before (the one where they hurt Scotty's back), and are scheduled to defend the titles the following week on Worldwide, but no opponents are named. At first I thought they'd be showing the title change where Doc and Gordy lost to Barry and Dustin, but if that's the case, why imply that their match would be a part of the regular Worldwide show instead of saying that they'd be showing a match that originally aired on WCWSN? Is this an example of the syndicated shows and the cable shows not acknowledging each other if they can help it, or is there an MVC title defense that aired on Worldwide before the title switch was acknowledged on that show?

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  • GSR changed the title to [1992-10-03-WCW-Worldwide] Rick Rude & Bobby Eaton & Arn Anderson vs Sting & Rick & Scott Steiner
  • 2 years later...

Liked this a lot.  The crowd was nuts, especially for Sting.  Sting's hip swivel after the posedown was great.  I know he never truly got his chance due to booking and poor management of the company, but the guy got it and should have had a big run.  The Steiners really weren't doing their usual act here, as mentioned above.  If Rude doing a bearhug to Scotty is weird, what would you describe Bobby doing a bearhug to Scotty as?  Batshit insane?

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